

Study on Evaluation Model and Consumer Evaluation of High-tech Brand Extension

【作者】 孙平

【导师】 王兴元;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 品牌延伸通过将已有的品牌资产转移到新的产品领域,可以有效降低新产品进入市场的风险和成本,提升新产品成功的概率,并在成功的基础上进一步提升公司的品牌资产。因此,品牌延伸策略成为众多的企业应对激烈市场竞争的有效方式,随着企业品牌延伸策略管理实践的加强,品牌延伸研究处于持续升温状态。其中,品牌延伸评价成为核心研究问题。国外的品牌延伸研究侧重于品牌延伸的消费者评价的影响因素研究,忽视了其他领域,尤其是评价的基础理论研究,表现在品牌延伸评价运行机制方面的研究近乎空白。对于影响品牌延伸的消费者评价的因素,西方学者大多是从单一层面进行分析,研究角度较为分散。而国内品牌延伸评价的研究较少,对于品牌延伸评价的每个研究方向只有少数学者进行了探索,研究的规模性和系统性较差。由于现有的研究内容多是借鉴了国外的研究成果,所以研究的趋同性较强。相对于理论研究状态,包括高科技品牌企业在内的企业对品牌延伸策略的实践却处于急速发展时期,品牌延伸评价的综合实证研究成果难以配合企业实践的脚步,实现有效的指导。因此,本文以高科技品牌研究领域为代表,围绕品牌延伸评价领域内尚待进一步深入探讨的品牌延伸的综合评价模型及消费者评价实证研究的内容而展开。本文通过对国内外品牌延伸评价研究的述评与比较,首先对品牌延伸评价的理论基础——即评价的内在机制进行了研究;在此基础上提出了由品牌延伸决策评价和品牌延伸绩效评价为内容的高科技品牌延伸的综合评价模型,并构建了适合的指标体系;本文采用模糊层次评价法,以海尔品牌延伸到药业为研究案例,对高科技品牌延伸决策评价模型的指标体系进行了应用分析;最后,通过理论分析和专业访谈等方式,从众多评价指标中,确定了影响消费者评价高科技品牌延伸成功的直接影响和中介影响模型,应用来自消费类高科技品牌及延伸产品的消费者感知数据,采用LISEREL8.72结构方程对概念模型和研究假设进行了验证。本文的主要研究内容包括:第一,基于系统分析角度,借用心理学研究中基本模式“动机——行为——结果”提出了品牌延伸评价的三大机制,即动力机制、心理机制和溢出影响机制。指出,动力机制是指与品牌延伸有关的主体有无动力从事品牌延伸评价活动的机制。在动力机制中存在着需求满足、风险规避和竞争博弈三种驱动力形式,共同推进动力机制的运行。心理机制是品牌延伸评价的关键环节,消费者品牌延伸评价的心理机制运行过程依次为:直接情感转移、简单的分类判断和匹配过程。若前一过程能顺利完成,则评价结束;否则,转入下一过程,直至评价结束。溢出影响机制是指品牌延伸评价的不同结果和结果中包含的不同状态(拟合度和动机的高低等)分别对母品牌资产的影响过程。第二,构建了全面的高科技品牌延伸的综合评价模型及相匹配的指标评价体系,采用模糊层次评价法对高科技品牌延伸决策评价指标体系进行了应用分析。通过与品牌延伸研究领域的专家、与高科技企业的管理者和营销管理专业的研究生的反复讨论,在多次修改之后确定了高科技品牌延伸决策的较为全面的评价指标体系,基本涵盖了所有与此研究范围相关的理论研究成果、与高科技品牌特性相符的具体指标,为了避免指标过多带来复杂性和关联性问题,对一些关联性大的指标进行整合,最后确定了3层、4大类(母品牌竞争力、母品牌与延伸产品的相似性、内部环境因素、外部环境因素)、22个具体指标的评价模型。然后,通过层次分析法,利用一线专家数据对指标权重进行判断,结论认为高科技品牌延伸影响因素的重要性与一般品牌延伸确实存在不同之处。以前学者针对一般品牌延伸评价的研究表明,在一级指标中,相似度是最重要的,其次是母品牌力量。但从本研究的权重指数来看,高科技品牌延伸中有一个重要的因素被以前研究忽视,就是外部环境特征中的市场竞争环境,它的重要性(0.309)甚至高于相似度对延伸成功(0.236)的影响。这主要因为以前的研究多是针对快速消费品领域,由于该领域消费者的购买频率高、产品价值低等特点,外部竞争环境的影响并不显著。而高科技产品领域,受产品特性的影响,消费者购买决策非常慎重,竞争品牌和产品对消费者决策的影响非常大。通过该指标体系的权重指数,可以辨别出不同影响因素对高科技品牌延伸重要性的大小。不过,本文的权重指标主要是为基于模糊分析法的高科技品牌延伸决策评价模型的应用分析提供权重集。最后,以海尔品牌延伸到药业作为应用案例,运用模糊层次评价法,验证了本研究提出的高科技品牌延伸决策评价模型的可信性和可行性。本研究还设计了包括品牌绩效、市场绩效和财务绩效三个部分的高科技品牌延伸绩效评价指标体系。在相关文献回顾的基础上,将消费者评估和市场评估角度的绩效研究统称为市场绩效,单列出品牌绩效指标来考察品牌延伸与母品牌资产的交互影响,财务指标不变。由于指标体系中的底层衡量指标均为定量指标,本研究认为BP神经网络适用于该模型的分析。但由于企业定量数据难以搜集,使学习样本缺乏,所以本研究未对该部分进行应用分析,仅仅在未来研究展望中提出了BP神经网络方法应用于高科技品牌延伸绩效评价模型的可行性,为后续品牌延伸评价的更全面的研究提供了指导方向。第三,专门针对消费类高科技品牌领域,利用结构方程模型,通过消费者调查数据验证了高科技品牌延伸成功的消费者评价的直接影响和中介影响(影响因素间的结构关系)模型中的假设关系。对于品牌延伸成功的消费者评价影响因素研究,每位学者的实证研究成果仅限于对一小部分成功因素进行(通常是两个因素,以研究母品牌感知质量和母品牌与延伸产品的拟合度为最多),缺乏整体、综合性的成功因素分析。并且,已有的研究忽视了品牌延伸成功的影响因素间的相关重要性。从以上两点着手,本文通过文献回顾、理论分析和专家访谈方式,识别了以母品牌感知质量、以前品牌延伸的历史、母品牌可信度、市场支持、零售商接受、延伸产品与母品牌相似度为代表的影响消费类高科技品牌延伸成功的六大关键影响因素及可能影响延伸成功的六个因素间的七种结构关系:(1)母品牌感知质量对零售商接受的影响;(2)以前品牌延伸历史对母品牌感知质量的积极影响;(3)以前品牌延伸历史对母品牌可信度的影响;(4)市场支持对零售商接受的积极影响;(5)市场支持对延伸产品与母品牌相似度的积极影响;(6)延伸产品与母品牌相似度对零售商接受的积极影响;(7)母品牌可信度对零售商接受的影响,共同构建了包含直接影响和中介影响的品牌延伸的消费者评价的综合模型。结构方程模型分析调查数据表明,对于消费类高科技品牌企业的管理者,应关注以前品牌延伸历史、市场支持、零售商接受、延伸产品与母品牌相似度四个因素对延伸成功的直接显著的积极影响,从结构方程的路径标准化系数的大小判断,四个因素中延伸产品与母品牌相似度是最重要的。与以前结论不同之处在于,母品牌质量对延伸成功的积极影响不显著,甚至出现了母品牌可信度对延伸成功存在消极影响的结论。这对企业实施品牌延伸策略敲响警钟,即母品牌质量和可信度是延伸的必要但并非充分条件,即具有高品牌质量和可信度的企业品牌并不能随意地延伸到各个领域。在所调查的影响因素中有几个重要的结构关系得到验证:即以前品牌延伸历史对母品牌可信度;以前品牌延伸历史对母品牌质量;母品牌与延伸产品相似度对零售商接受;市场支持对相似度;市场支持对零售商接受均有积极显著影响。其中,最典型的间接影响路径为:市场支持——相似度——零售商接受——延伸成功。以以前品牌延伸历史与其他因素的结构关系分析为例,以前品牌延伸历史对母品牌质量和母品牌可信度有积极显著影响,该结论要求企业必须谨慎决策每一次品牌延伸方案,当次方案的成败不仅会影响当时的延伸结果,还可以通过对母品牌质量和可信度的影响,对下一次的延伸成功产生间接作用。可见,本文的结论可以对高科技企业实施品牌延伸策略提供有用的借鉴意义。本文的主要创新点如下:1.改善了目前品牌延伸评价领域研究成果较为分散、基础理论研究欠缺的现状,以品牌延伸评价的内在机制为着眼点,提出了品牌延伸评价的三大机制:动力机制、心理机制和溢出影响机制,为品牌延伸的综合评价模型的构建奠定了理论基础。2.改变了以前品牌延伸评价研究主要关注延伸决策(可行性)评价研究的状态,构建了品牌延伸的综合评价模型,并在此基础上设计了由母品牌竞争力、相似性和内、外部环境四个一级指标构成的高科技品牌延伸决策评价指标体系和由品牌、市场、财务绩效三个一级指标构成的高科技品牌延伸绩效评价指标体系,在因子层次和因子构成方面与现有研究相比均有较大改善。最后,采用了FUZZY-AHP方法,利用企业真实案例对高科技品牌延伸决策评价指标体系进行了应用分析,为企业提供了应用指导。结论中特别指出竞争因素在高科技品牌延伸决策中扮演着重要角色。3.突破了目前国内外品牌延伸评价仅仅限于对一、两个直接影响因素的实证研究现状,在消费类高科技品牌领域,验证了6个关键影响因素——母品牌质量、母品牌可信度、以前品牌延伸历史、市场支持、零售商接受、延伸产品与母品牌的相似度对消费者评价延伸成功的直接影响,并设计了以前研究中普遍被忽视的中介影响(因素间的结构关系)的假设关系。4.采用结构方程模型进行实证研究,结果表明相似度是影响消费类高科技品牌延伸成功的最关键因素,与以前针对快速消费品领域的品牌延伸的实证研究结论相似。与以前研究结论不同的是,母品牌质量和母品牌可信度对高科技品牌延伸成功是必要但非充分条件。另外,验证出的因素间的结构关系丰富了现有的品牌延伸的消费者评价的实证研究结果。5.研究领域的创新——高科技品牌延伸领域。目前,绝大多数品牌延伸研究是在快速消费品领域,通过调查消费者(多数是学生样本)得出相应的结论,能否推广到其他领域和其他文化背景下,是一个正在引起广泛关注的问题。本研究着重于高科技品牌领域,对品牌延伸评价的独特性和已有理论的适应性进行本土化针对性研究,并以消费类高科技品牌为研究对象,以普通消费者为研究群体,保证了研究结果的可信性、可行性和适用性。

