

The Pilot Study on Harmony of Moral Education Entity in Colleges

【作者】 杨清明

【导师】 易连云;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 我国的高校德育的确存在主体不和谐问题,并且还比较严重。主体不和谐不只是存在于高校,而且影响着社会。尽管高校德育不是造成问题的主要原因,但通过主体性教育以达到主体的和谐,却是高校德育面临的主要任务,也是必须解决的主要课题。主体具有层次性和结构性,高校德育与个人、社会、国家密不可分,涉及经济、政治、文化等各个领域,是一个复杂的系统工程。在历史和现实中,高校德育的主体问题大都是作为国家、学校、家庭等社会问题出现的,大都是探讨如何使社会的主流价值转化为学生的个人追求,即高校德育就是社会主体对学生对象的作用过程;然而,这些主体偏偏出现了许多的“缺位”、“错位”和“越位”。当前,我们正处于社会的转型时期,高校德育的一元价值导向社会多元价值取向的矛盾、传统德育文化与现代西方文明的冲突、马克思主义与非马克思主义的斗争等等,在一方面促进德育发展的同时,另一方面也反映出高校德育主体的诸多不和谐问题。透过高校德育不和谐的现象,在国家、社会、个体三个层面的主体性角度,围绕“六端”开展讨论:一是“前端与后端”,着眼于马克思主义理论体系(前端)与中国传统道德思想(后端)的关系,探讨“两个祖宗”问题;二是“上端与下端”,着眼于信仰(上端)与科学(下端)的关系,探讨精神动力与智力支持的“双重价值”问题;三是“顶端与底端”,着眼于上层建筑(顶端)与经济基础(底端)的关系,探讨主流价值和多元取向的“二难选择”问题。由此,引出我国高校德育主体和谐建设的三个维度:一是在国家层面,构建中华传统与马克思主义的内在和谐,既体现“中国特色”,又具有普世意义;二是在社会层面,构建私权与公权的内在和谐,既尊重多元选择,又弘扬主流价值;三是在个体层面,构建信仰与科学的内在和谐,既提供精神支撑,又发挥现实功能。按照党的十七大精神的表达,就是立足于社会主义核心价值体系,为培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义事业的合格建设者和可靠接班人而鸣锣开道。这是高校德育中最大的“德”之所在。高校德育主体和谐的理想状态,就是要通过各个层次实体主体的协同努力,在学生的主观世界里建立这样三个“三位一体”:——国家意识层面“政治主体性、经济主体性、文化主体性”的和谐统一;——社会意识层面“集体归属感、社会责任感、历史使命感”的和谐统一;——个体意识层面“科学世界观、积极人生观、正确价值观”的和谐统一。从教育和德育学科角度的方法论是:第一,在教育论上,要辨证看待因果关系,强调人是环境的“产物”,强调学生是学校的“产品”,主张在国家上层建筑的强势推动下,使体系化、个性化、法制化、现代化相辅相成,以建设一种“我、你、他”和谐的高校德育模式。第二,在教材论上,要用马克思主义中国化的最新成果武装学生、从而有科学理论的指导,用中国特色社会主义共同理想凝聚人心、从而有统一目标的激励,用以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神鼓舞斗志、从而有精神力量的支撑,以设定一种“知、情、意”和谐的高校德育内容。第三,在教学论上,要把握传统性与现代化的关系、注意背靠历史与面向未来的和谐统一,把握本土性与国际化的关系、注意保持特色与引领时尚的和谐统一,把握基础性与高雅化的关系、注意夯实基础与提高层次的和谐统一,把握养成性与规范化的关系、注意顺应自然与教育引领的和谐统一,以实施一种“真、善、美”和谐的高校德育过程。

