

Study on Social Impact Assessment of Land Consolidation Projects (LCPs)

【作者】 杨华均

【导师】 谢德体; 魏朝富;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 农业资源利用, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 土地开发整理是增加有效耕地面积,改善农业生产条件和生态环境,提高农业综合生产能力,促进农业增产、农民增收、农村发展的重要手段。在我国人地关系高度紧张的基本国情约束和城乡二元结构的基本体制约束下,土地开发整理具有特殊的重要意义。然而,土地开发整理是一项区域性很强的土地资源开发、利用及管理活动,在某种程度上,土地整理具有区域资源开发的性质,并与土地景观、生物多样性变化、水土保持、农村发展均存在深刻的联系,因此随着土地开发整理工作广泛而深入的开展,其所产生的经济、社会和生态环境影响已经不容忽视。伴随着人们对工程项目社会影响评价的日益重视,土地开发整理项目的社会影响评价问题也引起了人们的关注。目前,土地开发整理项目社会影响评价还处于探索和尝试阶段,缺乏成熟的理论体系和实践经验,因此探讨构建较为系统的土地开发整理项目社会影响评价理论体系、开展土地开发整理项目社会影响评价实证研究具有重要的理论、实践和政策意义。由于土地开发整理产生的社会影响与其运行过程的组织和内在的机理相关联,因此开展土地开发整理项目的社会影响评价研究,揭示土地开发整理的过程与机理具有重要的认识价值。由此,引入公共物品理论,通过理论假设和分析模型对土地开发整理活动的公共物品特性、过程机理进行了分析。在此基础上,围绕相关的理论,借助于工程项目社会影响评价的研究成果,构建起土地开发整理社会影响评价理论体系。重庆市人地矛盾突出,大城市与大农村并存,统筹城乡发展任务艰巨。同时,其生态系统脆弱,环境保护压力大。而从近几年重庆市土地开发整理的情况来看,全市土地开发整理已进入大规模投入阶段,并呈现新的发展趋势。因此,以重庆市为实证研究区域具有明显的代表性和典型意义。其中,以重庆市12个区县19个土地开发整理项目组成评判对象集合,在跟踪调查和资料梳理的基础上,运用模糊综合评判方法对项目实施后的社会影响进行了分析;又以重庆市江北区五宝镇国土整治项目为例,结合相关的指标体系,采用有无对比分析法,建立起五宝镇国土整治项目社会影响评价框架,即通过社会影响评价对该项目的可行性进行分析论证,同时也作为一个案例,讨论在土地开发整理项目的可行性论证中如何开展社会影响评价。取得的主要结果及结论如下:(1)从土地开发整理的研究趋向来看,随着工程项目的社会影响问题的突出和人们的日益重视,土地开发整理社会影响评价的研究将成为我国土地开发整理研究的一项新内容,将极大的丰富现有的土地开发整理项目环境影响研究。(2)土地开发整理具有公共物品属性,其所提供的物品或附属,隶属于农村公共物品范畴,一般属于农村基础设施及生态环境建设的内容,既具有一般公共物品的特征,如非排他性、非竞争性、外部经济性等,又具有农村公共物品的一般特征,如成本聚集性、分散性等;同时,又具有自身的一些特点,如资金专有专用,供给主体稳定,政府主导等。(3)土地开发整理的机理分析表明,国家以制度和政策的形式主导土地开发整理的过程优于自发状态下土地开发整理的供给水平。但在具体的利用过程中,“公地悲剧”、“拥挤问题”等并不因供给主体的不同而发生改变或不发生,对此,在具体的利用过程中应采取有效措施,对土地开发整理的成果实施科学的引导和管理。Akerlof-Kranton效用函数表明,土地开发整理过程中,政府的行动与农户意愿一致时可增加其效用,反之,则降低其效用。由此,建立公众偏好表达机制,通过民主程序将个人偏好变成集体选择至关重要。同时,研究也表明,土地开发整理的运行机理内在地深刻作用着它的社会影响效果。(4)土地开发整理项目社会影响评价理论研究,对土地开发整理项目规划和投资决策及实施效果评估具有重要作用和实践指导价值。(5)对土地开发整理项目社会影响评价实证研究表明,重庆市土地开发整理在增加有效耕地面积,改善农业生产条件,提高土地产出率,改善劳动条件和降低劳动强度,提高社会活动公众参与意识和农村精神文明程度,改善生态环境,调整农业产业结构,提高区域生产力水平,密切干群关系等方面均产生了积极作用,但也存在一些社会风险,产生了一些负面影响。(6)模糊综合评判结果表明,1)模糊综合评价方法在土地开发整理项目的社会影响评价中具有实用价值,能够较为综合全面地反映项目实施所产生的社会效果及影响程度,从而为评估一定区域的土地整理效果提供技术和方法上的支持;2)土地整理项目的社会影响评价指标繁多,内部关系复杂,引入熵技术对运用AHP方法确定的指标权重加以修正具有改进意义:3)评语中,“较好”的隶属度最高,达到0.3583:“一般”次之,为0.3533;“好”的隶属度为0.1279,亦明显高于“较差”、“差”的隶属度。故而可见,重庆市土地开发整理的社会影响较好。同时,结果也表明,评语“较好”的隶属度高出评语“一般”仅0.005,评语“好”、“较好”的隶属度之和为0.4862,对“较差”、“差”的评定仍占一定比重,可见重庆市土地开发整理的社会影响虽然较好,但并不显著,这与重庆市土地开发整理的现状,尤其是与制度和政策层面的问题存在直接关系。(7)五宝镇国土整治项目社会影响评价结果表明,项目的实施能够带来较好的社会效果,但亦存在一定的社会风险,须予以重视和防范。这主要来自于,项目的实施,大量人口流动给镇域的交通、居住、安保、餐饮等带来的人口压力;某些具体项目规划缺乏环境影响评价;工程施工占地及农业产业化建设面临的地块调整和土地权属变更纠纷风险;项目与当地的文化教育、技术素质和价值观念的差异等。(8)根据实证分析所反映出的问题,为进一步调整和优化相关的制度设计和政策安排,促进土地开发整理事业健康可持续发展,提出如下政策建议:1)以土地开发整理为平台,紧紧围绕耕地保护,大力加强农业综合生产能力建设。2)建立需求表达与情况反馈的交互式公众参与机制,提高农民的参与深度与广度。3)引导土地开发整理由依靠政府主导向政府引导、市场运作、社会参与转变,创新土地开发整理模式。4)将包括社会影响在内的投资项目环境影响评价引入土地开发整理项目管理中。5)建立规范、高效、灵活的管理、监督检查机制。6)寻求土地开发整理与乡村治理、乡村发展的切合点。

【Abstract】 Land consolidation(LC) is an important measure to increase the cultivated land, improve the agricultural production condition and the ecological environment,and also is able to increase the agricultural output and farmers’ incoming,drive the rural development.In our country,under the hard tense relations between land and man,and under the influence of the hard constraints basing on the urban-rural dual system,land consolidation has a significance sense.However,land consolidation is an action with the strong regional of land resource development,utilization and management.To some extent,land consolidation has the profound connections with landscape, biodiversity variation,the conservation of soil and water,as well as rural development. Concequently,with the deep development of LC,its economic,social and Eco-environment influences have been not be ignored.Go with paying more attention to the social impact assessment(SIA) of the project,analogy problems in the LC also attract people’s study interest.At present,the