

【作者】 柴国珍

【导师】 霍有明;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 山西地处黄河流域黄土高原地区,是中国戏曲的发祥地之一,历史悠久,历经上千年走过了兴衰的路程。戏曲是地方文化的体现,是地理环境因素的表征,离不开自然地理环境的孕育与滋养,离不开地域文化的熏染等人文地理因素的影响。山西戏曲剧种文化与“表里山河”的自然地理环境、厚重的三晋文化、浓郁的民歌故乡、独具特色的晋语方言等因素都结下了“深厚的感情”,从而使得山西戏曲剧种丰富(位居全国第一,达50多种),地域差异鲜明。可见山西戏曲剧种是地域性、多样性与完整性最鲜明的文化地理体现。本文以山西戏曲剧种发展的时间为“连线”,以山西戏曲剧种生存的空间为“层面”。时间选取三个时间点作为空间联系的纽带,而层面指戏曲声腔、音调、方言等戏曲剧种基本元素所处的空间位置、空间变化与发展形态。而空间是戏曲剧种生存的家园,是戏曲研究回归本体,还戏曲以本来面目的最好方式。山西戏曲剧种文化地理研究主要包括以下几个内容:1、山西戏曲剧种的分布;2、山西戏曲剧种文化区的分布;3、山西自然地理与戏曲剧种的空间分布;4、山西方言与戏曲剧种的空间分布;5,山西人口与戏曲剧种的空间分布;6、山西宗教与山西戏曲剧种的空间分布。第一部分论述山西戏曲剧种文化地理上的分类,说明山西戏曲剧种的文化地理特性。山西戏曲剧种本身就是地理元素的体现,剧种的名称表现出强烈的地域性特点。第二部分着重论述山西戏曲剧种的地理环境所形成的戏曲剧种文化区。因为戏曲是地方戏,是地域文化的反映。主要研究其文化区的形成背景如何?分布如何?特征如何?文化的扩散方式如何?各种戏曲剧种文化之间的互动、交流、竞争如何?核心区文化与边缘文化的关系如何?本土戏曲文化之间、本土与外来戏曲文化之间的整合如何?揭示戏曲文化整合就是戏曲文化的融合、戏曲文化的新生与戏曲文化的消解过程,是文化的地位的转换。第三部分论述山西自然地理环境对山西剧种的影响:包括地形、气候、地理位置等自然条件对戏曲剧种的形成、流布、发展的关系如何?地形地貌对戏曲剧种的音调、声腔、艺术风格的影响如何?第四部分着重阐述一个观点:山西“表里山河”的自然地理环境为晋语的形成提供了地域差异鲜明的特色,地理环境多种多样形成了以中原官话与晋语构成的山西方言体系。而晋语是最具有代表性、典型性的方言。山西方言主要表现为驳杂性与单纯性的分布格局,为山西戏曲剧种的丰富性、多样性提供了丰富的音韵、声腔种类。第五部分围绕历代山西人口的变化与戏曲剧种之间的关系作论述。人也是自然的人,戏曲文化也是人在特定的地理环境中创造的。因而山西人口的变化是影响山西戏曲剧种的原因之一。本章考察了戏曲剧种的传播路径如何?明清时期山西移民、晋商活动与戏曲剧种的形成、流布等关系如何?第六部分论述了宗教对山西戏曲剧种的影响。儒释道等宗教在山西影响面广、时间持久、影响力度大。作为人们精神生活的戏曲演出也必然受到宗教的影响。宗教在山西的流布,宗教与戏曲剧种的关系等是本章着力研究的内容。山西戏曲剧种自宋代以来迄今已走过了1000多年的历史,其影响力在全国也处于重要的地位。今天,山西戏曲的生存与发展空间已变得十分狭小,山西戏曲进入一个低谷时期,正逐渐被其它文化所排挤,沦落至边缘文化的境地。通过对山西戏曲剧种文化地理的研究与分析,从而揭示出山西戏曲剧种文化分布的规律性,可以使我们更真切地认识到山西戏曲剧种作为一种“活态”的文化。其兴衰的原因:一方面是多元文化的影响、社会的变迁等因素的影响;另一方面主要是由其生存的地理环境所影响、制约的。只有戏曲文化与自然生态、人文生态共同构成一个文化生态大环境,戏曲文化才能够有持久的兴盛。本文力图从文化地理学的角度研究山西传统的戏曲剧种文化遗产,构建一个新的研究方法或模式,为探究山西戏曲史发展脉络提供一个新的视角与思维坐标。

