

【作者】 高叶青

【导师】 贾二强;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 历史文献学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 范祖禹是北宋史学家,因协助司马光编修历史名著《资治通鉴》及自撰《唐鉴》而著称,但长期以来,学术界对他的重视程度远远不够,本文正是有鉴于此而作。全文共分上下两篇,现简述如下:上篇研究范祖禹的生平,总共安排了三章内容。现存史料如《宋史》、《名臣碑传琬琰集》以及其他研究论著中有关范祖禹的传记资料多零散无系统,一些具体问题往往含混不清。本文以时间为纲,将范祖禹的生平划分为三个大的阶段,即成长奋斗期、修书蓄积期、政治生涯期,以此为据,安排了三章内容,这样就可以对其生平有一个清晰的了解。对于一些非常明确的问题,照顾到叙述的完整性,本文只略微提一下,重点是对若干经常被忽略的问题例如“母梦邓禹”、改字缘起、受教育背景进行考证。范祖禹在人生各个阶段的心理活动以及交游情况是了解其人的重要依据,所以本文非常重视这一点,尤其是结合《太史范公文集》中的部分诗词、奏章,对范祖禹知资州龙水县、助修《资治通鉴》过程中的心理动态进行了较为详细的分析,另外,对范镇、司马光、吕公著、富弼、邵雍、二程、苏轼、黄庭坚等在范祖禹一生中扮演过重要角色的亲朋也进行了相应的较为全面的研究。下篇以范祖禹的主要史学著作为研究对象,共分三章内容。《资治通鉴》与《神宗实录》均属范祖禹参修著作,所以放在第一章来讲。对于《通鉴》,本文并没有展开研究,只是选取了与范祖禹相关的问题进行论述,也是以时间为序,分三个小部分,首先分析了范祖禹进入书局的原因,其次是他负责唐长编工作的情况,最后是他在《资治通鉴》修撰后期所做的贡献。因为五代长编已经有很多人研究过,而且问题已基本清楚,所以本文只是列出了相关主要研究成果以供有兴趣者参阅,并未重复研究。在第二章“独著《唐鉴》”一节里,主要从三个方面对范祖禹的这部史学代表作进行研究。其一,成书原因。本文结合当时社会背景、唐史研究状况、范祖禹自身条件等因素,对《唐鉴》的产生原因进行了较为详细的剖析。其二,通过对《唐鉴》各卷内容分布、引用文献的统计分析,得出其史料采择的针对性。其三,分析《唐鉴》的编纂体例与评论特色。本章对《帝学》与《仁皇训典》也进行了概要的介绍。第三章综合研究范祖禹的史学思想。范祖禹的史学思想形成有理论和实践两个阶段,其中理论阶段主要指修《资治通鉴》及自著《唐鉴》期间,反映在言论以及著作中的有关史学编纂及对唐朝史事评论中的思想。《资治通鉴》修成之后,范祖禹真正意义上的政治生涯开始,相继担任了一些重要官职,此阶段是他史学思想的实践阶段,具体就反映在他所上奏章中包含的政论思想。本文有两个附录,一是“范祖禹年谱”,这是笔者在写作论文时利用检寻资料之便整理出的副产品,与现有的几种范祖禹年谱相比更为详细,还附有成都范氏族谱简表。二是范祖禹著作诸家著录序跋题识。范祖禹一生著有不少经史著作,可惜绝大部分都已亡佚,所幸一些书目及文集中还保留有详略不同的介绍,对于了解这些著作的概况很有帮助,所以笔者将其抄录在一起,希望能够为其他研究者提供方便。