【Abstract】 The advantages of brand extension includes transferring brand equity to new products, decreasing the risk and cost into markets effectively and improving the successful rate of new product, then promoting brand equity farther. Therefore, many companies use brand extension to compete each other. The studies on brand extension continue to be hot with more practice and brand extension evaluation becomes the core within the studies.Oversea studies on brand extension mainly focus on consumer evaluation, and then ignore the other areas, especially the basic theoretical studies, for example, there is no research on mechanism of brand extension evaluation. To the factors influencing consumer evaluation of brand extension, oversea scholars almost study from single level, so the research angle is dispersive. While there is little research about brand extension evaluation at home, only several scholars study in every research direction, and then the scale and innovation of studies are poor. But more and more companies, including high-tech companies, use brand extension in practice, while the results about this research area can not satisfy their needs and give effective guidance. Therefore, this paper, selecting high-tech brand area as object, will discuss and study deeply about the synthetic evaluation model and consumer evaluation of brand extension.This paper firstly studies the theoretical basis, internal mechanism of brand extension evaluation, by reviewing and comparing the studies about brand extension evaluation at home and abroad. Then this paper proposes synthetic evaluation model about high-tech brand extension, including brand extension decision-making evaluation model and brand extension performance evaluation model and their separate evaluation index. This paper uses FUZZY-AHP method, and takes Hair brand extending medicine as examples to analyze the model of high-tech brand extension decision-making evaluation. At last, this paper designs the direct effects and mediating effects to consumer evaluation of high-tech brand extension by theory analysis and professional interviews, and uses LISEREL8.72 to dispose the data from consumers to consumer high-tech brand and extensions to test the hypothesis.The main body of this paper includes as follows:Firstly, this paper proposes three mechanisms about brand extension evaluation: power mechanism, psychology mechanism and reciprocal effect mechanism . Power mechanism means the mechanism if the main bodies relating with brand extension have power to evaluate the brand extension evaluation activities. There are three drivers in power mechanism about brand extension evaluation: the driver of need satisfaction, risk elusion and competition game. Psychology mechanism is the key part and the process in turn includes: direct emotion transfer, simple category judgment and matching. If the former process is finished, then the evaluation process ends; or it will turns into the next process till the evaluation finishes. Reciprocal effect mechanism means the process that the different evaluation results can influence parent brand equity.Secondly, this paper builds the synthetic model of high-tech brand extension and index evaluation system, uses FUZZY-AHP method to analyze the model of high-tech brand extension decision-making evaluation.This paper determines the comprehensive evaluation index by