

【作者】 时国强

【导师】 魏耕原;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 文学研究的基本立足点是作家作品,经典作家作品则构成了文学史的骨干与主流。元嘉三大家作为一个历史时期的代表,其创作取得了很高的成就,在生前身后都产生了巨大而深远的影响,因此对于他们的研究有着重要的意义。本文不贪多求全,只求有所发现,着重于解决问题。故而本文的每一章节都有一个中心,并以此为切入点展开论述,在各种资料的排比梳理中,商榷异同,求得真知。总体上看,本文可分为引言、正文、馀论三部分。引言部分分为两节,正文包含五章十六节,馀论一节梳理不同历史时期三大家的名次地位之升降,全文近二十万字。引言重点综述了二十世纪以来三大家的研究概况,这一部分虽然只是对前人研究成果的扼要述评,却是本文研究的出发点、参照系,一部分内容和正文形成了背景映衬的关系,因此也是本文不可或缺的重要组成部分。引言的另一部分简略交代了本文的研究重点及方法,具有提纲挈领的作用。第一、二章讨论三大家的创作共性,第三、四章讨论三大家的诗歌差别,第五章以点带面,以打深井的方式分析了三人的代表赋作,馀论梳理不同历史时期三大家的名次地位之升降,是对三大家成就的一个总结与定位。三大家的创作共性。首先表现为他们的作品都受到了时代因素的影响,如蓬勃繁荣的治世气象,昂扬刚健发扬蹈厉的时代精神,当时的各项文化政策、社会思潮,以及士庶关系的变动等,都可在他们的作品中找到相应的痕迹。其次,他们的诗歌共性通常被称为元嘉体。本文认为元嘉体的特征主要表现为:厚重密丽,险峭生新,以赋为诗。其三,三人的创作共同促成了晋宋诗运转关,在题材上表现为玄言山水的兴替更迭和宫体诗的萌生;在情感内容上表现为“性情渐隐,声色大开”,即不再关注人伦政治,社会现实内容日益减少,而开始追求语言藻采之美;语言表达上,“渐以句求,古道渐亡”,具体指追求名章佳句,自造生词,渐饰音律,讲求对偶等。其四,他们的创作在整个诗史上有着重要意义。如元嘉体力大思雄,如棱增巨石磊落突起,异于中古其他诗风。在创作方法上则又较多地师法于建安、太康,而且变本加厉,以致复兴了古诗却亡了古法。沈曾植提出的“三关说”,勾画了元嘉、元祐、元和“三关”一脉的诗歌发展线索,与占主流地位的温婉流丽蕴藉空灵的诗歌取向,一起构成了中国诗史的两大传统。三大家的诗歌差别。首先讨论了三人诗歌风貌的差异,谢灵运的诗歌风貌是自然和清美。自然表现为较为显见的语言的自然,对于大自然的真实情态及其内在神韵的真实描写,以及对自己情怀的称性而出淋漓尽致地抒发。清美是指谢灵运的诗歌富艳而能清淡,华美而不失高洁,显得非常鲜亮明净。颜延之的诗歌风貌是雕缋与清真。雕缋表现为以填缀为工,追求藻采,侈用典故等。清真是指感情真挚,语言简切。鲍照的诗歌风貌主要表现为险俗和俊逸。险俗主要指遣词造句的追新逐奇,抒情方式的纵恣讦直,以及艳诗的流荡绮靡。俊逸大致是指鲍照以七言为主的乐府诗的奔放豪迈。具体来讲,主要是指鲍照的乐府诗具有强烈的情感气势,以及通畅恣肆的语言。其次,讨论了谢灵运鲍照山水诗的不同,谢灵运常在山水诗中以理灭情,用玄理消除心中的苦闷。鲍照则融情于景,借助景色描写抒发心中情愫。谢灵运多写浙东一带奇丽的山水,鲍照多写长江一线的雄浑景色,这种地域差别也影响了二人的诗歌美感。其三,谢鲍二人的乐府诗也有着很大的差别,谢灵运的乐府诗宛曲深沉,较多地继承了汉魏诗歌的抒情传统。鲍照的古乐府则气势充沛,感情强烈,使用了奔冲跌宕式和弥漫发散式两类抒情方式,相较于汉魏古诗表现出更多的创变性。对于同属韵语文学的赋,本文重点讨论了三人的代表作。本文认为谢灵运《撰征赋》的主观意图在于通过缅怀往日家族的荣耀,抒发仕途失意的消极情绪。《山居赋》的特别之处在于,它既具有抒情小赋的情韵,又具有汉大赋的铺陈罗列,而且增加了自注的体例。其文学成就在于它的注文、正文中的一些景色描写非常优美,与其山水诗有异曲同工之妙。鲍照《芜城赋》的主旨不是为了影射现实,也不是单纯地慨叹盛衰兴亡。而是以凭吊古迹的形式抒发了久已郁积的情感,寄托了自己的身世之叹。颜延之的《赭白马赋》之所以出现颂、谏内容,与汉赋的颂谏传统有关,也与颜延之典雅、粉饰升平的意图,以及咏马题材的渊源传统有关。馀论讨论了从南朝到明清不同历史时期,人们对元嘉三大家文学成就的评价,以及由此产生的排名顺序的变化。了解他们排名顺序的变动,有助于全面准确地把握他们的创作,也有助于了解不同时期文学观念的变化。

