

【作者】 苏仲乐

【导师】 李西建;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本论文的基本内容是,以理解詹姆逊批评理论思想为基础,对其理论进行学理分析,力图就詹姆逊批评理论与西方知识传统,尤其与西方马克思主义的当代发展的关系进行阐述,强调詹姆逊批评理论的知识背景,突出他的理论发展与从西方马克思主义到“后现代马克思主义”这一知识转型谱系的内在联系。从一定意义上说是以詹姆逊批评理论为典型个案,对当代西方知识界的发展轨迹进行研究,全面分析当代知识形态中非常重要的“文化批评”的实践轨迹。本论文分为四章,分别涉及詹姆逊批评理论的知识背景、理论关键词梳理、对其理论实践形态的理解,以及理论现实性的具体研究四个方面。在第一章中,通过对詹姆逊批评理论与西方马克思主义哲学传统中的一些基本命题之关系的分析,揭示了詹姆逊批评理论实践中存在的一种自觉的方法论意识——历史主义及其辩证法传统。詹姆逊批评理论中马克思主义问题性与后结构主义理论工具之间构成了某种特殊的思想关系。同时说明,这种辨证思维的理论自觉已内化为詹姆逊著作的核心意图,在马克思历史主义原则的统摄下,充分展示出马克思主义在当代知识生产领域的历史性与复杂性。詹姆逊的批评理论实践历程内蕴于阐释批评理论中理论与实践的历史性互动关系,这是马克思主义传统历史性的组成部分。其次,本文选择索绪尔语言学、弗洛伊德精神分析和存在主义三种知识类型作为分析詹姆逊批评理论当代知识背景的切入点,以说明当代理论思潮在詹姆逊批评理论中的具体配置。借助这些理论模型,他的社会文化分析研究深入到了以往理论探讨未及的领域,而詹姆逊对各种思想形态的批判性理解和接受也构成了这些思想进入当代文化语境的重要契机。第二章则对詹姆逊批评理论中的三个核心概念,即历史、总体性和意识形态,进行了深入的探讨和分析。“历史”、“总体性”和“意识形态”这三个概念构成了一个总体性的概念丛,在詹姆逊批评理论当中占据着结构性的基础地位。詹姆逊的文学一文化批评,将审美对象作了本质的还原,其方法的特点在于把审美视为一种在更为广阔的历史框架内的功能。通过对这几个概念的探讨,我们看剑詹姆逊通过“辩证批评”、“总体性”概念在卢卡奇的辩证法和阿尔都塞的认识论之间架起了一座桥梁,完成了马克思主义批评传统内部的“桥接”。但是,这并非是詹姆逊工作的全部,毋宁说是其批评理论的马克思主义起点的奠基。在澄清了批评的立场(运用马克思主义知识对资本主义及其文化的编码-解码)之后,批评方法成为了一个主要问题。在他的理论实践中居于核心地位的机械论试图将生产方式中的历史变化与美学话语的主体性生产联系起来。詹姆逊所有的理论研讨的起点,通常都体现在这种观念上,即把经济生产和文化生产都置于一个总体化的系统内,这是一种马克思式的审视历史的理论视野。第三章主要强调詹姆逊批判理论的实践特征,说明以政治分析为主导的文化研究方向如何进入到文本批评的内容当中去,这是文化批评的非常具体的实践形态。同时,“乌托邦”主题是詹姆逊文化批评的一个核心内容,本文讨论了西方马克思主义知识背景中的乌托邦问题。对詹姆逊而言,乌托邦思考是进行有意义的社会变革的前提条件。他将文学、文化文本看作乌托邦的空间,看作一个与现实对抗的场所,而阐释活动则是一种乌托邦的投射,是祛魅,是一个寻求真理的过程。第四章讨论了詹姆逊批评理论中的“现实性”问题。与一般意义上的“现实意义”或“现实观照”不同,詹姆逊批评理论表述中的“现实性”是一个具有高度抽象性的理论概念,这一理论的“现实性”指向的是一种特殊的实践类型,即理论本身的实践。本章首先探讨了在当代语境,尤其是中国语境下对詹姆逊批评理论文本的接受情况,突出詹姆逊批评理论所具有的“后现代主义”特征在理解接受中产生的不同方向,指出在特定语境下存在的对詹姆逊的误读以及詹姆逊批评理论的一些内在矛盾。其次是对詹姆逊批评理论在各种理论谱系中的具体定位,指出詹姆逊批评理论所可能产生的理论现实可能性。而最终落脚在一种具体的意识形态的结构主义方法上,詹姆逊正是在这个意义上继承了西方马克思主义知识传统中的“现实意识”。结论部分指出了詹姆逊在一种新马克思主义的社会理论框架内对后现代的新特征所进行的理论化,以及为后现代的文化和主体经验形式所提供的总体性解释。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is designed to theoretically deal with the Critical Theory formulated by F. Jameson in order to show the coherent relationship between his theory and western intellectual tradition and the contemporary Marxism in particular, furthermore, to represent its intrinsic connection with the transformation from Western Marxism to Post-Marxism. In a sense, it is safe to say that the dissertation makes attempt to trace the current western knowledge development and analyze the Cultural criticism by taking Jameson’s theory as a sample.This dissertation consists of four chapters in total, covering analysis of Jameson theory’s intellectual resources and important concepts, interpretation of the practical modality of his theory, and the idiographic research of the reality in his theory.The first chapter consists of two parts. One is to show historism dimension and dialectic methodology in Jameson’s theory practice. In his theory, there exists a special relationship between the Marxism problematic with post-structuralism theory, which plays a role of theoretical tool in Jameson’s theory. On the same time, it is pointed out that the dialectic thinking, as a core intention, has internalized integrated part of Jameson’s thoughts which fully displays the historiality and complexity of Marxism against the current knowledge production. The practice of Jameson’s Critical