

On the Price Regulation of China Telecom Industry Facing Effective Competition

【作者】 宋灵恩

【导师】 王韬;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着中国电信行业规制的不断深入,电信行业的竞争格局已初步形成,我国电信产业目前的市场结构形成了“5+1”的寡头垄断局面。该局面的主要特征是市场结构失衡、纵向一体化经营、不同企业间市场封闭和政策进入壁垒较高等。从市场结构影响市场行为的角度来看,中国电信行业的市场竞争行为主要处于低效竞争状态,竞争手段集中于价格战和互联互通障碍,其市场行为有待加强规制。本文以构建规制下有效竞争的电信行业为目标,对电信市场结构和电信价格规制体制进行了全面而深入的研究。论文首先分析电信行业的特征,从理论上阐述了对电信行业进行规制的必要性;随后介绍了国内外电信行业规制经验,分析了中国电信行业规制的原因,并在此基础上对中国电信规制特别是价格规制的目标提出新的看法。其次,从有效竞争边界、地区差异、集中度等方面分析了中国电信行业市场结构,认为竞争格局失衡的原因存在于市场竞争主体数量、业务、基础资源、实力、资本结构等方面。在此基础上,本文通过频率需求和HHI推算得出,我国电信市场中同一业务应有6个以上规模相近的企业参与竞争,最少不少于4个。再次,建立了饱和电信市场实力不对等企业的Hotelling价格竞争模型,并假设没有价格规制,通过对有无互联互通两种情况下的分析,得出对互联互通价格规制有效性的初步结论。在该价格竞争模型的基础上并具体针对中国电信行业的市场结构和价格规制等提出建议。最后,在传统价格规制模型的基础上,分析其优缺点,建立了历史成本加成价格规制模型,使得成本确认相对容易,并降低了规制成本。在此基础上,本文还选取农村移动市场进行了价格规制的案例分析,以河南省信阳地区为典型农村市场代表,通过实地调查,总结出潜在客户对移动服务业务的价格期望值,将其与基于历史成本加成价格模型计算出来的规制价格相比较,证实了运营商若实施规制价格仍有足够的利润空间,研究为开展农村市场普遍服务进行价格规制提供了参考。并在此基础上给出了农村电信市场价格规制和运营商定价的建议。

【Abstract】 With the constant deepening of Chinese Telecom Regulation, the competition has taken shape in Telecom Industry. The current market structure of Chinese Telecom Industry forms the situation of the "5+1" Oligopoly Monopolization. The main characteristics of this situation are structural imbalance, vertically integrated operations, market blocks among different enterprises and higher entry barriers set by government. From the point of view that market structure influences market behaviors, the market competition behaviors of Chinese Telecom Industry is now in a condition of low efficient competition, focusing on price wars and interconnectivity barriers. So the market needs to strengthen its regulatory system. The dissertation has conducted a study on the structure and price regulation of telecom industry facing on effective competition under regulation.First, in order to demonstrate the necessity of regulation the dissertation analyzies the characteristics of Telecom Industry and the regulation experience of telecom industry in different countries. Furthermore, the reasons of regulating the Chinese telecom industry are listed and the aim of regulation especially the price regulation is explained.Second, the dissertation analyzies the market structure of telecom industry from effective competion boundary, diversity of area and centralization level, and gets conclusions about competition pattern. Based on these, the magnitude of enterprises managing the same operation should be more than six and not less than four.Third, the dissertation builds a Hotelling Price Competition Model of two enterprises with unequal strength in unsaturated telecom market,assuming no price regulation. Through the analysis of two cases, interconnect or not, the disseration comes to a preliminary conclusion for the effectiveness of Telecom Regulation. Based on the price competition model, some suggestions to Chinese telecom regulatory are made.Last, based on the classical price regulation models a Historical Cost-plus Model of Price Regulation is built which can make it easy to affirm the cost. Besides this the dissertation chooses rural area as the representative to do empirical research. A market investigation in XinYang of Henan Province is carried out and the development of telecom industry in rural area is analyzed. Moreover, the expectations of telecom price of potential clients are compared with the regular prices which are based on the Historical Cost-plus Model of Price Regulation. The result shows that the telecom enterprises still can obtain enough profit even when the regular prices are put in practice. The study can offer a reference for price regulation of rural market. And some suggestions in pricing in rural telecom market are given.


