

Study about the Social Appellations in Marriage Destines to Awaken the World

【作者】 贾娇燕

【导师】 吉发涵;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 《醒世姻缘传》(下简称《醒》)是明末清初白话小说的代表作,也是近代汉语研究的重要语料,本文以此为基础研究对象,运用描写、比较、考释等方法对小说中的社会称谓作封闭式研究。包括:第一,在封闭统计的基础之上,通过比较,寻找《醒》社会称谓的共性和个性,对它们作出系统而详尽的分类;第二,根据小说语料,全面而真实地描写每类社会称谓的真实面貌,并依据语言事实进行求证,填补研究空白;第三,全面而广泛地考察《醒》社会称谓的研究情况,统计出迄今为止尚未研究过的词语,分析用法,解释意义;并对已有研究或词典中与《醒》语言实例相异的某些说法提出质疑、进行纠正;第四,以小说语料为依据,多角度地显示出社会称谓中所蕴涵的历史、文化、民俗等因素。第五,总结《醒》社会称谓研究中的收获和启发,提出对称谓研究、甚至是整个汉语研究的理论思考。论文共分五章。第一章:绪论。包括六个部分:称谓概说,称谓研究的历史和现状,《醒》社会称谓研究的意义,研究方法,研究成果、有关问题的说明。称谓是一类有着特殊含义、用途和原则的词语,可以在古代典籍的相关论述中找到证明。社会称谓是称谓的一种,从内容上讲,它可以分为三大部分:代号性社会称谓(人称代词)、身份性社会称谓、色彩性社会称谓。称谓研究有着很长的历史,近二十年来取得了更大的进展。本文的研究意义表现在以下几个方面:一是对近代汉语和山东方言研究有重要参考意义。《醒》是明清小说中颇具代表性的一部,它的成书时间大致在明末清初,用山东方言写成。因此,研究《醒》的语言,对把握近代汉语和山东方言的特点有着重要意义。二是填补专书社会称谓研究的空白。《醒》语言研究已经有了许多成果。然而,从称谓角度,尤其是社会称谓角度来进行的研究则更罕见,专门以《醒》的社会称谓做研究对象的研究还是一个空白。三是对词典编纂有一定的参考价值。通过对《醒》的社会称谓作封闭统计,一些未被称谓词典收录的称谓被发现,对这些词语,论文不但逐个列出,而且根据《醒》中的意义对其进行解释,对词典编纂很有帮助。四是有助于提高语言研究的实用价值。对社会称谓进行研究,找出其规律,有助于正确理解、正确使用。本文采用四种方法对《醒》社会称谓进行分析研究:一是穷尽式研究与例举性研究相结合的方法;二是分类描写与分析解释相结合的方法;三是考证和辨疑相印证的方法;四是语言形式和指称内容相结合的方法。论文的研究成果主要表现在五个方面:一是对《醒》的社会称谓作了全面、系统、深入的描写和分析,基本反映出了明清时代此类词的整体面貌。二是挖掘出了《醒》中所特有的社会称谓,通过比较、考证等方法对其进行了合理的解释。三是指出了有关社会称谓意义的一些不恰当说法。四是反映出《醒》社会称谓的方言性,多角度地揭示了社会称谓中的社会文化因素。五是提出了称谓研究、甚至是整个汉语研究的理论思考。此外,以指称意义为依据对数量众多的称谓词语进行归类的分类方法及所分出的具体类型对以后的称谓研究有重要指导意义。第二章:《醒》人称代词研究。包括十个部分。第一部分,人称代词的界定。第二部分,三身代词“我”、“你”、“他”。这三个人称代词在《醒》中的使用情况显示出了鲜明的近代汉语特点。第三部分,“们”的用法与启示。无论是与前代语言相比较,还是与现代汉语相比较,“们”在《醒》中出现频率之高,应用范围之广,用法之多样化和丰富性都值得研究。第四部分,从“我家”看“家”的用法与启示。“我家”在《醒》中的用法可以显示出“家”在意义和应用上的特殊之处。第五部分,“您”、“您们”的用法与启示。《醒》中的用法显示出明清时代的“您”与现代汉语中的“您”存在很大差异,由此亦可推断“您”的来源。第六部分,“咱”、“咱们”与“俺”、“俺们。山东方言中,“俺”是最具代表性的自指代词;“俺们”只表示复数;“咱”、“咱们”是具有北方方言色彩的人称代词,在《醒》中的用法比较复杂;它们之间的异同可以通过比较显现出来。第七部分,其他三身代词。包括第一人称代词“吾”、“我侬”,第二人称代词“尔”、“汝”,第三人称代词“伊”、“渠”、“之”、“其”。第八部分,三身代词以外的其他人称代词。包括泛称代词、反身代词等。其中“打伙子”是一个非常有特点的方言泛称代词。第九部分,三身代词构成的复合称谓。这种表达形式在《醒》中有大量的例子,反映出它在语法和语义、语用上的丰富性。第十部分,小结。第三章:《醒》身份性称谓研究。身份性称谓指能够标示社会角色、地位、关系等身份特征的称谓。包括六个部分。第一部分,说明。包括材料统计和分类研究的原则、研究的方法和依据。本文采用封闭统计的方法,按照指称意义的差别,把《醒》身份性称谓分为四类研究。第二部分,职业称谓。根据指称内容的差异,职业称谓有三种类型:与百姓生活有关的职业称谓、与地方官府有关的职业称谓和其他特定的职业称谓。研究这些职业称谓,从一个侧面揭示出了明清平民阶层的总体状况和不同类型。本部分对词典未收或释义有异的《醒》中职业称谓作出统计分析,并对其中23组进行例释。第三部分,属性称谓。属性称谓有三种类型:侧重自然性质的属性称谓、侧重社会性质的属性称谓和其他属性称谓。本部分对词典未收或释义有异的《醒》中属性称谓作出统计分析,并对其中18组进行例释。第四部分,关系称谓。根据反映的各种社会关系的共同特点和差异,关系称谓可以分为三种类型:“一致”类关系称谓、“相异相承”类关系称谓和其他特定关系称谓。本部分对词典未收或释义有异的《醒》中职业称谓作出了统计分析,并对其中6组进行解释。第五部分,官宦称谓。《醒》官宦称谓分为两种类型:职官称谓和官员泛称称谓,其中又有许多较为特殊的小类。本部分对词典未收或释义有异的《醒》中官宦称谓作出统计分析,并对其中14组进行例释。第六部分,小结。第四章:《醒》色彩性称谓研究。分为三个部分。第一部分,礼俗色彩称谓。礼俗色彩称谓是言语交际中受礼仪制度、民俗文化制约而使用的称谓,带有鲜明的礼俗文化色彩,分为尊称称谓、谦称称谓、贬詈称谓、其他礼俗色彩称谓四类。本部分找出了相关辞书所未收录的《醒》中礼俗色彩称谓并对其中的8组进行了解释。另外,有些礼俗色彩称谓语言形式相似,意义上相关;但具体指称内容或具体指称范围并不相同,本部分根据《醒》中的用法,对它们进行了比较分析。第二部分,方言色彩称谓。方言色彩称谓指具有鲜明地域特点的称谓。《醒》方言色彩称谓中,有的已经被称谓词典收录;有的已经出现在相关论著中;有的迄今为止还未在已有研究中发现。方言色彩称谓的研究重点是指称意义问题,因此本文选取其中的50组作出解释。第三部分,小结。第五章:结语。分为两个部分。第一部分,《醒》社会称谓的研究结论。主要从五个方面阐述了对研究对象的整体认识和意见:《醒》人称代词系统具有明显的近代汉语特点,是考察人称代词发展变化的有力依据;《醒》社会称谓是特定历史条件下使用的词语,从一个侧面揭示了当时社会生活的方方面面,是词汇学、历史学和社会学等研究的重要参考材料;《醒》社会称谓带有较鲜明的地域色彩和方言特点,体现出了某些民俗特征。《醒》社会称谓的使用情况是词典编纂、补订的可靠依据。《醒》社会称谓的运用体现出严格性与自由性的和谐统一。第二部分,称谓研究和语言研究理论思考。主要从三个方面阐述了研究心得和启示:语言研究的具体对象不同,研究的角度和方法应有所区别;汉语研究应重视古代典籍的有关理论和思想;坚持语言学理论与汉语实际相结合的研究方法,重视语言材料的分析,反映汉语的实际情况和规律性。附录一列出了本文所研究的《醒》中全部社会称谓;附录二列出了本文尚未研究的《醒》社会称谓以外的其他称谓,包括人名字号、亲属称谓及其他称谓。两附录都注明了所列称谓在《汉语称谓大词典》或《称谓大辞典》中的收录情况。

