

Research on Foreign Direct Investment in Northeastern Industrial Base

【作者】 吴树斌

【导师】 林木西;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 政治经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 自上个世纪以来,特别是80年代开始,全球的外国直接投资经历了空前的快速发展,其发展速度远远超过了同期的国际贸易的发展速度。在这种国际背景下,中国自70年代末开始,不断提高开放程度,调整外资政策,在吸引外资方面取得了举世瞩目的成绩,其外资流入额常年居于发展中国家首位。外国直接投资的大量流入创造了大量的就业机会,促进了外贸出口,同时带来了较为先进的技术和管理方法,极大的推动了中国经济的迅速发展。但与此同时,也不可避免地出现了一些新问题。最为突出是各地经济发展水平出现了严重的失衡,特别是东部沿海地区和东北老工业基地的经济发展差距呈现进一步扩大的趋势。尽管造成经济发展差距拉大的原因多种多样,但不可否认,外国直接投资规模、结构、方式、技术水平、外资政策在全国范围内的差异是造成这一结果的重要原因。因此,如何发挥外国直接投资的积极作用,抑制其消极影响,促进东北老工业基地经济发展就成为摆在广大理论工作者面前的重大课题。本论文将以此为研究对象,力图在回顾、借鉴以往外国直接投资理论和发展经济学相关理论的基础上,总结东北老工业基地外国直接投资的特点、规律,分析其对东北区域经济产生的影响,发现制约外国直接投资在东北地区发展的因素,通过深入、细致的研究,提出推动外国直接投资促进东北老工业基地振兴的战略举措。本文的研究坚持以马克思主义经济学为指导,注意运用现代经济学理论和分析工具,在总结前人研究成果的基础上,采用对比分析、规范分析与实证分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析和模型分析相结合等方法进行研究。本论文的结构框架大致如下:在绪论当中,首先介绍了论文写作的国际及国内背景,研究对象以及论文研究的理论和实践意义;接下来介绍了论文的研究方法和基本框架;最后介绍论文的主要创新点及需要改进的地方。第1章国内外文献综述。在介绍发达国家跨国公司对外投资理论的基础上,阐述和评价了国外学者关于发展中国家外国直接投资的最新理论研究成果,然后,分门别类地介绍了国内学者对于我国利用外国直接投资问题的理论动态。第2章利用外国直接投资振兴东北老工业基地。首先在第1章的基础上,阐明吸纳和有效利用外国直接投资对于东北老工业基地振兴的重大意义,接下来推出了外国直接投资的引资模型,并对东北老工业基地的外商投资地域优势和福利影响做出了分析和评价。第3章东北老工业基地利用外国接投资存在的问题与成因。这是对第3章内容的进一步延伸和扩展。这一章首先提出了利用外国直接投资过程中存在的问题。接下来,最后,指出东北老工业基地在利用外国直接投资的制约因素。第4章利用外国直接投资振兴东北老工业基地的对策建议。考虑到东北老工业基地的实际情况,以及在实际利用外国直接投资的过程中出现的种种问题,本章给出了相应的政策建议。具体政策建议主要围绕以下六个方面展开:投资环境建设、国有企业产权改革、产业结构调整、人才培养、产业集群和国际经济合作。目前国内系统性研究东北老工业基地外国直接投资问题的研究成果不多,本文的创新之处主要体现在:第一,在对东北老工业基地与其他地区进行比较分析的基础上,认真分析了东北地区吸纳外国直接投资的地域优势;第二,深入、全面阐明了外国直接投资对于东北地区的福利影响;第三,在充分综合国内外已有研究成果的基础上,开创性的建立了吸引外国直接投资的一般理论模型。

【Abstract】 Since the last century, particularly after 1980s, foreign directed investment (FDI) increased at unprecedented faster rate than that of international trade. In close context of this background, since late 1970s, China achieved the impressive progress in attracting FDI by upgrading its openness to the rest of world and adjusting its FDI regime. For years, China boasted of the most FDI inflow among developing countries. As FDI continue to flow into China, a large number of jobs are created and exports rocketed. Also, a huge of amount of technologies and managerial skill were introduced into China. All of these aforementioned contributed a lot to Chinese economic prosperity. However, at the same time, unavoidably some serious problems occurred. One of urgent problems is the increasing imbalance in economic development among different regions, particularly between the coastal China and northeastern China. Even though there are a number of factors identified as reasons of this phenomenon, it is widely believed that to a great extent, the volume, structure, type, technology level and regime in FDI resulted in this imbalance. Now, there is a growing interest among scholars and researchers to study how to revitalize the economy in Northeastern China by effectively and efficiently utilizing FDI.Based on the reviews of the literature in FDI theory and development economics and summarization of characteristics and impacts on Northeast economy of FDI, this paper aims to identify the factors constraining the FDI development in Northeastern industrial base of China and prescribe the policy implications.Theoretical basis of this paper is Marxist economics. The elements of modern economics can also be found in this paper. The research methods used include comparative analysis, normative and empirical analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and model analysis.This paper is organized as following.In preface, several points are discussed including the background, motivation, research method, paper structure, contributions to literature suggestions for the future research. This dissertation consists of three parts.The first part is the first chapter. In this chapter, the theory on foreign direct investment. First, the classical theory on the motivation of Multinational Corporation moving abroad is briefly discussed. Then recent research on foreign direct investment in developing countries is reviewed. Finally, impacts of FDI inflow on China are fully discussed.The second part include two chapters, i.e. chapter two and chapter three.In Chapter two, revitalizing of Northeastern Industrial Base through utilization of FDI. Based on the Chapter one, the significance on revitalizing the Northeastern Industrial Base by utilizing FDI is discussed. Then, the theoretical model is introduced. At the end of this chapter, local advantages in Northeastern Industrial Base and the welfare impacts arising from FDI inflow are evaluated.In Chapter three, current problems in utilizing FDI and the reasons. This chapter is the further extension the previous chapters. First, based on the recent development in literature, current problems are put forward. Then the reasons are analyzed. At the end of this chapter, constraining factors are further discussed.The last part is chapter four.Chapter four, policy prescriptions for utilizing FDI to revitalize the Northeastern Industrial Base. In response to the problems put forward in previous chapter, a number of policy changes are suggested including improving the business environment, ownership change of state-owned enterprises, industry structure upgrading, talent training and international collaboration.Till now, there is not rich literature on the study of FDI in Northeastern China. The major contributions are as following: first, by comparing the situations in Northeastern industrial base and rest of China, the inside and outside conditions of utilizing FDI are analyzed. Second, welfare impacts on Northeaster Industrial base are closed looked at. Third, strictly based the literature, a theoretical model on FDI is put forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