【Abstract】 Shanxi is located in the highlands of the Yellow River Basin, which is one of the origins of the Chinese opera. It has last millennium with a history of rise and decline. The opera is not only embodying the local culture, but also a sign of the geographical environmental factor. It can not leave without the pregnant and nourish of the geographical environment, and Corrupting influence on the influence of culture of region on the political geography. Culture of the type of drama of Shanxi opera and natural geographical environment of mountains and rivers of outward show and inner thoughts ", deepen Three Jins culture, strong folk song homeland, factors such as the dialects, and all forge "deep emotion" on the Jin Dynasty dialect. Thus make the type of drama of Shanxi opera abundant, (the location ranks the top in the whole country, up to more than 50 kinds), the region difference is distinct. It reflects the variety, the most distinct, and the integrality of type of Shanxi operas.This text regards time as the line for development of type of drama in Shanxi, which regarded space as " the aspect " with the type of Shanxi operas. Time choose 3 time points as the tie of connection of space, and aspect mean, include opera operatic tunes, tone opera important and basic element in space position, space key element and development form. And the space is the home where the type of drama of opera survives; it is the opera that studies the noumenonn of coming back, leave the true colours best way on the opera.Shanxi operas mainly including several contents as following: 1, Distribution of the type of drama of Shanxi opera; 2, Distribution of the culture area of type of drama of Shanxi opera; 3, Space distribution of physical geography of Shanxi and type of drama of opera; 4, Space distribution of the dialect of Shanxi and type of drama of opera; 5,Space distribution of the population in Shanxi and type of drama of opera; 6, Space distribution of the religion of Shanxi and type of drama of Shanxi opera.The first part describes the classification on culture geography of the type of drama of Shanxi opera, explaining the geographical characteristic of culture of the type of drama of Shanxi opera. Type of drama of Shanxi opera is the embodiment of the geographical element, the name of the type of drama demonstrates stronger regional characteristics.Part two describe the culture area of drama types formed under the geographical environment of drama types of Shanxi opera. Because the opera are local opera, it is the reflection of the culture of region.Is it main researches on the background of culture area’s forming? How about distributing? How is the characteristic? How is culture diffusion way? How is the interdynamic, exchange, competition between cultures of type of drama of various operas? How is the relation between culture of key district and edge culture? How is the integration between native opera culture, between native country and outside opera culture? Announce opera culture combines integration that is the opera culture, course of clearing up of new student and opera culture of opera culture; it is the conversion of the position of the culture and so on.Part three describe the impact on type of drama of Shanxi of natural geographical environment of Shanxi: including terrain, climate, geographical and natural conditions for the formation of opera, streaming cloth, and the development of relations? How is the impact on tone of types of drama, artistic style of operatic tunes, and opera art of topographical ground form and so on?Part four explain a view emphatically: The natural geographical environment of Shanxi "mountains and rivers of outward show and inner thoughts " has offered the characteristic with distinct difference of region for forming of the language of the Jin Dynasty. Geographical environment has been formed variedly in Mandarin and dialect system of Shanxi that the language forms of the Jin Dynasty of Central Plains. And the language is the dialect with representative, model the Jin Dynasty. The dialect of Shanxi is mainly shown as the pattern of the heterogeneous and simple distribution, have offered the abundant harmonious sounds, operatic tunes kind for abundance, variety of the type of drama of Shanxi opera;Part five Describe around the relation between the change of the past dynasties population of Shanxi and type of drama of opera, people are natural persons too, opera culture was created in particular geographical environment by the people too. Therefore the change of the population in Shanxi is one of the reasons for the influencing on the type of Shanxi opera. How is the spread route of the type of drama of opera? In the period of Ming and Qing, what is the relation of immigrants, the trader activity of the Jin Dynasty and the forming of types of drama and so on?Part six discuss the religious impact on types of Shanxi opera. The influence of Religions such as Confucianism Buddhism on it is widening, lasting and largeing. As the opera maneuver of people’s cultural life must be influenced by religion too. The religion in Liubu of Shanxi, relations between the religion and types of drama are the content this chapter described.History in which the type of drama of Shanxi opera has already passed by more than 1500 years so far since Song Dynasty, its influence is in important status in China too. Today, existence of the Shanxi opera and development space have already become very narrow and small, the Shanxi opera enters a low ebb period, is being squeezed by other culture gradually, fall low for the condition of the culture of edge. Pass with geographical culture case study and analysis to type of drama of Shanxi opera, thus announce the regularity that the culture of studying the type of drama of Shanxi opera emphatically in culture geography of Shanxi is distributed, can make us realize Shanxi opera as an" living " culture , the reason of the rise and decline of it: On one hand are the influence of pluralistic, changes of the society,etc; On the other hand, it is mainly restricted and determined by the geographical environmental. Only opera culture, natural ecology and humane ecology form a cultural ecological environment together, there can be a lasting prosperity in the opera culture. This text tries to study the traditional cultural heritage of types of drama of Shanxi in terms of geography of culture, constructing a new research way or mode, offering a new visual angle and thinking coordinate for researching the train of history development of Shanxi opera.


