

An Overview Study on the Interest-based Teaching Thoughts in the West during Modern Times

【作者】 薛小丽

【导师】 靳玉乐;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本论文从教育史、心理学和中外比较等视角出发,立足历史文献,坚持以史为主、史论结合,着力研究西方近现代的兴趣教学思想,兼顾与古代、现当代的联系及其对中国的影响,进而结合当前教学论的重建,初步提出基于兴趣取向的教学理论和模式,目的在于挖掘和树立一个真实存在于教学论史、却未被我们完全认识的兴趣教学思想理论,从多方位揭示兴趣与教学之间的密切联系,并确立一种新的教学理论模式,为丰富教学实践、发展教学论提供一条有益路径。论文将兴趣教学思想放在教育史长河中加以考察,认为西方兴趣教学思想在古代源远流长,在近现代有一个逐步发展、逐步成熟的演进过程,其历程可先后分为萌芽、初建、形成和兴盛四个阶段,相应的思想背景分别为文艺复兴以后有重大影响的人文主义教育、自然主义教育、教育心理学化运动和现代教育思潮,代表人物分别是夸美纽斯和卢梭,裴斯泰洛齐、赫尔巴特和斯宾塞,杜威、克伯屈和德可乐利等。并且,这一思想在中国近现代教育中也有一定的表现。从中可以发现,兴趣教学思想从小到大、由弱至强,到近现代之交发展成为一种与主流教育思想密切相联、对教育理论和实践都有较大影响的教学思想理论和思潮。论文以教学论为基点探讨西方近现代兴趣教学思想的一系列观点主张,认为兴趣教学思想对教学诸方面的看法形成了一套比较完整的理论体系。教育学、心理学乃至哲学意义上的兴趣学说,为其奠定坚实的科学基础。在充分肯定兴趣多种教育价值的基础上,从教学系统和教育整体上把握兴趣,是兴趣教学思想存在和自立的方法论基础。把教学过程变成愉快和多方面兴趣形成的过程,提倡兴趣性的教学原则,是兴趣教学思想的一般原理和基本要求。确立以兴趣为取向的教学目标和评价指标,是兴趣教学思想的出发点和落脚点。基于兴趣的课程组织和教学实施,是兴趣教学思想在课程论和教学法上的核心内容。论文认为,兴趣教学思想符合一个完整教学思想体系的要求,是一种在一定历史时期有较大影响的教学理论和教学思潮,体现了教育学与心理学的统一、传统教育与现代教育的统一、形式教育与实质教育的统一、教学论和课程论的统一,对教育理论和实践具有积极的推动作用和深远的历史意义,对当前课程教学论的发展也有着重要的现实意义。论文认为,近现代兴趣教学思想理论在二战之后的衰落有着多方面原因,但关于兴趣教学的探索和实践却始终没有停止。中国近现代兴趣教学思想既深受西方的影响,又是对古代自孔孟以来的乐学、乐教和趣学主张的继承和发展,在改革开放时期又有新的探索和进展。基于相关历史研究和现实需要,有必要构建基于儿童兴趣的当代教学理论。为此,要在认真研究总结中外兴趣教学思想理论发展经验的基础上,对教学的规律、原则、目的、方法以及课程教学论与心理学融合等问题进行相应的反思和重建。要进一步提升教师在兴趣教学中的重要作用,提高教师的教学兴趣;加强兴趣教学心理研究和兴趣心理学建设。为推进教学论研究,需要构建兴趣教学的理论模式,探讨以兴趣为取向教学模式的指导思想、主题、目标、程序、课程、方法、策略、评价等要素,搭建一个沟通教学理论与实践的中介和桥梁。

