

On the Path Choice of the Community Correction Development in China

【作者】 胡承浩

【导师】 郑友德;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 社区矫正作为一种闪耀着人道、民主、效益、和谐等时代精神光辉的刑罚思潮,是人类刑罚文明朝着人道化、轻缓化和社会化方向不断演进的产物,是人类对犯罪与刑罚现象的认识趋于理性化的结论;同时,从另外一个角度看,它也是长期以来占据刑罚体系核心地位的监禁刑自身基本矛盾运动的结果,是为了解决监禁刑的载体——监狱所面临的压力和困境而构思的出路和对策。近二百年来,社区矫正在世界范围内被广泛运用,已成为许多国家刑事政策中重要的组成部分,代表着国际行刑发展的潮流与趋势。2003年7月,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院以及公安部、司法部等四部门联合下发《关于开展社区矫正试点工作的通知》,正式拉开了探索建立科学规范的中国特色社区矫正制度的序幕。2006年10月11日,党的十六届六中全会通过的《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》指出:“实施宽严相济的刑事司法政策,改革未成年人司法制度,积极推行社区矫正。”中共中央政法委员会也强调:“要坚持宽严相济刑事政策,依法执行从轻、减轻、不起诉、缓刑、社区矫正等规定,减少社会对立面,化消极因素为积极因素。”社区矫正成为我国刑事司法部门贯彻落实“宽严相济”刑事政策,建设社会主义和谐社会的一项重要举措。社区矫正逐渐成为刑事司法制度改革的理性选择与科学载体之一,其试点的推进和发展必将对我国刑事政策及犯罪控制方略产生重大影响。在此背景下,加强对社区矫正制度的理论研究及其适用探讨就显得更加紧迫而且必要。鉴于社区矫正是一个内涵十分丰富的命题,它不单是一个法学问题,而且和管理学、教育学、社会学等有着密不可分的联系。为了使论文达到一定的深度,笔者在阅读相关学科论著的基础上,试图对该问题作多学科、多视角的立体化考察,尝试从法学与管理学、教育学、社会学的结合点上寻求理论上的突破和创新。最后,以上述的理论分析、比较研究和自身工作经历为基础,探讨我国社区矫正发展的路径。本文从两个方面进行阐述,首先,简要对中外社区矫正历史、现状以及发展背景进行实证考察、分析,提出了我国社区矫正发展的基本构想;其次,重点对我国社区矫正的发展路径进行详细论述,提出文化推进、社区参与、法律完善、危险控制的具体对策措施。除导论、结语之外,正文共分六个部分。第一部分:我国社区矫正的探索与实践。概述了中国大陆及港澳台地区社区矫正的探索和实践情况。并对上海、北京、浙江枫桥和湖北等地的社区矫正模式进行了实证个案研究。第二部分:我国社区矫正发展的基本构想。主张积极顺应世界社区矫正发展的趋势,大胆借鉴海外社区矫正发展的成果,建立中国特色的社区矫正制度,即坚持以促进罪犯重返社会为目标、以维护刑罚公正为前提、以确保社会安全为必须的“三项原则”;选择以文化推进为先导、以社区参与为基础、以法律完善为核心、以危险控制为重点的“四大路径”,从文化环境、社会基础、法律支撑和危险控制等关键层面实现突破,推进我国社区矫正的科学规范和有序发展。第三部分:我国社区矫正发展之先导:文化推进。力图通过批判重刑文化、广而告之传播社区矫正的理念和政策,文化先行,引导社会公众理解和接纳社区矫正人道、民主、科学、和谐和效益等进步价值,认同和支持社区矫正,培育社区矫正制度生根开花的土壤。第四部分:我国社区矫正发展之基础:社区参与。通过对我国社区发展现状的分析,强调要充分考虑我国社会结构的独特性、各地区发展的不平衡、社区发展的不一致性以及个体与社会联系的疏离等客观实际,由国家主导、因地制宜、加强社区建设,调动社区参与积极性,夯实社区矫正发展的基础。第五部分:我国社区矫正发展之核心:法律完善。在评析了我国大陆社区矫正适用的法律依据后,主张由全国人大授权试点省市的地方人大制定社区矫正暂行的地方性法规。待各地根据试点中发现的问题,积极大胆修改现行法典中的管制刑、缓刑、假释、暂予监外执行等部分内容,从源头上、程序上和执行上解决实践中的法律空白,制定社区矫正的地方性暂行法规并积累了足够的经验后,再由全国人大制定专门的社区矫正法典,为社区矫正的稳步推进提供科学的法律支撑。第六部分:我国社区矫正发展之重点:危险控制。主张建构社区矫正危险控制机制:建立社区矫前调查制度,矫前控制危险;推进社区矫正技术创新,科学控制危险;建立危险分类管理制度,重点控制危险,确保社区矫正的有序发展。

