

On the Transformation of Academic Knowledge and the Establishment of Modern University System in China

【作者】 陈亚玲

【导师】 别敦荣;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 我国传统学术的主体是儒学,由于儒学的意识形态化,传统学术将真理与政治、知识与实用混为一体。随着晚清社会的近代化演进和鸦片战争以来巨大的民族危机,传统学术的局限性日益突出。在晚清复兴的经世思潮的激荡下,非儒学派的复兴和西方近代学术的进入,改变了经学独尊的传统学术格局,传统学术由“旧学”向“新学”转变。新学是一种“新实学”,以“中体西用”的体用二元结构配置中西学术知识,这决定了新学是一种过渡性的学术形态。在甲午战败后形成的“尚学”思潮中,新学成为旧教育制度改革和新教育制度建设的思想资源和学术资源。北洋大学堂、南洋公学、京师大学堂等近代大学的创建是新学制度化的结果。这些初创的近代大学在学科设置、教学方法、教学组织等方面都与太学和书院有了巨大的区别,标志着现代大学制度的肇始。由于受制于新学与生俱来的内在缺陷,初创时期的近代大学带有浓厚的封建性。在学术现代化趋势不可逆转的形势下,随着学术转型的深入和现代学术逐渐成“型”,近代大学制度必然会逐渐完善。学术分科和科学方法是现代学术的重要特征。我国传统学术是不分科的“通人之学”。鸦片战争后城乡社会的分化和多种新兴行业的产生,使我国社会生发出了知识多样化与专业化的内在需求。在西方现代学科体制和专门化教学的影响和示范下,晚清新式学堂分科设学,将传统学术中所缺乏的自然科学各学科和一些社会科学学科移植进来。在分科设学的实践中,尤其是现代学科体系确立后,传统学术被迅速地边缘化。在“藉西学发明古学”的思路及努力中,传统学术实现了意义、内涵和结构的现代转化。史学是传统学术的重镇,现代史学学科体系的初创,说明传统知识谱系在现代学科制度下得到重新建构。义理阐发和训诂考据是儒家治学的两大范式。随着以自然科学为基础的现代知识体系的确立,学人的思维方式和治学方法必须随之进行一场根本的变革。晚清新式学堂粗浅的科技教育使普通士子对现代科学方法有了最初的体悟。经由严复、康有为等晚清启蒙学者对经学范式的激烈批评和对西方科学方法的大力译介,以及民国时期在欧美接受过西方科学方法训练的归国留学生的大力宣传和身体力行,演绎推理、归纳综合、实验研究等现代学术方法逐渐为我国学术界所认同和采用,在自然科学教育中确立了实验教学的范式。与西方类似,从实验方法提升出来的实证思维也引起了我国社会科学治学范式的一场革命。胡适融合中西的实验主义方法推翻了经学思维,确立了中国现代学术研究的典范。与现代社会生产生活相适应的现代知识体系和现代学术规制的形成,以及现代职业学者的产生,为现代大学制度的体系化奠定了坚实的学术基础和社会基础。在20世纪20年代前后,以蔡元培为代表的现代大学校长群体适应现代学术制度化的要求,改革晚清以来建立的近代大学,建立了体系化的现代大学制度。从形式上看,学术自由、教授治校、院系建制、研究所的建立、教师资格检定等是照搬西方大学制度的结果。但实质上,这些现代学术制度是根植于我国现代学术的发展要求的,并在一定程度内是扬弃传统教育制度的结果。“求真求是”、学术自由的理念是在学术性质由“主德”向“主智”转变的过程中产生的。现代职业学人对自由学术的追求和对“学术社会”的向往赋予了大学浓郁的学术性,使大学成为追求真理的场所。学术与政治的分离,使建立在伦理政治型儒学基础上的政教合一制度走向终结,教授治校制度随之建立。“废门建系”既是适应现代学术学科化发展趋势的产物,同时也是在继承传统通才教育理念的基础上,整合教学资源,宽口径培养人才的努力。研究所的建立是对我国学术研究传统的继承和超越,是在学术引进阶段渐趋结束的背景下,为实现学术独立发展的目标,建立学术自主创新机制的结果。在现代学术职业化的过程中,教师的身份由官师一体的“传道者”变为“以学术为生”的“教育工”。文凭和著述(研究)成为进入现代大学教师行列的“通行证”。在与现代知识传播、生产和研究要求相适应的现代大学制度的影响下,我国学术转型的步伐加快,现代学术走上了自主创新、独立发展之路。

