

A Study on the Urban-rural Income Gap in the System of Urban Biased

【作者】 任太增

【导师】 方齐云;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 西方经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 城乡居民人均收入之比超过2的已经很少见,但在我国城乡居民人均收入之比低于2的却很罕见。有人惊呼:中国的城乡收入差距已经是世界之最。面对巨大的城乡收入差距,政府出台了一系列旨在缩小城乡收入差距的政策措施,但我国的城乡收入差距不仅没有缩小,反而呈现出了进一步恶化的趋势,甚至有落入“拉美陷阱”的危险。本文在我国城乡收入差距持续扩大且缩小城乡收入差距的政策效果不明显的背景下,研究城市偏向制度对城乡收入差距的作用机理,揭示我国城市偏向的制度与城乡收入差距之间的内在逻辑关系。本文在对国内外有关城乡收入差距的文献进行评述的基础上,构建了城乡收入差距的理论框架。认为城市偏向制度下,城乡收入差距既是内生的、也是外生的。作为内生的城乡收入差距,具有一定的不可避免性;作为外生的城乡收入差距,它是由一系列城市偏向的制度决定的。城市偏向下的城乡收入差距是内生因素和外生因素共同作用的结果。在该理论框架基础上,本文重点分析外生因素——城市偏向制度对城乡收入差距的作用机理。认为,城市偏向制度一方面直接影响城乡收入差距,另一方面通过破坏内生城乡收入差距的自我矫正机制对城乡收入差距产生间接影响。城市偏向制度下,库兹涅茨“倒U曲线”的拐点难以出现,城乡收入差距具有不可逆性和累积扩大的趋势。我国的城市偏向制度表现在资源分配、城乡交换、再分配等各个领域。资源分配制度的城市偏向导致我国的城乡收入差距在生产过程开始之前就已经被部分决定;城乡交换制度的城市偏向导致由城乡要素边际生产力的差别形成的城乡收入差距在不平等的交换中被进一步拉大;再分配过程中的城市偏向导致我国的再分配制度严重偏离再分配的基本目标。一系列城市偏向制度使农村居民居于十分不利的地位,为了把农民强行束缚在有限的土地上,我们建立了服务于上述制度的、具有明显歧视特征的户籍制度。中国处于工业化快速发展进程中,具有明显的二元经济结构特征,城乡要素之间的边际生产力差异巨大,这是中国城乡收入差距的内生性原因。同时,在城乡利益关系问题上,中国是城市偏向非常严重的国度,而中国的政治结构和经济体制又使政府具有强大的、超过绝大多数国家的经济支配能力,这导致了中国的城乡收入差距又具有明显的外生性。经验数据和实证研究均表明,我国城乡收入差距与城市偏向的制度密切相关,我国的城乡收入差距具有明显的城市偏向制度下城乡收入差距的特征。城市偏向制度与计划经济的结合导致了我国城乡收入差距的固化,城市偏向制度与市场经济的结合导致了我国城乡收入差距的累积性扩大。改革开放后,我国的城市偏向制度总体上出现了弱化的趋势,但这种弱化主要体现在城乡交换制度和户籍制度上,资源分配制度和再分配制度的城市偏向依旧。我国的政治结构决定,城市偏向制度的纠正在相当程度上要依靠政府,这就要求政府不仅要在初次分配和再分配过程中注重城乡之间的公平,更要重视资源分配过程中的城乡公平。分析我国对城市偏向制度纠正的顺序可以发现,农民的参与程度在城市偏向制度的演变过程中所发挥的作用可能比人们想象的要大得多。因此,纠正城市偏向制度,要求建立起城乡居民之间的“讨价还价”机制,提高农民的话语权,使农民不仅能够通过自己的“行为”表达利益诉求,也能够通过自己的“呼声”表达利益诉求。我国城市偏向的制度是在特定历史时期形成的,在进行制度改革时,既要充分考虑到城乡居民双方的利益,努力实现城乡利益的均衡,为制度创新设定一个明确的目标。同时也必须考虑到城乡居民的实际感受,尽量降低改革的阻力和风险。可行的办法是通过渐进的、增量利益调整来平衡城乡利益关系,即在维护城市居民既得利益的前提下,在新增利益分配中,向农村倾斜,以逐步改变城市偏向。

