

A Study on the Problem of Regional Recycling Economy in China

【作者】 刘刚

【导师】 汪小勤;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 西方经济学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 进入本世纪到现在,循环经济的理论研究和对实践的探索越来越受到人们的关注。但令人遗憾的是,循环经济的研究与实践的平庸化导致了它始终在主流经济学的门槛之外徘徊。那么,对在区域内推进循环经济发展的研究所面临的窘境就更是难以想象了。因此,把循环经济理论植入区域经济理论中进行研究应当是当前提升循环经济发展层次的核心,也是知识嫁接、理论融合、范式创新的具体体现,由此可以弥补循环经济理论在运行主体、运行机理和最佳实现条件上的不足;弥补循环经济理论在当前尚未介入经济方法论和纳入经济学体系的一大缺憾。这正是本文研究的主线和目的所在。虽然经济以自然为环境,或者说自然包括经济,但两者的作用却是相互的。自然界是经济系统原材料的供应者,从原材料供应的角度研究自然界的学科被称为自然资源经济学,而研究废物流动及其对自然界的影响的是环境经济学。自然资源经济学运用经济学的原理来研究人类开采和利用自然资源的行为,它主要包括矿物经济学,森林经济学,海洋经济学,土地经济学,能源经济学,水资源经济学,农业经济学等分支,而可再生资源和不可再生资源是其两个最基本的概念。其中,可再生资源由于生物或生态进程的作用而使得其当前的使用率关系到未来的资源数量与质量,这就是通常我们所讨论的可持续性的核心。由此,我们进一步引出了可持续发展的概念。可持续发展主张的是资源利用的有效性、经济性、环境友好型和社会发展和谐性,在区域内实现可持续发展对一个国家的经济、社会和政治进步有着十分重要的促进作用。而循环经济是把经济活动组织为“自然资源——产品和用品——再生资源”的反馈式流程,所有的资源都能在这个不断进行的经济循环中得到合理的利用,从而使经济活动对自然环境的影响控制在尽可能小的程度。循环经济的核心是资源的节约和综合利用,宗旨是提高生态经济的效率,目的是实现人类社会的可持续发展。经济学的基本原理一是资源的稀缺性,再就是如何有效地配置稀缺资源。把循环经济植入到区域经济当中进行研究,由此构建起一个实践的平台其价值是不可估量的。许多专家已对此取得了共识,这就是区域循环经济是循环经济的运行主体和运行机理在逐步实现的同时,整合区域内的各资源要素,与之协调发展区域内更高层次、更大范围的循环经济,由此建立社会循环经济的基础。研究也越来越证明这一共识是值得信赖的,那就是循环经济只有在区域层面下发展才是最有效率的。