

Selective Reduction of NOx with C3H6 over Supported Au Catalysts

【作者】 王新葵

【导师】 杨学锋; 张涛;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 应用化学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 担载型纳米金催化剂在很多反应中具有优异的低温催化活性,这使其成为多相催化领域的研究热点之一。金催化剂的这一性质也使得其在发动机冷启动时尾气的净化中具有应用潜力。因此,研究金催化剂在富氧气氛下催化烃类选择还原NOx是一个很有意义的课题。本文考察了可还原性复合氧化物担载的纳米金催化剂在催化丙烯选择还原NOx反应中的性能,并将金催化剂的结构与其活性相关联,取得了一些有意义的结果。1.采用沉积-沉淀方法制备的Au/CeO2/Al2O3催化剂在丙烯选择还原NO反应中表现出优异的低温催化活性。在250℃下,当使用0.1%NO/0.1%C3H6/5%O2/He为原料气,空速为30,000h-1的条件下,NO被选择还原为N2的转化率达到46%,且NO转化为N2O的转化率可以忽略。此催化性能优于在同等条件下公认的具最佳低温活性的Pt/Al2O3催化剂,Pt/Al2O3催化剂在此温度下NO转化为N2O的转化率高达30%。在反应气氛中加入2%水蒸气可使催化活性进一步提高,而加入20 ppm SO2,低温催化活性有所降低,但H2O和SO2的同时加入却可提高催化活性并拓宽了催化反应温度区间。在300℃,反应气组成为0.1%NO/0.1%C3H6/5%O2/2%H2O/20 ppm SO2/He,空速为30,000 h-1的条件下,NO选择还原为N2的转化率达到50%,且NO转化为N2O的转化率可以忽略。2.采用多种技术对Au/CeO2/Al2O3催化剂进行了表征和催化反应机制研究:(a)TPD研究结果表明,NO和过量的O2共吸附于催化剂表面形成NOy(y≥2)吸附物种。SO2的加入抑制了催化剂表面NOy(y≥2)吸附物种的形成,从而降低了其催化活性。而H2O和SO2的同时加入可能通过增加催化剂表面酸性中心的数目,且抑制了丙烯的完全燃烧,从而提高催化活性并拓宽了催化反应温度区间。(b)XRD、HRTEM、H2-TPR和XPS表征结果表明:经过400℃的高温焙烧,金的存在形式为金属态,粒径大小在3-5 nm之间。CeO2的加入不仅可以提供反应所需的活性氧,而且还起到了稳定金粒子的作用。纳米金粒子与高度分散的CeO2之间存在的强相互作用促进了CeO2的还原,这可能对Au/CeO2/Al2O3催化剂的低温催化活性起着重要的作用。(c)Au/CeO2/Al2O3催化剂上原位DRIFTS研究结果表明,在NO和O2共存条件下,有NOy(y≥2)物种检出;在C3H6和O2共存条件下,有甲酸盐和乙酸盐物种检出;在反应气氛下出现-NCO和-CN物种。推测Au/CeO2/Al2O3上丙烯选择还原NO反应的可能机理为:在氧气作用下,C3H6和NO首先经历部分氧化,分别形成包括甲酸盐、乙酸盐在内的CxHyOz和NOy(y≥2)等表面吸附物种,然后CxHyOz物种再与NOy物种形成含-NCO,-CN等基团的CaHbOcNd中间体,此类中间体再与NO2或(NO+O2)反应生成最终产物N2,H2O和CO2/CO。3.匀相沉积沉淀方法制备的Au/Fe2O3/Al2O3催化剂在丙烯选择还原NO反应中同样也表现出良好的低温催化活性,在300℃时,当使用0.1%NO/0.1%C3H6/5%O2/He为原料气,空速为30,000 h-1的条件下,NO被选择还原为N2的转化率可达43%,且NO转化为N2O的转化率可以忽略。反应气氛中添加2%水蒸气可使催化活性略有提高,而20ppm SO2的加入使低温催化活性有所降低。采用XRD、HRTEM、H2-TPR、XPS等技术对Au/Fe2O3/Al2O3催化剂进行了表征,我们得出了与Au/CeO2/Al2O3催化剂相似的结论:400℃的高温焙烧使得金的存在形式为金属态,粒径大小在3-5 nm之间。纳米金粒子与高度分散的Fe2O3之间存在的强相互作用促进了Fe2O3的还原。Au和Fe2O3之间的协同作用可能是Au/Fe2O3/Al2O3催化剂在丙烯选择还原NO反应中具有较高的低温催化活的原因之一。