【Abstract】 Fan Zuyu was a historian of the Song Dynasty who was famous for helping Sima Guang to compile the famous history literature Zi Zhi Tong Jia and self-writing Tang Jian.But for a long time, the academic circles’ value toward him was not enough,This text is just based on such a researchful status quo.The full text is totally divided into two big pieces,now briefly recounts as follows.The preceding research was about the usual life of Fan Zuyu,which includes three chapters. The existing historical data such as Song Shi、Ming Chen Bei Zhuan Wan Yan Ji and other research treatise concerning Fan Zuyu’ biography mostly have no system,and some concrete problems are usually ambiguous not pure.This text then takes time as a key link and divides the usual life of Fan Zuyu into three big stages,namely the period of the growth struggles,the compile cumulation,the political career expect,based on this,the thesis arranges three chapters.Through this piece,we can have a clear understanding about Fan Zuyu’ life.For some very explicit problems,look after the integrity for describe,this text just a little lifts once,and point is to some problems which are usually neglected,for example,Mu Meng Deng Yu、Gai Zi Yuan Qi and teach to teach background.The mental activity in each stage of life and the persons ffiliated with Fan Zuyu ate the important basis of understanding its person,so this text values this very much,particularly combines parts of poem phrases and memorial to the throne in Tai Shi Fan Gong Wen Ji in order to study the mental dynamic state of Fan Zuyu on more detailed analysis when he was the head of Zi Zhou Long Shui county and the process when he helped to write Zi Zhi Tong Jian,furthermore,this text also carried on homologously more overall research to the person that once played important role in Fan Zuyu’s whole life such as Fan Zhen,Sima Guang,Lv Gongzhu,Fu Bi,Shao Yong,Cheng YI,Cheng Hap, Su Shi,Huang Tingjia.etc.The second piece is totally divided into three contentses and takes Fan Zuyu’s main historiography work as a research object.Zi Zhi Tong Jian and Shen Zong Shi Lu are both the works that Fan Zuyu was ever concerned with,so they are put in the same chapter.To Zi Zhi Tong Jian,this text just selects the "related problems of Fan Zuyu taking time as a preface and divides three small parts.Firstly,analyses the reason that Fan Zuyu into the book company.Secondly,the circumstance when he was responsible for Tang Chang Bian.Thirdly,the contribution Fan Zuyu had done at the last stage.The Five Dynasties Chang Bian has been studied by many people,and the problems have been already basic clear,so this text just listed the related and main research results here in order to provide useful data for the reader.In chapter two—write Tang Jian by himself,this text carries on a research to Fan Zuyu’s historiography representative work Tang Jian from three main aspects.First, the formative reason of Tang Jian.This text carries on more detailed analysis through combining that time social background,research condition of the Tang Dynasty,Fan Zuyu’s oneself condition etc.Second,this text wants to get a clear recognazition obout the purpose that Fan Zuyu selected historical data for Tang Jian through analysising each contents distribute and the quoting cultural heritage.Third,this text analysises the compile style and special comment features.The chapter also introduces Di Xue and Ren Huang Xun Dian briefly.Chapter three is a comprehensive survey about Fan Zuyu’s historiography thought and political commentary.Fan Zuyu’s historiography thought formation has theories and practices two stages,among them,the theories stage mainly discuss the thought which reflects in Fan Zuyu’s opinion on public affairs and works about the history compiling and the commentary of the Tang Dynasty,which points to the period that Zi Zhi Tong Jian and Tang Jian were compiled.After Zi Zhi Tong Jian had been compiled,the real political career of Fan Zuyu started,acted as some important official positions one after another.This stage was the fulfillment stage of his historiography thought,which concretely pointed to the political commentary thought reflecting in the memorials to the throne.This text contains two appendixes,one is the chronicle of Fan Zuyu,which is the by-product of this text.Comparing with a few existing Fan Zuyu’s chronicles,the chronicle is more detailed, before it,the writer still drew a brief pedigree of a clan chart about Cheng Du Fan.The other is the introduction of Fan Zuyu’s works,which preserved in miscellaneous bibliographies and albums. There were many works written by Fan Zuyu,unfortunately the overwhelming majority had been lost,luckily,some bibliographies and collection of essays still have brief introduction which is helpful for us to come at the general situation of those works.So the writer makes copy of them together for the sake of other researchers.

【关键词】 范祖禹生平史著
【Key words】 Fan Zuyuthe usual life of Fan Zuyuhistory literature