【Abstract】 Marriage Destines to Awaken the World is a masterpiece of the vernacular fiction in the Ming and Qing Dynasty, while it is also an important corpus of the study of Modern Chinese, In this paper, we take it as the basic object of study, and use many methods such as description, comparison, research and explication to do an enclosed research to the social appellations in the novel. First, based on the closed statistics, we find the common and personality of the social appellations, and classify them systematic and detailed. Second, based on the novel corpus, we describe the true face of all kinds of social appellations comprehensively and authentically, and prove them with the language facts in order to find the regularity of this kind of words and fill the research gaps. Third, we inspect the study condition of the social appellations in this novel comprehensively, and count out the words and expressions that have not been studied yet to analyse the usage and explain the significance. Also, based on the examples in the novel, we question and correct the statements in the past study or dictionaries which are different with the examples. Forth, based on the novel corpus, we show the facts such as history, culture and folk custom which is implicated in the social appellations. Fifth, we aggregate the gains and enlightenment in the social appellations study, and show the theoretical thinking about the social appellations and even the whole Chinese study. The paper is divided into five chapters.Chapter one: Introduction. It includs six parts, which are the general introduction of appellations study, the history and present situation of appellations study, the significance of the social appellations study in Marriage Destines to Awaken the World, the research methods, the research results, the explanations about some questions. The appellations is a kind of terms with special meaning, usuage and principle, which can be proved in the related elaboration in ancient books. Social appellations can be divided into three parts according to the concent, which are named symbolic social appellations (personal pronoun), social appellations about status, and social appellations with special flavour. In this paper, the research significance is shown in the following aspects. First, it has the important reference significance to the research about Modern Chinese and the Shandong dialect. Marriage Destines to Awaken the World was written in Shandong dialect in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. So the language research has very important significance to assurance the characters of Modern Chinese and Shandong dialect. Second, it fills in the gaps in the field of social appellations study for special book. The language study of Marriage Destines to Awaken the World has Obtained many achievements, however, appellations study, especially social appellations study, is rare, and special social appellations study for this novel is never been seen. Third, it has some reference significance to dictionary compilation. By closing statistics of social appellations in Marriage Destines to Awaken the World, some appellations never taken in dictionaries are found. For these words, we not only list them one by one, but also make an explanation according to the means in the novel, which is very useful to dictionary compilation. Forth, it is helpful to improve the practical value of language study. It help us understand and use the words rightly. We take four methods to analyse and study. First, we ues the method which combine the thorough study with individual study. Second, we ues the method which combine classified describtion with analyse and explanation. Third, we ues the