

The Function Study on Services Trade of Foreign Direct Investment in China

【作者】 付娟

【导师】 崔日明;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 国际贸易学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放30年以来,我国在利用外商直接投资和对外贸易方面都取得了重大成就。截止到2007年,中国已连续15年成为发展中经济体中利用外资最多的国家,连续四年进出口总额位列世界第三位。但是我国外商直接投资和外贸的增长从整体上看还是规模、外延和数量上的扩张,还属于粗放型的增长方式。FDI和贸易的这种快速增长在促进经济增长的同时,也导致了巨额的能源、生态和环境成本,过度压低了劳动者的福利,引发了频繁的贸易摩擦。随着国内外经济环境和经济基础的变化,为了促进我国经济的可持续发展,调整利用外资的战略、转变外贸增长方式已成为非常迫切的任务。伴随着全球服务型经济格局的形成,世界服务贸易飞速发展,服务业和服务贸易的发展水平已经成为衡量一个国家现代化水平的重要标志,全球经济竞争的重点也开始从货物贸易转向服务贸易。如何加快发展服务贸易、增强服务贸易的国际竞争力日益成为各国关注的焦点。与货物贸易相比,服务贸易具有环保、节能、技术含量高、附加值高等优点,因此,大力发展服务贸易是我国转变外贸增长方式、从贸易大国迈向贸易强国的必然选择。另外,提升服务业利用外资的比重,有效发挥外商直接投资对于服务贸易发展的促进作用也是提高我国利用外资的质量和效益的主要途径。所以,本文关于外商直接投资的服务贸易发展效应的研究对于我国服务贸易发展和利用外资水平的提升都具有重要的参考价值和现实意义。同时,从理论意义上看,关于FDI服务贸易效应的研究不但拓展了外商直接投资的贸易效应理论的应用范围,而且在一定程度上丰富了服务贸易理论的研究内容。本文在对相关文献进行梳理,并对理论基础进行必要介绍的基础上,分别从量的效应和质的效应两个角度系统分析了外商直接投资的服务贸易效应。最后就如何通过外商直接投资促进我国服务贸易发展提出相应的对策。文章的内容具体分为以下六个部分:第一部分,绪论。主要阐述选题的背景及意义;介绍文章的主要研究方法和研究思路;指出文中的创新和不足;并对重要概念和研究范畴进行界定。第二部分,文献综述。对于国内外学者的相关研究和文献进行梳理和综合。以便从中找出理论和方法上的借鉴及指导,同时寻求进一步深入研究和创新的突破口。第三部分,作为本文的理论基础,该部分主要介绍了投资与贸易的替代模型和互补模型,从FDI贸易效应角度看即贸易替代效应和贸易促进效应模型。另外,由于服务贸易在形式和统计上的特殊性,文中特别提出了FDI对于服务贸易主要只表现为贸易促进效应的观点,并对FDI促进服务贸易的机制进行了具体分析。第四部分,主要分析FDI对于服务贸易数量增长的影响,即量的效应。首先,分析外商直接投资促进服务贸易进口和出口增长的路径,在分析的过程中,把FDI分为服务业FDI和以制造业为主的其它行业FDI两大类,因为它们对于服务贸易进出口增长的影响路径是不同的。在定性分析的基础上,采用回归模型对FDI与服务贸易进口和出口的相关性进行实证检验,旨在通过计量模型为前面的理论分析提供经验的支持,以便进一步增强文章的说服力和论证力度。第五部分,主要分析FDI对服务贸易发展的影响,即质的效应。文中主要选取了服务贸易国际竞争力的提升效应、服务贸易的结构调整效应以及服务贸易就业促进效应三个角度来考查FDI对于服务贸易发展的影响。第六部分,在前面系统分析的基础上,本部分中主要就如何通过外商直接投资促进我国服务贸易快速发展提出对策和建议。首先,在政策取向上,要继续坚持利用外资的政策,但是利用外资的战略目标要从追求数量向提高质量转变。其次,要从主要突破口入手努力提高FDI的服务贸易发展效应。即通过出口导向型FDI拉动服务贸易出口,促进货物贸易与服务贸易协调发展;鼓励FDI投入服务外包领域,大力发展我国服务外包以及通过鼓励对外直接投资拉动服务贸易出口。本文的创新之处在于突破以往外商直接投资的贸易效应研究仅限于货物贸易领域的局限性,系统研究外商直接投资的服务贸易效应,并提出质的效应和量的效应两个概念;同时,提出外商直接投资对于服务贸易主要只表现为促进效应、无明显替代效应的观点。本文在国际经济学、产业经济学、发展经济学以及计量经济学等相关理论的基础上,采用了规范分析与实证分析相结合、定性分型与定量分析相结合、静态分析与动态分析相结合等研究方法对于外商直接投资的服务贸易效应问题进行系统的研究。同时,为了更加清晰、直观、形象的表达作者的写作意图,文中在具体分析过程中插入了较多的图形和表格,以使文字说明更具说服力,更能突出变量之间的关系和规律性。

