

Research on Dynamic Measuring System Equality Design Theory and Technology Based on Accuracy Loss

【作者】 刘芳芳

【导师】 费业泰;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 精密仪器及机械, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 测量技术水平是一个国家科技发展水平高低的重要评价标准,科学技术的发展是推动精度提高的力量和源泉,仪器设备精度的提高又为现代科学技术发展提供了新的物质条件和研究手段。由于科学技术的日益发展,精密工程的精度要求越来越高,为了可靠地保证精度又实现低成本目标,显然过去采用提高精密工程组成系统装备精度的措施已不能完全适应,必须采取低成本的现代精度保障理论与技术措施。同时,精度理论是指导产品设计、制造、测量的基本理论之一,充分发挥精度理论指导产品的设计制造是创优的基础和捷径,是提高产品档次和竞争力的手段。把精度理论应用到设计、制造、测量之中是科教兴国、科教兴企的具体举措,是保证和提高产品质量的有效方法。测量系统,尤其是带有机械结构的测量系统在实际使用过程中,随着时间的推移,系统的精度会有所损失,测量精度逐渐下降,而且系统内部各结构单元对系统总精度损失的影响是不一致的。本课题研究的最终目的和意义是为产品进行均匀一致性设计提供可依据的理论基础。不遵循均匀一致性设计的产品,会造成较大的浪费,和不必要的维修成本支出。而如果对产品采用均匀一致性设计,就可以做到使产品内的各组成部分能在大致相同的时间内同时失效或损坏,发挥生产资料的最大效率。这显然具有显著科学价值和实际经济意义。本课题来源于高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目“基于精度损失的动态测量系统均匀设计理论与技术基础研究(项目编号:20040359011)”和“国家自然科学基金”(50675057)的部分内容。本课题涉及机械、光学、电子学、计量学和现代数学等领域,是跨学科的交叉前沿研究领域。研究的主要内容包括:(1)深化和完善动态测量系统误差分解与溯源的理论研究。在原有全系统动态精度理论模型的基础上,对现代谱分析技术、神经网络理论和小波分析理论相结合等原有的几种误差分解与溯源方法进行分析比较,提出不同方法的特点和实用性,为本课题的研究提供了基础。(2)动态测量系统精度损失研究。对动态测量系统精度损失进行全面分析和精度损失的规律研究,建立了测量系统的精度损失趋势模型。同时对BP神经网络和改进最小二乘支持向量机的建模方法进行分析比较,并利用机械式动态测量系统建立了精度损失模型。为精度损失权函数的建立以及后继的均匀损失设计理论提供了理论依据。(3)动态测量系统均匀设计理论研究。在精度损失建模的基础上,对动态测量系统各个组成单元精度损失进行了非均匀性分析,建立了各个单元的精度损失权以及系统整体精度损失的非均匀性损失程度量。在此基础上,提出了基于精度损失单位权的优化调整方法,并以总精度损失为控制指标,以等效寿命为目标,建立了系统内部各单元寿命相一致的均匀设计理论与方法。(4)动态测量实验系统研制。为了对动态精度损失分解与溯源理论与方法、动态精度损失建模预测模型、动态精度损失非均匀性分析以及均匀一致性设计理论加以实验验证,这里设计了一套机、光、电相结合的动态测量实验系统,以便对测量系统进行精度损失的实验研究,从而实现对上述理论的实验验证。基于精度损失的均匀设计理念可以为企业在产品的设计、加工、制造方面展开实际研究,实现产品的精度均匀性设计,使其更具有市场竞争力,并为社会节约能源,实现生产资料的最佳使用,实现可持续发展的需要。

【Abstract】 The level of measurement technology is the important evaluation standard for technology development of a country. Development of science and technology is the drive force and source of promoting accuracy and the improvement of instrument accuracy has provided new material condition and research measure for science and technology development.With the increasing development of science and technology, precise engineering has a increasingly high demand for accuracy. In order to reliably guarantee the accuracy and realize the goal of low cost, the measure of increasing the accuracy of equipment is not suitable. Adopting the low-cost theory of modern accuracy guarantee and technology has become the field of hot research in and out of China. Meanwhile, accuracy theory is one of the basic theories guiding product design, manufacturing and measurement. Making full use of accuracy theory to guide product design and manufacture is the basis and shortcut to create the favorable and the measure to increase the product level and competitiveness. Applying accuracy theory to design, manufacture and measurement is the specific measure to strengthen the country and enterprises, and the effective method to ensure and improve the product quality.Even if the influences of environment factors are not considered, the accuracy of measuring system, especially with mechanical structure, will decrease in the process of actual use. Moreover, the influence of each inner unit of the system on the total accuracy loss is different. The final purpose and meaning of this theory study is to provide the theoretic groundwork for the design of manufacture’s losing equality. Not to follow the loss equality principle, it will happen that some parts can not work longer, while some other parts have good situation. It will waste a lot. Then, the dynamic measurement system is designed according to a principle of equality life design. It makes every error source simultaneous loss for the most efficiency. Obviously, it will have outstanding scientific interest and practical economic significance.This project is from higher university doctor subject special research foundation project "Uniform design theory and technology basis research of dynamic measuring system based on accuracy loss"(No. 20040359011) and part of NSFC (50675057) .Main content and work of this paper include the following aspects:1. Studying and deepening the theory and method of dynamic accuracy loss decomposition and tracing. Based on whole-system dynamic accuracy theory, analyze and compare the former methods of dynamic accuracy loss decomposition and tracing, and put forward their characteristics and practicability.2. Study accuracy loss of dynamic measuring system. Analyze accuracy loss rule of dynamic measuring system, found its trend model, and Study modeling methods, such as BP NN and LS-SVM. 3. Research the loss equality principle theory of dynamic measuring system. Based on accuracy loss modeling, analyze all buildups’ inequality of dynamic measuring system, found every accuracy loss right and inequality accuracy loss parameter. Then, put forward optimizing method based on accuracy loss unit right, set up the accuracy loss equality theory and method.4. A set of accuracy loss experiment system is developed according to the actual research. For the sake of validate the former theories and methods, design a set of dynamic measuring experiment system.Base on the accuracy loss, accuracy loss equality theory and method can make manufacture possess more market advantage, realize economy of society energy sources and persistence development.