【Abstract】 This paper concentrates efforts on studying the interest-based teaching thoughts in the West during modern times from the perspectives of the history of education, psychology, and comparative education, with a foothold in historical literature and insisting on the principle of relying mainly on history while combining discussions of the links with ancient and contemporary times, and the impact on China. And then proceed to put forward preliminarily an interest-based and oriented teaching theory and model while combining the reconstruction of current teaching theories with this study. This study aims at digging and establishing an interest-based teaching theory which has always existed in the history of teaching theories but not been fully identified and understood. This effort can reveal the close links between interest and teaching from multi- perspectives, and establish a new teaching theory model which can provide a beneficial approach to enrich teaching practice and develop teaching theories.This paper examines the interest-based teaching thoughts in the long history of education, and holds that interest-based teaching thoughts have an origin in ancient times, and gain gradual development and maturity in modern times. Its process of evolution can be divided as four stages which are rudimentary stage, preliminary stage, developing stage and flourishing stage. The corresponding ideological backgrounds for these four stages include post- Renaissance influential humanism, naturalism, psychological trend of education and ideological trends in modern education with representative figures respectively as J. A. Comenius(1592~1670), J.J. Rousseau (1712~1778) , J.H.Pestalozzi(1746~1827) ,J.F.Herbart(1776~1841) , H.Spencer (1820~1903),J.Dewey(1859~1953), W.H.Kilpatrick (1871~1965), and O.Decroly (1871~1932). Moreover, the interest-based teaching thoughts have a certain manifestation in the education of China in modern times. It can be identified that the school of interest-based teaching thoughts have evolved from a small to a large force, from a weak to a strong force, and till the turning of modern times they have developed into a quite big teaching ideological theory and trend, which is closely connected to the mainstream educational thoughts, and has relatively strong impact on both educational theory and practice.This paper rests on the basis of teaching theory, and takes it as a starting point to probe into the series of viewpoints and propositions existing in interest-based teaching thoughts, and considers that the interest-based teaching thoughts have formed a complete and integrated theoretical system with elaborations on various aspects of teaching. Pedagogy, psychology and even philosophical implications of the interest-based teaching thoughts have laid the scientific foundation of this school of theory. Based on the full affirmation of the various educational values of interest, this theory looks into interest from the whole teaching system and views interest as an integral part of the whole of education. And this becomes the methodological base for this theory to exist and stand on its own feet. Enabling teaching to become a pleasant process to develop an interest in learning, and promoting principle of interest-based teaching are the fundamental rules and basic requirement of this theory. Establishing interest-oriented teaching objectives and evaluation indicators are both the starting and lodging point of interest-based teaching thoughts. Interest-based curriculum organization and teaching implementation are the core contents of curriculum and teaching approach of interest-based teaching thoughts.This paper argues that interest-based teaching thoughts meet the requirement of a complete teaching thought system, and is a teaching theory and teaching ideological trend which has quite big influences during a certain period of history. This theory has integrated pedagogy with psychology, traditional education with modern education, formality education with substance education, teaching theory with curriculum theory. It has a positive role of propelling the educational theory and practice forward and is of far-reaching historical significance as well as momentous significance and implication on current development of curriculum and teaching theories.This paper holds that the declination of the interest-based teaching thoughts after the Second World War has various reasons, however, the exploration and practice of the interest-based teaching has never stopped. The interest-based teaching thoughts in modern times of China are influenced by the West, and meanwhile they are also a succession and development of China’s ancient ideas of happy learning, happy teaching and interesting learning since Confucius and Mencius. During the periods of reformation and opening, these ideas have gained new explorations and developments in China. Based on relevant historical research and realistic need, it is necessary to construct contemporary teaching theory which is based on children’s interest. Therefore, we need to conduct the refection on and reconstruction of teaching laws, principles, aims and methods, and the integration of curriculum and teaching theory with psychology, and base this refection and reconstruction on an earnest research and summary of the development and experience of interest-based teaching thoughts home and abroad. The role of teachers in interest-based teaching and their interest in teaching should be enhanced; instructional psychological research in interest-based teaching, and the construction of a psychology of interest should be strengthened. In order to advance the research of teaching theory, it needs to construct a theoretical model of interest-based teaching, which explores the guiding ideology, themes, objectives, procedures, curriculum, methods, strategies, evaluation and other elements, and build a bridge between teaching theory and practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】G420
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】2856

