

A Study on Social Regulation of China

【作者】 苏晓红

【导师】 张卫东;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 西方经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文的宗旨是应用社会性管制理论的基本原理评价我国社会性管制体系的绩效,分析存在的问题,提出提高我国社会性管制质量和效率的政策建议。为此,作者运用规范分析、实证分析、历史分析等研究方法,在对社会性管制理论进行系统梳理的基础上,明确界定了社会性管制体系的基本框架,并从社会性管制体系的角度剖析了造成我国社会性管制失灵的深层次原因,同时全面总结了英美等发达国家社会性管制改革的经验。本文的研究表明:致力于实现社会公平正义的社会性管制的产生是经济、政治、社会诸因素共同作用的结果,由外部性和内部性引起的市场失灵只是社会性管制的必要条件而非充分条件,只有当社会性管制的收益大于社会性管制的成本时社会性管制才是有效的。社会性管制体系是由管制立法、管制主体、管制对象、管制目标、管制政策和方式组成的一个有机整体,管制体系的完善程度和管制绩效正相关。经过30年的改革与建设我国已初步形成了社会性管制体系,社会性管制的力度不断加强,管制的效果初步显现,但管制的成本逐年增加,管制的总体绩效较差,存在着管制失灵。我国现行社会性管制体系的不完善是管制失灵的主要原因。我国社会性管制体系存在的问题表现为:缺乏社会性管制有效发挥作用的体制基础;管制的立法过程缺乏公开性、透明性和公众参与性,立法过多地体现了部门利益和地方利利益、出现了部门利益、地方利益法制化的倾向;管制机构缺乏独立性、管制权分散、存在着不同部门之间的管制权之争,管治者利用手中的自由裁量权进行政治创租与抽租,对被管制者监督不力,存在着管制者的道德风险和机会主义行为;作为管制对象的国有企业尚无真正成为的独立的经济主体,和管制部门之间存在着千丝万缕的联系,缺乏承担社会责任的意识;消费者缺乏有效的组织,无法与大企业集团相抗衡,不利于管制的均衡;社会性管制方式以命令控制为主,缺乏经济激励和信息、安全教育。要克服管制失灵,提高管制效率,必须改革我国的社会性管制体系。作为正处于向市场经济转型过程之中的中国,借鉴英美等发达市场经济国家管制改革的经验,对于提高我国改革的成功率、降低改革成本具有重要意义。借鉴发达国家经验,结合我国的实际,我国社会性管制改革的目标应是改善社会性管制的质量,提高社会性管制的效率。改革的主要措施是:深化经济体制改革,形成社会性管制有效发挥作用的体制基础;深化行政管理体制改革,增强管制机构的独立性;增加管制过程的透明度,引入以成本-收益分析为核心的管制影响评价机制,规范管制机构行为、有效管制管制者;深化企业改革、提高消费者的组织程度、形成强大的多元利益集团;改革命令控制型的管制方式、引入多种替代性措施等。

【Abstract】 Purposes of this paper is evaluating performance of social regulation system of China by social regulation theory, analyzing reasons why performance of the social regulation system is so poor, And giving some advicese to Governrmant for improving quality and effectiveness of the social regulation system. For this, author used some research methods such as criterion analysis, demonstration analysis, and history analysis etc.. author dapicted systematically the theory of social regulation, then use its basic principle to create a analytic tool which is basic framework of social regulayion system; Then author used this tool to anatomy the main factors which leaded inefficacy of social regulation system of China, and to summarize the reform experiences of social regulation of developed country such as U.S.A, UK, etc.Findings: A goal of social regulation is realizing justice, it is impacted by many factors such as economic factors, political factors, and social factors. Inefficacy of market is not sufficient condition but necessary condition of social regulation because of internality and externality, social regulation is effective none but income of social regulation is more than cost of social regulation; social regulation system is composed by governing legislation, governing objects, governing agency, governing objectives, governing policies, and governing methods. Performance of social regulation system is positively related to the system’s integrality; social regulation system of China has been building since 1978 when reform and open policies of China began. 30 years past, power of social regulation system has been enhancing, social regulation system worked, but cost of social regulation is increasing year after year, performance of social regulation system is still poor, and inefficacy exists in the social regulation system. Faultiness of social regulation system is critical reason that results in inefficacy of government. For example, legislation processes lack of publicity, transparence, and participation of public; behalf of governing agency was legalized; government agency can’t work independently, power of social regulation is separate, different sections of government contend the governing power, governor has morality problem and they are opportunist because they use their power to look for political and economic hire; state owner enterprises are not independent completely; consumer can’t protect their right because they are not organized; the means of social regulation are simplex; and etc.. Therefor, reform of social regulation system is necessary. It is significant to use experiences of developed country for reference to China which is in the process of transformation from planned economy to market economy. Gole of social regulation system of our country is that improving quality of government, heightening efficiency of government, and boosting up independence of governing agency; Main measure of reform are deepening reform of administrative social regulation system, enhancing transparence of process of social regulation, establishing estimation system and monitor system, enriching measures of social regulation, and so on.