study on SIA of land consolidation projects(LCPs) is being in the stage of the exploration and attempt,and has no powerful support in theory and practice.Thus,to build the correlative theory systems and develop case studies,there are more important significances in theory,practice and policy.Nevertheless,it is a vital value to realize the process and mechanism of LC,which associated with the social impact of LC.Thereout,through theory hypothesis and analysis models,the paper studied characteristics,process and mechanism in the land consolidation activities by introducing the theory of public goods.Based on it,the theory system of social impact assessment of land consolidation was built by the help of the study fruit from the SIA of engineering projects.In Chongqing City,under the austere contradictions between human activity and geographical environment,facing the situation which the big city coexists with the large rural area,the whole of assignment of social development is very difficult. Meanwhile,economic development has to endure the fragile ecosystem and the pressure of environment conservation.In recent years,land consolidation activities have already entered the stage of large-scale investment,and unfolded the new trend. Therefore,taking a case study of Chongqing City is obviously representative and typical.Basing on massive investigations and material carding,selecting 19 LCPs implemented to compose assessment-set,the paper analyzed those post projects’ social impact in the regional scale by fuzzy comprehensive assessment.And then,taking an another case study of the territory renovation project of Wubao Town locating Jiangbei District,combining the correlative index system and using "with and without antitheses",the paper built an assessment framework to analyze the feasibility of the project,and discuss how to apply SIA in a specific land consolidation project.From the paper,the main findings and conclusions come to as follows:(Ⅰ) From the developed trends of land consolidation,study on social impact assessment of land consolidation will be a new research,which will enrich the content of environmental impact assessment in the existing LCPs.(Ⅱ) Land consolidation has attributes of public goods,and its provision or subsiary belonging to the category of rural pulic goods is included in the rural infrastructure and ecological environment conservation.As a result,land consolidation activities not only have the general public goods characteristics,such as nonexclusion,nonrivary,external economies and so on,but have the rural characteristics of the general public goods, such as cost-gathering,decentralization and so on.Otherwise,these have own features, such as funds’ channel of independence,provider-stabilization,government-leading and so on.(Ⅲ) The mechanism analysis of land consolidation shows that,the process which being in the form of a leading with system and policies from government,is better than the providing level by the private spontaneity form.However,in the process of using land consolidation goods,"Tragedy of the Commons "and "congestion problem" are not changed due to different providers.So,effective measures shuld be taken to guide, manage the use of land consolidaton goods.The utility function of Akerlof-Kranton suggests that,in the process of land consolidaton,utility would be increased if government’ action was in line with the wishes of farmers.Oppositly,decreased. Thereout,it is very important to establish a mechanism of the public preference to express,which would change peasonal preferences into collective choices through the democratic process.Also,the study shows that the mechanism intenally effects the social impact of land consolidation.