

The System Selection in Industrialization Process of China’s Newspaper

【作者】 黄蓉

【导师】 屠忠俊;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 中国报纸产业制度的调整与变革带给报业生存和发展的内在驱动力,这一论点得到报业发展明确而清晰的实证。与既往研究的宏观表述不同,本文将焦点聚于报业制度选择的微观层面,试图描述报业制度选择的动力机制。报业为什么要选择这样的一组产业制度?这组制度是不是我国报纸产业化进程中惟一的选择?如果我们把每一个新制度出台看作一次选择的话,这些制度选择是由谁来推动的?这些问题促使本研究的生发。以博弈视角切入报纸产业制度选择,主旨是对制度选择中行为主体的关照,将报业制度选择各个主体间的关系客观清晰地呈现。报业制度选择是一个反复博弈的行为,在这个过程中,政府、报社、资本都试图使其收益最大化。通过对我国报纸产业化进程中制度选择主体博弈行为的梳理与阐释,展现中国特有的报业制度选择脉络。在此基础上,本文提出报业制度选择的理想模式,引入受众作为报业制度选择主体,这对于未来报业健康有序发展影响深远。基于研究的主旨和思路,以制度选择的时间进程为主线,论文由六部分组成:第一部分:绪论。简要勾勒研究动机、视角、范畴、创新点与难点;对研究中涉及的基本概念如制度、制度选择、博弈、报纸产业作以界定;运用较长篇幅对与传媒产业制度相关的文献进行综述、评价,定位本研究的学术位置。第二部分:中国报业制度选择的理论框架。我国报业制度变迁呈现阶段性特征,每个阶段都有不同的主题。以发展取向为前提,我国报业制度选择大都遵从默察——扩散路径,经过理性判断,最终形成正式制度,博弈行为贯穿整个过程。作为博弈主体的政府、报社、资本、受众之间的关系决定了报纸产业化进程。第三部分:单方博弈:总体性社会下报业制度选择。从论述总体性社会特征入手,说明我国报业在1949-1978年间,虽然存在着政府和报社两个博弈主体,但报社缺乏博弈策略的选择空间,政府发出指令,报社完成指令就是博弈均衡。单方博弈格局是政府出于政治、经济需要诉诸权威而为之的结果,目的是实现政府利益的最大化。依照单方博弈的视角,审视始于1949年末的报社企业化,可以发现,这个阶段并不是有学者所言的“报纸产业萌芽”,政府尽管有经济方面的权宜考虑,但建设宣传网络,构建党报体系才是其真正目标。第四部分:两方博弈:改革开放后报业制度选择。市场的发力与发展,为报业制度新的选择提供了机会和可能。在政府与报社赋予发展不同含义后,报社成为制度选择的发起者。与政府博弈中,报社充分利用信息不对称应对权力不对称,促使博弈格局于己有利。在报社与政府都采取兼顾两个效益的博弈策略时,报业制度的创新呈现由点到面,由低等级报社向高等级报社,由制度边缘向制度核心的变迁路径。1992年之后,政府重新主导两方博弈格局,最具代表性的是报业集团制度产生,为实现政府附加于报业集团的政治诉求,报业集团制度选择的全过程都处于政府主导之下。第五部分:三方博弈:加入WTO与报业制度选择。加入WTO等同于大规模的制度移植,政府转型以及传媒业开放势在必行。资本在特许进入后形成了报业制度选择的三方博弈格局。2003年之后,剥离转制成为报业制度选择主题。以三方博弈格局来看,剥离转制导致国有资本流失、报社智力资本受损、资本产业链断裂,不利于报业稳定与发展。经过报业竞争后,报社携资本进行跨地区办报,但“非党报”、“属地问题”导致政府对跨地区办报的收紧,显示我国报纸产业化远未实现。第六部分:四方博弈:报业制度选择的理想模型。受众作为报业制度变迁最直接的利益承受者长期被忽略于制度选择之外。市民社会的出现使得受众成为报业制度选择主体。充分使用受众的社会参与权、货币投票权能够使其他博弈方在报业制度选择中保持理性。非营利组织是实现受众参与报业制度选择的主要途径。本研究认为:博弈是优化决策的必要阶段,将长期存在于报业制度的选择中;四方博弈的理想模式是未来报业制度发展的趋势;在未来进行的报业制度选择中,界定政府权限、彰显受众影响将是必然趋势。