要实现经济的可持续发展,必须以区域为平台,自觉地将各种资源要素纳入到经济增长的体系之中,以资源利用最大化、废物排放最小化和经济活动生态化为根本目标,强调在物质循环利用的基础上发展经济,促进自然资源的循环使用和循环替代,使经济发展与资源环境相互协调、经济效益和社会效益同步提高,达到实现生态型、环保型经济增长的目的。事实上,区域经济和循环经济的相似性表现在两者都是应用学科,其内涵也有许多共同之处,无论在理论上,还是在实践中都有着天然的融合力。区域是发展循环经济的最佳切入点。因此,区域循环经济学理应步入经济学的殿堂,并且作为经济学的一个学科子系不断发展壮大。因为,区域循环经济是建立在区域经济或区域发展基础之上的循环经济;区域循环经济不能背离区域发展的规律,而须与区域经济规律相一致;区域循环经济还须根据区域发展的需要,按照自然界的生态循环原则,以物质和能量的自然流动为基线,构建具有区域特征的产业结构,促进物质资源的循环。可以想见,循环经济在区域经济中的应用,必将成为促使整个区域节约生产资源,提高资源利用效率和经济效益,强化区域联系,缓解区域冲突,最终保护好人类赖以生存的地球环境的最佳范式。区域循环型产业网络自身所具有的嵌入性和互补性,可以引起社会资本增大的良好效应,催生集约型增长方式的形成,最终以更高的效率促进工业的增长。同样,对废弃物的再资源化也需要以集约型增长的方式加以处理,以较低的成本达到有效利用的目的。有些问题在企业、园区、城市层面难以解决,需要在区域层次上解决才更有效率。单一企业既便具有一定的优势,但对整体资源配置来讲是不近合理的,尤其是用循环经济的思想来说是不经济的。只有在一定区域进行资源配置才可能因规模经济和资源利用的最大化获得更好的效益,才具有经济上的合理性和推动经济发展的可行性。我国是资源消费大国,更是资源浪费大国,资源的使用效率只有世界发达国家的三分之一。随着经济发展水平的提高,资源浪费、环境污染等一系列严重的社会经济问题不断凸显。某些资源的循环利用、环境保护等问题,单在一个城市解决效果并不明显,只有点的突破,没有面的推广,就不可能持久;有些循环经济的项目本身是跨度较大的,单一城市、单一产业无法解决,必须从区域层面进行协调处理。只有整个区域乃至全社会长期的共同行动,才可能取得区域内甚至全社会的实际成果。区域循环经济是基于市场经济的生态经济,其运行需要一套完善的法律体系来支撑,从而保证区域循环经济的自我运行,达到环境友好、社会和谐之目的。因此,对区域循环经济的研究应当是一个多学科的任务,不仅需要融入主流经济学的研究方法,还要与区域经济学、资源经济学、生态经济学、环境经济学、产业经济学等学科的研究方法结合起来进行研究。这里就有了对区域循环经济的微观认识、产业集聚、模式选择、制度创新、政府干预,以及诸问题的发展评价问题。因此,通过研究,本文形成了多层次的在区域内实现循环经济的理论体系,其创新之处就是在主流经济学理论与经济学交叉学科的研究上实现基础理论的突破,包括分析范式的继承与创新、制度建设的创新、产业模式创新、评价方法创新和微观理论创新等五个方面。

