

Criticism of Modernity and the Enlightenment of Freedom Ideals

【作者】 陈爱梅

【导师】 孙利天;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文以卢梭对现代性悖论的发现和反思为起点,通过对卢梭思想的阐释和分析,试图展现现代性构建过程中逐步展现出的现代性困境,以及卢梭培育自然人的启蒙使命和对自由理想的执着的追求精神。马克思则从劳动的异化和资本的逻辑入手,更透彻地揭示了现代性的困境以及克服现代性困境的思考,马克思关于人的自由解放的理论同样贯穿着一种自由理想的启蒙的使命。本文的创新点正体现在这两个方面,一是把卢梭作为现代性批判的起点来分析现代性批判的社会历史逻辑及其当代困境,二是把卢梭的思想作为马克思思想的一个来源来分析马克思现代性批判的合理性,以及人的自由和解放的理想的超越性。这两个思想主题融汇在一起意在表达自由理想的启蒙是贯穿哲学发展始终的使命。从这个意义上来说,本文最后的着眼点在于自由理想的启蒙这一使命连接了卢梭和马克思,也连接了现在和未来,如果说作为一项宏伟的历史工程的现代性,它本身并没有完成,不但没有完成,在其开放性的基础上还在继续发展。那么启蒙作为现代性的内在精神也必然是被永恒重写着的,哲学也就必然永远肩负着自由理想的启蒙使命。

