

【作者】 唐宏

【导师】 金延;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 自20世纪80年代起,经济全球化发展迅猛。面对资本主义的“繁荣”发展和社会主义运动所遭受的严重挫折,人们提出了社会主义代替资本主义的历史必然性究竟能不能成立,中国如何坚持社会主义道路等问题。对这些问题的思考和分析构成了本文选题的背景。当代世界的重大变化,中国特色社会主义建设的伟大成就,要求我们重新思考科学社会主义理论的不少命题,认真审视社会主义在现实世界中的生命力。因此,对经济全球化发展趋势的基本判断,探寻在经济文化比较落后的国家实现非资本主义的发展道路在当代就具有了重大的理论和现实意义。这是本文研究的起点。当代西方全球化理论源于资本主义发达国家,虽然他们所讨论的全球化与马克思所阐述的世界历史一样,是指人类社会在横向上产生世界性的联系和交往以后在纵向上的发展进程,但是他们基本上是在为资本主义制度作辩护,没有从根本上认识到由于资本主义生产方式所带来的全球性危害。马克思的世界历史理论立足于现实的人,把人的生产活动、交往活动看成是世界历史形成的动力和基础,把人的全面而自由发展看作世界历史发展的终极目的。马克思通过他的政治经济学对资本主义经济制度进行了深入地批判,使社会主义从空想变成了科学。本文认为,全球化是人类社会日益超越空间、制度、文化等障碍界限,在世界范围内不断展现出的全方位沟通、联系、交流与互动,从而最终在各方面达成一致的客观历史进程,其本质是生产力和生产关系的矛盾运动,其趋势是共产主义。这是本文研究的理论前提。随着资本主义生产方式的产生,在资本主义的主导和推动下全球化在经济领域率先得到了形成和发展。本文认为,经济全球化是全球化过程中的一个基础性方面,它是不断地进行着的经济活动的全球化过程和一定生产关系的全球化过程,本质上是生产力和生产关系矛盾运动的结果,它使得共产主义以生产力的普遍发展和与此有关的世界交往的普遍发展的前提向前迈进。我们遵循马克思对社会发展研究的方法论确定了经济全球化的研究视角,着力于生产力及其运动方式层面的分析,即不单纯停留在全球范围内各种生产要素的配置和产业结构的调整上,而是在研究中把经济全球化体现的国际经济关系和国际生产关系作为分析的重点,从二者的矛盾运动中揭示经济全球化的本质及其发展趋势。这是本文研究的创新和目的所在。资本主义发展的历史过程告诉我们,资本主义给人类带来的不只是福音,而且还具有制度带来的历史局限性。本文对经济全球化问题与当代中国的历史选择研究是按照“理论指导——历史分析——现实分析——资本主义命运——社会主义前途——发展研究”的逻辑顺序展开论证的。在经济全球化研究方面,突出强调了人类历史发展中生产力发展决定的世界性相互交往,力求揭示出文明的相互借鉴和效仿对历史进程的加速作用,进一步说明资本主义在发展过程中被历史扬弃的必然性。我们通过对不同时期的人们从不同角度对其进行的批判以及不断进行的斗争,看到了人类对未来美好社会的憧憬和实践。基于此,按照马克思关于人类历史有可能跳跃式发展的理论,我们把社会主义运动和实践与经济全球化现象和趋势结合起来进行了研究。这是本文研究的逻辑体系和主要内容。在研究中,我们以马克思世界历史理论为指导、以马克思政治经济学分析手段为批判武器、以两种社会制度的发展变化为事实根据,对全球化及经济全球化进行了比较系统的论述,充分说明了社会主义是中国的历史选择。中国特色社会主义道路顺应了时代潮流,它不仅是为了中华民族的复兴,而且还将向世界展现社会主义理想,展现社会主义对人的全面发展、对人的自我实现的意义。对经济全球化的本质和未来趋势做出马克思主义的判断,目的是为了坚定共产主义理想和信念,更好地建设中国特色社会主义。然而,当代世界经济全球化异常复杂并在不断发展,且伴随着经济全球化的其它方面的全球化运动也在日益彰显,社会主义运动和中国都面临着新的机遇和挑战,这是我们在今后应当进一步深入研究的问题。

