

Study of Words on the Currency of Warring States Qin Han Dislocation

【作者】 李俊宪

【导师】 杨端志;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 文字是人类进入文明时代的标志。货币是记录文字的有效载体之一。货币作为记载文字的载体,相对于其他载体如贝壳、丝帛等有其特殊性,这不仅有其材质上的不同,也是因为其功效的特殊。货币作为在流通中交换的一般等价物,其上的文字也标志了它的特殊身份。关于钱币文字的研究,很早就引起了相关人士的注意,清代就有专著论述。战国秦汉货币文字是个丰富的体系,也是一个不断发展更新的体系。随着新的出土材料的证实,很多铭文的释读都经受着实践的检验。很多专家学者为此写了大量的文章和专著来论述这些货币上的文字,有修正有创新。货币文字的复杂性使得对它的释读有相当的难度,在与《说文解字》这类对古文字的释读专著相对照时,并不会完全一致。古代汉字经过现代汉字的简化,已经失去了最初象形、形声、会意、转注、假借等构字方式能识别的原貌。对战国秦汉的货币文字进行研究仍然是一项艰巨的任务。本文对战国秦汉货币文字的研究主要从四个方面进行:中国钱币文字资料丰富,研究历史悠久,意见分歧。本文重在疏理前贤时彦的研究成果,归纳前贤时彦的理论认识,以展示钱币文字的整体面貌,有些地方,也谈了自己的看法。一是对战国时代龟贝和布币上的文字进行释读和考析。战国时代龟贝上的文字主要是指当时楚国境内流通的货币上记载的文字。南方楚国的文化和中原各国的文化大不相同,通过货币上的文字也能窥豹一斑。布币的文字经历了空首布、平首布、圆足布、方足布这几种不同的类型。不同类型的货币代表着不同的文字载体,但其上的文字并不是一成不变的,载体的变化必然带来文字形体和释读的不同方式。二是对战国时代刀币家族的文字释读。刀币是个很大的家族,主要在齐、燕这两个国家使用。其中齐国的大刀币上的铭文的释读,众专家学者有不同的看法。尽管他们都有自己的看法,但是谁最接近历史的真相还需要探讨。齐、燕两国都通行带有“明”字的大刀,同时对周边国家的铸币文字也有影响,但是它们并不是相同的。通过比较,可以看出文字的演化发展。三是对圜钱文字的考证。圜钱是最终通行中国历史的货币形式,必然有其自身的优势。在圜形方孔的钱币上注明文字,标示其价值和通行的年代区域,是历史的必然选择。首先使用圜钱的国家是战国时代的齐、燕和秦,最终由秦朝统一全国,把圜钱定为统一的文字载体。经历汉代圜钱,把货币文字定为五铢,其文字有了明显的定型,但是其中仍然能看出构字的差别和文字形体的不同。四是分别对货币四大家族上的文字艺术进行了探讨。古钱币的价值不仅记载了中国文化的历史,也反映了中国文字的演变过程。书法以钱币为载体,记载了历史的沿革,体现了自身的价值。如东周布币、战国刀币到秦统一后的圆形方孔钱,无一不是既设计钱币外形,又考虑到钱文的布局,使钱文和钱币形神兼备,推陈出新。本节就钱币上文字的合文,钱纹的使用,文字的布局,传形等书法艺术现象进行探讨。其次,以国别为界浅析一下各国钱币钱文的艺术风格。春秋战国时代,贝币、布币、刀币、圜钱四类形制不向的货币分别流通在不同的国家与地域。此时,在一国范围内流通的货币,不仅形制不同,同时也形成了地域风格明显的货币文字特色。如,中原三晋地区的货币文字最具特色,钱文工而不板,千变万化;燕明刀文字不拘格调,自由奔放;齐大刀文字俊秀挺拔,笔势优美,以及秦半两钱和汉五铢钱上的小篆等书法艺术。

【Abstract】 The words are the important sign of Human civilization. Currency is an effective carrier of the written record. Currency as a vector text records relative to other carriers such as shellfish, silk, etc. are unique, not only has its different materials, but also because of its special effects. In the circulation of currency exchange as the universal equivalent, the text is also a sign of its special status. On the text of money, it is related to long attracted the attention of the Qin Dynasty are on the. In the Qin and Han Dynasties Warring States a rich text monetary system is an evolving system updated. With the discovery of new materials that many of the inscriptions are experiencing interpretation of the test in practice. Many experts and scholars have write a lot of articles and monographs on these currencies to the letter, that there has been innovation. Currency text to the complexity of its interpretation is quite difficult, and "things" such ancient writing team dedicated to the interpretation contrast, and not totally consistent. Ancient Chinese characters of modern Chinese characters through the simplification, has lost its initial pictograms, Pictophonetic, was planned, to note the name of identification, such as formation of the original mode. Qin and Han dynasties of the Warring States currency text study is still an arduous task.In this paper, the Qin-Han Dynasties currency characters from the five major research areas.First, the Warring States Period, turtles and Bu currency Pui the text an analysis and interpretation. Warring States Period turtles Pui the text on the state of Chu was mainly refers to the currency in circulation recorded text. South Chu culture and language are far different from the Central Plains States, through currency text can also reflected Glimpse. Bu currency text experienced air first cloth, the first-cloth, round foot cloth, the cloth that adequate several different types. Different types of currency representing different vector text, but the text is not immutable. The carrier will inevitably bring about changes in body text and the interpretation of different ways. Second is the Warring States Period knife coins family Interpretation of the text. Knife coins is a big family, mainly in the Qi, Yan two countries. Qi knives coins which the reading of the inscriptions, all experts and scholars have different views. Although they have their own views, but who is closest to the truth in history also needs to be addressed. Qi, Yan both with the passage "that" the word machetes, while neighboring countries also affect Mint text, but they are not the same. By comparison, we can see the evolution of textThird, the research is about the text on the Won money. Won passage of money is the ultimate form of the history of China’s currency, will have its own advantages. Won-shaped hole in the side of the coin, annotated text, marking its value and the passage of the region, is a natural choice of history. Won the first to use state money - is the era of the Warring States, Qin Yan and ultimately from the Qin Dynasty unified the country, won the money as a unified text vector. Won Han Dynasty experienced money, the money [for five baht, its language has obvious stereotypes, but one can still see the difference between configuration and the different body text.Fourth,we will disscussed the character art on the four kinds of currency. The value of ancient coins records not only the history of Chinese culture,and also reflects the evolution of the process of the Chinese text. Calligraphy recordeds the development of Chinese history,and embodies the value of their own.For example,the Bu currency of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty,the knife currency of Chan Kuo,and round currency of Qin state, the designers are taking into account both coin shape, and the distribution of character, so that the character and shape of currency unit the form and spirit,finding something new in what is old. In this section,we will disscuss the unity of character,the use of profiling,the arrangement of text,Chuan-xing and so on.Fifth, we will talk about the artistic styles that breakdown by countries. In the Warring States Period, Pui coins, Bu currency, knife currency, and round currency were in circulation in different countries and regions. At this time, in a country scope,not only the diffent framework of the currency was in circulation, but also formed a regional style currency for obvious characteristics. For example, the currency in the Central Plains region is most characteristics, which is ever-changing; Yanming knife currency have an informal style of unrestrained; The character of knife currency in Qi state is tall and straight,and the handwriting is graceful. We will also talk about the small seal script of Wu-zhu currency in the Han Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