【Abstract】 The entity of moral Education in Chinese colleges is disharmonious, and this existing problem is quite serious which furthermore affects the whole society. Although the moral education in colleges itself isn’t the main reason, the major task faced by the colleges’ moral education is to achieve the harmony of entity through ethical entity education. This is also the principle issue which must be resolved. Hierarchical and structural, the entity development is a complex and systematic project involving economy, politics, culture and other fields because the colleges’ moral education has a close relationship with individuals, the community and our country.Seeing from the history and reality, the problems of colleges’ moral education entity always appear as social problems with the country, colleges and families. These problems are mainly concerning about how to make the mainstream values of the community into the pursuit of individual students. In other words, the colleges’ moral education is a process in which the social entity impacts the college students. However, unfortunately there are many "absence", "incorrectness" and "offside". At present, we are in a period of social transition with the contradictions from integrated value of the colleges’ moral education to multiple value-oriented society, the conflicts between traditional moral culture and modern western civilization, the struggles of Marxist and non-Marxist and so on. In this way, on one hand moral development should continuously be promoted and on the other hand, it reflects numerous disharmonious problems with the entity of colleges’ moral education.Analyzing the phenomenon of moral disharmony in colleges, this dissertation puts forward discussions in three aspects with "six ends" from three perspectives, i.e. the three levels of entities of the country, society and individuals. The first one is the "front-end and back-end", focusing on the relationship between the Marxist theoretical system (front-end) and Chinese traditional moral thinking (back-end), and also the background information of these "two ancestors"; The second is the "up-end and down-end", focusing on the relationship between faith (up-end) and science (down-end), and exploring the "double value" question of spiritual motivation and intellectual support; The third is the "top-end and bottom-end" and focusing on the superstructure (top-end) and the economic base (bottom-end), discussing the "difficult choice" of the mainstream value and the multicultural orientation. Thus, the paper proposes the harmonious construction of the colleges’ moral education from three dimensions: First, at the national level, is to build the internal harmony between Chinese tradition and Marxist, and not only embodying the "Chinese characteristics", but also having the universal significance of the whole social; Second, at the social level, is to construct the inherent harmony between the public rights and the private rights, both respecting the multiple choice and promoting the value of the mainstream; Third, at the level of individuals, is to construct the inner harmony between faith and science, providing spiritual support and playing a functional role in reality. According to the spirit conveyed in the 17th National People’s Congress of CPC, the main task is to cultivate morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically developed builders and successors for the all-round construction of socialism. This is also the most significant "morality" in the colleges’ moral education.The moral ideal state of harmony in the entity of colleges’ moral education is to establish such kind of three "trinity" in the student’s subjective world by concerted efforts through the main entities at all levels:-- At national consciousness level: the harmony and unity of political, economic and cultural entities.-- At social consciousness level: the harmony and unity of the collective sense of belonging, the sense of social responsibility and the sense of historical mission.-- At individual consciousness level: the harmony and unity of the scientific world outlook, positive outlook on life, and correct values.The methodologies from the perspective of education and moral education disciplines are: First, in education theory, it is necessary to look at the causal relationship dialectically, to stress that human beings are the "products" of the environment and students are of schools, and to make the systemization, customization, legalization and modernization complement each other in order to build a "I, YOU & HE/SHE" harmonious model for colleges’ moral education through promoting a strong national superstructure. Second, in the theories of textbooks, under the guidance of scientific theories we should use the latest achievement of Marxist with Chinese characteristics to arm students; with the incentives of unitary goals, we should use the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics to build the cohesion of people’s minds; with the spiritual support, we should use the national spirit with the core of patriotism and the spirit of the times with the core of reform and innovation to boost our morale in order to set the main concept of "knowledge, feelings and willingness" harmonious colleges’ moral education. Third, in teaching theory, it is necessary to grasp the relationship of tradition and modern, paying attention to the harmonious integration of historical background and the facing future; to hold the relationship between localization and internationalization, making the harmonious integration of maintaining characteristics and leading fashion; to seize the relationship of foundation and elegance, paying attention to the harmonious integration of reinforcing the foundation and advancing to higher levels; to grasp the relationship of habits and norms, paying attention to the harmonious integration of conforming to the nature and the function of education. Based on all of these principles, our purpose is to implement an "authentic, perfect and beautiful" harmonious moral education in Colleges and Universities.

【关键词】 高校德育主体和谐
【Key words】 CollegesMoral EducationEntityHarmony
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】995

