

Study on Development Strategies of Chinese Commercial Bank’s Internationalization

【作者】 王姣

【导师】 张荔;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 金融学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 作为一个具有“生命”的经济组织,成长既是商业银行经营管理追求的目标,也是一个动态的演进过程。从一家名不见经传的小银行成长为一家基业常青的国际性大银行,几乎是所有商业银行的梦想。在经济全球化的程度不断加深、金融一体化的趋势日趋显著的今天,正在成长壮大中的中国商业银行不但怀揣着这种梦想,还要把这种梦想变为现实,此时,具有正确方向指引作用的发展战略的确立与实施则成为关键性因素。所以中国商业银行在国际化发展进程中必须制定和实施包含区域重点、业务重点、融资重点、发展先后次序及组织管理架构诸多内容在内的发展战略。银行国际化发展具有两层含义,一是指单个银行由国内银行发展成为国际银行的过程;二是指整个银行体系的国际化,即外资银行进入和本国银行出去的全过程。这两个层次的国际化相互融合,密不可分。鉴于发展战略的长期性和全局性的特点,故可将商业银行国际化发展战略分解为机构国际化战略、业务国际化战略、股东国际化战略、管理国际化和人才国际化战略,从这五方面有计划、有序地推进,实现中国商业银行国际化和全球化发展目标。论文的研究对象是中国的商业银行,依据机构的重要性,在研究时选取了资产份额占整个银行业资产总额67.5%的主要商业银行①作为分析对象,即在中国仍占有绝大部分市场份额的大型商业银行和发展势头迅猛的股份制商业银行。采用比较分析方法,归纳法以及定量定性分析方法,通过研究主要商业银行国际化发展战略问题来综合考察与研究中国的商业银行以及整个银行业的国际化发展问题。在界定研究内容和研究对象的基础上,论文建立了如下的论证主线:结合中国商业银行国际化发展战略的实施现状,探究其产生的原因及不利影响;中国商业银行国际化均衡发展战略调整的必要性与可行性;制定实现机构国际化、股东国际化、业务国际化、管理国际化和人才国际化的推进战略,最终实现对外开放和海外扩张均衡发展的国际化发展态势。论文提出并回答了以下问题:商业银行当前的国际化发展战略推进情况如何,引发什么样的国际化发展态势,原因是什么;商业银行的国际化发展战略有必要重新调整吗,是否具备可行性;机构国际化战略如何推进,采用何种路径更合理,如何进行海外地域部署;银行股东国际化的实现又应选择何种途径,理由是什么,依据何种标准和采用何种原则;业务国际化、管理国际化和人才国际化的实现应从哪些方面进行;这些战略间是否具有联动性,如何使其有效发挥。在具体研究中国商业银行国际化发展战略问题时,论文注重发展研究,注重研究其“走向国际化”并最终“实现国际化”的战略推动过程,主要从以下几个方面来分析:第一,结合中国商业银行对外开放及跨国发展的现状,评述当前国际化发展战略的实施情况,揭示以对外开放为主导的战略形成的原因及引发的不良后果,探究国际化均衡发展战略调整的必要性与可行性。这一部分的研究对于中国商业银行将来的国际化发展战略取向,实行对外开放和海外扩张均衡发展,实现机构国际化、业务国际化、股东国际化等具有重要的现实意义。第二,银行国际化是由机构国际化、股东国际化、业务国际化、管理国际化和人才国际化这五方面共同组成的一个国际化发展与实现的过程,因此战略的制定与实施要从这几个方面入手。在机构国际化实现的战略推动中,对中国商业银行实现机构国际化的路径作出合理选择,结合中国商业银行自身情况及国际经验,得出跨国并购这一路径更为合理的结论。同时,在进行机构设立的海外地域布局时,采取多种策略,确定合理的区域扩张版图,由此实现全球化地域布局。第三,如果说机构国际化赋予银行国际化一个直观概念,那么股东国际化则赋予了银行国际化更为丰富的内涵。在股东国际化的战略推进中,引进海外战略投资者仍是当前中国商业银行实现股东国际化的有效路径,这个路径的有效性体现在战略投资者与财务投资者身份的差异性以及中资银行引入境外战略投资者显现出的成效性。具有引资意愿的商业银行一定要遵循相应的引资原则,如战略投资原则、非关联原则和互补原则等。当然有效路径不代表就是唯一路径,当前有效不代表未来有效,因此商业银行在股东国际化的实现上还有很多的战略推进空间。第四,业务国际化是银行国际化内涵中不可或缺的。对于中国商业银行来说,业务国际化不仅包括提高国际业务量及提高国际利润占比,还应包括业务结构顺应全球客户市场变化趋势进行科学合理的调整。因此零售银行的建设、综合经营的实行、跨国业务及服务对象的本土化、境内外业务的联动都成为中国商业银行业务国际化战略推动中的核心内容。第五,管理国际化和人才国际化作为国际化的重要组成部分,是银行国际化发展的重要保障。设置合理的国际化组织管理框架,从地区板块化向业务垂直化转变,每一个业务板块均有相应的业务推广、市场分析研究、投资决策和执行及后勤保障部门,各专业模块能自行经营决策。在国际化风险管理体系中确立国际风险维,程序维和工具维组成的三维概念模型。同时加大薪酬的激励力度和灵活性、建设本土化专业队伍,并培养和储备国际化专业人才,这些都成为商业银行管理国际化和人才国际化战略推进中的重要内容。第六,机构国际化、股东国际化、业务国际化、管理国际化和人才国际化发展战略间不是孤立的,而是具有内在联动性。这种联动能够有效发挥的前提条件是商业银行继续深入改革与发展,同时政策当局为其构筑有利的政策环境,由此实现商业银行国际化均衡发展。