【Abstract】 It has been rare to see the urban-rural residents’ income ratio exceeding 2 worldwide, while it is surely rare to see the ratio in China lower than 2. Somebody has ever exclaimed: the urban-rural residents’ income ratio in China has been one that no other countries can surpass. Facing the ever-widening urban-rural income gap, Chinese government has adopted a series of countermeasures, although all the measures seem to be not so powerful or effective and there is possibility for China to get lost into the so-called "Latin-American Trap".Under such a background, the dissertation tries to analyze the social system of urban biased and the influence the system has employed upon the urban-rural income gap and also to discover the logical relationship between the social system of Urban Biased and the urban-rural income gap.Beginning with the comment on literature, at home or abroad, related to the urban-rural income gap, the dissertation constructs a theoretical framework especially of the urban-rural income gap. Author does believe: in the social system of Urban Biased, the ever-widening urban-rural income gap is innate as well as postnatal, i.e, the urban-rural income gap is innate, so it is unavoidable; and the urban-rural income gap is postnatal, so it must be influenced or determined by a series of mechanism of urban biased.Based on the theoretical framework established by author, the dissertation emphasizes the analyses of the external factor—the system of urban biased influencing the urban-rural income gap. The dissertation presents the idea that, on one hand, the system of urban biased directly influences the urban-rural income gap, and on the other hand, the system indirectly influences the income gap by destroying the self-modification mechanism that is believed to be able to do some positive and automatic work to narrow the urban-rural income gap. In such a system of urban biased, the urban-rural income gap becomes ever-widening and irreversible.The system of urban biased is embodied in many fields such as resource allocation, urban-rural exchange, re-allocation and so on. The principle of urban biased embodied in the course of resource allocation has partly determined the urban-rural income gap even before the production starts; the principle of urban biased embodied in urban-rural exchange has been widening the urban-rural income gap for the unfair basis; and principle of urban biased has already caused serious departure between the practice and aims of re-allocation. A series of policies of urban biased have put rural residents in a very disadvantageous situation; what’s more, in order to bind farmers onto the limited land, household registration system of apparent discrimination has been established and strictly carried out.China now is in a course of rapid development and of obvious characteristics of dual conomic structure, and the marginal productivities of urban-rural productive elements are greatly different, which is also the innate cause of the ever-widening urban-rural income gap. Meanwhile, as for the urban-rural interest relationship, China is a country of typical orientation of urban biased, and China’s political and economical system has empowered its government with much more powerful economical decision-making authority than most other countries, which endows the urban-rural income gap in China with evident external features. Rule of thumb data and empirical study all show that urban-rural income gap in China is closely related to and features the system of urban biased. The combination of system of urban biased and planned economy has solidified the urban-rural income gap, while the combination of system of urban biased and market economy has caused the accumulatively-widening urban-rural income gap.Ever since the reform and opening-up, system of urban biased has been gradually weakened, although the positive change can just be seen in urban-rural exchange system and household registration system. The political system in China determines that the corrective measures against system of urban biased can just be promulgated and carried out by China’s government, which requires fair primary and secondary distribution of the national income whether in urban or rural areas.Analyses of the corrective sequence of the system of urban biased indicate that the extent to which peasants participate in evolution process of urban biased system has contributed more than people can imagine. So, in order to correct system of urban biased, rural residents should be given chances of bargaining, opportunities of expressing their hopes and requirements and occasions or stages on which they can "do" or "say" something for their interest demand.The system of urban biased came into being in a specific period of time, and in the process of institutional reform, some balanced attitudes should be adopted: on one hand, interests of both urban and rural residents should be considered, urban-rural interests should be balanced and a clear aim should be figured out for institutional innovation; and on the other hand, the resistance and risks in reform should be consciously avoided. The most practical way is to balance urban-rural relationship by progressive and incremental interest regulation, i.e. to maintain urban residents’ vested interest while allocate a bigger proportion to the rural areas in the distribution process of newly-increased interest.


