

Brief on Literature of "Linguistics" in Song Dynasty

【作者】 李洪华

【导师】 刘晓东;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 宋代是我国小学发展的重要历史阶段,这一时期小学成绩突出,价值卓著,文字学、音韵学、训诂学、音义学等均有相当的创获,不仅集前代小学成就之大成,还在宋代的时代背景下发展出了自己的新特色,更开启了众多新门类,如金石文字学、古音学等等,对后世产生了重要影响,尤其对清代小学的兴盛奠定了重要基础,有些方面的影响甚至还波及至现当代。因此,非常有必要对宋代小学进行深入细致的研究,以期更好的了解宋代小学及其在中国小学发展史中的特色和地位。学界向来将汉学与宋学对举,宋代小学作为宋学的工具和基础部分,和宋学的发展与繁荣密切相关,要深入了解和研究宋学,也必须对宋代小学进行探讨。关于这一课题,前代学者已经作了不少研究和总结,并取得了一些成果,但总起来看还远远不够,在许多方面仍存在不少欠缺。要充分挖掘宋代小学的价值,还必须对其进行系统地全面研究。本论文拟在前人研究成果的基础上,从宋代原始小学文献入手,对宋代小学进行全面系统地深入探讨,力求弥补前人在该领域研究的不足,同时将其置入传统小学与现代语言学结合的视角中进行关照,期望能使传统的小学文献研究从理论上得到深化。本论文共分五章,主体内容是对现存小学文献进行考述。从第二章开始,虽然每章中节次多寡、文字详略各有不同,但大体都包含如下内容:每一章节都先根据各公私书目列出文献书目总表,概述其所在类别的文献概况,然后以重要现存文献为线索和纲目进行论述,一般涉及作者及其成书概况、体例及其内容特色、学术价值及其影响和流传版本等几个因素。这样点面结合、总分结合、详略结合,共同构成了一个有机整体,希望能够通过这样一种体例,全面立体地展现我国宋代小学文献的基本状况。宋代小学作为宋代学术的重要组成部分,必然会受到社会政治、经济、文化等因素的影响,同时宋代小学作为中国小学史流变中的重要一环,也必然受小学发展的传承性和阶段性等因素的制约。本文第一章即从宋代社会背景这一共时层面和中国小学史这一历时层面进行分析,为更清晰地了解宋代小学概貌提供了一份较为可靠的背景资料。第二章论考宋代文字学,宋代文字学的重要特征是金石文字学的开创和“六书”学的兴起。因“六书”学是“说文”学发展的高级阶段,金石文字学是古文字学的一部分,故本章在总述宋代文字学文献的基础上,将现存主要文字学文献分为“说文”学、字样学、古文字学等主要类别,分别论述了其沿袭、变革和创新。音韵学的繁荣是宋代小学的一个重要特色,宋代今音学、等韵学都较为发达,古音学体系则自此开始建立。对此,前人关注颇多,研究也相对成熟,本文第三章即主要总结概括前人的研究成果,综述其成就和不足,同时吸纳前沿的研究成果,力求较完整的展现宋代音韵学的成就。音义类文献是小学文献的一个重要分支,前代学者对此一直鲜有重视,本文第四章将其作为一个重要门类单独列出,并按照宋代音义文献的实际,分为经书音义、史书音义、子集书音义和佛典音义等几个部分。在爬梳原始文本的基础上,较为详细地论述了宋代音义类文献的内容特色及其价值影响等等。第五章研究宋代训诂学的发展及其成就。在本章节中,共分为雅学、传注派训诂学和宋人笔记中的训诂学三个部分,比较全面地展现宋代训诂学的概况。因为笔记中所涉及到的训诂学思想和理论较为分散,所以在这一节中我们按照宋代训诂实际和现代语言学门类,将宋人几部重要笔记按照右文说、语法修辞学、方言俗语等方面进行文献分类采摭,并对此作出了相应的评价。总结来看,本文的突破和创新之处主要有以下几点:1本文首次从古典文献学的角度,对宋代传统小学文献进行了全面系统的研究,对重要小学文献的作者、成书、价值和版本等情况进行了较为细致的考述,在写作时注意了前沿研究资料和研究成果的应用,为以后的深入研究奠定了良好的基础。2以往学者的研究中,大都将音义作为音韵学或者训诂学的分支来对待,本文综合考虑各方面的因素,主要从宋代小学实际和语言学门类设置等角度,将音义类文献作为一个独立门类重点提了出来。这样处理,不仅在学科类目的设置上更加科学,而且对我们正确认识和对待音义学大有裨益,有利于我们更清晰的掌握音义学的学术传承脉络。3在研究方法上,注意点面结合,重点突出。既全面而概括的考察宋代小学文献,又将重点小学文献进行详细考述,还尽量做到历时、共时研究兼顾,争取在“史”的宏观视角中对宋代小学进行断代的细致研究。4在文献版本的介绍上,因为小学是传统学科,以往学者大多只关注传统版本。本文继承了这一优秀传统,同时在广泛吸取前人成果的基础上,利用自己在图书馆工作的优势,注意凸显了实用性版本的收入,还特别补充了最新版本,比较方便初学者参考使用。5对于部分宋代小学文献的价值、地位和影响等,前人往往论述不多,本文在尽量立足文本挖掘的基础上,充分吸取前人尤其是清人的研究成果,并将其放置于现代学术视角中进行关照,以求对其进行客观、公正地评价,从而彰显了宋代小学在中国小学史中的地位。