【Abstract】 As a live organization, growth is target of commercial bank’s operation and management. Almost every bank has a dream of growing a lively and strongly transnational bank group from an unknown and small bank. Today, with the level of economic globalization deepening and the tendency of financial globalization making clearer, grown-up Chinese commercial bank also has this dream and come true. Strategy of development which plays a direction-oriented role is critical. So formulating internationalization strategy including focal point of region and business and stock-holders is important work for Chinese commercial bank.Bank’internationalized development refers to the process from seal to opening, and it includes two aspects of meanings: one is opening up domestic banking market for foreign competition, and another is for domestic bank to expand overseas. In view of strategy’characters of long-term and overall situation, strategy of internationalized development can be divided into five strategies: institution internationalization strategy, stock-holder internationalization strategy, business internationalization strategy and management internationalization strategy as well as talent internationalization strategy.The object of study is Chinese commercial banks. The data comes from the main commercial bank including the big four state-holding commercial banks, stock-holding commercial banks according to its importance in Chinese financial system. The amount of main commercial bank’s assets accounts for sixty and seven percent of the whole Chinese commercial bank system.After defining the content and object of study, the dissertation sets up these main points of demonstration: to appraise the trend of Chinese commercial bank’s internationalization and seek the reason and harmful consequences, and to do feasibility study of adjusting and prompting internationalization strategy, and to formulate strategy of institution internationalization, stock-holder internationalization, business internationalization and management internationalization as well as talent internationalization.The following questions are addressed and answered: (1) what is the current situation on internationalization strategy, and what and is the developing trend and why does cause this trend. Is it necessary to adjust the development strategy again, and whether is it feasible or not. How does the strategy of institution internationalization push? Which kind of method is more reasonable and how is overseas regional layout implemented? What method should be selected to realize share-holder internationalization, and choose the best way, at the same time, which standard and principle should be complied with? How to realize management and talent?With Chinese commercial bank’s development of internationalization, the study focuses on the developing study, that is, the procedure prompting development strategy from stepping into internationalization to finally realizing internationalization.Firstly, combining the current situation of opening with international development, the performance of present internationalization strategy is discussed and the sources and harmful consequences resulting from open-oriented strategy are disclosed, and analyze necessity and feasibility of adjusting internationalized equilibrium development between opening and overseas and expansion as well as the promoting strategy of internationalization on institution, business and share-holders.Secondly, bank internationalization is composed of institutions, share-holders, business, management and talents internationalization. The reasonable way is choose to realize institution internationalization according to the current situation of Chinese bank and international experience. When Chinese commercial bank is considering expanding its organizations, it can adopt M&A to realize global layout.Thirdly, share-holder internationalization shows the deeper meaning of bank internationalization. Importing overseas strategic investors is the effective way because of some Chinese banks’success after introducing overseas strategic investors. There are many principles must be comply with for those Chinese banks which plan to overseas strategic investors, for example, strategic introduction principle, non-relating principle, mutual compensation principle and so on. At the same time, there are many problems must be considered when attracting overseas funds. Introducing overseas strategic investors is effective but not sole method, so Chinese commercial bank has much space to push share-holder internationalization strategy.Fourthly, business internationalization is necessary bank internationalization. For Chinese commercial bank, business internationalization includes not only the raise of international business but also the adjustment of business structure according to the change of global client’s needs. Therefore, the core of Chinese commercial business internationalization strategy is composed of retail banking building, implementation of comprehensive operation and transnational business and customer’s localization. Fifthly, as two important parts of internationalization development, management andtalent internationalization are the vital guarantee for bank internationalization. Chinese commercial bank must set up reasonable frames of internationalized management, realize risk management level and formulate flexible income system, reserving internationalized talent.Sixthly, all of strategies mentioned above are not isolated but intrinsic related. The premises of intrinsic relations are commercial bank reform and development deepening and the authorities offer beneficial policy environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

