

【作者】 徐建芳

【导师】 杨恩成;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以苏轼与《周易》之间的关系为研究对象。历来一谈到苏轼乐观旷达的人生态度时,评论者大都从佛、道思想去寻其根由。不可否认,释、道思想对苏轼解脱困境的确起过相当作用;但若说苏轼处困时的精神支柱仅仅来自释、道思想则有失偏颇。其实,苏轼在应对人生困境时有另外一种重要的指导思想,即《周易》哲学;而且,苏轼的文艺思想也深受《周易》哲学的启示。遗憾的是,这方面的的深入研究相当缺乏,本文正是鉴于此而作。第一章绪论论述论文选题缘由、研究现状及趋势、主要研究内容。目前关于苏轼与《周易》之间联系的研究相当薄弱,但《周易》对苏轼的处世态度及文艺创作都产生了巨大的影响,这应该成为今后研究苏轼的重要关注点。第二章论述苏轼重视《周易》的原因。宋代社会普遍形成研《易》治《易》的学术热潮;苏轼生长的四川自古以来就有治易的传统:苏轼自小就在父亲苏洵的指导下研读《周易》,而且,苏洵在临终前把他撰著《易传》的遗愿托付给了苏轼;另外,苏轼平生忧患连连,正需要《周易》这部指导人如何修德防患的人生教科书。第三章论述《周易》在苏轼治学中的地位。对《周易》的研治贯穿苏轼的一生。在苏轼眼中,《周易》是一部可以解除忧患的智慧宝典,是圣人们借以传达宇宙、人生人道的哲学著作。苏轼在表达自己的人生、文艺见解时总是引用《周易》哲学来做立论根据。苏轼是抱着传承圣人大道的目的撰写他的《东坡易传》的。第四章论述《周易》对苏轼处世哲学的影响。首先从《周易》的“变易”、“不易”等思想予以论述,《周易》认为世界是永不停息的变化的,没有不变的事物:这使苏轼遭遇困境时始终坚信他必有时来运转之日。《周易》还指出在万物变化的后面有其永恒不变的规律存在。这种观念给苏轼的启示是,外在行为方式可以有所改变,但内在的志操大节绝对不可移易。其次,从《周易》的“乾”德、“谦”德、“贞”观、“时”观、“阴阳”观等角度论述《周易》对苏轼处世智慧的启迪作用。《周易》认为人只有自强不息,才能获得生存发展的机会。苏轼平生正是一个永不停息的奋斗者。《周易》认为人只要始终奉守谦德,就能逢凶化吉、转危为安。苏轼平生努力戒骄戒盈正是受这一思想的影响。《周易》强调只要持守贞正之道,就能度过险境,获得吉祥。这是苏轼处困时临危不惧的内心定石之一。《周易》认为一切行动都要与时偕行。苏轼也认识到处世必须具备审时度势、随时而动的智慧。《周易》认为宇宙是由阴阳两种物质共同构成的,两者必须均衡和谐、相辅相成。这一规律使苏轼一方面领悟到人的性格也应该刚柔相济;另一方面透悟到君子与小人双方也应保持平衡和谐的关系。第五章论述作家的修养。苏轼在《周易》哲学的创作原则“立象以尽意”的启示下认为,作者要想创作出独步千古的文艺作品,关键在于要有超凡绝伦的识见、喷薄欲出的激情。《周易》认为本质决定外表,苏轼也体验到人品决定文品。《周易》强调盛德大业必须由学问中来,苏轼也认为精妙绝伦的作品必须以厚德积学为基础。第六章论述文艺创作。《周易》的创作目的是为了指导人们趋吉避凶,有益于世用。苏轼切实地继承并发扬了这一创作观念。《周易》认为宇宙万物只有不断的变化才能保持亨通、长久。苏轼认为文艺创作也只有不断地求新创变才能获得更大的发展。《周易》认为人若想与外物发生感应必须空虚其怀。苏轼也体验到,人只有在虚静的心境下,才能对外物有精微的感受。第七章论述审美鉴赏。《周易》中已蕴含了追求韵外之致审美观的萌芽,苏轼对“韵”这一审美标准推崇备至。《周易》始终强调阴阳应相成相济,苏轼也认为中和之美才是最高境界的美。《周易》认为尽管宇宙万物各自的生命形式不同,但最终的归结点则是相同的。苏轼也认识到宇宙万物都具有各自的美姿,应持兼容并包的精神予以欣赏。《周易》还强调易道不是一般人就能彰明、推行的。苏轼也认识到文艺作品的被欣赏,必须有具备相当文艺修养的鉴赏者。