Theory is encompassed in historical interaction of theory and practice, which is part of Marxism tradition. The other is to lay out the configuration of the varied current thoughts, namely, Sausure’s linguistics theory, Freud’s spiritual analysis theory, and Existentialism in Jameson’s theory. By effectively absorbing these thoughts into his theory system, Jameson’s social-cultural analysis extends to the fields, which the previous theories failed to touch. It should be noticed that Jameson’s critical understanding and assimilation constitutes a crucial moment, from which his theory probe into the current cultural context.The second chapter mainly deals with the three key concepts in Jameson’s theory, history, totality and ideology, which form an integrated concept cluster and occupy an important position in his theory system. History, the concept in Jameson’s theory is neither text nor narration, but a cause that is beyond our direct observation. It is can not be understood unless it is tackled in a way of being narrated. To be more specific, history exists as a symbolic narration in political unconsciousness. Totality in Jameson is directed to the diachronic and dialectic social-cultural development. On the basis, he divides the culture into different stages in a perspective of totality. For him, ideology is nothing but a limited reflection of social ideology. Meaning generated from text through a kind of special meaning-generating matrix mechanism, which leads to the ultimate historical horizon.The third chapter is engaged on the practical features of Jameson’s theory in a hope of showing how cultural studies that is dominated by political analysis approaches to the content text criticism. On the other hand, "utopia" is taken into the consideration, which is a significant thread repeatedly appearing in Jameson’s theory. Jameson takes utopia as premises of social transformation. Literary and cultural texts are taken as utopia space that resists the reality. However, interpretation is kind of reflection of utopia, a kind of disenchantment, thus an approach to truth.The fourth chapter is focused on the realistic feature of Jameson’s theory. Varying from the "realistic meaning" or "realistic concern", realistic feature in his theory refers to an absolute abstract theory concept, which directs to a sort of special type of practice, that is, practice of theory itself. By putting Jameson’s theory in the Chinese context, the varieties, especially the misreading, and the interior conflicts of his theory are discussed. The next task in this part is to orient Jameson’s theory in the genealogy of current knowledge, and put forth the possibility of theoretical reality that his critical theory may lead to a concrete ideological structuralism method. In this right sense, Jameson inherits the realistic consciousness in the tradition of Western Marxism.The conclusion of this dissertation mentions that Jameson theorizes the post-modernism features within a new frame of Marxism social theory, and offers the totalizing interpretation of post-modernism cultural and subject experience form.

【关键词】 詹姆逊批评理论意识形态乌托邦后现代主义
【Key words】 JamesonCritical Theoryideologyutopiapost-modernism

