

Some Technologies and Their Applications Research for Recursive Modeling and Recipe Reconstruction of Configuration Product

【作者】 裘乐淼

【导师】 张树有;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以配置产品为研究对象,在建立配置产品递归模型的基础上,对配置过程的动态重建技术、配置方案的反馈式重建技术、配置产品装配映射和重建技术进行了深入研究。结合实际项目,应用提出的技术和方法开发了配置产品递归建模和方案重建系统,在电除尘装备设计中得到实际应用,取得了较好的效果。全文的组织结构为:第一章,在介绍客户需求的快速设计响应技术基础上,综述了快速响应客户需求的配置产品设计技术的研究及应用现状,对相关理论和技术进行归纳分析的同时,阐述了本论文的研究背景、内容和意义。第二章,配置产品建模是对配置产品进行开发设计和方案重建的基础。本章根据产品设计过程中的递归特性,对配置产品进行了递归建模理论及方法研究,主要从配置模板、配置知识、配置设计等方面对配置产品进行了递归建模。第三章,配置过程的重建直接影响到配置方案求解的准确性及效率。本章提出了基于动态设计结构矩阵(DSM)的配置过程重建理论及方法,建立了基于数据流图的配置过程任务模型,通过映射得到配置过程DSM;引入动态需求DSM视图和动态约束DSM视图,构建了配置过程动态DSM;用矩阵的分解和撕裂算法对配置过程进行了重建,重组了配置任务,优化了配置求解过程。第四章,产品配置方案的重建可以解决因客户需求和企业设计制造资源等变化引起的配置产品升级和维护问题。通过捕获和记录配置过程及相关信息,建立了配置集成过程模型,并引入了配置信息反馈机制,实现了配置信息的重用和更新。以配置集成过程模型为基础,配置反馈信息为引导,对配置方案进行了反馈式重建,并给出了相应的算法。第五章,配置产品的装配信息映射与装配序列重建是进行配置产品开发设计的重要组成部分。本章通过配置特征信息到零部件装配特征的映射,配置BOM到装配结构的映射,配置过程信息到装配体连接关系的映射,实现了配置产品的装配映射;应用Agent实现机理定义了自动装配规划单元,并在此基础上建立了配置产品装配序列重建模型,实现了配置产品装配序列的自动重建。第六章,结合实际项目,开发了配置产品递归建模和方案重建系统(FDCP),并在电除尘装备设计中进行了实施和应用,在实践中证明了作者提出的配置产品递归建模与方案重建理论及方法的正确性和可行性。第七章,总结了本文的主要研究内容和成果,并给出了今后有待进一步研究的工作与方向.

【Abstract】 This dissertation takes the configuration product as the investigative object. On the basis of anslyse on the characteristics of configuration product design, the recursive model of configuration product is established. And the corresponding technologies of configuration product which include dynamic reconstruction for configuration process, feedback reconstruction for configuration recipe, assembly mapping and assembly sequence reconstruction for configuration product, are deeply studied. The theory and methods presented in the dissertation have been proved to be corrected and advanced by the applications in electrostatic precipitator industry.The organization structure of full text is as follows:In chapter 1, A review and history of the theory research and application situation of configuration product design technology which can respond rapidly to customer requirements, and the new research issue is pointed out by the induction of correlative technique. Finally, the contents and significance of the dissertation is put forward.In chapter 2, Product modeling is the basis of study on configuration product design and recipe reconstruction. In this chapter, the theory and methods of configuration product recursive modeling is put forward according to the recursive properties of product design process. And, the recursive model of configuration product is established from three respects:(1)configuration template,(2)configuration knowledge,(3)configuration design.In chapter 3, In order to obtain the configuration recipe with accuracy and efficiency, the configuration process should be reconstructed. In this chapter, the theory and methods of configuration process reconstruction based on dynamic design structure matrix(DSM) is put forward. First, the configuration process DSM is constructed by mapping the data flow diagram(DFD) model of configuration tasks. Secondly, the dynamic DSM of configuration process is obtained through introducing the view of dynamic customer requirements DSM and the view of dynamic constraints DSM. Finally, the configuration tasks are reorganized by the decomposition and tearing of DSM. So, the optimization of configuration process is realized.In chapter 4, The reconstruction of configuration recipe can sovle the problem of congfiguration product update and maintenance. The integrated process model of product configuration is established based on capturing and recording the process and information of configuration design. The feedback mechanism of configuration information is used. So, the configuration knowledge is always in the latest status by collecting, treating and updating configuration information. Guiding of configuration feedback information, the configuration recipe is reconstructed based on the reuse of configuration knowledge. In chapter 5, The technologies of assembly information mapping and assembly sequence reconstruction are very important for configuration product development and design. In this chapter, assembly information of configuration product is acquired through mapping from product configuration region to assembly region. Thus, the information of product configuration is reused in the reconstruction of assembly sequence. Assembly sequence reconstruction model of configuration product is established by defining the automatic assembly planning unit. And as a result, Assembly sequence reconstruction of configuration product is realized.In chapter 6, the theory and method discussed above are applied in electrostatic precipitator industry. The system of recursive modeling and recipe reconstruction of configuration product(FDCP) has been developed and its main functions and the realized techniques are described and presented. The application and implement result of FDCP system have proved that the theories and the methods have good practical value.In chapter 7, All achievements of the dissertation are summarized so as to put forward the further research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