【Abstract】 The main body of the Chinese traditional academic knowledge is the Confucianism, which is an ideology to a great extent. So the traditional academic knowledge confuses the truth with politics, knowledge with applications. As the modernization of the late Qing Dynasty’s society progressed and the great national crisis emerged after the Opium War, the limitation of the traditional academic knowledge had become more and more urgent to be addressed. Under the impact from the surge of resurrected statecraft theory, many non-confucianism schools resurged and the western modern academic knowledge was introduced to Chinese. Consequently, this changed the traditional academic framework that the knowledge of Confucian classics took the dominated role. The traditional academic knowledge started to transform from its old form to a new form, XinXue. XinXue pursues practicality. It takes Chinese classics as substance and takes the western modern science as applications. This“substance– applications”duality architecture determines that XinXue be just a transitional form of academic knowledge. Driven by the movement of“advocating education”after the first Sino-Japanese War, XinXue developed to be the ideological and academic resource of both the reform of the old education system and the establishment of a new one. The foundation of modern universities such as Beiyang School, Nanyang College and Grand Capital School was the result of institutionalization of XinXue. These early modern universities had great difference with both TaiXue and traditional academy in many aspects such as subjects, teaching methods, teaching units and so on. Their foundation can be regarded as the symbol of the modern university system commencement. However, limited by the inherited essential defect of XinXue, these universities still had many severely feudalism properties. In an inevitable modernization trend of the academic knowledge, as the academic transformation proceeded, the modern academic knowledge would gradually shape up and the modern university system would improve continuously.Discipline differentiation and scientific methodology are two dominating characteristics of modern academic knowledge. Chinese traditional academic knowledge advocates generalist cultivation and is averse to expertise. After the Opium War, the society differentiation between town and country and the emergence of many kinds of new professions invoked the inner requests for diversity and expertise of knowledge. Influenced by the demonstration of western modern discipline system and specialized education, the new style schools in late Qing divided the academics into disciplines and implanted all subjects of nature science which were lacked in Chinese traditional academic knowledge and some subjects of social science. In the process of implementing the different training for different disciplines, especially after the establishment of modern discipline system, the Chinese traditional academic knowledge had been rapidly marginalized. Inspired by the thought of“revisiting traditional academic knowledge in a view angle from western academics”, many scholars mounted great efforts to accomplish the modernizing conversion in significance, connotation and architecture of the traditional academic knowledge. As historiography is a typical important field of the traditional academic knowledge, the establishment of modern historiography subject architecture can illustrate the reconstruction of the whole spectrum of traditional academic knowledge in the environment of modern discipline system.Argumentation, elucidation, commentary work on classics and textual criticism are the common methodologies of Confucianism research. With the establishment of the modern knowledge system based on nature science, scholars had to change their mode of thinking and their research methodology radically. The preliminary training of science and technology in new schools in late Qing had given the students an initial impression of the modern scientific methodology. The torchbearers in late Qing like Yan Fu, Liang Qichao and so on had not only intensely criticized the traditional methodology in Chinese classic researches, but also devoted their efforts in translating introductory materials about western scientific methodologies. Later in the early ages of the Republic of China the many returned students from either Europe or United States who have received formal training of western scientific methodologies started to promote it enthusiastically as well as performed it in their own research works. With these former preparation works, the modern scientific methodologies such as deduction, inference, induction and experimental research had been gradually accepted and adopted by domestic research community. Especially the experiments became an important standard method in nature science education. Just like the situation occurred in the west world, the positivism abstracted from the experimental research invoked a research methodology reform in social science in our country. The positivism methodology proposed by Hu Shi combined western and Chinese methodology. It overthrew the traditional classic research methodologies and set a norm for Chinese modern academic research.The establishment of modern academic institution and the modern knowledge system which accommodates the needs of production and living activities in modern society, plus the appearance of modern professional scholars, provided solid foundation in both academic and social aspects for the institutionalization of modern university system. Around the 1920’s, in response to the need of institutionalization of modern academic knowledge, a group of modern university principals, of which a typical and famous representative was Cai Yuanpei, launched the institutional reforms in the universities founded since late Qing and eventually established the institutionalized modern university system. Formally, the academic freedom, the professors’authority in university management, the establishment of colleges and departments as academic organization unit inside universities, the foundation of research institutes, and the teacher qualification inspection system all appear to be transplanted from the western university system. But materially, these academic regulations root in the need for development of our country’s modern academic knowledge, and are in some degree the outcome of selectively inheriting and developing the traditional education system. The belief of truth and the pursuance of academic freedom were the offspring of the transformation of an important property of academic activities from moral preference to intelligence preference. The pursuance of academic freedom and“academy society”by professional scholars endowed the universities a strong academic atmosphere, making the universities the places to pursue the truth. The disengagement of academic knowledge from politics ended the Confucianism based politics-academics-blended academic institution. A new type of university academic institution emphasizing the professors’authority was then established. The replacement of Mens with departments was not only the result of conforming to the disciplinarity trend of modern academic knowledge, but also the efforts to rearrange educational resources globally and to cultivate talents in diverse branches of the expertise, bearing the inherited traditional educational tenet to cultivate generalists. The foundation of research institutes was the succession and development of the convention of researching in our country’s traditional academic activities, as well as the result of establishing independent innovation invoking mechanism to fulfill the object of academic independent development, under the background that the western academic knowledge introduction period was approaching end. The roles of teachers had changed from the“preachers”being both officers and teachers to just the“educational workers”who make living by academic researching in the professionalizing process of modern academic activities. Certificates and research works became the requirement to enter the career of university teachers. Under the influence of the modern university system that conformed to the need of circulation, production and research of the modern knowledge, the academic transformation in our country accelerated its pace. The development of modern academic knowledge stepped into a path of independence and innovation.

  • 【分类号】G322;G647
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】2366