【Abstract】 The fundamental foothold of literature study is the writer and work, so the classic author and work have composed the backbone and main current of history of literature. Three distinguished writers in Yuanjia Period as the representative of a history period have got very high accomplishment, and produced enormous and far-reaching effect whether they live or die, so the research on them have important significance. The thesis is not greedy for perfection and completion, but only for some discoveries, and solving problem preferentially. Therefore, there is a centre in every chapter and section of the thesis, and take it as a point of penetration spread out to discuss. The thesis analyses various data to differentiate its similarities and differences for genuine knowledge. As a whole goes ahead, the thesis can be divided into three parts: the foreword, text, epilogue . The foreword contain two sections, text contains sixteen sections in five chapters, epilogue study the order of three distinguished writers in Yuanjia Period in different history period, and full text is close to 200,000 characters.The foreword preferentially sum up the research general situation of three distinguished writers in Yuanjia Period in 20th century, though this section only comment the research other people’s result, it is the starting point and frame of reference of the thesis. Moreover, some sections of the foreword have formed background compared to text, so these sections are also indispensable parts of the thesis. Another part of the foreword have introduced briefly priorities studied and method, so it have effect of digest.Their common character of poem is discussed in the first and second chapter, and the difference is discussed in third and fourth chapter, as regard fu, this thesis discuss representative fu by using the experience of one point to lead the whole area. The epilogue study the order of three distinguished writers in Yuanjia Period in different history period, at the same time, their literature accomplishment have been summed up and fixed literature position.The common characteristic of work of three distinguished writers in Yuanjia Period is showed three aspects bellow. First, their works are affected by factors of age, such as the scene of prosperous age, the vigorous spirit of age, various culture policy of that time, society trend of thought, the changes of the relations of the noble and the humble, and so on, all these factors can be find corresponding trails in their work. Secondly, The common characteristic of their poem is generally called Yuanjiati, and its characteristics are dense and exquisite, precipitous and novel, and using the method of fu to write poem. The third, their work have changed the poem style when Jin Dynasty replaced by Song Dynasty, the subject of their poem is changed from xuanyan to shanshui and gongtishi appears. The emotion content Also have changed from temperament disappeared to look after magnificent language gradually, namely, no more pay attention to human relations and politics, and the social reality fall off, but to look after the adorned language. Language expression is starting to hunt beautiful line, making a new word by self, adorning tonality, being elaborate about antithesis and so on. The fourth, their work have important significance in entire history of poetry, such as Yuanjiati is very forceful as a big stone protruding, so it very different from other poem styles. But they learn a lot from the poets of Man an Period and Taikang Period, and so hard that reviving ancient poem but dieing out ancient method of poem. The sanguanshuo proposed by Shen Cengzhi draw the outline of poem developing clue composed of Yuanhe, Yuanyou, Yuanjia, and form two history traditions of Chinese poem with the poem tendency that is graceful and implicit taking up the leading position.The poem differences of three distinguished writers in Yuanjia Period are showed in three aspects bellow. First, their poem styles are very different, such as Xie Lingyun’s poem style is natural and exquisite, the natural style embodies natural language, vivid depiction of external form and inherent romantic charm of nature, and the sufficient expression of emotion. The exquisite style is that Xie Lingyun’s poem is gorgeous but delicate, magnificent but pure, showed very bright and clean. Yan Yanzhi’s poem style is ornate and concise, the ornate style take adorned as good, running after magnificent language, excessively using literary quotation, and so on. The concise style is to say that the emotion of Yan Yanzhi’s poem is cordial and the language of Yan Yanzhi’s poem is simple and accurate. The poem style of Bao Zhao is vulgar and indulge, the peculiarly wording and phrasing, the unrestrained expression of emotion, and lascivious Yanshi have composed of the vulgar style. The indulge style contain mainly the bold and generous Yuefushi that composed mainly of qiyan sentence, concretely, it is to say that Yuefushi of Bao Zhao have strong emotion momentum and unobstructed language.Secondly, the shanshuishi of Xie Lingyun and Bao Zhao are very different, Xie Lingyun often eliminate his dejected emotion by using xuanli. But Bao Zhao often express his emotion by depicting scenery. Xie Lingyun mainly depict strange and beautiful scenery of east of Zhejiang province, but Bao Zhao mainly depict the forceful scenery along the bank of the Yangtse River, moreover, this region difference affect the Aesthetic feeling of their poem.The third, the difference of yuefushi of Xie Lingyun and Bao Zhao is very obvious, Xie Lingyun’s yuefushi is tactful and deep , mainly inherit expression tradition of Han and Wei dynasties. But the momentum of Bao Zhao’s yuefushi is plentiful, and the emotion is very strong. Bao Zhao’s yuefushi embody a big change compared to the ancient poem of Han and Wei dynasties because of using two expression methods of running and diverging.As regard as fu that belong to rhythmical language literature, the thesis discuss emphatically their representative fu. The writer think that the subjective intention of Xie Lingyun’s zhuanzhengfu is to express his inactive mood of politic setback by recalling old glory of his family. Shanjufu is peculiar because have feeling rhyme of expression fu and elaborating and listing of Han da fu, moreover, it increase annotation by himself. Its literature accomplishment lies in some scenery depicting are very beautiful in its annotation and text, having the charm of his shanshuishi. The purpose of Bao Zhao’s wuchengfu is to express his accumulated dejected emotion by visiting to a historic site and grieve his life experience, not to satirize politics and sighs for prosperity and declining simply. The reason of Appearing eulogy and expostulation in Yan Yanzhi’s zhebaimafu is related to the eulogy and expostulation tradition of Hanfu, also related to elegant intention of Yan Yanzhi and the tradition of subject chanting horse.The epilogue discuss the estimation differences of literature accomplishment of three distinguished writers in Yuanjia Period in different history period and order changes aroused by the estimation differences. So it is helpful to assure their works all-round and accurately, it is also helpful to inspect the changes of literature concept in different period.

【关键词】 元嘉谢灵运颜延之鲍照
【Key words】 YuanjiaXie LingyunYan YanzhiBao Zhao

