

【作者】 马晓风

【导师】 党怀兴;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 宋代的金文研究是中國學術史上金文研究的肇端時期,產生了四十餘部著述,無論在資料的保存還是學科的創建上,都做出了開創性的貢獻,留給後學一筆豐厚的學術遺產。而就目前來看,學術界對宋代的金文學重視不夠,很多問題的研究尚比較薄弱。選取宋代金文學作为研究課題,主要是出於這樣一種努力:即在傳統金文學的視域內,探究金文學興起於宋代的原因,探討並總結宋代金文考釋方法論,分析宋代金文學取得的成就及對後世尤其是清代金文學的影響,以期为金文學史、古文字學史、漢字發展演變研究史、器物學史等學術通史的撰寫提供翔實可靠的資料。全文共分七章。第一章主要包括兩方面的內容:其一,選题的緣由及意義。其二,研究的歷史與現狀。對宋代金文學自晚清王國維首開研究之風,其後民國時容庚、馬衡、楊樹達等均進行了一定範圍內的研究。近二三十年中相關著述漸多,也有所發明,但仍是籠統的評介過多,細緻的分析與舉證不足。分析前輩和時賢在相關問題的研究上取得的成果和仍存在的不足,为我們進行全面系統的研究指明了方向。第二章依據宋、元、明及清代目錄學著作和近代一些專門的金石學目錄著作對宋代產生的金文學著作進行清查,並對現存的重要著作進行提要式評介。第三章分析宋代金文學興起的原因,分別從背景與環境、鐘鼎器物的盛出、相關的學術積累與準備及雕版印刷技術與拓墨技術等有利的技術條件等方面進行探討。學者間的學術交遊也促進了宋代金文研究的開展和深入。宋代學者對於鐘鼎器物的研究目的比較明確,即用於“證經補史”,這一目的對宋代金文研究既有積極作用也有消極影響。宋代金文學經歷了一個從興起到興盛至細化深入的過程,本章最後一節簡要梳理了這一過程,並總結了每個階段的特點。第四章探討和總結宋代金文學研究方法論。宋人釋出了六百餘金文,主要是用對照法釋出的,偏旁分析法宋人也有很好的應用。除了形體上的考察,先秦文獻中相同或相似的辭例與銘文的通讀也幫助宋人考釋出了一部分金文。在考釋文字的過程中,宋代學者對金文的構形特點形成了比較準確的認識,對漢字發展的一些規律也有所探討。宋人實踐了的方法是比較科學的,但是由於態度的草率及相關學科建設的限制,也存在不少的問题。第五章主要是分析宋人在器物的搜集、整理與圖錄,及對銘文的摹錄與傳佈等方面的工作。宋人對器銘的廣泛搜求,規模是空前的。對器物的圖錄和銘文的摹錄比較準確,宋人所著錄的很多銘文至今也是比較有價值的,为後代相關研究提供了很好的材料。第六章主要是分析宋人在器物學相關方面的研究。包括四個方面的內容,其一是青銅器的定名研究,宋人所確定的器名大多數为現代金文學所沿用,更为重要的是宋人在確定了利用器物自名和文獻記載以確定青銅器名的兩大原則;其二宋人對所著錄的器物基本上都進行了斷代,其中有價值的是提出了幾條判斷商器的標準,以及系聯以斷代的方法;其三,對所著錄的青銅器進行了分類;其四,對對器物用途也有比較客觀的認識。這幾個方面的研究宋人都取得了開創性的成果。第七章總結宋代金文學的成就與影響,包括三個方面的內容:其一,宋代金文學的成就。其二,宋代金文學的影響。宋代金文學對宋元明六書學產生了積極的影響,为六書學提供了較可靠的古文字材料。對清代金文學尤其在著述體例和文字考釋方面多有影響。其三,對宋代金文學評價。總體來說,宋代金文學涉及了多方面的研究,創獲頗多。雖然由於觀念、學識和相關學科建設不足等原因還存在文字描摹失真,釋文不夠精當,斷代不甚準確,以及名實相違、牽強附會等問題,但是筆路藍縷,開創之功是最重要的。

