

【作者】 郑白玲

【导师】 张诗亚;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 多元发展观、对教育公平的拷问引发了对我国民族院校招生政策的全面审视。温故而知新,不全面审视我国原有民族院校招生政策之利弊,便无以创新。自建国以来我国民族院校招生政策走过一条什么样的路?有何得失?其原因何在?时下民族院校招生政策现状如何?又该如何看待?我国民族院校招生政策应持何种价值,如何介乎于特与不特?对以上问题的思考便是本文立论的基础。问题的综合决定了方法的综合:论文运用历史文献法,全面梳理建国以来我国民族院校招生政策的发展历程:运用比较研究法,置我国民族院校招生政策发展于世界其他国家民族院校招生政策发展的大视界之中;运用案例法、政策分析法,综合宏观与微观两方面以期全面深入把握民族院校招生政策发展脉络及其得失。既而,分析我国民族院校招生政策改革的方向。在此思路下,论文对我国建国以来民族院校招生政策进行了历史考察,划分了新中国民族院校招生政策发展的几个基本阶段并分析了各阶段的特点。通过对当前民族院校招生政策的改革动向、运行机制等的调查,分析了我国现行民族院校招生政策存在的主要问题及原因。通过对美国、英国等发达国家民族院校招生政策的比较研究,揭示了这些国家民族院校招生政策的优缺点,便于为我国民族院校招生政策的完善提供一些借鉴思路。上述三个方面的探讨主要在于为我国民族院校招生政策的构建提供实践支撑,在此基础上,从分析民族院校招生政策的价值选择与政策问题出发,探讨了民族院校招生政策价值取向、形式价值与实质价值和政策有效性等理论问题,明确了民族院校招生政策的基本框架及其价值选择。最后,结合我国的实际情况提出完善民族院校招生政策的初步建议。民族院校招生政策是包含“同等条件优先录取”、“适当降分录取”、“单独划线”、“单独录取”、“民考民”、“民考汉”等一系列政策的综合,因而我国民族院校的招生政策改革必须从多方面入手。正确定位我国民族院校招生政策中的平等:坚持个体平等与群体平等相统一,坚持教育公平相对性,调整传统以民族成分进行划分的标准;整合我国民族院校招生政策所代表的主流文化与多元文化教育;加强包含民族院校招生政策在内的民族教育立法。本文尝试厘清民族院校招生政策的价值选择和构成维度,梳理我国民族院校招生政策发展的历史,寻找我国现行民族院校招生政策的问题,明确我国民族院校招生政策改革的基本方向,希望通过这些初步研究为我国民族院校招生政策的完善提供基本的思路。

【Abstract】 The pluralistic concept of development and the interrogation to the impartiality of education have initiated the overall close examination to China’s enrollment policy for the minority academies (CEPMA).Review the past and you’ll know better the present.Without the overall close examination to the advantages and disadvantages of CEPMA,the origination of the new policy would have no foundation.Since the foundation of the P.R.China,what a way CEPMA has taken? What gains and losses we’ve had? What reasons we’ve known? What’s the existing status of CEPMA? And how do we evaluate it? What kind of value of the present policy should be regarded, How can we chose between the particular and the non- particular? The deliberation of the above issues is the foundation of my paper.The synthesis of the issues makes the synthesis of research means in my paper.With the method of historical documentation,the developing course of CEPMA has been completely organized;with the method of comparative study,the development of CEPMA is put in the wide field of vision of the enrollment policies for minority academies in other countries.In addition,combined with the macroscopic and microscopic observations,the methods of case and policy analysis are applied in this paper so as to thoroughly find out the developing course,the gains and losses of CEPMA.Thus an analysis of reforming orientation in CEPMA is made.Under such consideration,this paper makes a historical survey of CEPMA,divides the basic phases of CEPMA and their features.Through the investigation of the reforming tendency and the operative CEPMA mechanism of the present CEPMA,the existing main problems and their causes are analyzed.Through the comparative studies of the enrollment policies in the advanced countries such as the U.S.and the Great Britain,the valuable experiences and shortcomings of such countries are revealed and thus some train of thought is provided for the improvement of CEPMA.The above discussion aims chiefly to provide some support for the constructive practice of CEPMA.And on this foundation,starting from the analysis of the value choice and policy issues of CEPMA,the theoretical issues,such as the political value orientation,form value,essential value and political effect of CEPMA,are discussed.Meanwhile, the basic structure and value choice of CEPMA is explicit.Finally,with the consideration of the practical situation of our country,some initial suggestions for the improvement of CEPMA are raised.The CEPMA is a composition of a series of policies,which includes the prior enrollment of the minority applicants at the same entrance examination grade,enrollment at a proper lower grade, special enrolling grade,enrollment as a special care,minority applicants applying for a minority college and minority applicants applying for a non-minority college.So,the reform of CEPMA should be taken on various aspects.The equality of CEPMA must be established,i.e.to make the consensus of equality for the individuals and groups,to keep the relative fairness in education and to revise the traditional enrolling grade criterion for minority applicants;to unify the main cultural education represented by CEPMA and the multi-cultural education;to strengthen the legislation for minority education, including the enrollment policy for minority high-level education.This paper tries to formulate the value choice and the forming factors of CEPMA,clarify the history of CEPMA,find out the problems existed in present CEPMA,define the basic orientation of the reforms of CEPMA,hoping this initial research would provide some beneficial train of thought for the improvement of CEPMA.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】G757.32
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】541

