

The Study of the Revolutionary Idealism during the Period of 1949-1966’s

【作者】 崔颖

【导师】 郑春;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 “十七年文学”是中国当代文学史乃至二十世纪中国文学史的重要组成部分,对这段时期文学的研究在经历了一段沉寂之后重新活跃起来,掀起了涉及当时社会生活、精神理念、文化心理诸多方面的“十七年文学研究热”。“十七年文学”是一片极为开阔和丰厚的研究领域,本文选取十七年小说中展现出的浓郁的革命理想主义精神作为切入点,考察其理论来源、主要特征及其文本构建方式,力求探讨其意义和价值,反思其局限和缺失,将十七年小说中的革命理想主义置于一个更为广阔的历史层面上加以阐释和反思,并进一步发掘其现实意义,为当下时代对精神的召唤和重铸提供有价值的资源。导论部分所要探讨的是“十七年小说中的革命理想主义”这一选题的来源与意义,对目前的研究状况作出总结,对本文的研究方法和创新之处作出简要阐述。近些年来“十七年文学”研究成果颇为丰富,内容涉及到1949年中华人民共和国成立到1966年“文化大革命”爆发其间的国家体制、社会思潮、文学体式、形象谱系、时代精神等各个方面,并从叙事学、现代性、人性反思、审美标准和价值判断等视角展开多层次、立体化的研究,开拓出新鲜而开放的学术视界。本文以这些研究成果为基础,通过对十七年小说文本的再解读,对其表现出的浓郁的革命理想主义做一系列分析,力求实现对这种精神现象的全面认识和合理评价,使其有价值、有活力的因素在社会主义精神文明和新时代理想建设中继续发挥作用。第一章主要论述十七年小说中革命理想主义的理论渊源和主要特征。十七年小说中的革命理想主义以马克思的共产主义理想观为基础,同时融合了中国传统理想主义的价值要素,并以毛泽东独具特色的理想主义情怀为核心支柱,从而成为当时小说创作的主导精神。十七年小说中的革命理想主义有其独特的规范性,激昂的爱国情操、坚定的革命意志、崇高的牺牲精神构成其三个主要表征:对国家和民族深切的热爱是中国人民团结起来投身无产阶级革命事业的源泉和动力,从压抑、悲愤到乐观、壮美,十七年小说中的爱国情怀展现出深沉、厚重的理想气质;革命是消灭旧的不平等的阶级关系、创建新的合理的社会秩序,是实践伟大共产主义理想的具体过程和必由之路,无产阶级革命者坚定的革命意志是这一社会理想得以实现的有力保障;十七年小说以一种审美的方式观照牺牲这一革命行为,通过具有象征意味的意象群和诗意化的牺牲情境把抽象的革命理念形象化地表达出来,从而展现出革命理想主义的崇高之美。第二章主要论述十七年小说中革命理想主义的全面建构,这种建构主要是通过主流意识形态指导下的长篇革命史诗创作得以实现。首先,长篇革命史诗通过对宏大战争场景的描绘和典型英雄形象的塑造,呈现出崇高壮美、气势恢宏的风格。其次,众多革命英雄成为十七年小说中革命理想主义的载体,他们以对革命理想的坚守和实践、为革命事业的献身和牺牲,以及面对艰难困境的乐观和昂扬,成为革命理想主义精神的化身。同时,主流意识形态对十七年小说中革命理想主义的整体规定,正是通过这些纯洁、完美的英雄形象得以形象而具体地阐释出来。第三章主要论述十七年小说中革命理想主义在民间的确立。“民间”首先是一个地域概念,是民众开阔自由的生存空间所在;“民间”更是一个文化观念,它蕴涵着一个原生态的精神层面,是朴素的理想观和传统的道德观之集合。十七年小说中的革命理想主义以民间传奇这种叙事形式讲述了发生在民间曲折精彩的革命故事,塑造了富有传奇色彩和民间气息的英雄形象,在活跃诙谐的民间氛围中传达出革命的乐观主义情趣;同时,十七年小说中的革命理想主义对朴素的民间理想观进行规范和改造,将民间理想整合进革命理想的建构中,使其成为革命理想主义不可或缺的组成部分。第四章主要论述十七年小说中革命理想主义如何参与到个体成长,实现其对个体精神的引导和规范。在这里,“成长”常常与革命信念的确立和理想人格的形成紧密相连,它不仅是个体生命的成长历程,更是个体精神皈依革命理想的过程。《青春之歌》展现了个体生命如何在革命理想的引导下实现其社会价值;《红旗谱》反映了农民个体如何在革命信念的确立过程中实现其精神觉醒。无论是小资产阶级知识分子还是作为革命主力军的农民,微观的个体成长历程都折射出宏大的时代变迁。十七年小说中的革命理想主义正是通过参与这种微观成长的过程,实现对宏观社会精神的传达。第五章分析了新时代理想主义的表层特征和深层内涵,解析了它与十七年小说中革命理想主义的内在精神联系。面对当下文艺逐渐商业化、精神信仰不断受到冷落和解构的现状,新时代理想主义以对十七年小说的翻拍和革命题材的再创作等形式,表达了构建新的时代精神和社会理想的迫切要求。立足当下回顾历史,我们力求对十七年小说中的革命理想主义做出整体评价,汲取其营养和价值,反思其缺失和局限,挖掘其尚未被重视的深层力量和现实意义。结语部分是对“十七年小说中的革命理想主义”这一论题的归结和延伸,对新时代理想精神的构建做开放式思考。在新的历史阶段重拾革命理想,我们要对十七年小说中的革命理想主义进行理性反思,力求对其做出客观公正的评价;另一方面,从中国的实际情况出发,我们需要吸收十七年小说中革命理想主义的合理的、有生命力的因素,为建设有中国特色的社会主义理想规范和精神体系所用。