【Abstract】 The argumentation that the regulation and transformation of China’s newspaper industry system provide driving force for its survival and development has been demonstrated clearly in its development history. Quite different from other grand narrative from the macroscopical perspective, the paper focuses on the microcosmic: the system selection of newspaper industry, trying to explore the dynamic mechanism of the system selection of Chinese newspaper industry and to answer the following questions: Why is this set of industry system chosen for China’s newspaper industry? Is it the only one option for the industrialization of China’s newspaper? If we take each of the new establishments of system as a selection, then by whom are these system selections made? These questions inspired this study.From the perspective of game theory, this study investigates into the system selection of newspaper industry, aiming to keep an eye on the game players in these selections. The system selection of newspaper industry is a behavior of repeated games, during which all participants try to maximize their benefits. Through investigating into the behaviors of the four participants in China’s newspaper industrialization, i.e. government, media, capital and audience, this study explores China’s particular newspaper industry system selection, and tries to predict and give prospect to the future selection pattern. Furthermore, the ideal type of newspaper system selection is raised in the paper, with the audience as a subject of newspaper system selection, to pursuit the aim of healthy development of Chinese newspaper industry.Based on the purpose and thinking, this paper is divided into six parts in the light of time of system transformation:Part 1: Introduction. It illustrates the motivation, perspective, categories, and innovative idea of present study; defines such basic concepts as system, system selection, game and newspaper industry that are involved; and with more length of article, reviews, orders and evaluates the literature relating with media industry system, and thus gives the academic orientation for present study.Part 2: Theoretical construction of China’s newspaper industry system selection. The development of Chinese newspaper industry has different phases, each phase with different theme, and generally witnessed the common road of pilot experiment, observation, rational judgment and finally the formal system work out through which the gaming is being in the whole process. The complicated relation among the government, media organization, capital and audience as the subjects of gaming decides the process of Chinese newspaper industry. Part 3: One-player game: newspaper industry system selection of total society. This chapter describes the system selection behavior of China’s newspaper industry from 1949 to 1978, whose exterior circumstance carried on the characteristics of total society. This total society was lack in actual gaming strategies and the system decision-making was made unilaterally by the government, although government and newspaper were the two gaming subjects. Therefore, we call it One-player game. What was formed was not industry system in real sense, but an expediential one for newspaper to survive.Part 4: Two-player game: system selection of China’s newspaper industry after the implementation of reform and opening-up policy. The development of market provides the opportunity and possibility for Chinese newspaper to select new system. Newspaper became the initiator of system selection after the concept development being empowered with different meanings by the newspaper and government respectively. Newspaper tries to make the gaming advantageous with strategies of the imbalance of information to compensate the imbalance of power in the gaming with government. When the government and newspaper take the strategies of pursuing both the social and economic benefits, the innovation of Chinese newspaper industry follows the route of from the low-level-newspaper to high-level-newspaper, from the periphery to the core of the newspaper system. Since 1992, the government dominates the two-player game; the establishing of news groups enhances the political appeals of Chinese government.Part 5: Three-player game: system selection of China’s newspaper industry and WTO. The entry of WTO indicates the large scale of system transplantation, thus the transformation of government and the opening-up of media industry is unavoidance. The permission of entry of capitals forms the three-player game. Since 2003, separation and system transformation become the theme of newspaper selection. In the perspective of three-play game, separation and system transformation leads to the loss of national capital, the damage to the media intelligent capital, the break of capital industry chain, thus does harm to the development of Chinese newspaper. After this phase of competition, trans-regional newspaper arises; however the problems of non-party newspaper and the region belonging of newspaper lead to the tightening of trans-regional newspaper, indicating the long road for Chinese newspaper to fulfill the goal of industrialization.Part 6: Four-player game: the ideal model of newspaper industry system selection. For quite a long time, the audience, the direct benefited of newspaper system, have been neglected in system selection. This does not count fair to them. Together with the development of China’s civil society, the gradually emphasized audience is to become significant subject with driving force for profound transformation. Only by gaming among the four players, can China’s newspaper industry system gain progress in proper direction. Non profit organization is the main way for the audience to exert the right to participate in system selectionIt is concluded in present study that, gaming behavior, which is the compulsory stage of optimizing decision-making, is to continue in China’s newspaper industry selection for long; the ideal model of four-player game leads the trend of future development of newspaper industry; the precondition of positive development of China’s newspaper industry system is the gradual weakening of government rights as well as the gradual strengthening of the other three’s.

【关键词】 报业产业化制度选择博弈
【Key words】 Newspaper industryIndustrializationSystem selectionGame