【Abstract】 Community Correction, as a humane, democratic, effective and harmonious penalty trend shining with the spirit of the time, is the result of human penalty civilization which turns, to humanity, mitigation and socialization. It is the rational conclusion of the human’s understanding on the phenomenon of crime and punishment. Meanwhile, from another point of view, it is also a product of their basic contradiction of imprisonment which has been the core of the penalty system for a long time, and a way to get rid of the pressure and the predicament of the prison. Community correction has been used worldwide and has become an important part of criminal policies in many countries, representing the developing trend of the international penalty execution.In July 2003, the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate , the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued "Pilot Project on Community Correction" which officially began exploring the establishment of a scientific and standardized system of the community correction with Chinese characteristics.On October 11, 2006, the Sixth Plenum of the 16th CPC passed the "A Number of Major Decisions of CPC Central Committee on Building a Socialist Harmonious Society" which points out "to implement the temper justice with mercy relief phase of the criminal justice policy, to reform the judicial system of minors, and to actively promote the community correction. " Politics and Law Committee of the CPC Central Committee also stressed that "We should insist on the temper justice with mercy relief phase of the criminal justice policy, carry out in accordance with the law the rules of reducing, not prosecuting, probating, community correcting and other provisions to reduce the social antithesis, turning negative factors into positive ones." Community Correction turns out to be an important meature of implementing the temper justice with mercy relief phase of the criminal justice policy and building a harmonious socialist society.Community Correction has been one of the scientific carriers and a rational choice of the criminal justice system reform. The pilot’s promotion and development is bound to have a significant impact on the criminal policies and crime control strategy in our country. In this context, the theoretical research and application study on community correction system become more urgent and necessary. Community Correction is a topic rich in intension which is not only a problem of law but also inextricably linked with science of management, education, sociology, ect.. In order to reach a certain depth, the paper attempts to study the issue with multi-disciplinary, multi-dimensional perspectives, combining law, management, education and sociology to seek the theoretical breakthroughs and innovation on the basis of relevant theory. Fnally, the development of Chinese community correction path is discussed based on the theoretical analysis, comparative research and working experience.This paper sets forth into two areas. First of all. the brief history, the status as well as the development background of of community correction are studied and the basic concept of China’s Community Correction is prpposed; Secondly, Chinese development path of community correction is stated in detail, and meatures of cultural promotion, community participation, legal improvement and risk control are suggested. In addition to the Introduction, Conclusion, the body is divided into six parts.Part I: Community Correction Exploration and Practice in China. It includes the overview of the Community Correction exploration and practice in Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions, and the empirical case studies on community correction mode in Shanghai, Beijing, Zhejiang, Hubei and other places.Part Two: The Basic Concept of Community Correction Deveopment in China. It stands for the positive response to the development trend of world community correction, applying the overseas achievements to the development of community correction to set up the community correction system with Chinese characteristics, which adhere to the purpose of promoting the social reintegration of offenders, the prerequisite for protecting the just penalty and the necessesity of ensuring the social security as the "three principles"; Choose "the four major path" to promote the culture and community-based participation in order to improve the law as the core and to control the risk; Achieve breakthroughs focusing on cultural environment, social basis, legal support and risk control in orer to promote the scientificly and orderly development of community correction in China.Part III: The Forerunner of Community Correction Development in China: Promoting the culture. It attemps to criticize the severe punishment so as to widely spread the idea and policies of community correction,guiding the public to understand and to accept the value of the humanitarian, democracy, science, harmony of the community correction, with recognition and support for the community correction system.Part IV: The Basis of Community Correction Development in China: Community Participation. Through the analysis of the status of Community Development in China, it was stressed that China should give full consideration to the uniqueness of the social structure, the imbalance in regional development, the inconsistency of community development and the alienation of individual and social contact. The community correction should be led by the state, suit measures to local condition and strengthen community building to mobilize active community participation so as to lay a solid foundation for the development of community correction.Part V: The Core of Community Correction Development in China: The Law Perfection. By analysing the applied legal basis of the community correction in China’s mainland, it is suggested that the National People’s Congress authorize local people’s congresses of the pilot provinces and cities to develop the Community Correction provisional local rules. According to the problems to be found in various parts of the pilot, the local people’s congresses can actively make the bold revision of the existing code of criminal control, probation, parole and other parts of contents to fill the gap in the legal practice from the sources, procedures and enforcement. When the local rules of community correction development has accumulated enough experience, the National People’s Congress would devote to the development of the Community Correction Code in order to provide the scientific legal support for the community correction.Part VI: Key Point of Community Correction Development in China: Risk Control. The proposals of constructing risk control of communication correction are put forth: the establishment of the pre-investigation of the community correction to control the risk before community correction; the promotion of the innovation of the community correction technology to scientificly control the risk; the establishment of classified management system, focusing on the risk control to ensure the orderly development of community corrections.