【Abstract】 "17 years of literature" is the Chinese Contemporary Literature of the twentieth century Chinese literature as well as an important part of history, literature on the period of study has gone through a period of silence after the re-active, set off at the time involved in social life, the spirit of the idea , Psychological and cultural aspects of the "17 hot literature." "17 years of literature" is a very broad field of study, the paper selected 17 novels show the revolutionary spirit of idealism as a starting point, the theoretical study of its source, and the main features of the text of building a way to explore the The meaning and value to reflect its limitations and shortcomings, the novel will be 17 years of revolutionary idealism placed in a broader historical perspective to explain and reflect, to explore its relevance to the current spirit of the times call for the cast and provide valuable Resources.Introduction to explore some of the "novel in 17 years of revolutionary ideals," the source selection with the significance of the current state of research conclude, this article on the research methods and innovation to make briefly. In recent years, "17 years of literature" is rich in research, which involves the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 to 1966 the "Cultural Revolution" broke out during the country’s institutional, social thought, literature and style, the image of the spectrum, all the spirit of the times , And from the narrative, modern and aesthetic standards and values, reflect on the human perspective, and so launched a multi-level, three-dimensional research, develop and open a new academic field of vision.The First Chapter focuses on the novel 17 years in the revolutionary idealism of the theory of origins and characteristics of the main. Novel in 17 years of Marxist revolutionary idealism to the communist ideal concept as the basis for integration at the same time the traditional Chinese value of some of the idealism of the elements, and Mao Zedong’s thoughts and feelings under the influence of idealism gradually developed, which was to become Fiction The dominant spirit. 17 years of the revolution in literary idealism has its own unique norms, passionate patriotism, revolutionary will of the strong, noble sacrifice constitute the main characteristics of the three, it patriotism as an important statement that the object, combined with China’s specific The historical context of this spirit into action, so that patriotism into concrete action in the past; and the concrete practice of revolution is the ideal process, through the revolution, on the one hand, remove the old unequal relationship between social class, on the one hand Reasonable to create a new social order; in the process, at the expense of the lives of the revolution in order to achieve the success of the noble spirit of idealism of the revolution become a driving force for progress.The Second Chapter focuses on the novel 17 years in the revolutionary idealism of the positive construction of this building, mainly through the mainstream ideology of the revolution under the guidance of a long epic creation can be achieved. First of all, the long revolutionary war epic scale through the scene and described the typical hero image, showing a magnificent noble, magnificent style. Second, the large number of revolutionary hero in the novel 17 years to become revolutionary idealism of the carrier, they stick to the revolutionary ideal and practice for the revolutionary cause, as well as the dedication and sacrifice in the face of the difficult plight of optimism and high-spirited, the spirit of the ideals of this Incarnation. The mainstream ideology of the novel in 17 years of revolutionary idealism as a whole provides the perfect purity is through these heroic image of a specific interpretation.The Third Chapter focuses on the novel 17 years in the revolutionary idealism in the establishment of non-governmental. "Civil" First of all, is a geographical concept, is open free of the living space where the public; "civil" is a concept of culture, it contains a spirit of the original ecological level, the traditional ideal of plain view and a collection of moral values. Novel in 17 years of civil revolutionary idealism to such a legend in the form of narrative about the ups and downs occurred in the civil revolution of the wonderful story of the legendary shape and style of folk hero image, in the humorous and lively atmosphere of civil convey revolution Optimism taste; At the same time, the novel 17 years of revolutionary idealism of the civil concept of simple idealism to regulate and reform, will be integrated into non-ideal construction of the revolutionary ideal.Chapter Four focuses on the novel 17 years in the revolutionary idealism to the individual to participate in the process of growth and achieve their individual spiritual guidance and norms. Here, the "growth" and often revolutionary beliefs and ideals established by the formation of personality are closely linked, it is not only the life of growth, but also the spirit of the individual conversion revolutionary ideals. "Song of Youth" shows how the lives of individuals in the revolution under the guidance of an ideal to achieve its social values; "Red Flag" reflects how the individual farmers in the establishment of a revolutionary belief in the process of the realization of their spiritual awakening. Both the petty-bourgeois intellectuals or peasants as the main force of revolution, the individual micro-growth are a reflection of the times of great change. Novel in 17 years of revolution idealism is through participation in this growth achieved on the micro-macro to convey the spirit.Chapter Five analyzes the new era of idealism and the surface characteristics of the deep connotations of its analysis and the novel 17 years in the revolutionary idealism of the inner spirit of the contact. In the face of the current literature Commercialization, spiritual beliefs have been left out in the cold and the deconstruction of the status quo, a new era of idealism to 17 years of revolution and the remake of the novel’s theme of the re-creation, and other forms of expression to build a new spirit of the times and social ideal An urgent need. Looking back now based on history, we strive to 17 years on the novel of revolutionary idealism to the overall assessment of the value and significance of the draw, to reflect on its shortcomings and limitations, the excavation was not yet in-depth attention to the strength and relevance.Part of the Conclusion of the "17 years of revolutionary ideals novel" The issue boils down to the extension and the new era ideal of building a spirit of open thinking to do. In the new historical stage to regain their revolutionary ideals, we have 17 years on the novel of the Revolutionary idealism to reflect on them in a rational manner, and strive to make their objective and fair evaluation; On the other hand, from China’s actual situation, we need to absorb Novel in 17 years of revolutionary idealism and reasonable, viable, the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the spirit of the ideals and norms used by the system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

