

From the Monopoly Enterprise Legal Person to Enterprise Corporation

【作者】 王亚敏

【导师】 吴廷俊;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 近几年,中国的文化产业已开始启动,并且日益成为社会各界关注的热点。本文把报业集团作为研究的重要对象,是因为我们认为报业经济可以视为媒介经济的表征。报业内部包括了完整的媒介产业链、复杂的管理结构,凡媒介经济的规律、问题、矛盾,在报业内部都有典型而丰富的体现。此外,中国报业在改革发展中是走在国内各类媒体的前列的,也是市场化程度最高,市场竞争最为激烈的一个媒体种类。因而,通过对中国报业集团的研究,可以得出中国媒体产业发展中具有前瞻性的分析结论。本文在大量调研材料的基础上,对中国报业集团的发展现状进行了较为全面地梳理和分析,力求做到对中国报业集团的实际状况和发展思路有一个比较全面、客观、准确、系统地认识。本文结合中国传媒业面对经济全球化和加入WTO后的形势,对中国报业集团的实际运作经验和存在问题进行分析、总结,不仅作出理论解释和说明,而且对中国报业集团的发展做出预测和判断,以求给中国报业集团实现超常规发展提供决策依据。中国报业集团的法人定位是一个很有价值的研究课题,它不仅对当前中国报业集团的组建、规制有重大的理论意义,而且对当前如何建设中国一流报业集团、实现中国文化产业的腾飞等许多重大的现实问题有极强的指导意义。本研究以报业集团应该成为市场竞争的主体,报业集团要从事业法人转变为企业法人为核心,以个案分析的方法、比较研究的方法对报业集团的发生、发展历程进行考察和分析,旨在透过这种考察和分析,揭示出企业法人在世界报业进程中的作用,并从中获得对中国建设世界一流报业集团有益的启示。本论文前后分为五章。第一章,导论部分,作为全文的基础,介绍本文的选题背景和研究方法等。第二章,事业法人时期,由于报业集团的法人地位错位,因此便出现了报业集团事业法人时期的种种困境。本章通过这样的分析,揭示出盲目地要求将所有党委机关报都办成盈利大户的想法是不切实际的。第三章,这一时期尽管有的报业集团进行了企业法人注册,但从整体上看,报业集团依然是事业法人。这种报业集团双重法人身份,既助长了报业集团的扩张势头,同时,由于身份模糊,也阻碍了报业集团的进一步发展。第四章,2003年中央文化体制改革会议之后,吹响了报业集团由事业法人向企业法人转制的号角。各报业集团都意识到按照企业法人单位运行,是中国报业集团做强做大的必由之路。第五章,是本论文的核心部分。本章是就当下束缚中国报业集团发展的多种观点进行理论的拷问,从而为报业集团未来的发展扫清观念上的障碍。

【Abstract】 The media and cultural industry of Chinese media has already started up in recent years and become a focus of attention of people of various circles.Based on a great lot of investigation and study, this article gives an all-round introduction and analysis of the situation of the newspapers group of Chinese. It tries to give a comprehensive, objective, accurate and systematic understanding of the newspapers group of Chinese. Based on the fact that Chinese media is facing economic globalization and China has entry into WTO, this article sums up the experience of the newspapers group of Chinese and also points out its problem, not only provides theoretical explanations, but also forecasts its further development and provides countermeasures so as to give a foundation for Chinese media to make decision.The corporation of the newspapers group is a research question of great value for discussion. It is of great theoretical significance to the construction and regulation of modern newspapers. Besides, it also has instructive significance in so many realistic issues as in constructing world-class newspapers group in China, in carrying out the policy allowing newspapers group on independently, in governing newspapers group by law, and in internal reforms of the administrative systems in newspapers group.This study focuses on the corporation of the newspapers group, examines and analyzes the historical development of the China and other countries newspapers group which serves as case and compare with other states in this research, aiming at revealing the role that the newspapers group has played during the process of its becoming the leading newspapers group in the world through such examination and analysis, and purposing gaining some illumination from it to benefit China to construct the leading newspapers group in the world.The article consist of five chapters.The first chapter gives definition to some concepts such as newspapers group and legal person of newspapers group, it is the logic starting point of this article. The second chapter analyses the situation of the monopoly enterprise legal person of Chinese newspapers group. It gives the description of the newspapers group operation and focuses on how the newspapers group works and points out problems it has.The third chapter analyses the situation of the Chinese newspapers group, which has two kind of corporation in this term. Because of Chinese newspapers group has not only monopoly enterprise legal person, but also enterprise corporation. The Chinese newspapers group lives very uncomfortable.The fourth chapter has descripted the great change of the newspapers group, which has going to the enterprise corporation. Only by this way, the Chinese newspapers group could become better and the better.The last chapter, which is the important part of the article, puts forward some countermeasures. From the perspective of ideology, the government, the newspapers group of Chinese itself and the investor, the author comes up with the train of thought and countermeasures to deal with newspapers group of Chinese, and at the higher level puts forward the foreseeing thinking about newspapers group of Chinese.


