

The Time, Life Experience and Works

【作者】 彭静

【导师】 高凯征;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪上半叶,通俗小说大家张恨水及其小说创作受到人们的普遍关注,其大多数小说作品问世之初就在广大市民读者中形成了阅读热潮,也被研究者以种种方式进行着解读,对他的不同评论层出不穷,从而形成了中国现代文学史上的“张恨水现象”;以他的改良章回体创作为标志,中国通俗文学逐渐摆脱了传统叙事模式的限制,从礼拜六派的叙事模式中走了出来,植根于生活土壤中,获得了开放的视野和新的气象。从这一意义上说,张恨水是20世纪上半叶通俗文学创作的一座高峰。张恨水的小说多见于报刊,他的小说创作成为报刊副刊发行的重要支柱,在这个层面上,张恨水又是20世纪上半叶极为成功的报人小说家。张恨水的著作是他卓尔不群的名士才情、报业生涯、创作经历、爱国举动、身世生活的总体写照,他的文学人生是精进不已、终有所成的一生,值得仔细体察。本文分四章进行探讨:第一章是对张恨水独特人生经历和文学道路的总括式论述。张恨水(1895-1967)经历了中国政权从晚清——中华民国——中华人民共和国的更替变迁,旁观了这期间对知识分子影响深远的几大事件,如辛亥革命、五四运动、文化大革命等。许多文学史上的名字都和这几大事件颇有关联,而张恨水虽然也受到冲击或波及,但均未直接参与;没有留过学也没有进过北大等学府的他在建国前从未参加过文学社团;无团无派,无惊无险的简历令他的一生看似多少有些平淡无奇。尽管民国30年代后张恨水红极一时,却在文学史上沉寂多年,没有得到应有的重视和研究,这和他的通俗文学创作的选择有关,也和他与“革命”无缘的人生有关。与缔造了人生传奇的诸多中国现代文人相比,报人小说家张恨水的人生属于轰轰烈烈的时代里相对平淡的那一种,他的婚恋历程、文人情怀与职业选择对他的创作都有着重要影响,这也是本章论述的重点所在。第二章从现代学术转变与文学思潮对张恨水的影响考察张恨水的创作动机与改良意识产生的时代语境。张恨水受到“五四”中西文化大碰撞、大交流的影响,但并未就此否决传统文化,而是以相对保守、温和的态度立足于中国传统审美观念和审美方式,在满足时代需要前提下对章回小说进行改良。张恨水的文学创作始终保持着在传统与现代之间做承传的自觉,而非那种五四载道文学在时代“断裂”的前提下以西方文化为基点来改造传统文化,以达到“熔杼新机”的目的。可以说张恨水正是当时中国传统思想文化和西方现代思想文化碰撞、交融、矛盾统一的产物,是历史选择和自我选择的必然统一,也是其个性、气质、生活遭际、文化准备与现代学术转变和时代思潮多重合力推动的结果。他“在中国现代文学史上是作为一个悖论而存在的”,“他可以被视为二十世纪中国文学传统向现代转型的一个典型”。第三章重点分析张恨水的通俗文学理论。对章回体的改良构成其通俗文学理论最重要的方面,强调“服务对象”、“现代”,追求雅化的创作轨迹贯穿其中,张恨水对多种表现手法的杂交应用则显示出高度的灵活性和不同凡俗的创作禀赋。严谨的写作态度,关注读者需求又不流于俗滥的文人品格更是其通俗文学创作发展过程中不可或缺的必要元素。本章主要运用接受美学方法深入挖掘处在整个中国现代文学发展、流变过程中的“张恨水现象”深层次内涵,以更好地展示其作为一种文学乃至文化现象的意义,从而更加全面地认识“五四”以来中国文学的发展。第四章从新闻学角度探讨张恨水小说的报纸化文本特点。20世纪的中国传媒与中国文学一直在自觉和非自觉地互动,传媒对文学的生成和发展影响巨大;同时,传媒对文学观念、文学产品等的传播也带来自身的发展和变化,在互动的过程中传媒与文学各自的价值取向又呈现出融合、流变的不同表现。文学报刊对文学观念和形式带来的直接影响,即突出了文学观念的大众化和社会化,出现了适应报刊特点的文体形式,如杂文、随笔、报告文学、连载小说等。其中,报纸副刊对现代杂文和随笔的诞生有直接而独特的影响。作为非常典型的报纸化文本创作的代表,从张恨水的连载小说中可以很清楚地看到传媒观念、规律对其写作的影响;而张恨水作品取得的巨大成功也丰富了报纸化文本创作的经验,并对当下的文学走向具有启示性意义。

