

Study on Factors and Strategies Affecting the Combinational Development of Information and Industrialization

【作者】 胥军

【导师】 杨超;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 传统工业化的实质是人类掠夺自然、割裂经济与生态、社会与环境、人与自然有机联系的过程,以消耗自然资源和牺性自然环境换取经济的高速发展。而20世纪50年代以来,CAD、MRP、CIMS、ERP、网络制造等信息技术的应用,对西方国家的工业化进程产生了极大的推动作用,信息化成为西方国家工业现代化的催化剂。作为发展中国家,中国必须充分把握后发优势,从西方传统工业化和新兴的信息技术发展中吸取教训和经验,尽快实现中国的工业化现代化。中国共产党在十七大报告中提出了“大力推进信息化与工业化融合,促进工业由大变强”。“两化融合”成为今后中国经济社会发展的国家战略。国内、外以往的关于工业化、信息化的研究,主要集中在工业化的模式、传统工业化、新型工业化,以及信息化的评测,企业信息化应用等,并没有完整地将信息化与工业化的融合作为一个课题来研究,有些研究虽然有所触及,但着墨不多。本文正是基于这样的理论背景和现实情况,在以往关于工业化、信息化研究的基础上,针对中国“两化融合”的战略目标和工业化、信息化的发展实践,运用后发优势、比较优势等理论依据,结合“两化融合”的可行性、必然性等现实基础,对影响“两化融合”的相关因素进行了分析、研究,并提出了政策策略建议。首先,本文认为,有效的政府治理是“两化融合”的推进器,本文分析了现有政府治理的弊端及其对“两化融合”的影响,从革新政府治理的角度提出了加快实现政府治理创新以推动“两化融合”的具体思路和建议。本文还应用了LSA方法进行案例分析,为政府建立工业化项目的公正评审体系提供了思路。其次,中介服务体系是“两化融合”活力之源,中国中介服务体系起步晚、底子薄、市场很不规范,本文在研究西方发达工业国家科技中介服务体系建设的基础上,分析了中国中介服务体系的种种问题,提出了改进、完善、发展中介服务体系的思路和建议。第三,作为独立于制造业企业、软硬件开发商之外的第三方,咨询企业是实现“两化融合”的技术支撑。本文分析了中国咨询业的发展现状,针对性地提出了从服务资源整合、业务能力建设、专业能力培养等多方面提升咨询企业能力,还采用AHP方法进行了信息化产品选型的案例分析,为咨询机构帮助制造企业进行科学、合理的信息化产品选型提供了思路。第四,第三方公共服务平台是“两化融合”的工具系统,本文针对中国ASP服务的泡沫化现象,结合国家863项目的研发实践,提出基于制造业信息化知识门户建设ASP公共服务平台,将信息化知识传播与ASP技术服务进行整合,使中小制造企业易于接受、便于使用。本文提出了建设ASP平台系统的技术路线、实现方法等具体实现思路。还针对我国ASP推广存在的问题提出了解决办法,对新兴的SAAS技术进行了分析。第五,专业化人才是“两化融合”得以实现的核心因素,本文分析了专业人才流失的状况和原因,从智能体行为模型着手,结合西方发达国家的CIM、APS系统的人本考虑,提出“两化融合”要注重“以人为本”,工业化、信息化就是使人和系统、技术得以更好合作,实现人与工业化、信息化的和谐、融合。第六,“两化融合”是中国在经济全球化、竞争国际化的新时期推行的一种新的技术革命,本文在分析了影响“两化融合”相关因素以后提出了推动“两化融合”的相关政策、策略建议,包括推进关键性技术的自主创新、因应全球形势调整产业结构、重视并推进制造业服务化、加快传统产业的信息化改造,加快产权体制改革与制度创新等。“两化融合”关键在融,要实现“信息化与工业化”的化学反应,而不是物理变化。因此,本文围绕“两化融合”的影响因素,将研究的视角主要集中在信息化、工业化二者间的内在关联和互动,采用理论、实证、中外对比等方法,通过理论探索和实践总结,期望能够为中国实现信息化、工业化的有机融合,加快工业现代化进程,促进国民经济的又好又快发展探寻出一条科学而可行的新思路。

【Abstract】 The traditional industrialization is the process of human beings’ depriving nature. It is to severely break down the healthy relation between the economy and the nature, the society and the environment and the human society and the nature as well. Since the 1950s, the industrialization process in western industrial countries has been greatly facilitated by the application of technologies such as CAD, MRP, CIMS and ERP and web production. The information technology has already become the activator of modernization in western countries. Being a developing country, China should learn from the precedents and realize the Chinese-styled industrialization. Therefore, the report to the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "we will develop a modern industrial system, integrate IT application with industrialization, push our large industries to grow stronger". The "integration of industrialization and IT application" has become our new economy development strategies in the future.The previous studies at home and abroad mainly are on issues such as the developing mode of industrialization, the traditional industrialization, the new mode of industrialization, the determination and review through information and the application of information technology in business. The integration of IT application with industrialization is rarely chosen as a research topic.Therefore, this paper is based on the previous studies on industrialization and on IT application, and tries to integrate the recent research on our new economy development strategies. It is from the following aspects.Firstly, this paper firmly states that the effective governmental management is the promoter of the "integration of industrialization and IT application" strategy. It analyzes the weak practice in abatement by the government. It points out the measures to facilitate the new way of abatement and how to enable the "integration of industrialization and IT application" by governmental practice which is of the primary importance. Using the LSA method, this paper analyzes some cases to provide new thoughts to the justice evaluation system for the government to establish industrializing projects.Secondly, the agency service system is the vital resource for the "integration of industrialization and IT application" strategy. The agency service system in China started very late and has been weak and developed a mal-organized market. This paper is based on the thorough studies on the construction of technology agency service system in western developed countries. It explains the thoughts on the construction of technology service system under the "integration of industrialization and IT application" strategy.Thirdly, being the third party separated from the production enterprise and development enterprise, the consulting agency provides technological support to the "integration of industrialization and IT application" strategy. This paper analyzes the current development of the consulting industry in China. It advises to construct the enterprise’s ability from the view of production and management requirements and to integrate information technology with enterprise’s strategic aims and their practice in production management. This is the key to promote the "integration of industrialization and IT application" strategy. Using the LSA method, this paper analyzes some cases to provide new thoughts for the production enterprise to the conduct project model selecting.Fourthly, the public service platform is the system tool for the "integration of industrialization and IT application" strategy. This paper takes in the analysis on the ASP service in China and the development practice in the 863 state programs and creates the ASP public service model for the public service platform for constructional production enterprises.Fifthly, human resource is the decisive key to the "integration of industrialization and IT application" strategy. This paper analyzes the problem and its reasons of losing professional workers. It starts from the action model and combines the CIM and APS system applied in western countries and reminds that the "integration of industrialization and IT application" strategy should take people as the foremost. Only if the professionals are respected do they employ their utmost ability.Lastly, the integration of industrialization and IT application is a new technology revolution based on China’s economic integration and competition globalization in the new era. The strategy will fasten the improvement of industrial level, and eventually shorten our industrialization process. Therefore, the industrial restructuring and industrial upgrading require more innovation. Some suggestions are also given in this paper.The "integration of industrialization and IT application" is an organic combination. This paper is mainly about the construction of this integration system. And the research is based on the innate relation of industrialization and IT application. The aim is to explore a scientific and workable way for our country to surpass the formers.

  • 【分类号】F49;F424
  • 【被引频次】53
  • 【下载频次】3644
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