

City Development-Relocations and Enviroment Changes in the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River in History

【作者】 仇立慧

【导师】 黄春长;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 黄河中游地区历史上曾经建立过多个都城并形成过许多区域性中心城市,在历史时期由于受资源环境条件演变的影响,这些都市一直在关中平原、伊洛盆地这一广阔的地理空间内频繁迁移。以前大部分学者对该区域城市的选址迁移和建设发展等问题的研究,主要基于古代历史文献记载的资料,并侧重于从政治、经济、军事、文化等社会人文方面进行探讨。实际上,这些都市在不同时期的兴衰和城址的迁移变化,与当地自然环境的变迁具有密切关系。目前对历史时期城市迁移发展与环境变迁关系的研究还比较简单、朴素。本文主要通过查阅大量古籍文献资料、自然灾害史料和考古资料等,结合历史时期环境演变的自然科学证据,并在野外实地考查的基础上,应用环境科学理论、现代地理学理论,从环境变迁、人地关系演变的视觉,通过多学科综合分析,去探讨古代黄河中游都市发展迁移与环境变化之间的关系。这对于客观认识整个黄河中游城市历史人地关系演变的重要规律,对于科学地理解黄河中游地区历史上城市的发展演变和迁移与环境演变互动关系规律,具有十分重要的理论意义。对于目前在全球变化的环境背景当中,黄河中游各个类型城市的建设发展所面临的一系列环境资源问题提供历史借鉴,并对当前开展城市建设与生态环境保护工作提供理论指导。本文通过对先周至唐代黄河中游地区都市发展迁移的特点、过程和不同历史时期资源环境变化对都市发展迁移的影响进行分析;并选取了影响古代黄河中游都市发展的典型自然灾祸事件——瘟疫和饥荒,分析了其发生的环境原因及与城市发展的关系;研究了古代西安城市人为环境污染及其对城市发展的影响等。根据本文研究的结果,主要得出以下结论:1.黄河中游古代都市(邑)的迁移发展是在黄河中游乃至整个东亚季风区气候变化的控制下,引起区域资源环境状况的好转或退化演变,从根本上决定了区域经济与社会发展演变的基本空间格局,由此导致了不同历史时期的都市(邑)发展迁移的空间地理过程。在这一过程中,人们总是顺应大尺度气候环境变迁的趋势,以占领或谋取更优越的自然环境条件和更为丰富的水土资源为目的,不断优化选择和充分利用资源环境优势或者规避环境灾害而进行的地理空间的调整过程。并且随着政治、经济以及军事实力的不断增强,其对环境和资源条件选择的机会越多,迁移的空间尺度越大,主动性越强。不同的历史时期,都市(邑)选址迁移的主导因素不同,按气候状况及其主导都市(邑)迁移的资源环境因素,提出了都邑迁移的类型及特点:(1)冷干—资源退化型迁移。在气候干冷化趋势下,水土资源和生物资源退化,导致北方游牧民族南下侵扰,引起都城迁移。一般由高纬度向低纬度、由高海拔向低海拔、由高原(或台地、高阶地)向河谷、冲积平原的一、二级阶地迁移。以寻求更适宜的农业气候条件和更丰富的水土资源条件为目的。(2)温湿—洪涝灾害型迁移。气候温暖湿润,降水丰富,水土资源优越。但因都邑地处低洼地带,随着环境的变化,洪涝灾害风险增大。由河流附近的冲积平原一级阶地或河漫滩,迁移到二、三级阶地或台塬地区。(3)干旱—资源短缺型迁移。气候干旱,水资源短缺。由台塬迁往河流附近冲积平原地区的一、二级阶地,以寻求更好的水土资源。(4)异常多变—灾害频发型迁移。气候没有显著的变化趋势,变化异常,或旱或涝,生态环境恶化,自然灾害频繁发生。导致农业经济衰退,城市萧条。为躲避灾害,迁移到生态环境比较优越的地区。2.通过分析黄河中游近2000年来瘟疫发生的环境原因及其对城市发展影响,表明黄河中游近2000年来共发生了140多次瘟疫。本区瘟疫发生与气候变化和环境以及自然灾害之间有显著的相关性。从长期来看,在气候恶化时期瘟疫发生频率较高,尤其是在气候异常变化、旱涝灾害频繁出现时最容易发生瘟疫;从一年之内来看,春夏季是瘟疫多发的时期。瘟疫在人口集中的城市最容易发生,对城市发展造成很大的影响。3.通过分析黄河中游近2000年来饥荒发生的环境原因及其对城市发展影响,表明饥荒的发生与气候变化、自然灾害以及生态环境变化之间有显著的关系。主要表现为:气候寒冷时期,农业生产受到影响,饥荒发生频率较高,气候温暖时期,农业生产发展,饥荒发生频率较低;历史上严重的自然灾害和生态环境恶化常常引发饥荒。尤其是旱灾与饥荒的发生关系最为密切,历史时期黄河中游地区55%的饥荒都是由旱灾引起的。历史时期黄河中游地区生态环境的恶化也是饥荒发生的重要原因。频繁发生的饥荒对城市发展建设造成一定的影响。4.通过对古代西安地下水污染过程、机制及其对城市发展的影响研究,表明古代西安地下水污染始于汉代,并不断加剧。发现西安所处的特殊地形条件和水文环境是造成地下水污染的客观原因,对地下水的汲取及其生活污水、垃圾、人畜排泄物等不合理排放是造成地下水污染的主要人文原因。由于地下水污染引起的水资源短缺影响了古代西安城址迁移和城市发展;现代西安地下水污染很大程度上是由于历史上污染物不断富集和积累的结果,在解决当前西安市城市水资源利用问题时,必须充分考虑西安特殊的地形和水文条件。本研究深入揭示了黄河中游不同时期都市发展迁移的资源环境原因,提出了古代都市迁移的类型及特点;揭示了瘟疫、饥荒等自然灾祸发生的规律、环境原因及其对都市发展的影响;发现了西安市地下水污染积累的地形及水文环境原因及其污染机制。在研究中采用黄土剖面、冰芯等提取的古代气候环境变化的自然证据,并结合文献记载资料,二者相互补充、相互印证,进行研究,无疑具有很强的实证性。这对深刻认识资源环境变化与都市发展的作用规律、进一步促进这方面的研究都具有重要的理论意义,对解决当前城市发展中面临的资源环境问题及协调城市发展与环境关系等实践提供历史借鉴。

【Abstract】 There were established many ancient capitals or cites in the middle reaches of Yellow River in history. These capitals were frequently moved originally by the changes of resources and environmental condition among the wide area of Guanzhong Plain and Yi-Luo Basin. However, many academicians always ignored this in their research based on the record in literature, but paid more attention to human factors, such as politics, economy, culture and military affairs in past. Actually, the changes of urban flourish, ruin and relocation are highly related to the changes of climate and environment. In present these studies still are few and simple. In paper has specially focused on systematically exploring the relationship between environmental changes and urban site changes, in the view of the relationship between nature and human and environmental change in ancient period in middle reaches of Yellow River, furthermore applied to scientific evidence combined with the record in literature and the data based on field work, and integrated the theories and