

A Study on Professional Development of Teachers in Higher Vocational Colleges

【作者】 叶小明

【导师】 刘献君;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 培养具有一定理论知识和较强实践能力的技术应用型人才是高等职业院校的根本任务,高等职业院校的教师是完成该任务的最重要力量。而教师的专业素质如何直接影响着高等职业人才的培养质量,因此,提高教师的专业素质显得十分重要。教师专业发展是提高教师专业素质的最重要的途径,它不仅是高等职业院校发展的需要,也是教师自身发展需要。长期以来,教育界及学界对基础教育教师专业发展很重视,对其研究已走向成熟,而对高等职业院校教师专业发展的重视却相对不足,对其研究还处于起步阶段,对诸如高等职业院校教师专业发展的内容是什么,它有哪些理论依据,其发展现状与问题是什么,如何发展等等问题的研究凤毛麟角。因此,全面系统回答这些问题是高等职业院校教师专业发展研究亟待解决的课题。本研究首先从高等职业院校教师专业发展的历史切入,通过对高等职业院校教师专业发展的历史的梳理,发现高等职业院校教师专业发展既是世界高等职业教育历史的发展趋势,也是我国高等职业教育发展的历史必然。我国高等职业院校教师专业发展伴随我国高等教育和社会经济的发展,先后经历了被动的专业化、群体专业化、自主专业发展三个阶段,其总的发展趋势将实现五个转变,即:在内涵上实现从“教师培训”向“教师专业发展”的转变;在目标取向上实现从“经师”到“双师”转变;在知识结构上实现从强调学术性知识到关注实践性知识的转变;在发展路径上实现从单一走向多元的转变;在专业发展评价上实现从注重学历到学历与能力的兼顾的转变。教师专业发展有其深厚的理论基础,这些理论基础既包括外来学术理论如现代教育学、心理学等相关理论,也包括教师的自身理论如“实践理论”或“实践性知识”。高等职业院校如同普通高等学校一样,必须保持其开放性。参照西方发达国家高等职业院校教师专业发展的成功实践,本研究认为我国高等职业院校教师专业发展还存在着一些问题。这些问题既有队伍建设方面的,如培训体系不规范、目的不明确;教师来源比较单一、知识结构不合理;师资培训政策和保障机制不健全;人才流失现象较严重;也有个体发展方面的,如学科专业与教育专业的张力失衡;自我更新和学术研究不足;在职进修与培训途径受限。产生这些问题的原因主要来自三个方面,即教师个人、学校和社会环境。解决高等职业院校教师专业发展问题的出路在于:树立科学的教师发展理念,营造教师发展的氛围;改革与完善高等职业院校教师专业发展的制度;构建学习型组织,促进教师专业成长;建设“双师型”教师队伍。本研究最后以广东轻工职业技术学院教师专业发展为个案,在对该学院进行广泛调研的基础上,针对其院情提出了广东轻工职业技术学院教师专业发展的对策与措施。

【Abstract】 An essential task for higher vocational college education is to foster students with strong ability of applying techniques under the guidance of relevant theories. As the task is mainly fulfilled by the teachers in the higher vocational college, the professional qualities of the teachers will directly influence the completion of the task. Therefore, it is critical to improve the teachers’ professional qualities.The most important approach to promoting the teachers’ professional qualities is to develop the teachers’ profession. This reflects the necessity of both the higher vocational college and the teachers themselves. Although for a long term, great importance has been attached to the professional development of teachers involved in the basic education and relevant researches have been in the period of adolescence, insufficient attention has been given to the professional development of teachers involved in the higher vocational colleges. In addition, relevant research is still in its infancy. A lot of quesitons remain unanswered, like what is the content of the professional development of teachers in the higher vocational college, what theory or theories underlie(s) it, what is its current situation and its challenge, so on and so forth. To give an systematic and complete answer to the above quesitons is urgent for the reseaches on the professional development of teachers in the higher vocational college.The present research starts with history of the professional development of teachers in the higher vocational college. A glimpse of its history discovers that the professional development of teachers in the higher vocational college is not only necessary for China but also keeps step with the world trend. With the development of economy and higher education in our country, the professional development of teachers in the higher vocational college has undergone three phases: the passive professionalization, the massive professionalization and free professional development. In the process of development five changes will take place, namely, change from teacher training to teachers’ professional development in the content, change from experience-oriented teachers to bi-profession-oriented teachers in the target, change from academic-type to practice-type in the structure of knowledge, change from monotony to multi-element in the approach, change from emphasis on degree to emphasis on both degree and ability in the assessment. In short, profound theories underlie the study of professional development of teachers in the higher vocational college, which include theories teachers obtain from such disciplines as Modern Study of Education and Psychology as welll as theories they gain from practice.Like common universities, higher vocational colleges must remain opened to the world. Compare the professional development of teachers in the higher vocational colleges in the western countries with ours, this thesis discovers that there still exist some problems in the latter. The problems range from the construction of the team of teachers to development of the individuals. The former includes the non-standard training system, indefinite goal, single source of teachers, incomplete knowledge structure, imperfect training policy and guarantee system, the brain drain while the latter includes the imbalance between the teacher’s knowledge of major and of education, insufficient of self-improvement and research work, limited further study and training. The causes for the problems are from three sources: the teacher as an individual, the college and the social environment.The approaches to solving these problems lies in the following. The first is to establish notion of scientific development in order to create a proper atmosphere; the second is to reform and improve the relevant systems; the third is to construct the organization of learning to foster the professional development of teachers; the forth is to construct the teachers team of bi-professional type.The thesis ultimately does a case study on the professional development of teachers in Guangdong Industry Technical College. On the basis of a comprehensive survey it discusses relevant policies and measures in the college.


