

Space Production and Cultural Representation

【作者】 谢纳

【导师】 高凯征;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文以生存-实践论视域下的空间生产论为理论基础,以当代西方空间转向为学术资源,以中国现代小说为文本分析对象,运用跨学科交叉融合的研究方法,在文学与空间的互动阐释中建构文学空间理论,探寻文学作为一种特殊的文化生产方式,如何建构表征空间,并赋予空间以特定的生命意蕴和社会历史文化内涵,揭橥空间生产与文学表征之间的内在关联。在20世纪文化思想的震荡转型中,空间的理论研究突破了线性的时间束缚,以令人瞩目的方式成为当代学术思想界备受关注的热点题域,人们将其称为“空间转向”。空间转向作为当代文化思想范式的转型,是提问方式、思维方式、言说方式和解释方式的转换变革。因此,它给人文社会科学带来的不是局部性的震荡变化,而是整体学术研究范型的改变,其影响波及当代哲学、社会学、地理学、文学理论、文化研究等各学科。生存-实践论哲学为本文辩证地思考空间问题提供了科学的理论视域与坚实的哲学基础。从哲学思维方式上看,人类的空间理论反思大致可描述为:以认识论哲学为基础的空间认识论;以生存-实践论哲学为基础的空间生产论;以后现代哲学为基础的空间权力论。生存-实践论视域中的空间辩证思考,既吸纳了空间认识论的研究成果,又克服其局限与不足,并为空间权力论的发展提供了理论资源,因而生存-实践论哲学成为本文思考空间问题的哲学理论基础。以生存-实践论哲学为基础的空间生产论认为,空间是人类社会实践的产物,人类实践创造活动赋予空间以文化的意义与价值。因此,空间在实践的基础上达成社会性、历史性与人文性的辩证统一。从生存-实践论视域看,空间的实践性特征可概括为:广延无限性与边界有限性的统一、自然地理性与社会历史性的统一、客观实在性与文化表征性的统一、生活场域性与身体在场性的统一。在空间转向的影响下,文学理论和空间理论相互交叉渗透,使文学的空间性思考在文学与空间的互动阐释过程中得以不断展开,并建构起文学空间理论。文学空间理论以生存-实践论哲学为基点,致力于拓展空间的体验性、审美性、想象性和表征性。文学是文化表征生产的主要形式之一。作为文化表征空间建构的重要组成部分,文学所参与的表征性空间建构是指文学以语言文字符号为媒介,以现实景观世界为对象,以思想情感为内容,以再现、表现、想象、虚构、隐喻、象征等为手段,所生产出的符号化空间。文学表征实践的过程也就是赋予空间以生命意蕴和社会历史文化内涵的过程。进入现代性历史以来,在殖民化、商业化、城市化、全球化进程中,中国的空间生产与重组始终面临着一系列错综复杂的问题。本文以中国现代性空间的重组重构为考察重点,解读文学与民族国家空间、文学与都市景观空间、文学与日常生活空间、文学与政治权力空间、文学与身体空间、文学与传播媒介空间所构成的错综复杂的内在关联,分析探讨现代小说中传统空间的裂变与现代空间的重构、民族想象共同体与国家空间的建构、都市空间景观与感觉经验表达、面向生活世界与日常生活空间的发现、文化政治权力与身体空间规训等诸多问题,揭示空间生产背后所隐匿的政治权力、意识形态、身体规训等文化政治关系,以及它对人类的行为方式、文化方式、生存方式及道德价值取向所产生的直接而重大的影响。本文凸显空间研究的中国问题意识,考察中国进入现代性历史以来文学表征空间与社会历史空间之间的互动关系,阐释中国现代小说在现代性空间重组重构过程中所具有的重要意义,为更好地理解中国文学现代性问题提供一个崭新的理论视角。运用跨学科的文化研究方法,对文学空间生产进行分析研究,不同于传统的地域文学研究和都市文学研究,具有探索创新的理论意义。首先,文学空间理论研究与传统的地域文学研究不同。传统地域文学研究,在空间环境决定论的影响下,侧重描述文学与空间环境的线性关系,分析文学作品如何再现特定地理区域中的地域形貌、场景环境、物像景观,始终难以深入到空间生产的隐秘之处,文学空间生产的真实内容因而处于被遮蔽的状态之中。其次,文学空间理论研究与传统都市文学研究不同。传统都市文学研究缺少城市问题的批判反思意识,侧重城市题材内容的分析,过份关注城市空间对文学经验表达的决定作用,忽视文学在建构城市空间过程中——即赋予空间以政治文化意义的过程中,所发挥的重要功能。文学空间理论侧重研究的是,文学在文化表征实践过程中如何运用表现、再现、想象、隐喻、象征等表征方式对空间进行意义的编码重组,揭橥现代性空间重组的文化政治内涵及其社会历史意义,从而揭示文学空间生产与社会空间生产之间的内在关联。总之,运用跨学科的文化研究方法,对文学与空间的关系进行文化政治学的反思,不仅意味着对同质化空间权力统制所造成的异化现象的批判,同时也意味着抵抗压迫空间,进而改变空间,寻求自由解放的多样差异空间的可能性。