methods in environment science and modern geography. There are very important theoretical meanings for adequately understanding the development regulation on relationship between environment and human, and the interaction between the urban site change and environment change in middle reaches of Yellow River. The study will offer some experience for meet the environmental and resource problem in urban development and construction process now, especially under global environmental change, and also provide the theoretical consult for environmental conservations in the middle reaches of Yellow River.The paper has analyzed the characteristics and processes of capitals or cities relocation and development in ancient period, and their influences by the change of resource and environment in the middle reaches of Yellow River in every historical stage. Also the paper has analyzed the reasons caused by environment change on plague and famine, selecting them as major of typical disaster occurring in the middle reaches of Yellow River, and their influences on urban development; analyzed the underground water pollution and its influence on urban development in ancient Xi’an city.Some conclusions were reached:1. The relocation and development of the ancient capital or city in history is originally influenced by climate changes in Middle Reaches of Yellow River even in east-Asian monsoon region, which could lead to regional natural resources improving or degenerating, even to control the spatial patterns of regional economic and society change. In that process, people always purpose to gain the more predominant environment and the more abundant water and land resources under the large scale of climate change by urban relocation. Also in which process they gradually make the most of environmental advantages and enrichment water and land resources, or avoid environmental disasters. And as being political, economy as well as military strength strengthen continuously, they have the more opportunities and initiatives to use those resources in large area. The selection of urban location was determinant by dissimilar factors in every historical stage with climate changes. So we grouped them into four types by the climate condition and the dominant factors. (1) Urban move by cold-dry climate and resource degradation. Under cold and dry climate, the biological resource and the water and land resources are degenerated. Those led to nomadic nationality in northern invaded to the farming nationality in southern. Seeking for better water and land resources, they moved their capitals or cities from high-latitude area to low-latitude, from northern to southern, from plateau to plain. (2) Urban move by warm-wet climate and flood. Climate is warm and moist; temperature has high, and rich of precipitation and water and land resources. But the flood risk increases in plain, the capitals or cities are moved from plant to plateau. (3) Urban move by arid climate and scarce resources. Climate is arid, shortage of water resource. Capitals or cities were moved from plateau to plain, in order to seek for better resources of water and land. (4) Urban move by unusual climate change and the more disaster. Climate has no obvious tendency, it is unusual to change, and environment worsen, disaster is occurring frequently. Cause to agricultural recession and city depression. To avoid disaster capitals or cities were moved to the superior environment.2. There were a total of nearly 140 times of plague occurred in recent 2000 years in the middle reaches of Yellow