

Study on Income Gap between the Urban and Rural Areas in the Period of China Transition

【作者】 彭真善

【导师】 宋德勇;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 西方经济学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 中国目前的城乡收入差距问题引起了社会的高度关注,本文以二元经济发展理论、区域经济发展理论、收入分配差距趋势理论、个人收入差距理论、新制度经济学理论为基础,运用多种分析方法,对中国转型期城乡收入差距问题进行了探讨。中国转型期城乡收入差距呈扩大趋势,城乡收入差距变化具有阶段性特征,城乡收入差距偏大;城乡消费差距不断扩大;城镇居民收入增长率明显大于农村居民收入增长率。中国转型期城乡收入差距扩大对经济社会的发展产生了一系列负面效应:抑制经济增长;降低居民消费率;抑制投资对经济增长的拉动作用;阻碍第三产业发展;不利于和谐社会建设。中国转型期城乡收入差距的影响因素主要有体制因素、不同阶段制度变迁的影响、区域非均衡发展、城乡二元经济结构、经济增长、城市化水平、对外开放、人力资本。重工业优先发展战略是城乡收入差距扩大的历史根源,一系列体制因素(二元的价格制度、财税体制、金融体制、户籍制度、农村土地产权制度、二元的计划生育政策、腐败等体制缺陷)扩大了城乡收入差距;不同阶段的制度变迁影响城乡收入差距变化;区域非均衡发展,加剧城乡二元经济结构;城乡二元经济结构强化、对外开放扩大、城乡人力资本差距增大拉大了城乡收入差距;经济增长的客观趋势必然导致城乡收入差距扩大;城市化水平提高使城乡收入差距缩小。发达国家主要采取市场行为、政府政策和措施两个手段缩小城乡收入差距。市场行为主要有:重视农村剩余劳动力转移;发展现代农业、重视农业技术进步;走城镇化道路,逐步实现城乡一体化。政府的政策和措施主要有:政府向农村加大投资;结合本国资源特点,制定经济发展战略和政策;制定政策使城乡居民机会均等;重视再分配手段对缩小城乡收入差距的作用;提高劳动力素质,重视农村人力资源的开发;重视区域协调发展,政府运用法律、财政、税收、金融等手段支持落后地区发展。二元经济发展理论、区域经济发展理论、个人收入差距理论等为我们缩小城乡收入差距提供了丰富的理论依据,借鉴一些发达国家缩小城乡收入差距的经验,联系我国的现实,中国转型期缩小城乡收入差距的政策和措施有:加速城乡二元经济结构转换,统筹城乡发展;选择大、中、小城市(镇)并举的多元发展策略,加速农村剩余劳动力转移;协调区域发展;以制度创新缩小城乡收入差距:严格规范收入分配秩序,保证城乡居民机会均等;加强财政和税收体制改革,增加农村公共产品的供给;加强农村金融体制创新,为农村发展提供资本支持;建立农村社会保障制度;加大农村人力资本投资,实现人力资本投资“农村倾斜”;改革户籍制度,建立统一开放的劳动力市场;完善农村土地产权制度,逐步建立农村土地产权交易市场;降低农村生育率,控制农村人口过快的增长。

【Abstract】 The society pays highly attention to Income Gap between the urban and rural areas at present, based on theory of dual economy development and theory of region economy development, etc. the author uses many analyzing ways and studies it in China transition period.Income gap between the urban and rural areas increases greatly in the period of transitions; From time to time,it comes through smallness to bigness, its change presents some phase characteristic.The consumption gap is becoming big between the urban and rural areas residents; Income growth of the urban residents is faster than that of the rural residents, and it is larger. It’s enlarging has many negative effects on development of economy and society: decrease consume demand and restrain the economy growth; What’s more,debase the efficiency of investment on economy growth; Block the development of the third industry in China; do harm to building of harmony society.There are some main factors influencing the income gap between the urban and rural areas: institution, influence of institution variance in different phase, imbalance development in district, dual economic structure between the urban and rural areas,growth of economy, level in urbanization, opening to the foreign countries ,human capital. Developing heavy industry first is the history root. A series of institutions that China implements widen its gap, including dual price policy, tax policy, etc. And its change of different phase is related to variance of institution seriously. Imbalance Development in district enhances the dual structure between urban and rural areas.In the period of transitions in China, some factors increase its gap including strengthening of dual economic structure and finance policy oriented city of the government, etc. Other factors lessen its gap including economy growing and rise of level in urbanization.The developed countries have much experience in lessening the income gap between the urban and rural areas. They have realized the displace of the Residual labor force; they have developed the modern agriculture and paid attention to progress of agriculture technology; they have realized urbanization and integrated the urban areas and rural areas; they have established tactic and policy of development according to their resources; they have made the people equal; they have attached importance to the second income distribution and the investment of rural human capital; They have thought much of human capital exploitation and improved the quality of the labor force; Harmony development in district has improved the dual structure between urban and rural areas.Many theories(including dual economy development and new institution economics , etc.) provide us for many rich theories, drawing on practice of some developed countries, relating to reality of China, we must put forward many measures as follows: we must break dual economic structure between the urban and rural areas and push the process of urbanization; choose the new way to the urbanization and accelerate the shift of residual labor force;Harmonize development in the districts. Decrease it with institution reform: we must better and regulate some distribution systems and make urban people and rural people have the same opportunity; we will reinforce the reform of finance and taxation and provide much public goods for the rural areas; we must improve the system of the rural finance and establish the rural social insurance system; we must add much human capital investment to the rural areas; and we will innovate the household register system and build an unite labor market; We must improve the land rights of rural areas and establish a labor exchange market gradually,in the end, we must reduce birthrate in rural areas .


