

On Liang Zongdai’s Ideas on Aesthetics

【作者】 齐光远

【导师】 高凯征;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 梁宗岱是中国现代象征主义诗论大家,然而他的美学思想没有得到学界的足够重视。本论文将其置于二十世纪上半叶的文化语境中,通过与现代美学家的比较来揭示其美学思想的独特性及历史地位。本论文注重对梁宗岱文本著作地细读,同时在现有的学术研究成果的基础上,试图以新的研究视角考察二十世纪上半叶中国美学的学术走向,并以此来定位梁宗岱在其中的位置。中国现代学术领域中的科玄之争导致了现代学者不同的学术选择。科学方法注重现实世界的研究,强调经验与实证;而哲学方法注重本体世界的诠释,关注理性与直觉。论文以此为研究进路考察梁宗岱的学术选择及美学思想的哲学特征。在研究过程中,文化学的方法是本论文的主要研究方法,论文试图以此来揭示梁宗岱美学思想的文化取向。此外,论文中还相应地运用了现象学与解释学的方法。在进行论证的过程中,影响研究与比较研究的方法也是论文的主要方法,通过前者来考察梁宗岱美学思想的来源,通过后者以揭示其理论特征。本论文共分为三大部分。第一部分为绪论。这部分内容阐述了梁宗岱美学思想的研究意义、研究现状及研究方法。第二部分共分五章,是论文的主体部分。第一章主要论述了梁宗岱的文化人格与学术思想。这一章揭示了梁宗岱多向度的人生发展轨迹。此外,还分析了其科学思想及哲学思想。文章试图通过这两方面的研究考察其对梁宗岱美学思想的影响。第二章主要讨论梁宗岱宇宙本体论哲学体系及其审美意境论。这一章首先考察了梁宗岱美学思想的哲学特征。其后,通过比较来揭示其意境理论与现代哲学家和美学家的不同。第三章主要探讨梁宗岱的美感理论,并进一步揭示其理论的哲学特征。这一章采用比较的方法,将梁宗岱美感理论的哲学特征与现代哲学进行比较,试图揭示其美感理论的现代性特征。第四章主要分析梁宗岱诗歌文艺美学思想。研究内容体现为三个方面:纯诗论的分析,揭示了现代诗坛由“主情化”到“主智化”的审美趣味的变化;诗歌形式论的分析试图说明梁宗岱所谈的形式是“有意味的形式”;艺术美的分析着重说明了梁宗岱的“智慧底力”的崇高美学风格及“气韵生动”论的审美实践意义。第五章着重分析梁宗岱文艺批评的逻辑特征与审美特性。论文通过前者分析了梁宗岱审美批评实践中的逻辑特征,通过后者说明其审美体验特征。第六章总结梁宗岱美学思想的贡献、局限及现实启发。第三部分为结束语。这部分内容是从梁宗岱美学研究中引发出来的对于中国当代美学的现实思考。

【Abstract】 Liang Zongdai is a very important symbolism poetics critic in mordern china,but his ideas on aesthetics has not taken seriously by academic circle until now.This dissertation try to reveal the particularity and historical situation of Liang Zongdai’s ideas on aesthetics by comparation with mordern asthetician in the cultural environment in the first part of the 20th century.This dissertation try to study Liang Zongdai’s works seriously.at the same time,try to inspect the academic direction of chinese aesthetics in the first part of the 20th century in which the historical situation of Liang Zongdai’s ideas on aesthetics will be judged.The debate between science and metaphysics lead to the different chioce on academic between different mordern scholars.Scientific method which emphasized experience and evidence focused on the real world;but the philosophical method which emphasized the ontology world focused on reason and intuition.This dissertation will study Liang Zongdai’s academic chioce and philosophical characteristic of his ideas on aesthetics.In this research,the culture method is the main method of the dissertation.The dissetation try to display the chioce in culture of Liang Zongdai’s ideas on aesthetics.Furthermore, the dissertation also use phenomenology and hermenentik.In the process of demonstration, the studies of influence and comparison are also be used.The former is used to find Liang Zongdai’s theoreical sources, the later is used to display his theorical characteristic.The disseration consists of three parts.The first part is preface which analysize the important meaning,the current research situation, research methods of Liang Zongdai’s ideas on aesthetics.The second part is divided into five chapters, which is the main part of the paper.The first chapter focuses on the cultural personality and academic thought of Liang Zongdai.This chapter reveals the many dimensions of Liang Zongdai’s life.In addition,there is an analysis of his scientific thought and philosophy. This article attempts to study how the two aspects impact on the aesthetic ideology of Liang Zongdai.The second chapter discusses universe ontological philosophy and aesthetic conception theory of Liang Zongdai.This chapter first inspect the Liang Zongdai’s aesthetic characteristics of the philosophical.Futhermore, it reveals the difference of theory between his and the modern philosophers’ideas on aesthetics by comparing.The third chapter focuses on the aesthetic feeling theory of Liang Zongdai, it reveals its theory philosophical characteristics. This chapter tries to reveal the modern feature of his theory by comparing the philosophy characteristics of Liang Zongdai’s aesthetic theory with the modern philosophy.The forth chapter mainly discusses Liang Zongdai’s aesthetics ideas on leterature and fine art. This chapter includes three aspects: Analysis of Pure Poetry reveals the aesthetic taste change from the pursuit of“feeling first’’to the pursuit of“reason first”in the modern poetry field.The analysis of poetry style tries to illustrate Liang Zongdai’s poetic style is a“meaningful style”;the analysis of artic aesthetic theory emphasizes on the sublime aesthetic style of Liang Zongdai’s“intelligent strength”and the practical aesthetic meaning of“spirit vivid”.The fifth chapter emphasizes on the logical characteristic and aesthetic characteristic in Liang Zongdai’s literary and art criticism.The dissertation analysizes the logical characteristic of Liang Zongdai’s cirtic by the former,the aesthetic experience characteristic by the later.The sixth chapter is the conclution of the contribution,limitation and current inspiration of Liang Zongdai’s ideas on aesthetics.The last part is the conclution of the whole dissertion in which the current situation of chinese contemporary aesthetics is reflected though Liang Zongdai’s ideas on ahethetics.

【关键词】 宇宙意识冥想契合崇高直觉妙悟
【Key words】 Cosmetic spiritMiditationCorrespondanceItuitionSublimeAttain enlightenment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