【Abstract】 The study in recycling economy has, either theoretically or empirically, becoming more and more popular among people through this century.Quite unfortunately, the study and experiment on recycling economy have been too mediocre to advance into the essential economic study.Thus, the attempt to improve the regional study in recycling economy can be doubtlessly in an awkward situation. Therefore, including recycling economic theory into regional economic theory should become not only the focus of recycling economy study, but also the indication of the combination of various types of knowledge, theory, and innovation of new methods. Hence, the limitations of recycling economic theory on operating subjects, operating mechanism, and the optional practical conditions can be weakened; finally, the disappointment of excluding recycling economy from economic methodology and system can be made up., which are precisely the essential routine of this paper.Although economy is a part of natural environment, or namely, natural environment includes economy, they interact each other. Nature is the supplier of resources for economic system, study in natural environment from the resources supplier’s point of view is called natural resource economics, while the study in the impacts of the flow of rubbish on the natural environments is called environmental economics. Natural resource economics is the study in human activities of exploiting and applying resources through economic principles, it mainly includes the following branches: mineral economics, forest economics, marine economics, land economics, energy economics, water economics, agricultural economics, renewable resources and nonrenewable resources are two basic concepts in the field of natural resources economics. That the effects in the biological or ecological process are depending both the quantities and qualities of the renewable resources available in the future is the focus of sustainability. And it is from that did we approach the idea of sustainable development.What sustainable development claims is that resources should be used effectively, economically, harmless to the environment, and with coordination between the development of society. The realization of regional recycling economy can be of crucial importance in the progression of a country’s economy, society and policy.Yet recycling economy intends to organize economic activities into a circular stream of“nature resources-products and goods-recyclable resources”, in which all resources can be used effectively in the circle of economy, and thus brings the impacts on natural environment to a minimum.The essential part of recycling economy is to save and use combined resources, aiming on increasing environmental economic efficiency, purposing on realizing sustainable development of human society.Two of the basic principles of economics are the scarcity of resources and how to distribute the available resources effectively.Including recycling economy into regional economic study and thus build up a practical platform can be of great value.The overwhelming majority of the authorities have come to a common ground that, in the progress of realizing the operating subject and mechanism of recycling economy, we should simultaneously integrate the regional resources, expanding higher levels of recycling economy, and hence build up the foundation for social recycling economy.Empirical study have also provided evidence for the confidence of this argument, only under regional platform can recycling economy be effective.In order to realize sustainable economic development, regional platform should be taken within all sorts of resources included in the economic system, purposing basically on maximizing the use of resources and minimizing pollutant emission, rephrasing economic development through recycling, thus to improve circular usage and substitution of resources, bring coordination between economic development and natural environment, make progress in both economic and social effects, and finally reach the goal of ecological and environmental economic growth.In fact, regional economy and recycling economy are both practical science, they are radically familiar with each other, either theoretical or practical.Regional methods can be the optional choice for developing recycling economy.Hence, regional recycling economy should be included in economic study, and become one of its essential sub-system.Regional recycling economy is built up on the basis of regional economy or regional development, it cannot run out of the regulation of regional development but should keep coordination between them; regional recycling economy should also take the demands of regional development and the circulation of ecology into account, and at the same time obey the streaming routine of natural resources and energy, thus to help constructing regional industry and enhance the circulation of physical resources.It is thus evident that the application of recycling economy in regional economy would doubtlessly bring resources-saving effects in the whole region, enlarge the efficiency of resource usage and economy, intensify the communication and alleviate the conflicts among regions, and at last maintain the optional condition of the environment in which human creatures rely on.The two basic characters of regional recycling industry, embedded ness and supplementary, can arouse beneficial effects of enlarge the social capital, and improve the founding of intensive development, while at last achieve higher levels of industrial growth.Also, we have to aim on intensive development and lower cost with more effective use of resources by recycling project.Some issues are difficult to be solved on the platform of company, community, or city, it is more efficient to put it on to the regional platform.Although it may take advantages for a single firm, it is not quite so reasonable for the distribution of all resources as a whole , and especially diseconomy from the stand point of recycling economy.Only by distributing the available resources regionally can we achieve economies of scale and maximize the use of available resources which would lead to higher efficiency, and thus be reasonable and enhance the development of economy.China is both a resource-expending and resource-dissipating country, the efficiency of resource usage in only one thirds of those developed countries.Along with the increasing level of economic development, some serious social problems such as resource dissipating and pollution distinct. It is perhaps the case that the problem of recycling and environment protecting were not so evidently solved in a single city, because the failure in extending to larger areas would deprive it off sustaining. Some of the recycling economic projects are huge, the attempt to solve it within a single city or industrial would certainly be unsuccessful, it is necessary to solve them by regional approach.Only by coordination among the whole region or even the whole society can we achieve the goal.Recycling economy is the ecological economy built up on the basis of markets, thus it should rely on a complete legal system to insure its auto-operation and its coordination between environments and society.Therefore, it takes various methods to study recycling economy, it take into account not only the mainstream of economic methods, but also the methods of regional economy, resource economy, ecological economy, environmental economy, and industrial economy.These result in problems on evaluating microeconomic acknowledgement, industry aggregation, model selection, mechanism innovation, government interference and any combinations of them all.Consequently, this paper formed out a multi-level system of recycling economic theory. The innovation is the breakthrough of combining essential economic theory with the cross-study economic theory, which includes the inheritance and innovation of analysis methods, mechanisms, industrial structures, evaluation approaches and microeconomic theories.

  • 【分类号】F205;F123
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】2145
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