【Abstract】 The research object of this paper is the relation between Su Shi and "Zhou Yi". When talking about the life attitude that the Su Shi’s optimistic and big-hearted in times gone by, the critics mostly look for its basic cause from the thought of the Buddhism and Taoist Can’t deny, the thought of the Buddhism and Taoist have got the effect suitable to Su Shi extricates the difficult position indeed; But if saying the moral pillars that Su Shi When being in a hobble is the thought of the Buddhism and Taoist, which is to lose some biased. In fact, the ultimacy guiding ideology that Su Shi answers life difficult position is philosophy of "Zhou Yi". Besides, Su Shi’s literary theory accepts "Zhou Yi" philosophy enlightenment also very much; But person had not done thorough research to this aspect, this paper is exactly owing to this but make.The first chapter is the introduction which discusses thesis selected topic causes , study current situation and the trend , study content mainly. At present the research of the relation between Su Shi and "Zhou Yi" are pretty weak, but "Zhou Yi" all produced huge influence to Su Shi’s conducting attitude and literary and artistic creation, this ought to become importance point in studying Su Shi the days to come.The second chapter discusses the chance and opportunity of Su Shi and the "Zhou Yi". Song Dynasty society forms the learning upsurge on studying "Zhou Yi" commonly; Sichuan that Su Shi growing has the tradition of studying "Zhou Yi" down the ages; Su Shi is read "Zhou Yi" guided by his father Su Xun from youngth, and, Su Xun entrusts the unfulfilled wish of the deceased that he composes "Annotation of Zhou Yi" to Su Shi before approaching self end; Moreover, Su Shi all his life has misery continuously, he exactly need "Zhou Yi" this life textbook to guide person how to cultivate morals guarding against disaster.The third chapter discusses Su Shi taking seriously to "Zhou Yi". Su Shi studies "Zhou Yi" running through a lifetime. In the eyes of Su Shi, "Zhou Yi" is a wisdom valuable book that can relieve the misery, is a philosophy work that the sages use it to communicate the avenue on the universe , the life. Su Shi always quotes the philosophy in "Zhou Yi" to do argumentation basis while expressing own life, literature and art views. Su Shi composes his "Dong Po Yi Zhuan" carrying the purpose to spread and accept the sage’s avenue in breast.The fourth chapter discusses an impact of "Zhou Yi" over Su Shi’s philosophy of life. First from "change", "no change" two aspects,"Zhou Yi" thinks that the world is the change never ceasing , there is no constant thing; This makes Su Shi believe firmly him always to sometimes revolve necessarily of day in suffering difficult position. "Zhou Yi" points out there being it’s constant regulation existence behind all things’ changing. This concept is by Su Shi’s enlightenment, the outside behavior method can have a change, but inside ambition’s holding matter of principles absolutely can’t be altered. Secondly, discussing the enlightening function of "Zhou Yi" to Su Shi conducting self in society wisdom from "Qian" morals, "Modest" morals, "Faithful" view, "Time" view, "Yin and Yang" view. "Zhou Yi" thinks that person only has continuous self-renewal, then can acquire the opportunity of existence development. Su Shi exactly is person lifetime one will never cease struggling. "Zhou Yi" thinks that person as long as all the time keep modest moral, can turn bad luck into good, Su Shi lifetime makes great efforts to avoid proud and surplus exactly under the influence of this thought. "Zhou Yi" emphasizes as long as hold guard chastity moral, can spend a dangerous situation, gain lucky, this is one of moral pillars that Su Shi be brave in the face of danger. "Zhou Yi" thinks that all action needs and goes together with hour. Su Shi also knows to be obliged to have the wisdom to size up the situation, at any time but moving conducting self in society. "Zhou Yi" think that the cosmos is constituted together by Yin and Yang two kinds of materials, both have to be balanced to harmonize, complement each other. This regulation makes Su Shi understand that the character to person also ought to couple hardness with softness on the one hand; realize that the relation also should keep balance harmoniously to the gentleman and mean person on the other hand.The fifth chapter discusses writer’s accomplishment. Enlightenment under "Using the symbol sign to express meaning" the creating principle of "Zhou Yi", Su Shi thinks that the key lies in the intense emotion gushing forth and super-all matchless knowledge and experience if the author want to create out without match eternal literary and artistic works. "Zhou Yi" thinks that essence decides outward appearance, Su Shi also experiences the moral quality to decide the article level. "Zhou Yi" emphasizes that great virtues and magnificent achievements must come from the knowledge, Su Shi also thinks that ingenious and incomparable work must take favoring morals and accumulating learning as basis.The sixth chapter discusses literary and artistic creation. The creation purpose of "Zhou Yi" is to use for guiding people to pursue good fortune and avoid disaster, benefiting the world. Su Shi has inherited and developed this creation concept practically. "Zhou Yi" thinks that the cosmic inventory is only changing ceaselessly, then can keep going smoothly and long-last. Su Shi thinks that literary and artistic creation also only to create to change constantly, can acquire a larger development. "Zhou Yi" thinks that the person has to empty his heart if he want to respond with outside thing. Su Shi also experiences that the person only is under false quiet state of mind, has subtle feel of the external thing.The seventh chapter discusses the appreciation of the beauty. "Zhou Yi" has already contained the germ of the aesthetic concept of pursuing the rhyme outside, Su Shi has the greatest esteem for this appreciates beauty standard on "rhyme". "Zhou Yi" always emphasize that Yin and Yang should complement each other, Su Shi also regards the neutralizing beauty as the maximal realm. "Zhou Yi" thinks though the respective life form of the cosmic inventory is different, settles is identical ultimately then. Su Shi also knows the cosmos creations to all have respectively of beautiful look, should hold the all-inclusive spirit appreciate. "Zhou Yi" still emphasizes that the ordinary people can’t make the philosophy of Zhou Yi to be obvious and to be carried out. Su Shi also knows that literary and artistic works to be appreciated, must have the appreciating person having pretty high literature and art accomplishment.

【关键词】 苏轼《周易》处世哲学文艺思想
【Key words】 Su Shi"Zhou Yi"philosophy of lifeliterary theory

