

Research on the Rise and Development of Entrepreneurial University

【作者】 彭绪梅

【导师】 刘元芳;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 现今,大学作为知识密集型组织,已由社会的边缘机构走向经济社会的轴心,在区域和社会发展中发挥着越来越强大的创新辐射作用。创新型国家战略的实施,又对大学提出了新的时代要求,而大学要真正担负起知识创新主力军、技术创新生力军的重要作用,不断增强其知识溢出能力,改变目前科技成果转化率普遍不高的现状,就需深入改革,探寻一种新的发展范式。美国创业型大学的异军突起及其创造的“硅谷”神话和“128”公路传奇,为我们提供了新的借鉴空间。创业型大学作为一种全新的、集成的大学理念和实践模式,它的兴起成为近年来讨论的热点。论文基于以上背景,结合管理学、高等教育学、组织行为学等相关学科的理论,运用比较分析法、知识图谱法、多元统计分析法以及理论与实践相结合等方法,对创业型大学的兴起与发展进行了深入研究。论文首先从大学职能的历史嬗变出发,阐述了大学职能不断演化的发展历程。随着社会的发展及大学职能的拓展,大学逐步走出象牙塔,积极参与企业、政府咨询,出售专利、创办衍生企业等创业活动,大学开始展现出创业的特色并在全世界范围内兴起了一种大学发展的新范式——创业型大学。文章分析了创业型大学兴起的内、外动因并在吸收、借鉴美国创业型大学成功范例及前人研究成果的基础上,阐述了创业型大学的内涵及特征,分析了创业型大学与其它类型大学之间的区别与联系。大学创业活动的蓬勃兴起为创业型大学的创建奠定了基础。研究型大学从事各项创业活动的成果越丰厚,也就意味着其创业能力越强,那么向创业型大学发展所具备的条件也就越充分。文章以知识活动系统的全息结构理论为基础,运用德尔菲专家评价、因子分析、主成分分析、聚类分析等方法,分别从知识创造、知识传播、知识应用三个维度构建了中国研究型大学的创业能力评价指标体系,并以我国“985”一期工程中的34所高校为研究对象进行了具体的评价。在了解中国大学创业能力状况的基础上,依据“大学——产业——政府”的三螺旋理论,分析了创业型大学在三螺旋模式下的大学推动、政府拉动、大公司引导三种类型中对区域创新发展所发挥的不同作用。在分析欧、美创业型大学两种模式异同的基础上,结合我国实际,论证了我国研究型大学相比其它类型大学在向创业型大学转型方面存在的优势;又通过对清华大学、南京大学以及大连理工大学三所高校的自身发展分析、与国外创业型大学的对比分析,论证了在研究型大学基础上发展创业型大学的必要和可行。同时,依据我国政府拉动作用的凸显、科研院所的不可忽缺以及创新型国家建设等背景因素,提出了我国大学向创业型大学发展宜在研究型大学的基础上、实行“政府政策引导下的‘产学研’结合的”模式。依据走向创业型大学“产学研”结合的微观层面的运行模式,文章接着以知识活动系统为视角,分别从知识传播系统、知识创造系统、知识应用系统三个维度对创业型大学内部系统提出了具体的构建措施,重点论述了创业教育与企业家精神等创业氛围的培育;科研创新平台的组织再造;技术转移过程中粘滞知识等问题的存在以及技术转移的模式、实现有效转移的措施等内容;最后,文章以冲突管理理论、风险管理理论为基础,并结合创业型大学建设的“政府政策引导下的‘产学研’结合”的宏观运行方式,提出了创业型大学建设的管理保障机制。通过引入“域场”、“达尔文之海”、“蝴蝶效应”等概念分析了创业型大学易出现的主要冲突现象并提出了通过完善预警制度和产权制度等措施来建立冲突预防、冲突解决的冲突管理机制;针对风险投资对创业型大学不同寻常的作用提出了创业型大学的风险管理机制;文章结尾又阐述了政府、企业、研究院所等创业型大学外围空间的协作机制。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the position of the universities as knowledge-intensive organizations has changed from the social marginal mechanism to the axis of economic society. Universities are undertaking the task of technological innovation and radiation in the regional and social development. Innovative Nation Strategy has posed new challenges for universities, thus the universities should really undertake the important mission of knowledge and technology innovation and they should continually increase their spillover ability of knowledge and change the current situation of the low conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements. Universities should also deepen renovations and seek a new kind of paradigm revolution in order to realize universities’ leap - firogged development. The sudden appearance of American entrepreneurial universities, the myth of "Silicon Valley" and the myth of " 128 Highway Legend" followed by it offer the new referential space to us.The grow-up of entrepreneurial universities, a practical model of university based on newly integrated ideas, is not only an important phenomenon of higher education but the focus of discussion in recent years. In order to do further research on entrepreneurial universities, this thesis combines management studies with Higher Education, organizational behavior study, etc. and applies comparative analysis method, case analysis method, statistical analysis method and the method of combining theory with practice.The thesis discusses the evolutionary process of university-functions along with the development of the society and the expansion of university-function. With the continual and further development of the social service function, universities gradually walk out of the ivory tower and actively take part in the enterprise activities such as the consultation for enterprise and government, transference of patents, the set-up of enterprise, etc. Universities present the entrepreneurial characteristics gradually, and a new model of the development of universities, i.e. entrepreneurial universities. The thesis analyzes the internal and external causes of the rising of entrepreneurial universities and it also discusses