【Abstract】 Jean Jacques Rousseau is one of the most legendary figures in the history of human thought, he displayed irresistible force in spirit and intense soul surging enthusiasm in thought in his rocky life, which is not only an important source of the social and cultural revolution in Western Europe since the Enlightenment, but also became an eternal spirit homes of those people who has sensitive soul in modern society. His influence penetrated into the spiritual life of his afterlife deeply. This article takes the reflection and finding of paradox of modernity as a starting point, analysis plight which was showed gradually in the process of building modernity, as well as the different perspective of thinking by philosophers when we face the modern difficulties .Especially to interpret and analysis Rousseau’s ideas, attempted to show the expression of cultivate natural human’s mission of the Enlightenment and the perseverance spirit of pursuit ideals of freedom. It is in these areas; Marx started .from alienation of labor and the logic of capital at a sharper perspective and thoroughly revealed the plight of modernity, as well as to overcome the difficulties of modern thought, Marx’s theory of liberation runs through the same kind of Enlightening mission of the Freedom ideals. From Rousseau to Marx, their ideological have some kind of internal origin in fact; though thinking of these, we can open up a new perspective of Marx’s study on human emancipate the mind. In this sense, the final focus of this article is the mission of Enlightenment ideals of freedom it was not only connected to the Rousseau and Marx, but also connected the present and future, the development of human society will inevitably runs through the pursuit of the ultimate ideal of freedom, the philosophy will undertake the historical mission of freedom ideals forever.The full text is divided into six chapters: Chapter one: The intrinsic connection with the thinking Enlightenment and modernity.This chapter focused on ideas of the main connotation about Enlightenment of thinking and the historical mission of modernity, as well as the relationship between them. In author’s opinion, the enlightenment of freedom ideal is the mission of philosophy throughout. As Kant said, enlightenment is the immaturity which mankind self-incurred, people in Any age, any nation will need thinking of the Enlightenment, but each era has different situations of the times, so it will have different task of the Enlightenment, but enlightening spirit of thinking of the Enlightenment runs through the philosophy thinking all the time. The realization and plight of Modernity are our certain circumstances when we consider the mission of thinking of enlightenment in contemporary. The process of the realization of modernity as well as the process of reflection and critical reveal the intrinsic connection between with the thinking of Enlightenment and modernity continuously, modernity is the result of the Enlightenment, rational Enlightenment is the core of modernity, and modernity is an unfinished undertaking, Enlightenment ideals of freedom always run through.Chapter two: Rousseau’s narrative.This chapter is the import of author understanding Rousseau. Rousseau’s life is rough and lonely, but his spurt of thought is intelligent and cold in the course of his life. This chapter mainly through pursues his journey of life to perspective the form of basic clue and original intention of his thought.Chapter three: starting point of Rousseau’s thought - the paradox of modernity.During the process of human being step from state of natural social to unequal social, private property become the most important source, so the progress of civilization is at the cost of social confrontation. Especially in the rapid development of the technology and industry capitalist society, this paradox of social development is marked by confrontations between the progress of science and art, and the retrogression of human moral obviously. Although Rousseau was lived in the beginning of capitalist society which has not yet achieved modernity, he has been had profound insight of modernity which implicate in paradox. When the other thinkers of the Enlightenment conceived progress as a continuous chain or a kind of process of regular rising, Rousseau has found the progress itself with the confrontation. Just in this point Rousseau gone beyond the contemporary thinkers of the Enlightenment.Chapter four: the essence of Rousseau’s thought—the Enlightenment ideals of freedom.This chapter is intended to explain the ultimate goal of critical modernity by Rousseau—construction of freedom ideal. However, the process of construction should be completed through the Enlightenment ideals of freedom. Rousseau elaborates this issue from two levels. The first level is elaborate construction of social ideal through Du Contrat Social .the other is express the Enlightenment ideals of freedom through (?)mile. Both of them inherit each other, constructing the essence of Rousseau’s thought.Chapter five: breakthrough and plight of Rousseau’s theory.This chapter focus on the analysis of Rousseau’s thought and influence. Goethe said, "Rousseau began an era". That just because Rousseau at a cold perspective explain the paradox of civilization and progress, as well as Science and the moral in the process of development of society, so all of which become the starting point of modernity criticism, offered thinking resources to later thinkers who reflect on the problems of contemporary modern industrial, also laid ideological foundation for modern democratic society. Just from Rousseau’s theory, thinking of the people’s sovereignty filtering into people’s minds, moral freedom become the highest level of freedom and ideals. Despite Rousseau’s theory implied plight and the paradox, he became multi-faceted people in later generation’s eyes .but in author’s opinion , Rousseau’s ideal of freedom for mission has been inherit well by Kant, Hegel and Marx.Chapter six: Marx inherits and transcends Rousseau.Marx and Rousseau face in different era, so the plights of modernity are carried out profoundly. Marx was regarded alienation of labor as the logical starting point of modern criticism. Excavate the resource of private ownership which implied in working alienation, sublate Alienation is eradicate capitalist private ownership, to carry out a thorough revolution of the proletariat, and then realize the union of communism by freemen. Marx’s theory on civil society decides on the state, civil society and the state is a production of development of private ownership and class, all of these have gone beyond the thinking of Rousseau’s fantasy about the bourgeoisie of the Democratic Republic. The ideal of human freedom and liberation runs through Marx’s thinking embodies the transmission for Rousseau. At the same time, from the historical materialism point of view, Marx interpret the process from "political liberation" to "human liberation" which also gone beyond the Rousseau’s thinking. Marx assessed Rousseau:" Rousseau avoid any compromise in the existing regime even though appearance compromise." this is the evaluation of Rousseau, as well as the evaluation of himself. It is in this sense, Rousseau inspired Marx, became the resource of Marx’s thinking, also in this sense, Marx achieved on heritage and transcend Rousseau.There are two mainly innovative aspects in this article, on the one hand; it is regard Rousseau as a starting point of the modernity criticism to analysis the logic of social history and the contemporary predicament. On the other hand, it regarded Rousseau’s thinking as a resource of Marx’s thinking to analysis the rationality of modernity criticism and the transcendence of the ideal of freedom and liberation. These two themes are integrated together intend to express the Enlightenment is the mission which always run through the development of philosophy. Modernity embodied the spirit of reason and enlightenment, freedom and equality are common ideal of Enlightenment and Modernity. The core of the modernity is most concentrated in the thinking of the Enlightenment. If we say modernity is regarded as a grand historical project which has not only been completed itself, but also continue developed on the basis of opening, therefore Enlightenment as an inherent spirit of modernity will be re-written forever .The present era , we remain need criticism, need reflection, need maintain an eternal quest for free ideal, so philosophy will undertake the historical mission of the Enlightenment ideal of freedom.

【关键词】 现代性批判自由理想启蒙卢梭马克思
【Key words】 Criticism of Modernityfreedom idealsEnlightenmentRousseauMarx
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期

