

On the Behavior of Academic Attachment in the Perspective of Social Cultural Psychology

【作者】 于海琴

【导师】 冯向东;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 学术依附现象,反映的是中国现代学术独立自主的求知信念缺乏的问题。传统文化心理的社会倾向与现代学术制度的相互建构是形成这一问题的主要原因。儒学,由道德实践理性构成的人生论旨趣建构了“社会人”的传统文化心理;科学,由求真超越的知识论诉求建构了“个体理性人”的现代学术文化心理。自近现代学术转型以来,知识形态的变更即带来文化心理的冲突,也就是学术要不要坚持求知创新、独立自主的文化信念问题。知识与制度作为学术活动的内容与规则,都是影响学术文化构建的两大变量,构成了考察学术行为、文化心理的大背景,因此以“知识—人(文化心理)—制度”的关系联结形成基本的分析框架,通过追溯现代学术转型的历史过程,考察其中社会文化心理的演变与学术质量的关系。从知识的角度看,随着近现代知识转型,现代科学知识型成为中国学术的主要形态。通过严格的方法训练、分科治学,知识生产的“创新”诉求与学术自主意识逐步为中国知识界所接受。这主要是通过知识的理性启蒙价值来实现的,是在个体的致知过程中实现的,也是学者主体性逐步积淀、信念自觉认同的过程。现代学术的独立自主价值观带来对中国传统文化心理的超越,如对“学以致用”的学问动机、“权威主义”的社会依附心理的超越等等。总之,是科学知识型的“个体理性人”对儒学“社会人”的文化心理的超越。但是这一现代学术的文化传统,因其后知识制度的转向而导致“断代”,由“自由知识”启蒙、建构学术自主独立的路径遭遇挫折,因此文化心理转型的中断是导致当今学术信念不彰的一个原因。从制度建构上看,现代学术的个体理性、独立自主的价值观集中表现在蔡元培时期的大学学科制度上,通过“重学抑术”的知识制度与自由学者的聘任身份,人们在与制度的互动中,建构起学术求知的信念追求,此时的学术制度与现代学术价值观基本一致。其后的新中国大学学科制度,以偏重科技应用的知识取向和单位集体工作的组织取向,实现的是社会倾向的价值观,因此延续了传统文化心理。而知识分子在参与制度规则的制定与资源获取的互动中,建构了具有强烈社会倾向的“力量型”学术和权力意志下满足控制感、稳定感的生活目标,而与现代学术的个体理性、求知价值观疏离。结果是,在强化学术研究的社会意识的同时,造成对现代学术的创新意识的遮蔽,这一后果又成为人们进一步行动的预定条件,于是又继续强化、扩张着人们的“强社会”行为动机,从而产生出当今知识生产不求真知、不求创新的依附现象,而这是由千千万万的读书人与制度互动的结果,是人们自己建构的历史与现实。因此,知识、人(文化心理)、制度相互作用的社会建构过程,是当前求知型学术信念自我放逐的主要原因,也是本文解释学术依附行为、学术信念文化缺失问题的基本观点。通过知识转型与文化心理变迁、文化心理与制度互构的两条分析路径可知,现代学术独立自主的求知信念之形成,从主观上看主要靠学术水平的提升,加强学术化,在亲历的学术探索中自觉获得另外一种生活的意义,启发主体性,因此独立自主的信念不是靠规范、教导、权威等外在力量强加的。从客观上看,提供教授权力、国家权力、大学权力共存的差异制度语境,尤其是加强求知型教授文化在主流制度中的力量,以多重话语的差异语境,在差异比较中进一步突出学术的独特性,是现代学术信念构建的可为之路。论文的贡献主要在于,其一,从文化心理的角度,探索了现代学术转型以来,科学的人文精神以及现代学术作为一种生活方式的建构历程。通过深入学者的内心世界,开辟了一条“学术与人”的研究路向,使学术行为、学术职业的研究得以进入人的生活,丰富高等教育研究的视野。其二,在对学术依附行为的解释上,提出制度与文化心理的相互建构观,并突出了学术信念构建的知识路径,这是与相关研究的不同之处。

【Abstract】 The Behavior of Academic Attachment reflects the shortage of modern academic belief in China, i.e. independence and curiosity. The mutual construction between the social trend of China’s traditional cultural psychology and the modern academic institutions, is the core of the problem.A social-person image of traditional cultural psychology is constructed from Confucian, while an individual-rational-person image of modern academic cultural psychology is constructed from modern science. Since the modern academic transition, the knowledge conversion caused the conflict of the two cultural psychology, which focused mainly on the conflict of academic belief, i.e. whether or not the independence and academic curiosity would be persisted in. So the history of modern academic transition becomes the basis of understanding.Knowledge and institutions, as the content and regulations of academic activity, are two key factors influencing academic culture. So the relationship of knowledge, cultural psychology and institutions is brought forward as the basic analysis frame in this dissertation.In the perspective of knowledge, since the modern knowledge transition, modern science became the main content of China’s academia. By strictly method training and academic inquiry, knowledge production and academic autonomy issue are accepted by Chinese academia. The proceeding is achieved mainly by knowledge enlightenness, and is completed by scholars themselves, which means the modern academic belief is mainly an individual task. Meanwhile, the independence and autonomy value of the modern knowledge transcends the China’s traditional culture psychology, for example, the motivation of knowledge utilitarian, authoritism, social attachment, and so on. All in all, the individual-rational-person image of modern academic belief transcends the social-person image of China’s traditional culture. But the constructing path of modern academic belief is cut down, because the later sheering of knowledge institutions.In the perspective of institution construction, the individual-rational and independence-autonomy value are reflected mainly on the discipline institutions in Cai-yuanpei president phase in Peking University. The knowledge institutions ,which emphased academic knowledge while ignored technological knowledge, and the faculty employment and appointment system were both consistent with modern academic value. But later the knowledge system and Chinese unit system weighted heavily the techonology knowledge and academic applications. These institution value renewed the traditional cultural psychology. Intellectuals constructed the strength-type knowledge, but aside the individual rational and curiosity value. So the university institutions of New China reinforced the social consciousness of academic, and expanded the tendency of social achievement motivation, and furthermore covered the curiosity value of modern academic. Therefore, the academic attachment behavior is constructed by intellectuals and institutions’social intention. In a word, the history and facts are constructed by people themselves, not just by institution limitations.On the basis of the above two paths analysis, this dissertation brings forward two solutions to the academic attachment problem. One is to further the academic ranks, which is the main way to construct the modern academic value. Intellectuals will obtain the individual-rational living mode mainly by this way. The other is to provide variant institutions, to offer seats for independent and autonomy professors, make more independent behaviors seen in public, which is the key according to the social constructionism.The dissertation makes two main contributions. One is the“academic -person”perspective, which broads the vision of higher education research by culture psychology. The other is social constructionism opinion between academic institutions and culture psychology on academic attachment behavior.


