

A Study on the Effect of Knowledge Sharing upon Member Relationship in Marketing Channel

【作者】 刘佑铭

【导师】 汪克夷;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着市场竞争的加剧和信息技术的发展,企业的生存环境发生了革命性的变革,竞争已由传统的企业间的竞争,转向了营销渠道整体之间的竞争。企业越来越重视与渠道成员之间的关系管理,营销渠道上下游间的协作与关系的维系变得越来越重要,探寻渠道关系的驱动因素也成为了学术界热衷的研究课题之一。企业的经营活动也逐渐由仅重视企业内部资源的整合,转移到重视与企业外部资源的整合,特别是渠道成员间知识的整合与共享。渠道成员间的知识共享同时扮演着传递信息、增加渠道透明度、维护渠道成员关系、提升渠道整体竞争力等重要角色。因此,知识共享和关系管理越来越受到研究上的重视,研究营销渠道中知识共享及其对成员关系的影响,对于提高企业经营管理水平、构建与维系良好的营销渠道关系具有重大意义。本研究以通信行业的分销商为研究对象,在对现有文献的研究基础上,提出了基于知识共享维护营销渠道成员关系的研究思路。为求本研究更加全面和具有创新性,全文围绕知识共享和成员关系这两个核心概念,开展了三个阶段的研究工作。首先,本研究在现有文献和相关定性访谈的基础上,将营销渠道中的知识共享定义为:在营销渠道中的主要成员供应商与分销商之间,通过传播与交换知识,增强供应商和分销商知识的相容性和整体知识存量,以作为实现供应商与分销商之间知识转化及知识创造的基础。在此基础上,本研究又进一步将这一概念细分为四个维度:供应商提供知识、分销商学习知识、分销商提供知识和供应商学习知识。本研究利用通信行业的分销商作为样本数据,开发了包括上述四个维度的渠道知识共享测量量表,检验结果表明该量表具有很好的信度和效度。接着,本研究依据社会交换理论和信任-承诺理论,构建了四个知识共享维度通过关系满意和关系信任影响关系承诺的理论模型,并对该模型进行了实证检验。分析结果表明关系满意和关系信任是关系承诺的最直接的前因,它们对关系承诺都具有很强的直接影响,同时关系满意也会通过关系信任间接影响关系承诺。而知识共享的四个维度则会通过关系满意和关系信任间接影响关系承诺。最后,本研究按照渠道的权力结构状况,构建了渠道权力结构调节下的知识共享对成员关系影响的研究模型。并将样本划分为权力集中和权力均衡两组样本,实证检验了渠道权力结构对知识共享和成员关系之间关系的调节作用。通过检验,我们得出知识共享对成员关系影响的理论模型在不同渠道权力结构下具有普适性。通过对不同渠道权力结构下的理论模型中路径系数的差异及其显著性的分析,本研究发现渠道权力越趋于均衡,关系满意对关系信任和关系承诺的正向影响越来越大;而关系信任无论在何种渠道权力结构下对于关系承诺的正向影响都很强烈。同时,随着渠道权力结构趋于均衡,知识共享的供应商提供知识和供应商学习知识这两个维度对于关系满意和关系信任的正向影响也越来越大。本研究有三个创新点:(1)在现有文献和定性访谈的基础上,明确定义了渠道知识共享的概念,并以通信行业的分销商为样本开发了具有良好信度和效度的多维度测量量表。本研究首次尝试在营销渠道成员企业间定义并测量知识共享行为,从而为其他学者进行相关研究提供有益借鉴,并为企业诊断分销商对于知识共享的感知提供有效工具。(2)基于社会交换理论和信任-承诺理论,构建了知识共享行为通过关系满意和关系信任影响关系承诺的理论模型,并对该模型进行了实证检验。本研究拓展了关系承诺的前因研究,从而为学者们考察成员关系的影响因素提供了更加广阔的视角。(3)根据渠道权力结构状况将样本划分为权力集中和权力均衡两组,并实证检验了渠道权力结构对营销渠道知识共享与成员关系影响的调节作用。本研究在不同渠道权力结构下检验了理论模型的普适性,从而更加透彻的了解了知识共享对成员关系的影响作用,并为供应商进行知识共享和渠道关系管理提供了借鉴。

