

Study on Thermal Performance of Passive Solar Building along the Coast of Huanghai Sea and Bohai Sea

【作者】 赵金玲

【导师】 王永学; 陈滨;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在海岛、海岸以及海上城市等海上空间的开发利用中,被动式太阳能建筑能够充分利用得天独厚的太阳能资源,解决海上建筑常规能源供应所带来的一系列技术、经济问题,不仅具有明显的经济效益和环保效益,而且具有深远的社会意义。黄、渤海沿岸处于北半球暖温带寒冷地区,属于海洋性兼季风性气候。该地区被动式太阳能建筑的全年热舒适性亟需提高,尤其是夏季室内过热问题普遍存在,是限制被动式太阳能建筑推广应用的症结所在。为此,对黄、渤海沿岸被动式太阳能建筑的热特性及建筑设计方法开展系列研究,将为有效解决海上建筑的能源供应问题和舒适性问题提供科学依据,促进海上空间的开发,具有十分重要的理论意义和工程实用价值。基于前人的研究和构想,从兼顾提高冬季保温性能和消除夏季过热的思路出发,提出了内置卷帘和温控风门联合控制的被动式太阳能建筑全年热环境控制措施。其特点是利用集热蓄热墙体内置卷帘进行冬季保温、夏季遮阳;利用不同位置风门的启闭控制通风的流向以加热或冷却房间。设计并建造了采用这种控制措施的原型被动式太阳能实验房,在黄、渤海沿岸海洋性兼季风性气候条件下,分别对不同热环境控制措施下冬季保温性能、夏季隔热降温性能进行对比性实验,研究结果表明,冬季卷帘保温作用可以提高房间舒适性;夏季可以有效消除过热,室内温度基本低于29℃,低于非空调房间可接受的上限温度。在最佳控制模式作用下,对上述被动式太阳能实验房的动态热过程进行了实验研究。利用偏相关分析方法,分辨出室内空气温度的诸多耦合影响因素中的主导因素,进而分析了提高建筑热性能的有效途径;量化分析了集热蓄热墙体的蓄放热过程以及建筑内自然对流换热特性;研究结果发现,在本实验条件下,夹层内空气流动处于从层流到湍流的复杂流态。无论是集热蓄热墙还是玻璃盖板,都至少有一半的高度全天处于空气湍流状态。根据Rα数的变化率,空气循环可以划分为起始、稳态循环和消失三个阶段。基于动态热网络分析法和频域回归分析方法,首次对卷帘和温控风阀联合控制下的集热蓄热墙式被动太阳能建筑这种特殊形式的建筑,建立了整体建筑全年热过程的动态数学模型。该模型考虑了侧面有开口夹层以及封闭夹层内的热压驱动的自然对流换热、墙体的非稳态导热、太阳辐射和围护结构表面之间的辐射等综合传热过程。采用基于热平衡分析得到的指数形式理论公式确定夹层内空气温度参数。通过模拟结果与实验数据的对比,实验结果与模拟结果之间吻合良好,验证了该数学模型的准确性。通过经验证的数学模型,对黄、渤海海岸被动式太阳能建筑热性能的影响因素以及建筑设计的优化进行了进一步分析。模拟分析结果表明,夹层厚度的增加会提高室内空气温度,但也会增加室内空气倒流进夹层的可能性,夹层厚度为0.3m较为适宜;在集热蓄热墙体面积一定的条件下,墙体宽高比为1/4时,有效供热量达到最大。通过与同纬度内陆地区集热蓄热式被动太阳能建筑热性能的对比,分析了改进型被动式太阳能建筑全年热环境控制措施对黄、渤海沿岸地区的适用性。

【Abstract】 In the development of offshore spaces like island, coast and offshore cities, passive solar buildings are chosen for fully utilizing advantaged solar energy resource and resolving a series of economical and technological problems caused by the general energy supply for offshore buildings. That leads to obvious economic and environmental profits, and also has significant social meanings.Huanghai Sea and Bohai Sea coasts are located at cold area of the South Temperate Zone with ocean and monsoon climate. The annual thermal comfort level of passive solar buildings in this areas needs to be improved, especially the indoor overheat problem commonly exists in summer, which is one of the main reasons blocking the popularization of passive solar buildings. Therefore, study on the thermal performance and building design methods for passive solar buildings in Huanghai Sea and Bohai Sea coasts helps to provide the scientific basis for effectively solving energy supply and thermal comfort problems for offshore buildings, and promote the development of offshore space.Based on the former research and thoughts and considering the insulation demand in winter and eliminating the overheat problem in summer, the combined control with both inner rolling blinds and temperature-control vents is proposed to regulate the annual thermal environment in passive solar buildings. The rolling blinds in massive wall can be used for both insulation in winter and shading device in summer. The opening of vents in different places can be control the flow direction for heating or cooling room air. This kind of prototype test cell using above control measurements was designed and built, and the experiments comparing the insulation performance in winter and cooling effect in summer were carried out under ocean climate. The study results show that the use of both inner rolling blinds and temperature-control vents can decrease the radiation heat loss from massive wall and improve indoor thermal comfort in winter, and in summer eliminate indoor over heat. The indoor air temperature is below 29℃at the most of time, lower than the upper temperature limit of nor-air conditioning room. The optimal cooling pattern is dropping down the blinds in daytime and rolling up it at night. The outer vents are open for the whole day and inner vents are automatically controlled.Under the optimal operation pattern, the dynamic thermal process of the passive solar house is experimentally studied. The main factor influencing indoor air temperature is distinguished with the partial correlation method, and the improvement of building thermal performance is also analyzed. The heat charge and discharge of massive wall and natural convection characteristics of building are quantitatively discussed. Comparing with the theory of natural convection in the vertical plate, the empirical formula of natural convection coefficient in air gap is obtained.Based on dynamic thermal network and Frequency- Domain Regression method, the mathematical model for the whole passive solar building under combined control methods is firstly developed. This model considers the natural convect ions of the open and closed air gaps in the massive wall, transient heat conduction of wall, solar radiation and heat radiation exchange between envelops and so on. The air temperature in the gap can be determined by the exponential formula under heat balance analysis. The natural convection coefficient in open air gap is given from the experiment data. The developed program is iteratively solved. By comparison, the simulated results with the experimental agree well with each other, which validates the availability of mathematical model.The parameter analysis and optimal design of passive solar building in ocean climate is further discussed with the validated model. The simulated results illustrate that increasing the thickness of air gap will improve indoor air temperature, and increase the possibility of backflow of indoor air through the vents. The appropriate thickness is 0.3m. Under the fixed surface area of massive wall, the effective heat supply gets to the maximum as the width -height ratio is 1/4. The inner rolling blinds is closed to glass cover can improve the insulation level of close gap at night in winter.


