

【作者】 周加胜

【导师】 林文玉;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 目前学术界对南汉历史进行的研究主要是某些方面的情况介绍,很少有人进行全面的研究。五代十国时期是我国历史发展上一个十分重要的时期,特别是表现在经济重心南移的方面,只有对南方各国进行细致的研究,才能更好的认识这一点。南汉作为南方的一个重要政权,有着不容忽视的地位,特别是随着近年南汉三陵的陆续发现,激发了人们又一轮对南汉历史的兴趣,因此对南汉历史进行全面的研究就显得十分必要。基于这样的认识,笔者在前人研究的基础上,从五个方面对南汉的历史进行了初步的探讨。第一部分主要回顾了目前学术界的研究现状和本文的研究意义。第二部分首先探讨了南汉建立前的岭南形势。安史之乱及唐朝末年的大乱使得大量北方人南下,这些南来的人,不仅为岭南提供了技术和人力资源,而且还带来了先进的文化。这是岭南得以割据成功的重要原因。其次,简略介绍了刘隐先世刘安及刘谦时期的情况,认为刘氏确实是汉人,最起码是受少数民族影响的汉人。最后,通过南汉最高统治者的活动,来描绘南汉的兴起与灭亡的历史。在这一部分还介绍了五代十国时期最大的一次农民起义,即发生在南汉境内的祯州(今广东惠州博罗县)张遇贤起义。南汉的灭亡是由于后主年幼,纵情声色,被宦官把持朝政,南唐劝降不成的情况下,北宋挥师南下。南汉拒绝和平投降无异于螳臂当车,由于经济重心的逐渐南移,加之战乱多年,统一的趋势已渐明朗,而统一的方式只有两种,一是如吴越一样和平统一,一是如其它儿国被武力统一。北宋因为岭南的地理环境而不愿出兵南下,想和平统一岭南,而南汉小王朝并没有抓住这次和平的机会,五个月之内,立国长达五十五年的国家就灭亡了。本章对南汉的相关制度进行了探讨。依据各类史料对南汉的行政区划进行了重新统计,结论与正史所记载的南汉214县稍有差距。从唐代五礼的角度对南汉的吉礼中的郊祀、祭祖、籍田等进行了探讨,再次是宾礼中的聘礼、贺位礼、告哀、迎劳,第三是军礼中的巡狩、亲征、献俘,第四是嘉礼中的婚礼、册命、大赦,第五是凶礼中的丧葬、辍朝、谥号、亡国等进行了一一探讨,认为这一时期礼制多从简,是出于现实的政治需要而不是对礼制本身的继承,所以礼不在多,而在其表达的政治意义能够贯彻到人的心中去即可。南汉的科举制度为政府培养了一批治国经邦之材,其职官当中多以六部侍郎兼宰相之职,也是国小人材少的一个表现。用不着也没有那么多人材来充实唐代的三省六部。其翰林学士除继承了唐代的学士供皇帝酬唱的功能外,南汉的学士多担任国家的外交、军事任务,并有战死沙场者。尽管南汉有一批治国经世之人,但南汉的刑罚之酷在五代时期恐怕是无与伦比的,盖其与治乱世用重典的道理是一致的。南汉的军事制度虽有前人考述,但并不完备,尤其是禁军媚川都,前人多没有意识到其发挥的重要作用,它不仅是一支经济部队,更是一支极具战斗力的禁军。南汉的宦官固然很多,但是否达到有些书上说的二万多人,值得怀疑。另外出于对宦官的偏见,很多人对南汉的宦官提出严厉的批评。但是我们是否可以换个角度思考看一下,把宦官与士大夫看成平等的双方,宦官专权同士大夫的专权其后果都是一样的,如果我们不戴有色眼镜的话。因此,在这一部分,虽然也介绍了宦官为非作歹,但更多的是对宦官中杰出人物的描述,以期能部分的改变人们对宦官的偏见。南汉的宦官并非传统人们心目中的印象。而是有一批出色的军事人物在支撑国家的军事,征兵作战多由这些宦官来指挥,只是到了后期,皇帝年幼,才被宦官所控制。国家陷入混乱,所以对南汉的宦官要一分为二的看待,不能持传统的观点,认为是宦官乱政而导致国家灭亡。第三部分重点研究了南汉的经济,包括农业、手工业与商业的情况。南汉的农业以经济作物种植居多,虽有政府重视,但是农作物的种植方式还是很落后,加之经济活动的开发与野生动物的栖息地相冲突,时常发生人象大战,有时政府亦不得不直接出面进行捕杀。手工业方面南汉最为发达的是冶炼业。尤其以冶铁业最为发达,至今仍在广州光孝寺的东西二铁塔,为南汉所铸,是我国现存最早的铁塔。南汉的铸币业即冶铅业亦很发达,是南方诸国中为数不多的强行应用铅币的国家。另外其陶瓷业亦比唐代有进步,此时不仅窑址增加,冶炼陶瓷的技术也有所提高,出现了青瓷,并打破了以往岭南陶瓷不用彩的历史。商业是南汉的国家经济的支柱,其中最重要的是海外贸易,后主时以大宦官李托为押蕃舶使管理对外贸易。1997年,印尼打捞的一艘南汉时期的沉船为研究这一时期的历史尤其是南汉的对外贸易史提供了重要的考古资料。第四部分主要通过佛教云门宗创始人文堰大师的活动,探讨了南汉佛教的基本情况。南汉除了尊宠佛教以外,对道教及外来宗教同样对待,显示出其对宗教兼容并包的海洋文化之特征。南汉在广州一地广建佛寺与离宫别殿,其中苑圃8处,宫殿26座,并且宫殿多饰金漆银,反映了其非同一般的国家经济实力。此外,还简要介绍了南汉的天文、历算、史学、医学与音乐的情况。第五部分探讨了南汉的对外关系。南汉立国是由于其“远交近攻”的外交政策,使中原政权对之默许,将近邻楚国最终逐出岭南而独占两广,形成了现在两广与湖南以五岭为界的地理边界划分。首先是南汉同中原王朝的的关系,就是金钱外交,取得其默认,其次是同楚国关系,两国由于婚姻而结束战争,又由于婚姻而起战争,在两国争战中,最后以楚国退出岭南,在南汉与南唐的夹击中灭亡而告终。南汉与安南有战有和,但是自从白藤江一战之后,南汉不再进入安南,交州走上独立的发展的道路。最后是同南方其他国家的对外关系,由于交通路线的发达,南汉北上有三条道路可通中原,又可从邕州北上至南诏、蜀国,南下至交州,这是除海上交通之外,南汉的几条可以考证的陆路交通线。南汉就是依靠这几条交通路线和其它国家进行外交活动,时至今日,这几条交通线仍然发挥着重要作用。