discussing with experts in brand extension area, managers in high-tech companies and postgraduates majoring on marketing. This index system basically includes three levels, four categories (parent brand compositeness, similarity between parent brand and extensions, internal and external environment factors), and twenty-two indexes. Then this paper judges the weight of index using AHP method by data from front-line experts. The conclusion mentions that the importance of influential factors to high-tech brand is different from the general brand. The former conclusions to the general brand extension evaluation indicate that similarity is the most important one in the first level, next is the parent brand competitiveness. From the weight of index, there is one factor ignored in the former studies, that is market competing environment, it is more important (0.309) than similarity (0.236). The reason is that the former studies mainly focus on FMCG area and in this area it has the characteristics of higher purchase frequency and lower product value, so external competitive environment factor is not apparent. But in high-tech product area, consumers are very cautious to buy and competitive brand and product have great influence to decision-making. At last, this paper uses the case of Hair brand extending medicine products to test the credibility and feasibility of evaluation model of high-tech brand extension decision-making.This paper also designs evaluation model of high-tech brand performance including brand, market and finance performance. Because the bottom indexes are quantitative ones, so this paper uses BPNN method to analyze the index system. But this paper only proposes the research ideas to give guidance for further study in this area because lacking of data from companies,Thirdly, this paper tests the hypothesis of direct effects and mediating effects of consumer evaluation of high-tech brand extension by using SEM method and data from consumer survey.The former scholars only focused on a small part factors to study consumer evaluation of brand extension (usually two factors, especially parent brand quality and similarity). So the former research lacked whole and all-around factors analysis especially ignored the relationships among the factors. This paper selects six key important factors and seven relationships among these factors by reviews, theoretical analysis and expert interviews to form direct and mediating effects of consumer evaluation of consumer high-tech brand extension. These factors are parent brand quality, history of former brand extension, parent brand credibility, market support, retailer acceptance and similarity; the relationships include: (1) the effect of parent brand quality to retailer acceptance; (2) the effect of history of former brand extension to parent brand quality; (3) the effect of history of former brand extension to parent brand credibility; (4) the effect of market support to retailer acceptance; (5) the effect of market support to similarity; (6) the effect of similarity to retailer acceptance; (7) the effect of parent brand credibility to retailer acceptance.The conclusions show by SEM analysis that these four factors have direct, distinct and positive effects to brand extension success of consumer high-tech brand companies, which are history of former brand extension, market support, retailer acceptance and similarity, and similarity is the most important among them by path coefficient. The differences lie in the conclusions that parent brand quality has no distinct and positive to brand extension success, even parent brand credibility has negative effect. Because they are the necessary conditions but not sufficient conditions, so the companies which brand have higher quality and credibility can’t extend every