【Abstract】 Supported gold catalysts have been the hot spot in heterogeneous catalysis due to their exceptionally high activities at low temperatures.Such a unique feature of gold gives it the potential to solve the cold-start emission problem of engines.Therefore,it is desirable to examine the catalytic activity of supported gold catalysts for NOx reduction.In this work,the selective catalytic reduction(SCR) of NOx by C3H6 in the excess of oxygen was investigated over Au/MOx/Al2O3(M:Ce,Fe) catalysts.The correlation between the structure of catalysts and their catalytic behaviors was studied.The main results presented in the dissertation have been summarized as follows:1.Au/CeO2/Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by deposition-precipitation method and exhibited good low-temperatures activity in C3H6-SCR of NO in the excess of oxygen.The conversion of NO to N2 was 46%and the conversion to N2O was negligible under the condition of 0.1%NO,0.1%C3H6,5%O2 in He at 250℃and GHSV of 30,000 h-1.Such a catalytic performance is superior to that of Pt/Al2O3,on which a significant amount of N2O (about 30%) was formed under the same conditions.It was also found that adding 2%water vapour to the feed stream enhanced the NO conversion while the presence of 20 ppm SO2 decreased NO conversion at low temperatures.It was interesting that in the simultaneous presence of 2%water vapour and 20 ppm SO2,the conversion of NO to N2 was increased and the temperature window was widened.The conversion of NO to N2 reached 50%and the conversion to N2O was negligible under the condition of 0.1%NO,0.1%C3H6,5%O2,2%H2O, 20 ppm SO2 in He at 300℃and GHSV of 30,000 h-1.2.The Au/CeO2/Al2O3 catalysts were characterized by different methods:(a) TPD results demonstrated that surface NOy(y≥2) species were formed from co-adsorption of NO and O2. The presence of SO2 inhibited the formation of surface NOy(y≥2) species,which results in the loss of catalytic activity at low temperatures.The introduction of water vapour and SO2 created more acid sites and suppressed the combustion of C3H6.Therefore,the conversion of NO to N2 was increased and the temperature window was widened.(b) The results of XRD, HRTEM,H2-TPR and XPS revealed that gold existed in the form of metallic gold by calcination at 400℃and the size of gold nanoparticles was in the range of 3-5 nm.CeO2 can not only provide the active oxygen for the reaction,but also stabilize the gold particles against sintering.There was strong interaction between Au and CeO2,which facilitated the reduction of CeO2.The synergistic effect between Au and CeO2 was probably responsible for the superior catalytic performance of the Au/CeO2/Al2O3.(c) In situ reflectance Fourier infrared transform spectroscopy(DRIFTS) results showed that NOy(y≥2) species were observed on the surface of Au/CeO2/Al2O3 after exposure to the gas mixture of NO and O2.Formate and acetate species were presented after exposure to the gas mixture of C3H6 and O2.Cyanide (-CN) and isocyanate(-NCO) species were observed as important intermediates in C3H6-SCR reaction.A reaction mechanism of the C3H6-SCR of NO over Au/CeO2/Al2O3 catalyst has been proposed:NOy and CxHyOz species are formed due to the oxidation of NO and partial oxidation of C3H6 in the presence of O2,and then CxHyOz species react with NOy species to generate CaHbOcNd intermediates including -CN and -NCO species,and then the intermediates react with NO2 or(NO+O2) to produce N2,H2O and CO2/CO.3.Au/Fe2O3/Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by the homogeneous deposition-precipitation method and exhibited good low-temperature activity in C3H6-SCR of NO in the excess of oxygen.The conversion of NO to N2 was 43%and the conversion to N2O was negligible under the condition of 0.1%NO,0.1%C3H6,5%O2 in He at 300℃and GHSV of 30,000 h-1. The addition of 2%water vapor to the feed stream enhanced slightly the NO conversion, while the presence of 20 ppm SO2 decreased NO conversion at low temperatures.The catalysts were characterized by XRD,TEM,H2-TPR and XPS techniques.The results indicated that that gold existed in the form of metallic gold by calcination at 400℃and the size of gold nanoparticles was in the range of 3-5 nm.There was strong interaction between Au and Fe2O3,which facilitated the reduction of Fe2O3.The synergistic effect between Au and Fe2O3 was probably responsible for the good catalytic performance of the Au/Fe2O3/Al2O3 catalyst at low temperatures.