River, through statistical analysis through local historical disaster record and relating information. It shows that there has a significant relationship between the plague occurrences and the local climate changes and disasters. In the long term, the plague occurring are higher frequency in climatic deterioration period; particularly in period of unusual climate change, drought and flood occurring are most prone to plague; in season, spring and summer is plague-prone period. Moreover, citizen is most vulnerable by plague. So the plague occurrences had a great impact on local urban development in middle reaches of Yellow River. 3. Through analyzed on the reasons of famine occurred by environment change and the relation with city development, it shows that there has a significant relationship between the famine occurrences and the local climate changes, disasters and environmental conditions. Result follows: in cold climate period, crop yield is dropped and the frequency of famine occurring is higher; on the contrary, in warm climate period, it is lower. The serious disaster and deterioration of environmental condition often trigger famine in the historical period. 55% of famines was caused by drought in middle reaches of Yellow River. Famines occurring frequently have heavily affected urban development in past 2000 years.4. The underground water pollution occurred from Han Dynasty, and became more and more serious during historical period in ancient Xi’an city. Because the city is located in alluvial plain near Weihe River, and underground water flow though there, the down part of aquiclude is lower than the height of Weihe surface, those leads to underground water form a close circle,so easily make the contaminations enter in underground water and enrich. This becomes the primary reason of underground water pollution. Plenty of waste and excrement produced by large number of population and animals in history and being improperly deal with becomes the secondary causes. So in long historical period the under-ground water gradually deteriorated. This resulted in the change of urban location, the shortage of water resource and the retardarce of urban development in historical period. That also contributes to underground water pollution in Xi’an city today. Therefore, we must adequately take into account for the condition of terrain and hydrographic in solve water pollution in Xi’an city today.The paper has revealed the influences of resource and environment change on the relocation and development of these cities in the middle reaches of Yellow River; has put forward the type of ancient capital or city move and its characteristics ; has revealed the regulation of plague and famine occurring and its cause by environment change and the affect to urban development; and discovered the reason of underground water pollution and its mechanism caused by special terrain and water condition in Xi’an city. The scientific evidences from loess section and ice heart and so on, combines with the literature record, which indicating to ancient climate and environment change, were applied in study. This method is more rational because of both them confirming mutually. This study is helpful to profound understanding the interactive regulation between environment change and city development, promote to farther study in those field. Also this can offer the historical consult to solve the resource and environment problem in the course of city development, to coordinate the relationship between urban development and environment change nowadays.