area as what they want.There are several relationships tested in the empirical studies which have distinct and positive effects: the effect of history of former brand extension to parent brand credibility; the effect of history of former brand extension to parent brand quality; the effect of similarity to retailer acceptance; the effect of market support to similarity; and the effect of market support to retailer acceptance. Among these relationships, thetypical indirect effect path is: market support——similarity——retailer acceptance——brand extension success. Taking the relationship of history of former brand extension to other factors as example, the history of former brand extension has distinct and positive effects to parent brand quality and credibility. So the conclusion requests companies must be cautious to every brand extension plan, because the failure of this brand extension plan not only influences the results of this one, but only has indirect effect to success of next brand extension plan by influencing parent brand quality and credibility.The main innovations in this paper are as follows:1. The present of brand extension evaluation has these characteristics: the dispersive research fruits and deficiency basic theoretical studies. This paper improves the present by proposing three mechanisms based on the study about internal mechanism of brand extension evaluation: power mechanism, psychology mechanism and reciprocal effect mechanism, and then gives the basis to build synthetic model of brand extension evaluation.2. This paper changes the situation that former research mainly focused on extension decision-making (feasibility) and builds synthetic evaluation model of brand extension, then designs index system of decision-making evaluation of High-tech brand extension(which includes four first levels: parent brand competitiveness, similarity, internal and external environment) and index system of performance evaluation of High-tech brand extension(which includes three first levels: brand, market and finance performance). In these two index systems, the levels and structure of genes are all improved than before. At last, this paper use FUZZY-AHP method to analyze the model of high-tech brand extension decision-making evaluation and the conclusions mentions that competitive factor is very important to decision-making evaluation of high-tech brand extension.3. This paper breaks through the present that research on brand extension evaluation at home and abroad only focused on one or two direct effects. It tests the direct effects of six factors to brand extension evaluation, which are parent brand quality, parent brand credibility, history of former brand extension, market support, retailer acceptance and similarity between parent brand and extension. What’ s more, this paper designs the mediating effects (the structural relationship among factors) which are ignored by former research.4. This paper uses SEM model in the empirical study, the result mentions that similarity is the most important factor, which is the same to the research result in FMCG area. The difference is that parent brand quality and credibility are necessary condition but not sufficient condition. In addition, the relationship among factors enriches the research results in the area of consumer evaluation of brand extension.5. Innovation on research area——High-tech brand extension area. Now, mostresearch is in FMCG area by data from student sample. It is not sure that the conclusions can be used at another area. This paper focuses on high-tech brand area and takes consumer high-tech brand as examples to test the direct effects and mediating effects of successful high-tech brand extension by data from ordinary consumers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

