

Research on Open Architecture of Automotive Electronic Control System Based on Quantum Framework and Its Application

【作者】 李晓军

【导师】 张承瑞;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着嵌入式技术的迅猛发展,汽车电子化为汽车生产企业带来了新的经济增长点,汽车电子在整车中所占的比例越来越高。汽车电子控制系统研究厂商众多,系统中用到的处理器也是千差万别,运行环境更是各有千秋,因此在开发汽车电控系统过程中的一个主要难题就是嵌入式软件的复用。同时,嵌入式系统本身资源有限,对实时性的要求较高,汽车电子控制系统的控制逻辑规定了电控单元(Electronic Control Unit,简称ECU)完成特定功能所必须的步骤和事件的序列。为了提高自己产品的竞争力,各汽车生产厂商又在不停地对电控系统更新换代,这使得电控系统的控制越来越复杂。当向控制系统中添加新的部件、增加新的控制算法或替换已有的子系统时,其控制逻辑必然发生改变。因此,针对不同产品的开发过程不同,每次开发过程又有不少重复性的工作,控制系统的扩展性、移植性都很差。为了解决这些问题,目前汽车电控系统正由封闭式结构走向开放式结构,这一研究工作在国际上正处于起步阶段。本文以中国重型汽车集团新一代HOWO重型卡车的机械式自动变速器系统为研究对象,开展了开放式汽车电控系统研究,旨在为国内开放式汽车电控系统的研究提供一种快速高效的设计方法,主要的研究工作如下:本文探讨了现有的开放式体系结构,重点对OSEK/VDX和AUTOSAR两种典型的应用于汽车电控系统的开放式体系结构从基本结构、模块功能、运行机制、实现技术等方面进行了分析,然后分析了有限状态机与量子框架的关系,讨论了量子框架的活动对象、状态调度、通信方法等内部运行机制,并在此基础上提出了一种新型的开放式汽车电控系统体系架构——OSAQ(Open System ArchitectureBased on Quantum framework),该架构不依赖于汽车ECU的硬件和操作系统的类型,真正地实现了汽车电控系统在软件和硬件层次上的开放,并比较了OSEK/VDX、AUTOSAR和OSAQ之间的差别,给出了构建开放式汽车电控系统的一种思路。基于量子框架的软件总线是OSAQ体系结构中的信息交互媒介,所有活动对象间的消息传递都是通过量子框架来实现的,因此必须配置系统软件层中的每个活动对象使其具有标准的外部通信接口,这是实现功能模块代码重用的基础。另外,根据实际应用的嵌入式操作系统的不同,需要对运行环境层的软件总线接口进行配置。针对不同的ECU硬件又需要进行操作系统的代码移植,即要编写不同的硬件抽象层文件。操作系统的代码移植、系统软件层的接口配置和运行环境层接口配置是量子框架软件总线实现既定功能的关键技术。本文对量子框架在典型的硬件平台上实现从硬件平台选择和软件平台选择、实时操作系统移植等方面进行了分析,然后在此基础上分别分析了软件总线在运行环境层和系统软件层的配置方法,通过对软件总线的配置可以大大增强汽车电控系统软件模块的可重用性和系统开放性。当底层硬件或系统功能发生变化时,可以通过分别配置量子框架软件总线的运行环境层和系统软件层接口来实现系统的行为重构和功能扩展。代码自动生成技术就是帮助程序员完成系统底层的、重复性代码的自动生成,减少软件开发中枯燥且重复的编码工作,使得程序员将更多的时间花在系统架构研究、软件工程等方面,从而提高软件系统健壮性、可扩展性、以及可维护性。本文对QF代码自动生成平台的开发进行了需求分析,研究了基于量子框架的嵌入式代码生成方法,通过设计基于量子框架的XSLT模板,将得到的XML文件直接转换为QF活动对象的代码框架,开发了QF代码自动生成平台QFCodeGenerator。在QF代码自动生成平台中通过相关配置,就能够自动生成符合QF标准的嵌入式代码。在对开放式汽车电控系统体系架构OSAQ进行深入研究研究的基础上,完成了HOWO重型卡车的机械系统改造及控制系统开发,建立了基于量子框架开放式重型卡车AMT原型系统。研究了重型卡车AMT系统的硬件结构以及关键执行机构,分析了AMT系统的工作过程并建立了AMT系统各个功能模块活动对象的基于量子框架的状态机模型,然后以前后台和操作系统两种系统软件设计模式分别研究了设计开放式汽车电控系统软件的设计方法,并通过实例验证了OSAQ体系架构的开放性及其有效性。在中国重汽HOWO型重型卡车AMT系统试验平台上对AMT系统的换挡逻辑、换挡过程、换挡时间等方面进行了试验研究,验证了系统的整体功能和性能。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of embedded technology, automotive electronic production brought a new economic growth point for automobile manufacturers, and the proportion of automotive electronic products is higher than before. The automobile manufactures were so many that the CPUs of automotive electronic control units (ECU) and run-time environment were dramatically different. Therefore a major problem in the development of automotive ECU is how to reuse the existing embedded software code. At the same time, the resources of embedded system were limited and the applications require higher performance. In addition, the control logic of automotive ECU fixes the procedure and event to complete specific function. For increase competitive strength of product the automobile manufactures update their automotive electronic products. So the automotive electronic control systems are complexity more and more. When add new components, control algorithm or replace existing sub-system the control logic should change certainly. Because of different development process of different products there were many repetitive works. The expansibility and portability of control systems were very bad. To solve these problems the automotive electronic control systems change from closed-end structure to open architecture now. The research works on this field in the international community are still at an elementary stage.This paper regards Automated Mechanical Transmission (AMT) system of the new generation truck called HOWO which produced by China National Heavy Duty Truck Group Corp., Ltd. as the research object, the open architecture of automotive electronic control system was studied. The purpose of this study was to provide a fast, efficient design method for open automotive electronic control system research. The main research works are as follows:This article discusses the existing structure of the open architecture controller and makes analysis from basic structure, module function, operation mechanism, implementation technique focus on the two typical open architectures, OSEK/VDX and AUTOSAR, which used in automotive electronic control system. Then