【Abstract】 The current academic studies of South Han history mainly focus on certain aspects of its situation, but comprehensive studies. The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period in development of Chinese history is a very significant period, especially the movement of economic centre towards the south. Only a detailed study of countries in the South can make one better understand this point. South Han, as an important country in the south, has the status that can not be ignored, especially in recent years with two tombs of South Han being discovered, which inspired a further round of historical interest towards South Han, therefore it has become quite necessary to carry out a comprehensive study of its history. Based on this understanding, the author of the paper is to make a preliminary exploration of South Han history from five aspects on the basis of research made by the predecessors.In the first part, current situation of research in the academic circle and the researching significance of this paper are mainly introduced.In the second part, it firstly introduced the situation of the Lingnan before the establishment of South Han. An-Shi Turmoil in the chaotic years at the end of Tang dynasty and the chaos made substantial northerners wonder towards the south. These people did not only provide for Lingnan technology and labor, but also brought in advanced culture. This is an important factor for the success separatist regime in Lingnan. Secondly, it briefly introduced Liu Yin’s lifetime, which considers Liu as Han nationality, and at least the person influenced by the Han ethnic. Finally, by introducing the activities of the highest rulers in South Han, it described the rising and perishes of South Han Dynasty. What’s more introduced in this part of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period the largest peasant uprising, also the one took place in Gaborone in the South Han Yin Chang In uprising.It was kinds of reason about this destroy regime,firstly,the whole Chinese economic centure was moved to south china step by step,Anybody or any country could stop the current of union.the regime refused the advice of peace union which was presented by NanTang country,so the war come into being.secondly,the young emperor was indulged into the good wine,the beaty girls and so on,he did not mind the country.At last,in five months,the regime was perished.In this chapter,I have research about the system of the regime.for example, administration area coverage,on the basis of historical material,I find about 214conties in the regime.the amenity system including five aspects,Ji, Xiong,Jun, Bin,Jia,etc.However, these etiquettes were all predigested because the delegation of the etiquette was more important than itself meaning.the emperor was attention to the political meaning by the amenity system.the scholars passed by the country examination was the nation’s ridgepole,somebody was the diplomat of the regime.some other one was an army general,finially,died on the battlefield.one of the emperor praetorian army was named Mei chuan du,which was an economic army in traditional historian,however,in my opinion,it was not only an economic army but also a battle effectiveness army.Firstly a brief review of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period eunuchs, secondly the South Han eunuchs. Although there were so many eunuchs in South Han, it is questionable whether the number of eunuch can reach 20,000 according to some literary books. In addition, many people strongly criticized eunuchs in the South Han due to their bias. But whether one could change another way of thinking to consider the eunuchs and literary intelligentsia as equal sides.if one does not see the whole thing with a colored spectacle, consequences of both eunuchs and literary intelligentsia autocratic rulers are the same. Thus, in this part, while all kinds of evil things committed by eunuchs are introduced, more stories about the outstanding figures among eunuchs are described with a view to change prejudice against eunuchs.In the third part, the paper briefly described the economic situation of South Han in several aspects as the agriculture, commerce, handicraft industry. More economy crops was planted in the country.however, the foodstuff crops was less than Tang Dynasty.Man and the local elephant was often combating with each other.the activity of human being was affect on the habitat of elephants.the famous handcraft industry of the regime was smelt iron,especially,the plumbum. the coin of the country was smelt plumbum which was poison to our body.chinaware of the regime was progressed than formerly dynasty.the blueness chinaware appeared in this area which was break the history of no color chinaware in this area.the commerce,especially,abroad trade was the base of the whole country.the year of 1997,a sink ship was salvaged on Indonesia coast,it was a ship of this period,much gold,silver,chinaware on the ship.145 plumbum coins was also on the ship.In the fourth part, the basic conditions of South Han Buddhism are to be introduced primarily through description of the activities of the Buddhist Cloud Gate founder, Yan master in South Han. In addition, the situation of astronomy, calendar calculation, historiography, medical science, and music in South Han is also to be briefly introduced.The fifth part can be divided into four parts to introduce the South Han External Relations, primarily the South Han Dynasty relations with China, then was followed by Annan relations, and the third was the relation with Chu country. finally, the external relations with other countries in the South.