the connotation and characteristics of entrepreneurial universities. Based on the successful models of American entrepreneurial universities and the previous researches, it also analyzes the differences and relationships between entrepreneurial universities and other types of universities.The flourishing and rising university enterprise lays a solid foundation for the creation of entrepreneurial universities. The more abundant entrepreneurial activities the entrepreneurial universities are engaged in, the stronger entrepreneurial ability they will have. Based on the methods of Delphi Expert Evaluation, Factor Analysis, Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis etc, this thesis constructs evaluation system of the entrepreneurial ability of Chinese research universities from three dimensions - knowledge creation, knowledge transmission and knowledge application, and the research subjects are 34 universities which are the first-period project of "985" in our country.Guided by Triple Helix Model-university push, government drive, and enterprise induction, it analyzes the different roles played by entrepreneurial universities in the development regional innovation. This analysis, based on the analysis of the differences and similarities of entrepreneurial universities in Europe and America, combined with the actual condition of Chinese universities, demonstrates the advantages of research universities over other types of universities in the process of transferring to the entrepreneurial universities. Through analyzing self-development of three universities: Tsinghua University, Nanjing University and Dalian University of Technology, and also through the comparative analysis of foreign entrepreneurial universities, the thesis discusses the necessity and the feasibility of research universities developing to the entrepreneurial universities. At the same time, in order to accord with the growing drive of our government, vital existence of scientific research colleges and institutes as well as the construction of entrepreneurial country, this thesis suggests industry-college- institute model be implemented, based on research universities with the guidance of government policies.It goes on to put forward the concrete inner-system construction measures of entrepreneurial universities from three dimensions of knowledge transmit system, knowledge creation system and knowledge application system according to the angle of knowledge activity system and the microcosmic layer course model of production-teaching-research. It also puts emphasis on a lot of problems, which are essential to the cultivation of entrepreneurial atmosphere, such as entrepreneurial education and the enterpriser spirit, the organization and recreation of the platform for scientific research, the existence of sticky knowledge and the model and measures of technology transfer.In conclusion, the thesis, based on the conflict management theory and venture management theory, combined with the microscopic operation of Industry-College -Institute model under the policies of government, raises the management guarantee mechanism of entrepreneurial universities’ construction. It analyzes the main conflicting problems of entrepreneurial universities and brings forward the method to construct the conflict management mechanism such as conflict prevention, conflict solution via perfecting early-warning system and property right system through introducing "Domain Field", "Darwin Sea" and "Butterfly Effect". In terms of the special effect of the risk investment on entrepreneurial universities, the thesis here brings forward the risk management mechanism of entrepreneurial universities. At the end of the thesis, it discusses the ambient space cooperation mechanism of entrepreneurial universities such as government, enterprise and research institute.