【Abstract】 The inscription research on ancient bronzes during the Song Dynasty is the beginning time of the research on Ancient Chinese characters. In this period there were more than forty works appeared. They made much achievement in a creative way regardless of material preserved or the discipline foundation. This is rich academic inheritance that the scholars of Song Dynasty remained to the descendant scholars. But at present the attention paid by academia to it is inscificent. And there is much blank space in interrelated field of research. That is why the author chooses it as topic of the dissertation. The author makes great efforts in the vision of traditional inscription research on ancient bronzes to hunt after the reason why the inscription research on ancient bronzes arisen in Song Dynasty, discuss and sum up the methodology formed by the scholars of Song Dynasty researching on bronze inscription and analyze the achievement they made as well as the influence of the inscription research on ancient bronzes during the Song Dynasty on the interrelated research in the Qing Dynasty on the chance of providing full and accurate material to write the learning history of research on bronze inscription, ancient Chinese Characters, theory of Chinese Characters and so on.The dissertation is divided into seven chapters.The first chapter concludes two aspects. One is the reason why the author chooses this topic. Another is the history and actuality of the research on bronze inscription research during the Song Dynasty. Wang Guo-wei in the late Qing Dynasty firstly investigated the research on bronze inscription during the Song Dynasty. During the Republic of China Rong Geng, Ma Heng and Yang Shu-da etc. made research on this topic with certain range. In the last three decades works and articles pertinent to this topic increased gradually and put forward much new view. On the whole the sweeping statement is superabundant but the careful quoting is insufficient. The achievements obtained by the senior and the scholars of present age and the insufficiencies still existing on problems in correlation is a lamp for us to make an overall and in-depth study survey.In the second chapter the author counts the works on the inscription research on ancient bronzes produced during the Song Dynasty on the grounds of the catalog works from the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty and some specialized epigraphy works in modern times. At the same time the author makes summary on some works of importance.In the third chapter the author analyses the reason why the inscription research on ancient bronzes arisen in the Song Dynasty from four aspects including the blackboard and environment, the ancient bronzes appeared in an excavation in huge amounts, interrelated academic accumulation and preparation, the Engraving Printing and the technique to make rubbings. The communication among the scholars of the Song Dynasty promoted the research on bronze inscription. The final purposes of their research was to substantiat the study of Confucian Classics and supplement the historiography. This pursuit had a positive effect as well as passive influence. The inscription research on ancient bronzes during the Song Dynasty itself was a process of gradual development from arisen to flourish and to penetrate deeply. The author deals with this process up on all and summaries the characters of each period at the end of this chapter.Chapter four is the utmost importance part of this dissertation. In this part the author mainly discusses and summarizes the method that the scholars of Song Dynasty used to research the bronze inscription. The scholars had identified more than 600 ancient Chinese Characters on the ancient bronzes they collected. Confrontation method was mainly used. And analyzed the constituent parts of the ancient Chinese Characters on the ancient bronzes was also effected. Besides these two methods the same or similar use of Chinese Characters in the classic works of Pre-Qin Period and the meaning of the epigraph also helped to identify the Chinese Characters on ancient bronzes. During the Song Dynasty the scholars formed comparatively accurate knowledge on the common rules of grapheme of the Bronzes Characters and the development of ancient Chinese characters as well. The methods they used ware comparatively scientific but with imprudence and limitation by related branch of learning there ware many mistakes existed in their research.In chapter five the author analyzed the work that the scholars of Song Dynasty quested after and collected ancient bronzes diffusely, painted them as well as the emblazonry, copied the bronzes inscription and recorded the place that the bronzes appeared in an excavation etc. The scale of the research was unprecedented extensive. The figure and the inscription of the ancient bronzes painted by the scholars of Song Dynasty were comparatively precise. And some inscriptions in ancient bronzes that recorded by the scholars of Song Dynasty were still valuable for interrelated research of today.In chapter six the author analyses the research made by the scholars of Song Dynasty on the ancient bronzes. Firtly the scholars of Song Dynasty made certain the name of the ancient bronzes. The names made by them are still used by the scholars of today. And it is more important that the scholars of Song Dynasty made two pieces of discipline to ascertain the name of the ancient bronzes. Secondly the scholars of Song Dynasty ascertained the age of the acient bornzes. And more important is than they provided several discipline to ascertain the bronze of Shang Dynasty as well as the mothod of relating the correlative bronzes to ascertain the age of them. Thirdly the scholars of Song Dynasty classified the bronzes they collected. Forthly the scholars of Song Dynasty had an opjective awareness of the usage of the ancient bronzes. In a word the scholars of Song Dynasty made some creative achievements in these aspects.In chapter seven the author summarized the achievement obtained during the Song Dynasty on the bronze inscription research and the influence of the correlative research. as well. This chapter concludes three aspects. Firstly the achievement of the bronze inscription research during the Song Dynasty. Secondly the influence of it. The inscription research on ancient bronzes during the Song Dynasty provided reliable materials of ancient Chinese characters for the research on "Liushu". It also influenced the interrelated research during the Qing Dynasty. Thirdly the remark on the bronze inscription research during the Song Dynasty. As a whole the inscription research on ancient bronzes during the Song Dynasty covered a wide range of field, brought forth much new ideas. But lack of scientific knowledge and erudition etc. there still existed some insufficiency such as distortion of the copied inscription from ancient bronzes, inaccuracy of identified the bronze characters and the age of the bronzes as well an some names didn’t square with the facts and so on. After all the inscription research on ancient bronzes during the Song Dynasty was the beginning period of the research on the bronzes. They inaugurated a new field of study and this is the utmost importance.


