

A Culture Explanation about the Narrative of "Zuo Shi Chun Qiu"

【作者】 单良

【导师】 许志刚;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 《左氏春秋》是一部记事完备,文化意义深刻的叙事文本。一方面,作者在礼乐文化的台基之上,建构出一个独到的精神世界,展现了独特的思想、理念;另一方面,《左氏春秋》的叙事与义理完美结合,确立了中国散文的叙事模式及典范。这二者都是中国文学发展所最可倚重的精神财富。本文的研究是探寻其叙事模式与意义生成的深层动因。基于这一研究目的,我们在深广的文化层面上观照《左氏春秋》文本,阐释《左氏》文本所蕴涵的文化精神、人性理想、文学思维与艺术观念。本文的核心观点是认为《左氏春秋》的叙事呈现出超越性的文化精神,也模铸了中国叙事文的基本范式。《左氏春秋》文本对西周的礼乐文化传统有所延续和继承。礼乐传统笼盖下的前在文本、鲁国文化、史官文化等,深刻地影响了《左氏》文本的生成,制约其精神指向。但是同时,《左氏春秋》在表现文化新变、君臣理念、人性样态等诸多方面内容时,扬弃前代文化,呈现出独到的文化超越性。同《春秋》相比,《左氏》不但叙事详尽,而且在叙事中肯定了文化新变,新锐而深邃地思考社会生活。尤其是《左氏》展现了现实中活生生的人。对此,本文没有限于人物形象的描述,而是思考《左氏》叙事中所寓含的人格美理想。我们思考了礼乐文化对人格生成的基本制约,同时也指出《左氏春秋》所展现的人具有丰富而复杂的人性。作者的人格理想可以用礼化人格的个性形式加以概括,就是既受礼的思想、原则制约,表现出等级性特征,又具有生动的个性。《左氏》所着重点染的是理性追求与世俗情感合于一体的缙绅之士。他们既有杰出的才能智慧,也有世俗的情感好恶,甚或狭隘自私的缺点。这种叙事理念符合人类理性的存现状态和发展趋向,也开拓了中国文学创作理念与实践道路。《左氏》通过对人言行活动的叙述展现人格美理想,而诗乐是春秋时代人社会活动中的重要内容。《左氏春秋》叙述诗乐活动的宗旨是为了展现活动中的人,但客观上体现了特定的艺术观念。作者以“德”作为诗乐艺术的精神指向,以“和”作为声乐与精神之美的概括。在艺术形式上,《左氏》着重叙述等级化的诗乐艺术活动。“德”、“和”、等级化是《左氏》艺术观的概括,而最终仍然涉及其对人的思考。《左氏》所叙述的艺术活动中,引《诗》、赋《诗》都围绕《诗》文本而展开。作者不但将《诗》的章句从原文中截取出来,同时也摒弃了原有语境的制约,将诗句纳入自己的意义建构之中。《诗》的音乐属性与原义都被忽略了。这种思维成为后世《诗》学解释的滥觞。除了上述内容,我们也从时间表达、鲁国视角、地点表达、人物称谓、评论语插入等方面探讨了《左氏春秋》叙事的表达模式。我们认为《左氏春秋》文中的叙事质素,其意义不是停留在叙事标识的层面,而是被纳入文本意义建构,承载了深邃的意蕴。总体看来,《左氏春秋》是先秦叙事文的典范之作。其所凝造的文本范式及所寄寓的独到的精神观念深远地影响了中国文学的创作,也影响了文学观念的生成。

【Abstract】 “Zuo shi chun qiu”is a detailed narrative text with the profound cultural significance. At the one hand, the author had built an original inner world in above the station base of the culture of ritual and music, and had unfolded the unique idea; on the other hand, the narrative of“Zuo shi chun qiu”Unions with some idea perfectly, and had established the model of Chinese prose. This two are the Precious spiritual wealth to the Chinese literature. We want to inquire the in-depth agent about its narrative pattern and the significance production in this article. Based on this research goal, we study the“Zuo shi chun qiu”text in the deep and broad cultural stratification, and explain the cultural spirit, the human nature ideal, the literature thought and the artistic idea of“Zuo shi chun qiu”.The core viewpoint of this article is that we thought the narrative of“Zuo shi chun qiu”presents the transcendence cultural spirit, and also build the basic model of China narrative.We thought that the“Zuo shi chun qiu”text inheritances the Zhou Dynasty’s culture of ritual and music tradition. The old text, the culture of the State of Lu and the culture of historian which covered by the culture of ritual and music, influence the“Zuo shi”text profoundly and restricts its idea. But simultaneously,“Zuo shi chun qiu”preferment the new change of culture, the idea with rulers and ministers, the human nature modus, and presents the original cultural transcendence. Compares with“Spring and Autumn Period”,“Zuo shi”not only narrates something exhaustively, moreover definitely the culture newly changed in narration, and pondered the social life profoundly. Especially,“Zuo shi”has unfolded the person in the reality living. We do not describe the character image merely, but ponder the ideal of personality in the“Zuo shi chun qiu”text. We have pondered the relation between the culture of ritual and music and the personality. Simultaneously, we also point out the complex human nature in the“Zuo shi chun qiu”. The author’s personality ideal is the man whose personality is between the culture of ritual and music and nature. What“Zuo shi”descript in detail is the gentleman who has rational pursue and the common custom emotion. He has the outstanding ability wisdom, the common custom emotion and even the shortcoming. This narrative idea conforms to the human rational reasonable development, also has developed China literary production idea and the practice path.“Zuo shi”descript some personality ideal through is his words and deeds activity. Poem and music was the important social activity content in the“Spring and Autumn”Period person.“Zuo shi chun qiu”narrates the Poem and music action with the objection of unfolding the human in the activity. It has manifested the artistic idea objectively. The author takes Moral as the spiritual direction of poem and music, takes“He”as the vocal of poem and music.“Zuo shi”narrates the poem and music activity with the rank emphatically. Moral,“He”and the rank form is the summary about the artistic view of“Zuo shi chun qiu”, but it points to personality.“Zuo shi”narrates many artistic activities, which quoting and singing“The book of songs”. The author not only takes sentences out of the“The book of songs”text, but also abandons the original context sensitivity and brings it into its own world. The music attribute of“The book of songs”and its primary meaning have been neglected. This kind of thought becomes the beginning of the explanation in“The book of songs”.Except the above content, we also discuss the narrative expression pattern of“Zuo shi chun qiu”through 5 aspects: the time expression, the view of the state of Lu, the place expression, the character name, the comments Confucian analects. We thought that these elements have profound implication.It affects the Chinese literature creation and the literature idea profoundly with the text model and the original idea.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

