

Satellite Payloads Configuration and Layout Design Method

【作者】 王奕首

【导师】 滕弘飞;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 卫星有效载荷配置和布局协同设计是卫星总体设计的关键内容。卫星有效载荷配置和布局设计是指从有效载荷的备选集中选择满足客户功能要求和约束条件的有效载荷,并通过合理的组合最大限度的满足并优化用户提出的性能指标集,获得优化的产品配置方案;同时将该配置方案中有效载荷合理地布置在卫星舱内外,满足各种工程技术约束条件并尽可能优化布局方案的各项性能指标。所谓有效载荷是指装载在卫星上的直接实现卫星在轨运行特定任务的仪器、设备。在基于卫星设计公用平台基础上,卫星有效载荷配置和布局协同一体化设计是设计系列新卫星的关键,对于缩短卫星设计周期、节约成本、提高卫星性能等方面有着重要作用。在数学上,它属于组合最优化问题:在工程上,属于复杂工程系统问题。面临的主要困难在于既涉及数学上的组合爆炸问题,又涉及工程复杂性问题,并要达到工程实用。本文以委托的相关卫星设计项目和航天领域“863”项目子课题为工程应用背景,在相应国家自然科学基金项目资助下,研究卫星有效载荷配置和布局设计及协同一体化设计方法,研究基于知识融合的人机结合协同进化设计方法。本文目的一是探索工程组合优化问题求解策略和方法,二是为支持卫星设计公用平台的卫星有效载荷设计仿真系统提供配置和布局协同一体化设计模块,三是为面向未料变化的应急设计提供理论方法和技术支持。论文的主要工作如下:(1)根据卫星有效载荷设计的过程和原则,建立了基于配置模块的卫星有效载荷配置设计模型,形成类产品结构层次树。通过配置模块的实例化完成一定功能的卫星有效载荷(产品组件)选择,分析了布局和接口两种配置约束关系。给出基于配置多Agent系统的求解方法(Configuring multi-agent system,CMAS),实现配置约束满足和性能指标优化分离,即通过配置Agent之间交互处理配置约束,获得配置实例构成可行的配置方案,进而采取基于蚁群算法的配置多Agent优化配置方案,利用蚁群算法的信息素浓度更新策略实现配置方案性能指标优化,并用于MSG-1卫星的有效载荷辐射仪(SEVIRI)配置设计。(2)分析了卫星有效载荷布局设计的数学模型特点和求解策略,给出了一种用于求解卫星舱布局设计问题的散射协同进化算法(Cooperative coevolutionary scatter search,CCSS)。散射搜索算法(Scatter search,SS)是近年来兴起的求解组合优化问题有效方法,易于同启发式和局部搜索算法集成。针对本文卫星有效载荷布局问题为非连续多峰函数、易于早熟特点,对散射搜索算法进行了改进,给出了基于坐标变换的多样性解生成方法,采取新的参考集更新方法,给出了针对两类布局问题的两种新解改进方法。经带约束圆形Packing问题算例实验表明,散射搜索算法具有较好的全局搜索和局部搜索能力。针对卫星舱布局设计属耦合复杂工程设计问题,具有计算复杂性,采取分解策略,将合作式协同进化框架和散射搜索法相结合,构成散射协同进化算法(CCSS),卫星舱布局设计数值实验表明了该散射协同进化算法的可行性和有效性。(3)给出了基于知识融合的人机结合协同进化设计方法(Human-computercooperative coevolutionary design based on knowledge fusion,HCCKF),用于求解复杂卫星舱布局设计问题。首先建立广义知识模型和求解模型,采用协同进化框架,实现系统分解为若干子系统的协同进化求解,提出了基于人智知识、先验知识和算法知识三者融合的求解策略,进而建立了问题广义知识模型,用以描述算法计算方案、先验知识方案和在线人智方案,又给出了针对该模型的广义进化模型(也可看作知识融合模型),采用本文改进的扩展散射搜索算法作为知识融合算法,实现人智知识、先验知识和算法知识有效充分融合。编制该方法系统原型,处理难数学化描述的设计因素,以发挥人机各自特长,从而达到工程实用和优化的目的。本方法也可用于配置和布局协同一体化设计(4)在上述工作和本课题组开发的航天器布局优化设计与仿真平台基础上,给出了卫星有效载荷配置和布局协同一体化设计方法和过程,讨论了相应的基于共生进化的配置和布局协同一体化设计模型、设计流程及其系统框架。在原有的航天器布局优化设计与仿真平台上增加了本卫星有效载荷配置和布局设计一体化设计模块。最后通过简化的欧洲第二代气象卫星MSG-1整星有效载荷配置和布局设计实例,对本文协同一体化设计方法和过程进行验证。本文的研究具有理论意义和应用价值,可望推广应用于其它航空航天器、工程机械、隧道掘进机、船舶、高速列车等领域的配置和布局一体化设计。

