

Studies on Photoelectric Sensor System Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance

【作者】 吕强

【导师】 黄德修;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 光学工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 表面等离子体共振(Surface Plasmon Resonance,SPR)技术被广泛应用于生物化学检测、光无源器件的制作、新型材料的获取及物质的筛选鉴定等方面。基于SPR技术的传感器具有免标记、实时检测、灵敏度高、非破坏性、样品不需要纯化和抗背景干扰等优点。本文从SPR传感器在样品折射率检测和表面形貌探测两个应用方面出发,对组成SPR传感器的各个组成部件的选择及应用试验进行了深入的研究。首先,研究了构成SPR传感器的金属膜的性质。从Maxwell方程出发,对金属表面存在的表面等离子波(Surface Plasmon Wave,SPW)的波函数进行了研究,发现真空中光波无法直接激发产生SPR现象。通过对光衰减全反射理论的分析,找到了激发产生SPR现象的耦合方式,并由此给出了SPR传感器的几种耦合类型。其次,根据经典的Kretschmann耦合模型,从理论上对SPR传感器的各个组成部件的参数选择进行了研究,给出了参数选取对SPR传感器的探测性能的影响。分析比较了基于强度探测的表面等离子体显微镜(Surface Plasmon Microscopy,SPM)和基于相位探测的干涉型表面等离子体显微镜(Surface Plasmon Interference Microscopy,SPIM)的探测精度。接着,分析了SPR传感器各个组成部件的折射率在不同入射光波长和环境温度下变化的规律,根据试验数据给出了相应的拟合公式,为下一步的试验做了理论指导。理论分析完毕后,从试验系统的硬件和软件两个大部分出发,对整个SPR传感器做了介绍。引入了“虚拟仪器”的概念,采用Labview软件进行数据处理,给出了试验设计的总框架。针对系统中的各硬件部分做了试验前的准备工作。针对SPR传感器在样品折射率检测中的应用,以人类血清和含有杂质的蒸馏水为研究对象做了相关试验,发现了存在的问题,提出了相应的改进措施。通过对试验数据的分析,证明了改进后的SPR传感器的性能得到了很大的提升。针对SPR传感器在样品表面形貌探测中的应用,给出了实验用光源波长的选择依据,利用SPM和SPIM系统分别对样品的表面形貌进行了还原再现。通过对试验数据分析,发现SPIM相对SPM来说,很大程度上消除了系统各部件引起的误差,具有更高的分辨率。最后,针对试验中获得的启发和碰到的问题,将纳米孔技术和SPR技术相结合,提出了一种用于单个生物分子测量的SPR检测系统;为了消除震动对探测结果的影响,提出了SPIM系统的改进方法。

【Abstract】 The technology of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) can be widely applied in biochemical analytical, optical passive device, new material and drug screening. According to The SPR sensor has the much advantage of label-free detection, real-time monitoring, high-sensitivity, non-destructive, non-purified, and without background interference. The SPR sensor can be used in detection the refractive index and the surface image of sample, the application experiment are studied in this work.Firstly, we discuss the character of metal. Metal is the important part of SPR sensor. The surface of metal has Surface Plasmon Wave (SPW). We study the wave function of SPW according to the Maxwell equation and draw a conclusion that the light wave in vacuum can not excite the SPR. We analyze the theory of attenuated total reflection (ATR) and find the coupling method to excite the SPR and introduce the coupling type of the SPR sensor.Secondly, according to the Krestchmann coupling method, we study how to choice the parameters of the SPR sensor’s parts and obtain the SPR sensor’s detection performance choice different parameters. The accuracy detection of the Surface Plasmon Microscopy (SPM) based on intensity detection and the Surface Plasmon Interference Microscopy (SPIM) are studied.Thirdly, the index of the SPR sensor’s parts in different wavelength of incidence light and in different environmental temperature is studied. We obtain the fitting formula according to analyses the experimental data. The fitting formula gives guidance in theory for the following experiment.After finished the SPR theoretical analysis, we introduce the experimental system of the SPR sensor from hardware and software. The virtual instrument has been applied. We use the Labview software to analyze the experimental data. The experiment’s framework has been introduced. The preparatory work for the SPR system’s hardware has been finished before the experiment.In connection with the SPR sensor can be used to detect the refractive index of sample. The human blood serum and the distilled water that has some impurity is the experimental sample, we find the plenty of shortcomings and improve the SPR sensor. Through the experimental data analysis, we find the detection performance of the improved SPR sensor has been upgraded. The SPR sensor also can be used to detect the surface image of sample. We give the principle how to choice the light source wavelength. We obtain the sample surface image using SPM and SPIM detecting system. Analyzing the experimental data, we have found SPIM can reduce the SPR system error and have higher spatial resolution than SPM.The lastly, on the basis of the enlightenment and much problem form the experiment. Combining the technology of nanopore and SPR, we have proposed a new SPR system to detect single biology molecule. Shake will bring system error. In order to eliminate the error, we put forward the method of renovation in the SPIM system.