【Abstract】 In the first half of 20th century, Zhang Henshui, a great writer of demotic fiction, and his works of novels received people’s universal attention. Most of his novels, once published, have sparked a reading upsurge among common people.His works were comprehended in various aspects, and the different commentaries emerged one after another incessantly, which has formed "Zhang Henshui phenomenon" in the history of Chinese modern literature. Taking his improvement in the Chinese traditional novel pattern as the symbol, the Chinese popular literature gradually broke away from the limit of the traditional narrative pattern, distinguished from the narrative pattern of“Saturday School”, and took root in the soil of life, stepping into the open horizon and the new phase. In virtue of that, Zhang Henshui is considered as a peak of the popular literature creation in the first half of 20th century.Zhang Henshui’s novels were mostly published on the newspaper, which becomes the important mainstay of the newspaper supplement. On account of that, he was also the successful reporter writer of fiction. His works displayed the overall portrayal of his outstanding litterateur talent, the newspaper profession, the creation experience, the patriotic action and the life experience. His literature life was progressive continuously, indomitable and finally coming to fruition, which was worth carefully studying. This article is divided into four chapters to carry on the discussion:The first chapter synthetically discusses Zhang Henshui’s unique experience in life and literature. Zhang Henshui(1895-1967) witnesses the transference of the Chinese government, from the late of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China to the People’s Republic of China, looking on several great events that had far-reaching significance to the intellects. Although Zhang Henshui was influenced by those great events, he didn’t have the direct participation. Never studying abroad or in any institution of higher learning like Peking University, he didn’t join any party, group or association. The unattached and adventureless experience composed his seemingly common life. He had his moment after 1930s, but was not mentioned for many a year after that in the literature history, not obtaining the evaluation and study he deserved, which was due to his choice in the creation of popular literature and“revolution”free life. Compared with many romantic Chinese modern litterateurs, Zhang Henshui, in those active years. His love and marriage, his literature sentiment, and his occupations played important roles in his creation. had a relatively watery life, which is the focus of this chapter.The second chapter analyzes the influence of the modern academic transformation and the literature ideological trend on Zhang Henshui’s creating motivation and social context. Zhang Henshui did not reject the traditional culture, but kept the conservative and mild attitude to the concept and mode of Chinese traditional aesthetics and improved the Chinese traditional novel pattern on condition of meeting the social demands. His literature creation performed like a bridge connecting the tradition and modern civilization, which didn’t attempt to change the traditional culture on the basis of the western culture. Zhang Henshui is the unity of the collision, combination and contradiction of the Chinese traditional ideology and the Western modern civilization.“He exists as a paradox in the history of Chinese modern literature.”“He may be regard as a reforming model from traditional literature to the modern civilization.The third chapter elaborates on Zhang Henshui’s popular literature theory. His improvement of the Chinese traditional novel pattern was the major element of his popular literature theory, which stresses on serving readers and modernity, aiming to the elegance of creation. His blending application of various representation techniques displayed the high flexibility and the genius at creation. This chapter probes into the profound connotation of "Zhang Henshui phenomenon" in the course of the development and transformation of Chinese modern literature to reveal the its significance as a kind of literature and literature phenomenon better, so as to understand the development of Chinese literature comprehensively.The fourth chapter discusses the newspaper text of Zhang Henshui’s novels from the journalism aspect. The conscious and unconscious interaction of media and literature is the characteristic of the 20th century China literature. Media sparked impact on the creation and development of literature, and at the same time, it would bring its own development and transformation by spreading the literature concept and works. In the course of the interaction, the value orientation of media and literature met and depart at times. The literature newspaper made direct influence on the literature ideology and modes, that was to focus on the popular and socialized styles of literature ideology. Thus emerged the literature styles which were adaptive to the characteristic of newspaper, such as scribbles, essays, reportages, serials and so on, among which the newspaper supplement made direct and special influence on the creation of modern scribbles and essays. As a typical representative of the newspaper text, Zhang Henshui’s serials showed the media concept and the influence of regulation on writing. Meanwhile, his success has enriched the experience of newspaper text creation, and has the significance of enlightenment to the development of contemporary literature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