【Abstract】 Configuration and layout collaborative design of satellite payloads is an important part of satellite overall design based on common satellite platform. Configuration design of satellite payloads refers to the selection of the alternative payloads to meet customer requirements and constraints while optimize the specification performance defined by users. Layout design of satellite payloads involves with placing the selected payloads into the satellite module to optimize some design objectives while meeting a variety of engineering and technical constraints. Integrated design of configuration and layout of satellite payloads is a key on designing serial new satellite based on common platform, which affects heavily on the reduction of the design cycle and cost, and the improvement of satellite performance. Configuration and layout design is known as a combinatorial optimization and NP-hard problem in mathematics, and a scheme design and complex system problem in engineering. Considerable challenges and difficulties suffer from both the combinatorial explosion in mathematics and the complexity in engineering system, especially when to achieve practical engineering.The research background of this dissertation includes two aspects. The engineering application is against the background of the relative satellite design project and the "863" project in the field of aerospace. The theorical reseach is against the background of two NSFC projects. This dissertation studies the solution methods on configuration and layout design of satellite payloads, as well as their integraed design. The purpose of this study is to explore some effective strategies or approaches for dealing with engineering combinatorial optimization problems, to add an integrated design function of configuration and layout into the Software Platform for Satellite Payload Design & Simulation based on common platform, and to provide some theorical and technical support for emergency design for unexpected changes. This dissertation focuses on how to implement integrated design of satellite payload configuration and layout, including the following contributions:(1) According to the design process and principle of spacecraft payloads, a configuration module-based configuration model of satellite payloads configuration design is built to form an architecture tree of product structure. Product components are selected through instantiation of configuration modules. Configuration constraints are classified into two types (layout and interface constraint). Multi-agent system-based approach is proposed to solve configuration problem. Constraint satisfaction problem is tackled through interaction of configuration Agents, while the configuration scheme is optimized by multiple agents system based on pheromone update mechanism. The design result of SEVIRI in MSG-1 satellite illsutrate the feasibility of the proposed approach for satellite payloads configuration. (2) The mathematical characteristics and solution strategy of satellite payloads layout design are analysized. Cooperative revolutionary scatter search (CCSS) combining scatter search (SS) with a cooperative coevolutionary architecture is proposed. As a new emerging evolutionary algorithm, SS is a flexible meta-heuristic method that can effectively solve the combinatorial optimization problems. This study improves some elements of SS. The diversification method is built on coordinate transformation and controlled randomness. The reference set is updated by the static method based on two dissimilarities. The experiments on circles packing have shown that the improved SS has better local and global search capability. Aiming at the computational complexity of satellite payloads layout, this study decompose layout problems into several layout sub-problems using divide-conquer strategy. Then CCSS is applied to cooperatively solve these sub-problems. The experimental results illustrate the capability of the proposed approach in tackling the complex problem with less computational effort.(3) Human-computer cooperative revolutionary design based on knowledge fusion (HCCKF) is proposed to tackle complex engineering design problem. The proposed approach decomposes a complex problem into several subproblems solved cooperatively. The generalized knowledge model of problem description is built to describle online human knowledge, prior knowledge and computational knowledge. The generalized evolutionary model is presented not only to aim at the generalized knowledge model, but also to be viewed as a knowledge fusion model. The expanded scatter search is given to fully fuse three types of design knowledge. The numerical experiments demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach that also can be applied into integrated design of satellite payloads configuration and layout.(4) Integrated design of configuration and layout of satellite payloads is proposed on basis of above research and the previously developed aircraft design & simulation platform. Coevolution-based design model, design process, and system architecture are addressed to realize integrated design. The program module of integrated design is added into Spacecraft Optimization & Simulation Platform developed in Pro/E environment by our team. At last, an example of payloads configuration and layout in MSG-1 is constructed to illustrate the design process of the proposed integrated design approach for satellite payloads configuration and layout.In this dissertation, the proposed solution approaches not only benefit the development of science and technology in related fields theoretically, but also have applicable value. Furthermore, this work would be extended to apply in the configuration and layout design of other spacecraft, engineering machinery, tunnel boring machine(TBM), shipping, bullet train, etc..


