

Spirit Resistance: The Physical and Cultural Status of Newspaper Literary Supplement in the Northeast Enemy-Occupied Area

【作者】 蒋蕾

【导师】 张福贵;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 东北沦陷区文学的主体是汉奸文学还是抵抗文学?以往研究虽然形成两种对立观点,却一直缺少足够的典型案例及统计数字。本论文对东北沦陷区报纸文学副刊进行发掘整理,从中提取大量文本,以实例证明:精神抵抗,是东北沦陷区报纸文学副刊的主线。论文从浩如烟海的东北沦陷区报纸文学副刊作品中,发掘整理出一系列汉奸文学与抵抗文学的典型案例,并结合其作者背景、时代背景等历史资料进行分析,寻找到东北沦陷区文坛的精神内核和一些重大文学事件的发生内因。在研究过程中,论文采取样本分析的方法,选取这一时期最具代表性的报纸——伪满洲国政府机关报《大同报》为样本,对其14年间所办的10个文学副刊为线索进行整理和分析,从中搜寻到大量典型案例。除文本分析以外,还进行了一些数据统计,以求分析之准确。根据发掘整理出的第一手资料,论文发现:东北沦陷区报纸文学副刊存在着政治身份与文化身份的分裂。这些依附于日伪时期报纸上的文学副刊,其政治身份为日伪宣传舆论工具,而其文化身份却与日伪统治者要求的相反——在国家观念上认同中国而非“满洲国”。这种政治身份与文化身份的分裂,集中体现在东北沦陷区报纸上出现的此伏彼起的抵抗文学副刊上。这种看似反常的现象,恰恰表现了东北人民不屈斗争的精神与日本侵略者文化殖民政策的失败。通过对比东北沦陷区不同文学载体(报纸、期刊、单行本、广播)的地位与状况,论文还发现了另一个值得关注的文学现象:报纸文学副刊是战时的重要文学载体。与“短命”的期刊和“难产”的单行本相比,东北沦陷区报纸文学副刊在延续性、覆盖范围等方面都占有特殊的优势。对散失严重的东北沦陷区文学史料的收集整理,并且对幸存的老作家进行“口述历史”记录,论文发掘出许多久已经湮没的文学史料,纠正了一些权威资料中的谬误。