the relationship between Finite State Machine (FSM) and Quantum Framework (QF) was analyzed. The inner operation mechanism of QF such as active object, state schedule, communication method was discussed and on this basis a new type of open automotive electronic control system architecture, OSAQ (Open System Architecture based on Quantum framework), was put forward. This architecture does not depend on the structure of automotive ECU hardware and the type of operating system. It realized the software and hardware-level openness in the automotive electronic control system truly. After that the different in OSEK/VDX, AUTOSAR and OSAQ was compared. This architecture indicates a kind of thought to construct open controller platform.The software bus based on QF is the information interactive media in QSAQ architecture. All message transmissions among active objects are realized through QF. So the system software-level of every active object should be configured to have standard external communication interface. This is the basis of realization of reusable function module code. The QF is the key to realize software and hardware-level openness of OSAQ architecture truly. According to the actual use of embedded operating system the software bus interface in operation environment level should be configured. Because of the different ECU hardware the operating system should port and edit according to different hardware abstraction file. The code transplant of operating system and the interface configures of system software level and operation environment level of QF software bus, these techniques are the key to realize design features. This paper analyzed from several aspects such as the selection of hardware and software platform and real time operating system transplant. Then discussed the configure method in software level and operation environment level. It could enhance the reusability and openness of automotive electronic control system software module substantially through configuration of software bus. When the underlying hardware or system function changes it could achieve reconstruction of behavior and function expansion through the configuration operation environment level and system software level of QF software bus respectively.Automatic code generation technique could help programmer to complete repetitive code generation of underlying system and reduce the repeat work of coding in software development. It makes programmer take more time to research system architecture and software engineering so as to enhance the robustness, scalability and maintainability of system software. In this paper, the demand analysis of the QF automatic code generated platform was made and the embedded code generation method based on QF was researched. A kind of XMI+XSLT technique that takes XML language as media was studied. Through design of XSLT template based on QF the XML file could be converted to code framework of QF active objects directly. Then the QF automatic code generation platform, QFCodeGenerator, was designed. It could generate embedded code in line with QF automatically through a series of related configuration. On the basis of above open automotive electronic control system architecture studies the reconstruction of mechanical system and development of control system of HOWO truck were completed and an open AMT prototype system of heavy truck based on QF was built. In this paper, the hardware structure and the key actuators of the AMT system were studied and the work process was analyzed. Then established the state machine model based on QF of function module. And discussed two design patterns in open automotive ECU system software development, that are foreground and background system and operating system. Next the openness of OSAQ architecture and effectiveness of related technology were verified through two examples.Finally, the AMT system was tested on HOWO heavy truck test platform. The test projects include shift logic, shift process and shift time, et al. Through these tests the overall functionality and performance of AMT system has been verified.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

