

The Research on Trade Financing Innovation and Risks Management of Commercial Banks

【作者】 董晓炜

【导师】 原毅军;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国国际贸易规模、数量和范围的不断扩大,其复杂性和不确定性明显增加,进出口商面临着资金短缺的困境,而商业银行贸易融资业务是解决进出口贸易资金融通问题的一个选择。与发达国家商业银行相比,国内银行在科技和管理水平、金融服务及经营方式等方面存在明显差距,传统的内部运作机制、管理模式和产品种类都无法满足日益扩大的贸易融资需求。因此,以国内商业银行贸易融资业务面临的现实约束为依据,研究贸易融资创新的思路、策略和方法,以及创新风险的评价与管理,对于改善我国商业银行贸易融资落后的状况,提高业务运作效率和创新能力,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。现有关于贸易融资创新的国内外文献主要从创新动因和产品创新等角度展开,理论研究与实务并没有很好地契合在一起,缺乏创新性的研究视角。本文通过分析商业银行贸易融资创新的需求动因和供给面影响因素,以贸易融资创新的成本、风险和收益为基础,构建了商业银行贸易融资创新的一般均衡模型,在金融创新框架下提出由市场创新、制度创新和业务创新组成的商业银行贸易融资创新总体思路,进而对贸易融资创新风险的识别与评价,以及风险管理机制展开研究。首先,根据商业银行贸易融资的竞争状况和市场结构特征,探讨了阻碍贸易融资发展的市场约束,在比较传统融资方式与供应链融资优劣的基础上,将供应链管理理论与贸易融资相结合,对融资供应链设计的思想和一般结构进行了阐述,提出核心客户扩展、中介客户趋中与核心客户合作扩展三种贸易融资创新模式。其次,借鉴银行再造与金融创新的相关理论,提出了商业银行贸易融资制度创新的载体:组织结构再造与业务流程创新,分析了贸易融资内部和外部组织结构的再造方法,以现有贸易融资业务流程的梳理为依据,探讨了商业银行贸易融资业务流程创新的方法。第三,对德塞和洛的金融创新特征空间模型进行了扩展,得到商业银行贸易融资产品创新的理论空间,在对现有融资类产品关于收益性、风险性和流动性进行界定的基础上,结合外汇产品和保险类产品的属性特征,利用“分拆组合”原理对贸易融资的产品进行创新了设计。进而,以商业银行贸易融资创新风险的分类为依据,构建了由市场创新的外部风险、组织结构与流程创新的内部风险、分拆组合的衍生风险组成的创新风险识别框架和评价指标体系,通过名单制的建立和客户信用风险评级,建立风险评价的CCFR模型,选择层次分析法对某商业银行进行了案例研究。最后,从融资审核、员工控制和信息技术三个方面构建了完善的内部控制体系,依靠保险补偿、激励监督、简化组织结构等具体方式,提出我国商业银行贸易融资创新的风险分担与规避机制。

【Abstract】 As the expansion of the scale, quantity and scope, the international trade becomes more and more complicated and uncertain. Both parties involving in international trade are in a controversial situation between the willingness of conclusion and the fear of risks. In such case, international trade financing of commercial banks becomes a resolution for fund financing of importers and exporters. There is an obvious gap in science and management level, financial service and operation manners between international commercial banks and domestic banks. Traditional operation mechanism, management mode and product design inside domestic banks cannot satify the enlarging need for trade financing. Therefore, according to realistic constraint faced by trade financing of domestic commercial banks, this paper studies the train of thought, strategy and method of trade financing innovation. It possesses important theoretical value and realistic meaning for ameliorating the underdeveloped situation of trade financing in domestic commercial banks and improving the operating efficiency and innovation ability.The existing literature about trade financing innovation at home and abroad mainly focuses on innovation motive and product innovation, but theory study doesnot combine with practice well, because of lacking innovative study angle. Based on cost, risk and revenue of trade financing innovation, this paper builds a general equilibrium model of trade financing innovation in commercial banks by analizing requiring motive and supplying factors. It puts forward a new general train of thought consisting of market innovation, institution innovation and business innovation, and conducts a further research on identification, evaluation and management of risks.Firstly, according to competitive situation and market structure feture, this paper explores constraint factors in market which obstruct the development of trade financing. Based on comparing the advantages and disadvantages between traditional financing methods and supply chain financing, this paper elaborates the thought and general structure of financing supply chain design, combining the theory of supply chain management with trade financing, and puts forward trade financing innovative modes such as core client eapansion, intermediary client accumulation and core client coopertative expansion. Secondly, referring to the theory of bank reengeering and financial innovation, this paper proposes the carriers of trade financing institution innovation of commercial banks, e.g. organizational restructure and business process innovation, and analyzes the methods of internal and external restructure. According to carding of existing trade financing process, it explores the manners of trade financing process innovation of commercial banks. Thirdly, expanding Desai and Low’s the characteristics model of financial innovation, we can conclude the theoretical space of trade financing product innovation of commercial banks. Based on the definition for profitability, riskiness and liquidity of existing financing products, this paper designs the trade financing products, using principle of partition and combination. According to clarification of trade financing innovation risks of commercial banks, this paper builds an identifying frame and evaluating indicator system consist of internal risks of market innovation, internal risks of organization sructure and process innovation, derivative risks of partition and combination. Through establishing a client list and security rating, we build CCFR model for risk evaluation, and then choose analytic hierarchy process to carry out one case study for some commercial bank. At last, this paper builds a complete internal control system. Depending on the methods of insurance compensation, incentives and supervision and simplifying organizational structure, it brings up risk allocation and evasion mechanism of trade financing innovation of commercial banks.

  • 【分类号】F830;F224
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】3586
  • 攻读期成果