【Abstract】 From 1980’s, economic globalization has achieved an important breakthrough. The prosperous development of Capitalism and the severe setback of Socialist movement put forward such questions as: Whether socialism will definitely replace capitalism? In which way could China stick by the socialism route? The thinking and analysis on these questions become the background of the dissertation. The significant reforms of the world and the great achievements that the Socialism with Chinese characteristics has achieved demand the rethinking of many accepted argument on socialist theory and the careful reconsidering of the vitality of socialism in the real world. Hence, the judgment on the trend of the economic globalization and the exploration of practicing non-capitalism in ecoculturally underdeveloped countries are of theoretical and practical importance. It initiates the whole paper.The modern theory of globalization among the western world originates from the developed capitalist countries. Though the globalization they discussed is the same as Marx’s world history which refers to the vertical development occurred after the horizontal world wide communication. However, western theory of globalization aimed at defending the capitalism. It failed to identify the world wide damage caused by the capitalist mode of production. Marx’s world history theory lays stress on real people and regards the production activity and communication activity of human being as the motivation and foundation in forming the world history. It also views the human’s over-all development as the ultimate goal of the world history development. Marx deeply criticizes the capitalist economic system in his political economy and so to turn the socialism from fantasy into science. This dissertation argues that globalization is an objective historical process of human development that will surpass the space, social system and cultural barriers. It leads to over-all communication and interaction in world-wide range, and finally achieves harmony. Its nature is the contradictory movement between the productive forces and productive relations, which has a trend of communism. The above-mentioned is the theoretical premise of the dissertation.Together with the emerging of the capitalist mode of production, led and pushed by capitalism, globalization has firstly formed and developed in its economic facet. The dissertation argues that the economic globalization is a basic facet of globalization, which refers to the globalization on continuous economic activities and to the globalization on certain productive relations. It comes from the contradictory movement between the productive forces and productive relations. It enables the development of communism on the basis of the extensive development of both productive forces and the related world wide communication. Following Marx’s research methodology used in studying social development, this dissertation puts perspective on economic globalization. It focuses on the analysis of productive forces and its development. In other words, the focus does not rest on the settlement of production factors or the adjustment of productive structure, but lies on the analysis of international economic relations and international productive relations that are presented during economic globalization. Therefore to explore, from the contradictory movement of the above-mentioned two terms, the nature and trend of economic globalization. This is where the innovation lies and is also the purpose of this study.The development of capitalism demonstrates that capitalism has not only brought to human being evangelist, but also the historical limitations. This dissertation argues the issues of economic globalization and the historical choice contemporarily made by China. It develops from rationale to historical analysis, and on to realistic analysis, and to an analysis of destiny of capitalism, futhur to the prospect of socialist future, and finally ends at development study. Concerning the study of economic globalization, the paper highlights the predetermined world-wide interaction, which is the result of the development of productive forces during human development. It tries to expose the fact that learning and replication between cultures accelerated the development of human history, which indicates the inevitability of the sublation of the capitalism in its own historic process. Through the analyses of the critiques made by people in different times from various angle and the constant struggles, it reveals human-being’s longing and practicing of ideal society in the future. On this basis, following Marx’s theory of human history’s possible salutatory development, the paper combines socialism practice and movement with phenomenon and trend of economic globalization in its study. The above-mentioned is the logic structure and the content of this dissertation.Guided by Marx’s world history theory, taking Marx’s political economic analysis as instrument, based on the development under two societies, the dissertation systematically argues globalization and economic globalization, and concludes that Socialism is a historical choice of China. Socialism with Chinese characteristics conforms to the trend of times, taking the responsibilities not only to regain the prosperity of China, but also to present socialist ambition to the world, to display socialism significance in one’s all-round development and self-fulfillment. Critically arguing the nature and trend of economic globalization from Marxist perspective, we aim at consolidating communist ideal, in order to better contribute to the construction of the Socialism with Chinese characteristics. Contemporarily, worldwide economic globalization appears to be complicated and constantly changing, which makes it a theoretically and practically significant project to be studied. Furthurmore, together with the development of economic globalization, the globalization on the facets emerges gradually. Therefore, socialist movement and China are facing opportunities as well as challenges, which deserve futhur research in the future.