(Ⅳ) Studying the theory on social impact assessment of land consolidation,plays an important role in guiding LCPs’ layout,investment decision-making and post-evaluation.(Ⅴ) Results analyzing 19 LCPs of Chongqing indicated that land consolidation activities bring a series of active influences on increasing cultivate land,improving conditions of agricultural production and land productivity,reducing labor intensity, boosting the level of public participation and spiritual civilization in social-life, mending ecological environment,adjusting industrial structure of agriculture,raising regional productivity,and closing relations and so on.Yet,there also had some social risks,which have brought some adverse effects.(Ⅵ) Results of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation showed that the method have practical value,and be able to reflect social impact and the influenced degree due to land consolidation in the round.And then,the technical and methodological support was provided for studying on a regional social impact of land consolidation.There are many complex indexes and relations in the social impact assessment of LCPs.Results also revealed that introducing entropy-technology would have a good sense in revising the determined target-weights by use of AHP.In the remark of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation,study results displayed that,the degree of "better" which achieved 0.3583 was the highest,the degree of "general" which achieved 0.3533 was the second,the degree of "good" which achieved 0.1279 was higher than "poor" or "worse".Therefore, the comprehensive social impact assessment of Chongqing was better.Meanwhile, results also showed that,the remark "better" was better than "general" only 0.005,the sum of "good" and "better" achieved 0.4862,"poor" and "worse" still accounted for the certain proportion.Generally,in the Chongqing,the comprehensive social impact assessment of land consolidation was better,but not obvious.The result is a direct relationship with the status quo of land consolidation in Chongqing,especially with problems of system and policies.(Ⅶ) The study results on Wubao’s territory renovation project indicated that the project would bring out better social impacts,but also implied some social risks to deserve attention and defence.Those risks mainly derived from the negative influences on regional transport,inhabitation,security,dining and so on,due to population pressure formed by a number of population movement;from being lack of environment impct assessment in some specific project layout;from changes of land ownership thanks to the need of project-building and agricultural industrialization;and from differences between the project and the local culture,enducaton,technical ability and value ideology.(Ⅷ) To healthily promote land consolidaton sustainable development,it is necessary to improve on the system and policy related with LC.So,according to the reflected problems,the paper had put forword suggestions as follows:Ⅰ) Please strengthen the construction of comprehensive agricultural production capacity by making LC platform and focusing on the protection of cultivate land.Ⅱ) In order to the depth and breath of farmers participation,the interactive public participation mechanism between requirement-expression and situation-feedback should be established.Ⅲ) Innovating LC model and changing government-leading into government-guiding,market-operating and public participation.Ⅳ) It is essential to introduce the social impact assessment of investment projects including SIA for LC.Ⅴ) The mechanisms having standardized,highly efficient,flexible management and supervision shuld be set up.Ⅵ) T o seek the meeting point between land consolidation and rural development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

