

Research on Network Effects of Container Ports

【作者】 田炜

【导师】 邓贵仕;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 以国际集装箱化为特征的现代运输方式促进了世界产业结构和经济格局的重大调整,推动了全球范围内港口间争夺国际航运中心和区域性枢纽港地位的激烈竞争,也使得国内外港口面临更为复杂的外部市场环境。在这样的情况下,如何正确评价集装箱港口的效用,使之成为航运企业所青睐的挂靠港与枢纽港,是一个值得研究的热点问题。基于这样的现实背景,本文将从航运企业选择港口通商的角度,研究如何在航运系统中发挥集装箱港口最大网络效应的问题,并进而探讨网络效应对港口间竞争与协作关系演化的影响,为新市场环境下港口的发展和竞争优势的分析提供理论支撑。论文的主要研究工作有以下几部分:1.分析了航运企业选择挂靠港时考虑的主要因素,提出运用网络效应理论分析航运企业港口选择行为的思路。研究认为,在区域内具有基本枢纽港条件集装箱港口间的竞争中,影响航运企业对挂靠港选择行为的最重要因素是港口的通达性与临港服务业水平。同时,基于港口网络产品特性与网络效应现象的分析,认为其通达性水平与临港服务业水平对港口效用与竞争力的影响正是港口网络效应的具体表现。2.以马士基集团和全球25大航运公司的统计数据为基础,通过国际航运网络拓扑结构的研究分析了其具有的小世界效应与无标度分布特性。同时,通过港口直接网络效应的分析,认为航运网络所呈现出的分布状态也正是港口直接网络效应的表现,即通达性水平更高的港口将更具备成为区域内航运枢纽的可能性,而通达性水平较低的港口将很可能沦为区域内的二级港和补给港。3.将港口与临港服务业等效为产品网络中的主导产品与互补产品,分析了港口的间接网络效应,提出港口间接网络效应强度取决于消费者对互补产品多样性的偏好程度。港口临港服务业水平的提高和服务范围的扩展会对港口产生正反馈作用,更丰富、服务质量更高的临港服务业将增加用户的效用水平和港口的竞争力,吸引更多的航运公司、发货人和货运代理选择其作为挂靠港、发货港以及服务港,促进港口的发展。4.从演化博弈理论出发,研究了各种网络上的演化博弈,并在基于网络效应所形成的异质航运网络上分析了港口间竞争与协作关系的演化。通过国际航运网络上集装箱港口间合作涌现与收益分布的研究,认为集装箱港口间由完全竞争向协作竞争的转化过程受到了航运网络拓扑结构的影响。

【Abstract】 Characterized by containerization, modern transportation modes have promoted the great adjustment of world industry structure and economic situation, put ports into keen competition for international shipping centers or regional hubs of transportation and confronted ports with more complicated market environment. Thus, how to correctly evaluate the utility of ports and how to be a port of call has been an important question.The dissertation has studied the question of how to maximize network effect of ports in shipping system from the point of view of port choice and then the evolution of port competition and cooperation resulted from network effect. The research provides theoretical support for development and competitive advantage of ports. The following aspects have been discussed in the paper:1. To analyze main factors affecting port choice of shipping lines, the theory of network effect was introduced to explain the port choice behavior of shipping lines. It was found that level of connectivity and waterfront services of ports are most important factors affecting shipping lines’ choice for the call. Ports have properties of network products and network effect. The influence of the level of connectivity and waterfront services on port competence shows network effect of ports.2. Based on the data of Maersk-Sealand and global top 25 shipping lines, it was found that shipping network has small world effect and scale-free effect by the research of shipping network’s structure. The distribution property comes from direct network effect of ports. That’s to say, ports of high level of connectivity tend to be the regional hub of transportation and vice versa.3. Taking ports and waterfront services as dominant products and complementary products of products network, indirect network effect of ports is analyzed. The intensity of the indirect effect depends on consumers’ preference to the variety of complementary products. The improvement of waterfront services’ level and the extension of the range of service may increase consumers’ utility and competitive advantage of ports. Thus, ports may attract more shipping lines, shippers and freight forwarders to choose them as calls, ports of dispatch, and ports of public service.4. Evolutionary games on network are studied under the game theory. The evolution of competition and cooperation among ports are analyzed on the heterogeneity shipping network. It was found that the evolution of shipping network’ structure among ports influence the transformation from complete competition to cooperation competition by the research of emergence of cooperation and distribution of payoff of the ports.

  • 【分类号】F550;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1069
  • 攻读期成果