method which combine question with proof. Forth, we ues the method which combine language form with content. In this paper, research results is shown mainly in five respects. First, we describe and analyse the social appellations in this novel comprehensively, systematically and deeply. Second, we explain special social appellations in the novel with the method of comparison and research. Third, we point out some social appellations which are not appropriated. Forth, the paper reflect the dialectal character of the social appellations, and show the social and culture factors in the social appellations from many angles. Fifth, we show the theoretical thinking about appellations and even the whole Chinese study. Besides, the classified method which classify the large quantity of appellations on the basis of significance and the concrete types have important reference significance to the appellations study later.Chapter two: Studies about the personal pronouns in Marriage Destines to Awaken the World. It includes ten parts. Part one, the definition of the personal pronoun. Part two, personal pronouns Wo, Ni and Ta. Part three, the usage and enlightenment of "Men ". Whether compared with the former languages or the modern language, the high rate of the appearance of Men. Part four, to watch the usage and enlightenment of the word Jia from Wojia . The usage of Wojia in Marriage Destines to Awaken the World can show the exception of the word Jia in its meanings and usages. Part five, the usage and enlightenment of Nin and Ninmen. The usages of Nin in the novel shows that there are lots of differences between the word Nin in Ming and Qing Dynasty and in Contemporary Chinese. And thus we can deduce the source of Nin. Part six, the words Zan, Zanmen and An, Anmen. Part seven, the other personal pronouns ,which includes the first personal pronouns Wu, Wonong, the second personal pronouns Er, Ru, the third personal pronouns Yi, Qu, Zhi, Qi. Part eight, the other personal pronouns except from the pronouns of three person, includes the general pronoun and the reflexive pronoun. Dahuozi is one of the extraordinary dialectal pronoun. Part nine, the compound appellations composed of personal pronoun. Part Ten, a brief summary. Chapter three: Studies of the social about status in Marriage Destines to Awaken the World. The social appellations about status means the names that can indicate one’s social role, status, relationships and so on. It involves six parts. Part one, explanations. This part involves the principles of the studies about the statistics and classifications to the materials and the methods and basis of the studies. According to the differences of the meanings, all social appellations about status in Marriage Destines to Awaken the World are divided into four kinds. Part two, Appellations about occupation. There are three kinds of the appellations about occupation according to the differences meaning: the one which are relating to the lives of common people, the one which are relating to the local feudal official, and the other special appellations. This part includes the analysis about the appellations which are not involved in the dictionaries or the ones that have different meanings. And it also includes the explanations about the 23 groups of them. Part three, Appellations about attribution. It also involves three types, the one that emphasize the natural qualities, the one that emphasize the social qualities and the other appellations. This part includes the analysis