【Abstract】 Built upon Existential-Practical Philosophy and Contemporary Western Spatial Turn, this research analyzes texts in Chinese Modern Literature to investigate how literature---as a special way of cultural production---constructs representational space; gives space specified meanings of life and cultural denotations of the society and history; and unpacks the interrelationships between space production and literature representation in the interactive interpretations of interdisciplinary integration.During the cultural and ideological percussions and transformations in the 20th century, theoretical research on space breaks the linear constraints of time and becomes a hot spot in the modern academia in a spectacular way. This is called“Spatial Turn”. Spatial Turn, as a transformation in the contemporary cultural and ideological paradigms, is a revolution in inquiries, mindsets, discourses, and interpretations. Therefore, it brings to humanities not partial percussions, but complete changes in the research paradigm. It influences such disciplines as contemporary philosophy, sociology, geography, literature theories, and cultural studies.Existential-Practical Philosophy provides this research a scientific perspective and a solid theoretical foundation in dialectic examinations of space. From a philosophical perspective, human’s explorations of space are limited by the philosophical mindset in a particular period of time; different philosophical mindsets result in different understandings of space. Human’s contemplations on space theories can be roughly described as epistemology- based space epistemology, existential-practical-based theory of spatial production, and postmodernism- based theory of spatial power. Dialectic examinations of space from the perspective of Existential-Practical Philosophy have absorbed the accomplishments in space epistemology, but have overcome its limitations; thus have provided theories to the development of theory of spatial power and laid solid philosophical foundations for the dialectic examinations of space.In Existential-Practical Philosophy -based theory of spatial power, it is believed that space is the product of human’s social practice which in turn gives space cultural meanings and values. Therefore, based on practice, space becomes a dialectic unity of society, history, and humanity. From the perspective of Existential-Practical Philosophy, the practical nature of space can be summarized as unities of the unbound and bound; natural geography and social history; objective concretion and cultural representation; and the place living and the body space.Under the influence of spatial turn, literature theories and space theories interact with each other, which drive the constant expansion of contemplation on space in literature and the formation of literature space theories. Literature space theories started from Existential-Practical Philosophy and are dedicated to expanding experience, esthetics, imagination and representation of space. It looks at how literature as a special approach to cultural production builds the representative space, and gives space particular meanings of life and denotations of society, history, and culture. Literature is one of the main forms of cultural representational production. As an important component in the building of cultural representational space, literature involved construction of representational space refers to a symbolized space which literature produces based on symbols of languages, words, real spectacle, thoughts and affections by means of representation, expression, imagination, fiction, metaphor and symnol. The process of literature representation is the process of giving space cultural meanings.Since the modern times, space production and reshuffling in China have been faced with a series of complicated problems in the process of colonization, commercialization, urbanization, and globalization. This research is focused on the reshuffling and reconstruction of modern space in China, trying to unpack the complex interrelationships between literature and spaces of nation, urban spectacle, everyday life, political power, body and communication media. This research analyzes, in modern novels, the fission of the traditional space and reconstruction of the modern space; construction of national imagination unity and the national space; expression of urban space spectacle and sensory experiences; discovery of life world and everyday life space; cultural and political power and rules of the body space. It also examines such cultural and political relationship as political power, ideology and body rules that are hidden behind space production, as well as their direct and significant impacts on human’s behaviors, cultures, existence and moralities. This research emphasizes on issues in China in the explorations of space; examines the interactive relationships between literature representational space and social historical space since China entered into the modern times; explains the significance of modern novels in China in the process of reshuffling and reconstruction of the modern space; and provides a brand new theoretical perspective for the better understandings of literature modernism in China.The revolutionary application of cross-disciplinary cultural research method to analyze literature space production is different from traditional geographic and urban literature research. First, theoretical research on literature space is different from traditional geographic literature research. Under the influence of environmental determinism, traditional geographic literature research is focused on describing the linear relationship between literature and the space environment. It analyzes how literature reproduces geographic features, setting environment, and spectacle in specific geographic regions, thus it has been hard for it to delve into space production and the true content of literature space production is obscured. Second, the theoretical research on literature space is different from research on traditional urban literature. Research on traditional urban literature lacks in critical reflections of urban issues. It is focused on analysis of urban issues, and it over emphasizes how literature expression of experience is determined by the urban space. Therefore, it neglects the important role of literature in the construction of urban space---to give space political and cultural meanings. Theories on literature space is focused on how literature reshuffles space in terms of connotations in the process of cultural representational practices and thus uncover the interrelationships between literature space production and social space production by using such representational methods as expression, representation, imagination, metaphor and symbol. In all, the application of the interdisciplinary cultural research method to culturally and politically reflect on the relationships between literature and space is not only criticism of alienation caused by the domination of homogeneous space power, but also possibility of combating the repressive space, and thus transforming space and seeking for multiple differential space that is free and emancipatory.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