【Abstract】 China has achieved immense success in FDI and foreign trade for thirty years since reform and opening. Up to the end of 2007, China is not only the largest developing country of attracting foreign capital during the consecutive fifteen years but also the third country of total amount of exporting and importing during the consecutive four years. The growth methods of our country’s FDI and foreign trade are extensive. In the period of FDI and foreign trade growing fast, we pay a large amount of cost of energy resource, ecology and environment, and reduce the workers’ benefits, and result in frequent trade friction. During the foreign and domestic economic environment change, it is necessary for our country to adjust the strategy of using foreign capital and transfer growth ways of foreign trade for promoting our country’s continuous development.Following the economic pattern of global services forming and global services trade developing fast, the developing level of services industry and services trade is an important symbol to measure a country’ modernization level. The focal point of competition transfers from goods trade to services trade. To every country, how to develop services trade quickly and strengthen the international competitiveness becomes the central issue every country cares for. Compared with goods trade, services trade has advantages of environmental protection, saving energy and highness of additional value. It is necessary choice for China to develop services trade in order to transfer the growing way of foreign trade and become a strong country in foreign trade. What’s more, raising the proportion of using FDI in services industry and promoting services trade’s development effectively are important channels to raise the quality and benefit of utilizing FDI. So, the fuction study on services trade of FDI in this dissertation has important reference value and practical significance. In view of theoretical significance, this study not only extends the theory of trade effectiveness of FDI but also enrich the content of the services trade theory.Beginning with carding the existed research and analyzing basic theory, this dissertation uses the qualitative and quantitative systems to explain the effectiveness of services trade, and finally the corresponding suggestion is proposed.The first part is the preface of dissertation, which elaborates the background and significance of the study, and refers to the innovations and shortcoming, and gives definitions and makes category of study clearly.The second part summarizes existed documents, and draws on the experience of theory and method, at the same time, seek the point of penetration of study and innovation.The third part is the theoretical basic of this dissertation. It introduces the model of, and sets up the model of trade substitution and trade promotion in view of the effectiveness of trade in FDI. Besides, because of the formal and statistical particularity, this dissertation proposes the position of trade-promoting effectiveness, and analyzes the mechanism of FDI promoting services trade.The forth part analyzes quantitative effectiveness, that is, FDI influences on services trade quantitative growth. Through analyzing the growth channels of export and import promoted by FDI, and FDI is divided into two parts: FDI in services industry and FDI in manufacturing industry according to different influence channels of FDI. Based on qualitative analysis, regression model is adopted to test positivism of interrelationship between FDI and export and import in order to support the former theory, thus raise the demonstration dynamics.The fifth part analyzes the qualitative effectiveness, that is, the influence of FDI on services trade development. In this dissertation, FDI has influence on services trade development by analyzing the international competition raising effectiveness, the structure adjusting effectiveness and employment promoting effectiveness of services trade.The sixth part proposes the suggestion how to promote Chinese services trade rapidly according to the services trade’s development effectiveness. First, the policy of introducing FDI must be adopted continuously, but the strategic goal must be transferred from chasing quantity to quality. Second, the points of penetration must be held, that is, driving the export of services trade by export-oriented FDI in order to promote coordinate growth between goods trade and services trade, encouraging FDI entering into offshoring of services field, developing Chinese offshoring of services and driving services trade export through outward FDI.The innovations of this dissertation are breaking through the study on trade effectiveness of FDI limited in goods trade, and systematically studying on the services trade effectiveness of FDI, and proposing the two definitions of qualitative effectiveness quantitative effectiveness, and proposing the view that FDI has the promoting effectiveness on services trade.Based on the theories of international economics, industrial economics, developing economics and econometrics, many methods, that is, standard analysis combined with positivism analysis, qualitative analysis combined with quantitative analysis, static analysis combined with dynamic analysis, are adopted to study systemically on service trade effectiveness of FDI. In order to elaborate my study intention, this dissertation puts a lot of graphs and forms, which stress the relationship of variables and regularity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期
  • 【分类号】F832.6;F752.68
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】2016
  • 攻读期成果