about the words which are not involved in the dictionaries or the ones that haves different meanings. And it also includes the explanations about the 18 groups of them. Part four, Appellations about relationship. This kind can be divided into three types: the appellations about "consistency" relationship, the appellations about "different" relationship, and some other appellations about special relationship. This part analyses the appellations which are not taken or have different translation in the dictionaries, and explains 6 groups of them. Part five, Appellations about government official. It can be divided into two types: official appellations and official generic appellations. This part also analyses the appellations about government official which are not take or have different translation in the dictionaries, and explains 14 groups. Part six, a brief summary.Chapter four: Studies about the social appellations with special flavour in Marriage Destines to Awaken the World. This chapter is divided into three parts. Part one, Appellations related to etiquette and custom. This kind of appellations are used in the speech communication with a distinct culture and custom, which are divided into respectful appellations, modest appellations, cursed appellations, and some other appellations. This part identifies the appellations related to etiquette and custom which are not included in the relevant dictionaries, and explains 8 groups of them. Part two, Appellations related to dialect. This kind of appellations have a distinct geographical features. Among the appellations related to dialect in Marriage Destines to Awaken the World, Some have been included in dictionaries; some have emerged in relevance works; some have not been found in the study so far. This part includes the analysis about the appellations which have not studied . Part three, a brief summary. Chapter five: conclusion. This chapter is divided into two parts. Part one, the conclusion of the study. This part show the overall views of the study mainly from five aspects: personal pronoun system in Marriage Destines to Awaken the World has obvious characteristics of Modern Chinese, which is a strong basis for studying the development of the personal pronoun; social appellations in Marriage Destines to Awaken the World are the words used in specific historical condition, which revealed all aspects of social life at that time from one aspect and are important reference material of the vocabulary, history and sociology study; social appellations in Marriage Destines to Awaken the World have certain geographical features and dialectal features, reflecting some folk custom characteristics; social appellations in Marriage Destines to Awaken the World is very useful to dictionary compilation. Part two, the theoretical thinking about the study of appellations and Chinese. This part expounds the research experience and enlightenment: the view and the methods of the research should be different according to different study targets; Chinese study should think highly of the related theory and thought in ancient books; Chinese study should insist the correct research methods and reflect the actual situation and regularity of Chinese.Appendix I lists all social appellations in Marriage Destines to Awaken the World which have been studied in this paper. Appendix II lists other appellations in Marriage Destines to Awaken the World which have not been studied in this paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