【Abstract】 Because of the furious competition, the collaboration and relationship between upstream and downstream firms become more and more important, and the competition has shifted from the traditional competition among enterprises to the competition among unions. So enterprises pay more and more attention to relationship management with their partners, and exploring the drivers of channel relationship also becomes one of the most enthusiastic research topics in academy. With the increase of marketing competition and development of information technology, the environment of enterprises has changed fundamentally. The competence advantages are more and more subject to the ability for integrating the external and internal resources instead of internal integrating, especially in allusion to the knowledge resources. Knowledge sharing plays an important role in information transfer, channels’ transparency, relationship building as well as the improvement of the overall competitiveness in marketing channel. Therefore, in nowadays, when knowledge sharing and relationship management are being concerned most, a research on Knowledge sharing in marketing channels, as well as the relationship between Knowledge Sharing and Member Relationship, has a great significance for improving management level and building up a good relationship between members in marketing channel.This dissertation takes the distributor firms of communication industry as the subjects. Based on the thoroughly literature review in this field, a model of building up channel relationship through knowledge sharing is put forward. In order to make the research more comprehensive and innovative, following two core concepts of knowledge sharing and member relationship, three stages of research work are conducted.First, on the basis of literature review and depth interview, the dissertation defines the concept of knowledge sharing in marketing channel as the process of spreading and exchanging of the overt and the tacit knowledge as well as the individual and collective knowledge between the suppliers and distributors, which realizes the transfer and creation of the knowledge, improving the compatibility of the knowledge between members and enlarging the capacity of the overall knowledge in marketing channel. The dissertation further specifies four knowledge sharing dimensions: supplier’s donating knowledge, distributor’s learning knowledge, distributor’s donating knowledge and supplier’s learning knowledge. Using the data of distributors of communication industry, a reliable and valid four-dimension scale is developed. Second, based on Social Exchange Theory and Trust-Commitment Theory, the dissertation builds up a theoretical model, in which the four dimensions of knowledge sharing influence relationship commitment via relationship satisfaction and relationship trust. And then the model is tested empirically. The results indicate that relationship satisfaction and relationship trust are the most immediate antecedents of relationship commitment. Both of them influence customer loyalty directly, while relationship satisfaction also influences relationship commitment indirectly via relationship trust. The four dimensions of knowledge sharing influence relationship commitment indirectly via relationship satisfaction and trust.Finally, according to the state of channel power structure, the dissertation divides samples into two groups which represents power balance and power concentration, respectively, and examines the moderating effects of channel power to the relationship between knowledge sharing and member relationship. After testing the theoretical model in the samples of different power structures, we conclude that the model is valid in different power structures. By testing the differences of the path coefficients in different power structures, we find that from power concentration to power balance, relationship satisfaction has more and more effect on relationship trust and relationship commitment. While no matter what channel power structure is, relationship trust has a strong and positive influence on relationship commitment. At the same time, with power structure from concentration to balance, two dimensions of knowledge sharing, supplier’s donating knowledge and supplier’s learning knowledge, have more and more positive effect on relationship satisfaction and relationship trust.The innovations of this dissertation are: (1) Based on the literature review and depth interview, the dissertation defines the concept of knowledge sharing in marketing channels, and develops a reliable and valid multi-dimension scale using the data of distributors of communication industry. The dissertation defines and measures knowledge sharing in marketing channels firstly, which provides reference for other scholars to conduct similar studies and tools for managers to diagnose distributors’ perception of knowledge sharing. (2) Based on Social Exchange Theory and Trust-Commitment Theory, the dissertation builds up and tests a model in which four dimensions of knowledge sharing influence relationship commitment via relationship satisfaction and relationship trust. The dissertation extends the studies on the drivers of relationship commitment, which provides broader perspective for the scholars to seeing about the factors that influence channel relationship in marketing channels. (3) According to the state of channel power structure, the dissertation divides samples into two groups which represents power balance and power concentration, respectively, and examines the moderating effects of power structure to the relationship between knowledge sharing and member relationship. The dissertation proves the validity of the theoretical model in different power structures, which makes the driving effect of knowledge sharing on channel relationship understood more deeply and provides reference for managers to carry out knowledge sharing and channel relationship management.

  • 【分类号】F274;F224
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1296
  • 攻读期成果