【Abstract】 Song dynasty is a stage of great consequence in development of Chinese linguistics: the achievement is prominent and valuable with considerable progress in Graphnomy, phonology, textual exegesis, yinyi and so on, not only covering all the studies into linguistics before, but also creating lots of new subjects: epigraphy, ancient phonology etc , and making great influences on afterward times especially Qing dynasty when there is a blossom in linguistics and nowadays( restricted to some of aspects). Thereby it’s very necessary to make a thorough and delicate research into linguistics of Song dynasty expecting to come to grips with Song dynasty linguistics and its characteristic and status in Chinese linguistic history. The academic world always gives the same consideration to study on Han dynasty and study on Song dynasty while Song dynasty linguistics as the tool and primary part of study on Song dynasty is closely related to its development and prosperity, so it is also necessary to study Song linguistics in order to know and study Song dynasty. On this project, much work have been done by ancestors and much achievement has been worked out, but not enough and with some defects. It is necessary to make a systematic and comprehensive study into Song linguistics for a thorough perception of the value of Song linguistics. This essay is designed to carry it out based on the ancestors’ research and its original literature in order to remedy the defects and deficiency left by the ancestors, in addition to which this essay also take in a modern linguistic perspective expecting deepening the traditional literature of linguistics in theory.The essay is composed of 5 chapters mainly reviewing and stating literature available. From the second chapter, although with difference in number of words, each chapter includes content as follows: list of literature’s catalogues, brief on the catalogues, statement of the literature according to its clues and catalogues: the writer and the book itself, textual style and characteristics, academic value and its influence, the current version of the literature, etc. Thereby an organic composition is formed with details and outlines, with the expectation that this essay can demonstrate the general paramount of the literature on Song linguistics comprehensively.As an important component of Song academics, Song linguistics is influenced inevitably by social politics, economy and culture; at the same time, as a stage in our country’s linguistic development, it also inevitably shows a property of tradition and partial stage. The first chapter analyses the social backgrounds of Song dynasty and the history of Chinese linguistics providing a reliable literature of background for a better insight into Song linguistics.The second chapter states the Graphnomy of Song dynasty. The main feature of Song lexicology is creation of epigraphy and the Six Categories of Chinese Characters. Because the Six Categories of Chinese Characters is the advanced stage of "linguistics" and epigraphy is one part of ancient wordology, this chapter divides the literature available into study of "Shuo Wen Jie Zi", letterology, ancient Graphonomy etc, stating respectively its inheritance, reform and innovation.The Song linguistics is characterized by the blossom of phonology with a developed contemporary phonology and equal-vowelology, from which the system of ancient phonology starts to be constructed into which ancestors have made a mature research. The third chapter mainly summarizes the research of the ancestors, synthesizing its achievement and deficiency and absorbing the update research trying to present the achievement of Song phonology wholly.The literature on Yinyi is an important sub-branch of linguistic literature with less consideration before, and therefore the fourth chapter states it as an important category solely and divides it into classic Yinyi, historic Yinyi, Yinyi of Zi radical and Buddhist Yinyi according to the reality of literature on Song Yinyi. Based on viewing the original literature, it elaborates on the characteristics of literature on Song Yinyi, value and influences etc.The fifth chapter studies the development and achievement of the Textual Exegesis of Song dynasty. This chapter is divided into Yaxue, the Textual Exegesis of classic school and the Textual Exegesis from notes by Songnese, comparably demonstrating the paramount of the Textual Exegesis of Song dynasty. Since the thoughts and theories involved in the notes by Songnese are not systematic, this chapter just has a sequent view on several notes by Songnese according to the reality of the Textual Exegesis and modern category of linguistics such as the right-part theory, grammatical rhetoric, dialect and slung, and making the corresponding comments.In one word, the breakthrough and innovation of this essay is as follows: 1 For the first time, the essay makes a comprehensive and systematic research into the traditional Song linguistics from the perspective of classic philology, elaborating on the important literature’s writer, the book itself, value and edition, applying the latest research material and result during the composing preparing a better way for further research.2 In the research before, the scholars all took yinyi for a branch of phonology or textual exegesis. But this essay enhances yinyi as an independent category with emphasis after synthesizing many factors especially considering the reality of Song linguistics and the setting of linguistic category, which is not only more scientific in setting up the category but also beneficial for us to know and treat the books on phonology helping us master the academic thread of passing the books on phonology.3 For the way of research, emphasizing the combination of details and outlines with the prominent point. The essay not only makes a comprehensive and outlined literature on Song linguistics but also elaborates on some of the literature of consequences trying to balance the historical and contemporary research and make a delicate and unique research from the perspective of history.4 For the introduction of the edition of the literature, due to the tradition of linguistics, the scholars before mainly concentrated on traditional edition, which is followed by this essay. At the same time, based on taking in the fruits of the ancestors, making use of the advantage of being a librarian, the writer paid more attention to the absorption of practical edition, especially supplementing the latest edition, which is more convenient for the new learners.5 For the value, status and influence of some literature on Song linguistics, the pre-scholars commented little. This essay tries to put this question under the modern perspective based on enquiring into the literature and fully absorption into the result of research of pre-scholars especially those in Qing dynasty with the expectation of justice and objectiveness, then demonstrating the status and effects of Song linguistics in the history of Chinese linguistics.

【关键词】 宋代小学文字音韵音义训诂
【Key words】 Song dynasty linguisticsletterphonologyYinyitextual exegesis
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