【Abstract】 Literature in enemy-occupied area is an important part of China’s modern literary history in anti-Japanese War Period. North-east , which fell for 14 years and was very rich in literary activities, was a fertile“soil”that deserves meticulous and deep research. Constrained by political concept for many years, research on north-east enemy-occupied area literature is a blind spot in China’s modern literature study. This article studies the character of happening and development of literature in this period by collecting and sorting the materials of literary activities starting from the weakest newspaper literary supplement in the three major literary arriers (newspaper, periodical, pamphlets) in an attempt to fill this research blank.This paper explores and compiles a large number of historical materials of literature in the northeast enemy-occupied area and finds the development context of the northeast literary from vast newspaper literary supplement and some important literary phenomena. This paper also questions some fixed views in the past research. This paper takes the most characteristic newspaper——Datong Newspaper-official newspaper of Puppet Manchukuo government as a sample to do some text analysis, statistical data and typical case study on some 3000 supplement layouts. This paper also inquires the literary characteristics of this period in comparison with other newspaper literary supplements, literary supplements as well as the booklets.The research finds out that : against-Manchu and anti-Japanese literary supplements prevailed in official newspapers during the Puppet Manchukuo period When the news editions reduced to the puppet’s wartime public opinion tools, but the supplement editions arranged at the back of the news editions became the people’s position of spiritual resistance in the occupied area. This unusual phenomenon was caused by the split of the newspaper’s political identity and literary identity. In the northeast enemy-occupied area , this phenomenon appeared not only in Datong Newspaper but also in other important newspapers such as Shengjing Times、Great North Newspaper, Binjiang Daily, Taidong Daily .This phenomenon was an interwoven product of political environment and cultural background of that time, a reflection of the Chinese People’s indomitable struggle against Japanese aggression and the failure of Japanese-Puppet rulers’fascist cultural colonial policy. This paper takes Datong Newspaper as an example to inquire this cultural and political phenomenon, by careful sorting 10 important supplements of Datong Newspaper ( Datong Newspaper, Datong Club, Night Post, Manchuria New Literary , Kangzhuang Literature and Art, Art and Literature, Our Literature, New Literary ,Special Page of Literature and Art and Overseas Literature), we are surprised to find that under such a cruel high-handed ruling , spiritual resistance was throughout these literary supplements. These supplements (except Kangzhuang) all published a great deal of articles with distinctive national identity Some articles were too fierce to imagine .But the authors were always been arrested, killed or fled.Another literary finding in this paper is: newspaper literary supplements were important literary carrier in wartime, even the only literary carrier in some local places. Generally speaking, in the three sections of literary carrier, periodicals and journal booklets played more important role with a higher carrier status while newspaper literary supplements showed weakness because of limited spaces and scattered works. However, in wartime due to the unrest environment, periodicals were often short-lived and publishing of journal booklets faced many difficulties. Due to some advantages such as dependence on newspaper and strong continuity ,wide coverage and so on ,the weakest in these three sections --- newspaper literary supplements became important literary carrier in wartime which was very prominent in the literary history in the northeast enemy-occupied area. Newspaper literary supplements played a special role in such a particular period. Through exploring and sorting the first-hand information, this paper provides large number of resistance-literature texts, and at the same time lists some typical cases of traitor literature. Although previous studies once discussed the nature of literature in the northeast enemy-occupied area with completely opposite point of views and literature in the northeast enemy-occupied area was entirely considered as“traitor literature, fewer could give traitor literary works convincing enough and typical traitor literati.This paper finds out a series of typical cases of traitor literature in newspaper literary supplements: Yuzhenmin, reporter with Datong Newspaper and writers such as Zhaoxianwen, Gehe and Yangye and so on once have written many traitor literary works actively. The excavation of these cases will help to restore a true literary in the northeast enemy-occupied area. This paper provides traitor literary works at the same time analyzes the authors’behavior and minds related with the historic environment. In addition, this paper focuses on the more than 10 writing activities with political nature held by Datong Newspaper and especially combs the deceptive“National Library Article Solicitation of Manchuria Empire”revealing its hypocrisy and sinster.From the writers’participation in this activity, it can be seen that the northeastern literati showed different attitudes towards the coercion at that time. On the base of large number of text examples, this paper questions some fixed views in the studies on the northeast enemy-occupied area. For example, according to the logical reasoning of details found in newspaper , this paper put forward a different idea on cause, fuse and key persons of the biggest literary controversy in the northeast enemy-occupied area---the controversy between Clear and Local Literature and Art. In the past this literary controversy was considered as entirely naturally, but this paper suspects it as sensationalization on purpose; in the past Guding and Shanding were considered as the two most critical persons, but this paper Liulongguang ,who was always ignored by the researchers, was the key person in the controversy.This paper also questions the mystery of the penname—Meiniang and the political identity of Liulongguang. In addition, studies in the past considered that resistance literature only existed in the early of the northeast enemy-occupied period, and disappeared under the high-pressure ruling of Japanese-Puppet. However this paper finds out that spiritual resistance was throughout the 14-year lost history in the northeast. Even at the end of the lost history ,in which the ruling of Japanese-Puppet was the most crazy, large number of resistance literary works appeared in the supplement of Datong Newspaper. Many supplements were oppressed by war struggling but became the“message board”of the declaration on the run. The patriotic literati issued their final roar before they run.In order to grasp the macro state of literary in the northeast enemy-occupied area and make a complete comparison between newspaper literary supplement, literary supplement and journal booklet in the northeast enemy-occupied area, the writer read Datong Newspaper and other important newspapers in Manchu Empire as complete as possible. The writer also conducted a comprehensive survey on literary periodicals, pamphlets and radio in the northeast enemy-occupied area and collected the creation situation of more than 100 writers of that time. For this, the writer visited 8 libraries in the three provinces in northeast China and Beijing, reading more than 4oooo versions of newspaper ,more than 400 journal magazines and more than 100 books in Manchu Empire, and visited 6 persons who experienced the literary in the northeast enemy-occupied area and 7 old writers’relatives of in the northeast enemy-occupied area.This paper finds some marginalized and forgotten history and fills the blank in the study on literature in the northeast enemy-occupied area. Research in the past only focused on Night Post , supplement of Datong Newspaper(the authors were mainly the positive writers in the northeast) but ignored other important resistance literary supplements: Datong Club born of Night Post and Manchukuo New Literary World inheriting the spirit of Night Club.The editors of these supplements Chenhua, Sunling and so on made great contribution for the development of the northeast new literature and the publishing of resistance literature, which should not be forgotten. That is struggle history of the northeast people’s brave spiritual resistance. In the aspect of material collection, this paper overcame the constraints of the northeast enemy-occupied area, Sunling’s articles published after he ran to Shanghai, study series on Northeast problems published in Guotong District and memoirs written by Sunling and Chenjiying in Taiwan in their old age are also in the study range of this paper. These materials help the writer wholly and completely understand the situation of newspaper literary supplement in the northeast enemy-occupied area from many aspects.Literary supplement of Datong is just like a vivid history of literature in the northeast enemy-occupied area and reflects many characteristics of the literary at that time. Through the thematic study on translation, long series published and writing activities held by Datong Newspaper, this paper analyzes some literary phenomena in literary in the northeast enemy-occupied area finding that in the aspect of translation, the literary in the northeast enemy-occupied area showed the following characteristics: Japanese literature was a monopoly in Datong and large number of works of Japanese“total force”and developing literary works poisoned the readers’minds. But the northeastern writers didn’t accept without doubt but made bold questioning. Literary translation of European and American literature deserved attention and study.By sorting the long series of Datong Newspaper, this paper studies the starting and development of long novels in the northeast enemy-occupied area and analyzes the three typical writers: Murugai, Wangze and Liangshanding.This paper studies the function of information-dissemination of newspaper literary supplement revealing its important historical value. Many newsletters published at that time have become valuable firsthand materials for literary research in the northeast enemy-occupied area.This paper is faithful to historic facts and corrects some errors. A number of little-known historic details was disclosed in this paper and providing more complete materials for the reevaluation of literary supplements and many important writers of this period .These materials originate not only from those old newspapers but also from the "reproductive history“found and released for the first time by the author through interview. A lot of precious pictures are illustrated in this paper trying to provide more emotional materials.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期

